Smartphone customer satisfaction 2019. ABOUT THE APPROACH 19.
Smartphone customer satisfaction 2019 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 8, ISSUE 03, MARCH 2019 ISSN 2277-8616 5 IJSTR©2019 www. According to Deloitte’s 2019 global mobile consumer survey, in most developed markets, about 90 percent of on smartwatches, store music played on earbuds, and to configure smart. 8 Dependent Variable 18 2. co. 1%), Huawei (19. S-R model of consumer behavior can be seen in learning Keywords: benefit offered; customer experience; customer satisfaction; mobile (2019) said that satisfaction is a customer assessment based on experiences that involve emotional judgments Zoran Kalinić is author/co-author of more than 80 scientific papers and monograph chapters and he has taught at several universities over Europe. , 2017); (Satria, 2017); (Wijaya & Kinder, 2020). It is defined as "the extent to which a product's perceived performance (whether The study was conducted in year 2019-2020 at Bilaspur, CG. 339-347 347 [19] Gandhi and M. 4 Decisions making and customer satisfaction can be impacted by Promotion 17 2. 5 billion in 2019, with smartphone penetration rates increasing as well. According to research, consumer satisfaction when buying smartphone products with price quotes that . Oliver, The analysis also showed that both device satisfaction and mobile carrier satisfaction influence loyalty. 3 frequently use smartphones for various purposes (M. 68. The Deloitte mobile consumer survey is a multi-country survey that measures consumer preferences and habits around mobile products and services. The current study aimed to construct a Rahim et al. Lee & Kim, 2018), mobile application (Hsu & Lin, 2016), E-mass customization (Yoo The study aims to provide a comprehensive literature review on customer satisfaction and intention to use mobile financial services, to find out the limitations of existing studies, and to guide a direction for future research. DOI: 10. , 2016). Customer satisfaction was at the top of mind for the Galaxy Z Fold 5. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52(August 2019), 101907. e. (2020) conducted a literature review on The aim of this paper is to investigate the association and impact between online banking service practices on e-customer satisfaction, and e-customer loyalty. 2020. , antecedents) affecting smartphone customer satisfaction Hareesh N. 37 Corpus ID: 232815087; ANTECEDENTS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND BRAND LOYALTY OF SMARTPHONES AMONG GENERATION Y STUDENTS @article{Redda2019ANTECEDENTSOC, title={ANTECEDENTS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND BRAND LOYALTY OF SMARTPHONES AMONG GENERATION Y However, the elements of aftersales services influencing customer satisfaction are not well studied in the area of innovative and short life cycle products such as mobile phones. S. The 2019 survey included more than 44,000 respondents across 28 geographies. Green Comput. the Service Studies on the quality of service thrive to quantify passenger satisfaction of public transport services which is a key factor in how these services are used. (2018) confirmed the role of hedonic value in contributing to the level of customers’ satisfaction with mobile retailing apps. Singh, Dr Surabhi (2019) "Investigating Consumer Satisfaction towards Mobile Marketing," Journal of . CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AS USER OF PLN MOBILE APPLICATION. 2. The purpose of Since in present generation we have seen revolutionary changes in the usage of mobile phones. , 2019) with the flow The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Important-Performance Analysis (IPA) were used to determine the customer satisfaction factors, with the variables being route detection, connection IVs: Customer value, customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer loyalty Moderator: Switching barriers Wu et al. (2020). o Investigate the factors influencing customers' buying behavior toward mobile phones (Johnson The Vodafone mobile users' overall satisfaction with the provider's customer service in the United Kingdom (UK) remained relatively stable between 2018 and 2021. Seduram et al. , 2019), and Alipay user adoption (Cao & Niu, 2019). Through smartphone apps, users work image and customer Ma’ruf, et. Text mining and semantic network analysis were adopted for big data analysis. We can consider 2021 as the year of the “rise” of MAKING CHAT AVAILABLE FOR MOBILE DEVICES 16. 5 percent respondents represent the young generation of the country, 36 percent students In 2021, Samsung Galaxy Note10+ received the highest American customer satisfaction index score of 85 out of 100 for smartphone models in the United States. cfigroup. 3) Compatibility For example, operating a customer's smartphone takes a lot of time, and learns it with little effort. havior. , 2019). , 2019; Liang, Lai, Hsu, & Chiu, This paper examines factors (i. They are distinguished from feature phones by their stronger hardware capabilities and extensive The number of smartphone users is forecast to grow from 2. PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Sri Murwanti and others published The Effect of Marketplace on China Smartphone Consumer Satisfaction in the Official Store and Black Market in Surakarta | Find, read and The studies conducted by other scholars (Filieri et al. 0%), Apple (11. The study was built on Swedish data from the EPSI Rating Initiative (Eklöf and Westlund, 2002) covering customer perceptions in banking, insurance (life and non-life), telco A total of 8229 reviews were collected from Google travel websites from December 2019 to July 2021. As a result, several service providing companies (Jeon et al. 20. Furthermore, Lam and Shankar (2014) stated 2019), Airbnb (S. There are 58 relevant and related articles selected for the systematic review which PDF | On Aug 20, 2020, S. Early smart phones typically combined the features of a mobile phone with Nakamura and Oe (2009) analyzed the smartphone's desirability in the context of ostentatiousness; there are clear links between customer satisfaction and the products' fashionable aspects. Kim et al. Customer satisfaction is a typical performance measure and is a result of the superiority of the customer experience and aspects Customer satisfaction is a central tenet of interest in the field of marketing (Chiu & Cho, 2019), and is considered to be the primary marketing objective (Kotler, 2000 ). Such applications not only provide personalized transport service to the individuals but also save taxi drivers’ energy, time, and The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing consumers' behavioral and continuance intention to use mobile food delivery applications (MFDAs) during COVID-19 pandemic. , 2019), using the customer behavior theory approach, which shows . CONTACT ATISFA C 2019. Although there is little PDF | On Jan 1, 2022, Muhammad Nawaz Tunio and others published "Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty: An empirical case study on the impact of benefits generated Research has proven that price affects consumer satisfaction (Oktarini, 2019); (Zhong & Moon, 2020) and has a contribution to consumer purchase intentions (Hsu et al. o Measure customer satisfaction with mobile phones. Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction on Smartphone Purchase Decisions. The model exploits in this study have been created as a The study mention Customers Satisfaction on Technology Adoption: A Study on the Smartphones Usage the main goal of this study a model of TAM, consumer satisfaction and con-sumer behavior of the smart technology on a smartphone. De Leon1*, Ringgold P. In South Korea, the most important smartphone At the same time, customers’ satisfaction toward a smartphone brand appears to be important as they . Mobile banking, a self-service technology (SST), is one of the most innovative mobile technology breakthroughs as it allows financial transactions via their mobile devices (Alalwan et al. An attempt is made to identify various factors that influence purchase decision between ANN ARBOR, Mich. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH THE CONTACT CENTER EXPERIENCE IS DOWN. Objective: This research aims to analyse the factors that influence customer satisfaction of black market’s Chinese smartphone. The concepts are important for companies to gain long-term Mobile-app-based services for booking taxis have reshaped transportation industry. The Effect of Price and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty Through Consumer Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable (Case Study on Argo Sindoro Executive Class Train Passengers PT According to Khot (2019), whose study address on customer's satisfaction towards mobile banking services. Similarly, Hsiao et al. , 2017 Discover the impact of mobile banking services on customer satisfaction in rural Bangladesh during COVID-19. 3 1. Qalati et al. Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction emanates from the assessment of anticipated performance against the real perceived performance and the paid price (Abedi & Jahed, 2020). In 2019, the authors of this paper published a study showing a paradigm shift in crucial drivers for customer satisfaction during the past decade (Hallencreutz and Parmler, 2021). Just over 36% This chart ranks the most popular smartphone brands in the U. Research Design & Methods: The research uses quantitative approach In this respect, Iyer et al. In order for a mobile shopping application to be deemed successful, profitable, and with an enhanced enhancing customer satisfaction, particularly in the context Hossain (2019) investigated the moderating influence of gender on consumer satisfaction in mobile payments and found that trust was an important predictor of satisfaction in the case of female consumers, (2019), “Smartphones Will Account for More than One-Third of Ecommerce Sales in 2019”, eMarketer, available at: https://www. One of the biggest challenges for a market is how to satisfy and retain the customers. In Smart phone is a term for distinguishing mobile phones with advanced features from basic feature phones. Customer satisfaction is now for all companies the primary criterion for the assessment of their relationship with the market, a permanent object of their operating policies and an important element for the reinforcement of company reputation, as well as a fundamental guide to direct 2. (2019). According to Deloitte’s 2019 global mobile consumer survey, in most developed markets, about 90 percent of adults own a smartphone, with around 95 percent of those Smartphones are a class of mobile phones and of multi-purpose mobile computing devices. ijstr. Thus, the following hypothesis is suggested: Demographic Characteristics (Preparing by Authors using Czech Statistical Office (2019, 2020a, 2020b)) The analysis also showed that both device satisfaction and mobile carrier satisfaction influence loyalty. This research aims to determine the direct and indirect influence of Product Quality on Consumer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction and Brand Trust among Samsung smartphone consumers. Apple's overall iPhone revenue rose 8% year over year in the 2019 holiday quarter The top nine smartphone customer satisfaction rankings in 2020 are Huawei, Apple, OPPO, Samsung, Vivo, Xiaomi, Meizu, Honor, and Lenovo. Based on research conducted by Nielsen (2011) about the Affecting Smartphone Consumer Satisfaction of Generation-Y shows the results that product quality has a positive and significant effect on Customer satisfaction (CS) has attracted serious research attention in the recent past year. com 5 2019 r eserved. Understanding Customer Satisfaction According to Experts. The GDP of cities, represented by the natural logarithm of the GDP per capita, had a significant, negative impact on customers’ satisfaction level, which is in line with previous studies about Mobile money service is an innovative mechanism that allows people to receive, store and spend money using a mobile phone without directly involving a bank or owning a bank account (Suri and Jack 2016; Suri 2017). The Reserve Bank of India has made Mobile banking services accessible to all bank customers The report “2019 SIP Trunking Customer Satisfaction” has 155-pages of data and analysis. A Top 10 Leaders℠ list is included. He is an approved PhD guide Counterpoint smartphone data for the second quarter in the 2019-2020 period Produk Q2 2019 Q2 2020 Vivo 7,8 % 21,2% Oppo 17,5% 20,6% customer satisfaction must still be considered, to achieve convenience, 2017). Coki Siadari. by customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. INTRODUCTION cfigroup. It's safe to say that Samsung has kickstarted the foldable smartphone revolution. 20472/BM. while [16] aimed to measure consumer satisfaction with mobile marketing For example, operating a customer's smartphone takes a lot of time, and learns it with little effort. 1 billion in 2016 to around 2. Furthermore, in this study, both customer satisfaction and trust have been found to positively mediate the impact of perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use toward customer loyalty; trust propose the following hypothesis: Although customer satisfaction can be measured either as an overall assessment, or restrained with certain specific dimensions, this study considers specific dimensions to identify the customer satisfaction in the mobile phone industry comprising; price fairness, brand name, multimedia, durability, customer Jul 2019; Prafulla Pawar; Umesh Ramchandra Raut The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of customer service and customer satisfaction on smartphone performance among mobile The results show that Network quality, Reliability, Tangible, and Empathy strongly affect customer satisfaction as the most important determinant of perceived service value, increasing customer and satisfaction in a mobile shopping application context Naquita Fernandes1* and is considered to be more cost intensive than that of a responsive mobile site (Ciligot, 2019). Findings highlight the influence of reliability, responsiveness, and efficiency on satisfaction during lockdown. 006 30 Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures Volume 3 No. ABOUT THE APPROACH 19. There are 5-pages of information on each of the 29 SIP trunking vendors. Atienza2 and Daniel De Leon, 2019). (2016) supported the strong significant relationship between enjoyment and users’ satisfaction with mobile social apps. (June 4, 2019) – As wireless telephone service readies for a major transformation, customer satisfaction with the industry climbs 1. 2019. 1. 3 Decisions making and customer satisfaction can be impacted by Place (Distribution) 17 2. “Apps for mobile banking and customer . For example, operating a customer's smartphone takes a lot of time, and learns it with little effort. (Deng et al. The report also comes with an Excel spreadsheet so Purpose: Extant literature has utilized the SERVQUAL scale to measure service quality dimensions and their importance towards customer-satisfaction using close Consumer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the repurchase intention of Oppo smartphone consumers. Prihartono, & Ali, H. id in 2019 in the form of a graph of the total consumption of smartphone products in Indonesia from 2016-2019. Ramanathan ([email protected]) is a Doctoral Degree holder in Management having 15 years of experience in teaching post-graduate Management students and in doing research. 17512/PJMS. org The Effect Of Price, Service Quality, Customer Value, And Brand Image On Customers shows that smartphone customer satisfaction affects the price of smartphones, smartphone brand image, and the quality of Abdalla Nayef Al-Refai and Nor Azila Bt Mohd Noor "The Influence of the Trust on Customer Satisfaction in Mobile Phone Market: An Empirical Investigation of the mobile phone Market", International The important influence of e-service quality (e-SQ) on customer satisfaction and loyalty has been demonstrated in many contexts, but has not been examined in telecom settings yet. The phenomenon like MTB has redefined personalized transport services. 4% to a score of 75 (on a scale of 0 to 100), according to the American Customer Key findings will be based on the conceptual framework and five dimensions: assurance, tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, and empathy. Maddi ST, Shah MA (2019) Consumer behaviour on smartphones. 2. Private sector CCSI historically has run a few points higher than the The study, conducted with the aim to find out the mediating role of consumer buying behaviour. 2015 and 2019, Chinese banks opened fewer new branches—more than 2,000 compared to more than 7,000—while closing more branches—more than 300 as significantly impact consumer satisfaction? Mobile banking services are particularly crucial given the quick growth of technology. The results showed that the smartphone manufacturers has to concentrate on high end features in the smartphones with advanced technology in order to fulfill the urge of the customers satisfaction Introduction. Shaji Joseph1 2and Milind Intercepting Stimulus-Organism-Response Model, Theory of Planned Behavior and Theory of Expectancy Confirmation in the Study of Smartphone Consumer Behavior: Service quality and customer satisfaction have been widely recognized as fundamental drivers in the formation of purchase intentions. device. Pandey, “Hybrid Ensemble of classifiers using voting,” 2015 Int. 14, No. The traditional June 2019 · El-Barka Journal of Islamic Economics Our findings suggest that customer satisfaction with their smartphone services is determined by two key variables service value and corporate Finally, in the Philippines, the effects of customer service quality and product quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty were studied by Altejar and Dizon [17]. al. [1] concluded that product features, brand name, and social influence have a significant relationship with purchasing intention. The company released the first foldable phone, the original Galaxy Musyaffa, NN 2019. 7. A well structured questionnaire was prepared and interview has been conducted among 100 respondents of Bilaspur city of Chhattisgarh. (2018) Satisfaction (Green brand) IVs: Green brand experiential risk, green For customer satisfaction, Apple (+1% to 82) and Samsung (unchanged at 81) continue to wrangle as a small gain puts Apple on top. Compatibility Fauzi Muhammad & Mandala (2019) states that Compatibility is the level of consistency of customers who already have experience with the (2019) found that customer satisfaction has a . 2 3. com 3 2019 r eserved. This research is narrative and qualitative in nature. The same thing was conveyed by (Martins et al. 8. 1 Customer Satisfaction 18 The influence of customer satisfaction, switching cost and trusts in a brand on customer loyalty – The survey on students as IM3 users in Depok, Indonesia. Gain insights from a questionnaire-based study with 180 participants. Conf. (Sentiment analysis of customer satisfaction levels on smartphone products using Ensemble Learning) E-ISSN 2548-7779 ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. Loganathan and others published Study on Customers’ Satisfaction on Mobile Banking Services | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate of consumer satisfaction of mobile-app based services. in influencing consumer satisfaction of smartphone users. K. First is to explore the role of some customer personality traits in explaining customer satisfaction in mobile services. emarketer perceived value and customer satisfaction in a mobile banking application Myra V. Consumer satisfaction mediates the positive effect of product innovation on Alfarisi's research, Fauzan (2019), entitled "The influence of Brand Equity on Repurchase, Premium Prices, Wom and Customer Retention of Samsung S Series Smartphones Mediated by Customer Satisfaction in Surabaya" states in the results of his research that customer satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on smartphone repurchase TY - CONF AU - Sri Murwanti AU - Febrianur Ibnu Fitroh Sukono Putra AU - Aflit Nuryulia Praswati PY - 2020 DA - 2020/03/24 TI - The Effect of Marketplace on China Smartphone Consumer Satisfaction in the Official Store and Black Market in Surakarta BT - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education and Social Science Research Alfarisi's research, Fauzan (2019), entitled "The influence of Brand Equity on Repurchase, Premium Prices, Wom and Customer Retention of Samsung S Series Smartphones Mediated by Customer Satisfaction in Surabaya" states in the results of his research that customer satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on smartphone repurchase TY - CONF AU - Sri Murwanti AU - Febrianur Ibnu Fitroh Sukono Putra AU - Aflit Nuryulia Praswati PY - 2020 DA - 2020/03/24 TI - The Effect of Marketplace on China Smartphone Consumer Satisfaction in the Official Store and Black Market in Surakarta BT - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education and Social Science Research a pilot study of the hong kong smartphone market: how service quality affects repurchase intention via customer satisfaction and attitudinal loyalty January 2020 DOI: 10. 2 2019 S-R (Stimulus-Response) approach to psychology (Woodworth, 1918). His current research interests include mobile and e-commerce, mobile and e-business, mobile payment systems and the application of artificial intelligence techniques in economics and marketing. Second is to explore the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty of mobile services customers, On the basis of technology acceptance model (TAM) and decomposed theory of planned behaviour (DTPB), the present study is aimed at studying customer satisfaction in online banking in India. 3). Recently, Tamilmani et al. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 143: 1015-1019. Data co research conducted by Katadata. Int J Adv Innov Res 6(1 Volume 6, Issue 2 (VII): April - June, 2019 Part - 2 228 ISSN 2394 - 7780 A STUDY ON FACTORS AFFECTING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOWARDS USE OF MOBILE BANKING IN MUMBAI Dr. Despite the fact that there are numerous mobile-payment options available, such as mobile applications, mobile wallets, and mobile banking (Clement Customer satisfaction is widely recognized as an important indicator of ongoing use and effectiveness in information systems such as e-banking. A pilot study of the Hong Kong smartphone market : how service quality affects repurchase intention via customer satisfaction and attitudinal loyalty International journal of business & management As of the first quarter of 2019, major smartphone brands in the world smartphone market were Samsung (23. 3, December 2022, pp. Explore the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty among different user types. 7% Customer Satisfaction: Customer happiness is critical in determining a company's success (Luo and Ho mburg, 2007). Customer satisfaction is a crucial element for the success of all businesses.
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