Vba trim not working. Value = "'" & Trim (C)).

Vba trim not working The trimfunction is not working. TRIM function will not trim the non-breaking space char. in some cases, you may need to do this using VBA. The required string argument is any valid string expression. Value = WorksheetFunction. However, it fails to work due to various reasons mentioned below: Incorrect syntax or arguments; Missing parentheses; Corrupted workbook; Extra spaces are added to the inserted Jul 31, 2019 · Do While UCase(Trim(contrCel. TypeText Text:= "Because" If . Columns. The VBA Trim function is well described in VBA Help for that function. But in real life - probably not any noticeable difference. There is a TRIM function in VBA as well (and it does exactly the same thing – remove extra spaces). From our dataset, we’ll learn how the TRIM function works. Text = "Since " Then . I have searched the message boards and found that "TRIM" would be useful. count lCols = Selection. Upvote 0 Nov 28, 2015 · I have tried =trim(cell), but it does not remove them. But you will still loose the least significant digits when you do calculations within Excel. I can manually remove the leading spaces, so I can see them , but Excel does not seem to be able to work as needed. I then tried =trim(clean(cell)) thinking that there might be some unprintables lurking. Nov 1, 2011 · Also be aware that the vba Trim() function does not do the same job as the worksheet Trim() function. trim ("K1:K100000") and it didnt work either. Nov 23, 2005 · I am using trim and can not figure out why it does not work!! I have some text in a cell and use mid fuction to get a piece out, I want to trim the spaces to use as worksheet name but can not figure why it won't trim spaces. I don't know why I'd ever want to use Trim and not have it get rid of the leading space, even if it was a "Non-breaking space". Ascii characters less than 33 are all unseen characters behaving like white spaces and cannot be removed by trim or ltrim functions. Jul 4, 2024 · Where text is the required argument for the TRIM Function to trim text or numbers. . What could be the problem? I am breaking my head on this simple issue. ascii code 160 is for &nbsp in html,which often comes up in values,if directly pasted from html files,which was exactly my case. May 8, 2019 · Recently I was trying to cleanse a data set of trailing spaces. Trim(Worksheets(2). If the VBA Trim function is not working, check for non-space characters or issues with the code implementation. I now see why my workaround also failed. Adr = Trim(Cells(2, Target. Jun 15, 2020 · If the TRIM function can't remove extra spaces from text data, try this alternative formula using the TRIM, SUBSTITUTE and CHAR functions in Excel Oct 2, 2011 · Seems silly that the Trim function doesn't get rid of all leading and trailing spaces. Runs much faster over large worksheet sections. It is somewhat different from the Worksheet function with the same name. Value)) <> "REKENING" Apr 20, 2016 · It's a type character, methods like Trim(), Left(), Mid() etc. e. Okay, I'm a snob so what. Any suggestion on how to deal with this? Jun 4, 2012 · This code checks for the first character in every string , and removes it if its not a simple space. Text = "since" or . The Best Way to Fix Excel Countif Not Working [2025] 4. Column)) But in both the cases I am getting the value into the variable Adr with the spaces as it is in the cell. Thank you Alan. Am I doing something wrong? It seems Trim should work. Trim(r) next r Jan 29, 2024 · How to Fix Excel Arrow Keys Not Working – The Best Way 3. Jan 7, 2015 · Either your data does not contain a space (character code 32) at the start of the string, or your are implementing your code incorrectly. My normal process would be to trim the field of interest in all the records, select all of the trimmed fields, copy them, then paste over them Why is TRIM function in VBA not working? If the VBA TRIM function is not working as expected, there could be a few possible reasons: The input string may not have any leading or trailing spaces. Please follow the instructions to learn the working procedure of the TRIM function! Steps: Select a cell where we will type the TRIM function; from our dataset, we select cell C5 and type the TRIM function. How to Fix Word Read Aloud Not Working (Easy way) 5. One hint though, the numbers that aren't working are all aligned to the left of the cell. Excel VBA . This is the exact problem i was facing. You would need to change it to. ; Select View Code. Text = "Since" or . DECLARE @nonbreakingspaceString VARCHAR(10) = 'String ' DECLARE @normalspaceString VARCHAR(10) = 'String ' Sep 12, 2018 · I also tried using worksheetfunction. I suspected the cells are locked, so I unlocked them and still the macro didn't work. will remove ALL spaces. Text = "since " Then . ; The Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window is displayed. Value)) <> "Rekening" you are looking for the UCase of a cell value that means all characters in the cell value are converted to upper case by UCase so when it comes to Rekening you compare "REKENING" <> "Rekening" so it does not match. Dim rng As Range, r as range Dim myanswer Set rng = ActiveSheet. I am making a new column (column B) next to my original data and using =TRIM(A1) as an excel formula. =TRIM(A2) However the formula failed. vba Trim() function only trims leading and trailing spaces, it does not contract multiple internal spaces down to one like the worksheet function does. That said, I made a little function to use in an update query to get rid of the any spaces (i. numberformat=general /text/ number, nope. Trim function not working properly, what am I doing wrong? Sep 24, 2008 · Whats wrong with my Code: Open INIpath For Input As NF While Not EOF(NF) Line Input #NF, Temp LcaseTemp = Trim$(Temp) TEMP will have a string value of "NAME = JOHN" [RESOLVED] TRIM not working-VBForums Your code doesn't work because you need to loop through each cell, you can't do them all in one go. Sub Trim_Cells_Array_Method() Dim arrData() As Variant Dim arrReturnData() As Variant Dim rng As Excel. Jul 9, 2002 · I am using Trim Function in VBA to remove all spaces in a string stored in a cell. With Selection If . – Aug 18, 2013 · Re: VBA to trim cells does not work on some cells Sample after Jindon Macro. Steps: Select C5:C12. I was shocked to find it did not work. I knew they were there so I went to the TRIM formula. If the text was in A2 my formula looked like this. VBA to Trim all Cells in an Access Table. , either ascii 32 or 160). count ReDim arrData(1 To lRows, 1 To Aug 11, 2024 · Example 1 – Removing Spaces from Specific Text. May 27, 2004 · I am trying to remove an extra space at the end of a text string in my database. The input string may contain non-printable characters that are not spaces. value=Application. Range("D17"). I have a long If-Then list. Why do we need a TRIM function in VBA too? Fair question! While you can work with the inbuilt TRIM function in Excel worksheets to get rid of spaces. WorksheetFunction. Apr 22, 2020 · Only work around I can think of is to store the number as string (C. The VBA Trim function and the Delete method in VBA serve different purposes, with Trim removing spaces and Delete removing objects. Range("T2:T10") for each r in rng r. 1. How to Fix Unhide Rows in Excel Not Working (An Easy and Effective Guide) Dec 12, 2010 · I have Reports in an Access DB that were created in Access 2003 and then converted to Access 2007. – Pankaj Jaju. If string contains Null, Null is returned. I used selection. That also does not work. So I used the following =TRIM Jul 28, 2017 · Check if there is an apostrophe (') before the text - use F2 on a cell where Trim isn't working. actually return a Variant - using the $ type character implicitly casts the return value to a String which is faster to process. Value = "'" & Trim (C)). Aug 5, 2022 · For some reason, today when I apply the TRIM function to something like "0057A-0001-002 " it does not give a result of "0057A-0001-002". The Replace function not only removes leading and trailing, but also the spaces inside the string: Jun 3, 2002 · I tried application. Trim function changes . Sep 13, 2021 · Returns a Variant (String) containing a copy of a specified string without leading spaces (LTrim), trailing spaces (RTrim), or both leading and trailing spaces (Trim). – Aug 31, 2010 · VBA Trim() function truncating text oddly! 2. Value) Still no luck. Aug 28, 2024 · Why Is TRIM Not Working in Excel? In Excel, TRIM is categorized as a string/text Function and can be used as a worksheet function (WS) and VBA function (VBA) in Excel. to Dec 29, 2015 · I want to use Trim or Ltrim to change my selection. xls Well, I open the sample file, then open Visual Basic. Do While UCase(Trim(contrCel. It leaves the trailing spaces like "0057A-0001-002 ". I have tried this formula but it doesn't work. This could be as a part of a bigger code. the following is a short example. ; Right-click the sheet name “Message Box”. It uses an array so you aren't looping through each cell. Rows. How to Fix Excel Right Click Not Working – The Best Way 6. The same thing happens if I use the Label Wizzard to make a new set of address labels. You would have to do all calculations within VBA using the datatype Decimal and then write back the results as This works well for me. The space character is represented in two different way one with ASCII code number 32 and another with ASCII code number 160. Each time I try to run the report I get "Enter Parameter Value" box asking me to enter "Trim". I dont have rights to the access table. I paste your code on a Module I have with some test codes in it. The data is a html I open in Excel, no problem, I save it as Excel and it still does not work. someone else populates it and I had to request permission just to get the MS query to pull from it because of SOX. TRIM (selection), not working. Range Dim lRows As Long Dim lCols As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long lRows = Selection. Apr 1, 2019 · Worksheets(2). So looking into the matter it seems others have had the same problem. TypeText Text:= "because" End With How do I trim my selection before the if-then statements? Nov 7, 2011 · Dang, I wasted time trying to code around the Trim function, I failed to see the difference between the vba and worksheet functionality of the Trim function. ygx vyegt xnmm frusx azrb gor hvh ybxrtz qmbb iyon