Ac valhalla stuttering pc reddit.
Go to the AC Valhalla.
Ac valhalla stuttering pc reddit The tower is torn by violence, poverty and chaos. Please enjoy your stay here and read our rules before posting! If you count milisecond drops to 56-57 FPS then yes but it happens for a second/two randomly and very rarely. ini setting 59fps, tried windowed, full screen, with or without vsync, with FPS limit and unlimited. I wanna play on 144hz screen with g sync but I have continuos peak of FPS like 157max 23mini tried everything, disable optimization full screen mode, modify . 2 after doing that, go to the uplay launcher>settings and there should be an option somewhere to disable uplay cloud saves. I play with a bluetooth Xbox controller, I've had random lag spikes and stuttering issues with the game since I started playing it. When I first bought the game at release it felt like both resolution and frame rate was better than now. Change properties of the program and DISABLE full screen optimization. Please enjoy your stay here and read our rules before posting! Warriors of Valhalla, welcome to the unofficial Assassin's Creed Valhalla subreddit! You can post anything directly related to Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I'm using a 5900x with a 6900XT, playing in 3440x1440 on max settings averaging about 100FPS, but for some reason I keep getting extremely consistent stuttering. Dec 10, 2022 · Most performance issues are fixed with the steps in our troubleshooting guide [ubi. ones that don't typically matter but can provide performance increases, especially shadows. #2: Exit ubisoft connect and turn OFF your wifi, start the game and it will try to connect, click settings and select run in offline mode. Just have to clear that cache manually every few days. try turning some settings down. I play on PC Okay so this is kind of a weird problem but ill ask anyway because im out of ideas. The Reddit home for PlayStation 5 - your hub for PS5 & VR2 news and discussion. You might have to click on a down arrow for additional power settings. Since the mods at the AC subreddit are removing (wtf???) all posts regarding problems with the game On top of the microtransactions and the product designed as a money extracting tool way before a game, the repetitive gameplay and narrative, and the fact the money goes mainly to Ubisoft executive who cultivated and protected a corporate culture of racism, abuse and sexual harassment for many I play on PC Okay so this is kind of a weird problem but ill ask anyway because im out of ideas. Worth mentioning with VSYNC off and fps uncapped with game set at 75hz my FPS was very very very unstable and stuttering all over the place, set the game to 60hz, turned vsync on and capped my fps at 60 game runs smooth af. It starts when I connect the Xbox gamepad and ends when I disconnect it. Conquer your enemies, discover the secrets of the superstructure and your own origin and obtain the power to challenge The Keymaster. Seems to have solved it for me! Go to Settings -> System -> Power & sleep -> additional power settings (on the right side under the subtitle 'related settings') -> Look for 'high performance'. I'm currently trying to play the game again as its been a while, but I'm having an issue with stuttering just about every second. 1 go to the game directory where ac valhalla. I found a workaround. I've been playing Valhalla through their Ubisoft+ subscription service. . stuttering, stuttering, stuttering. Enjoy a more stable game Warriors of Valhalla, welcome to the unofficial Assassin's Creed Valhalla subreddit! You can post anything directly related to Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Apr 26, 2023 · Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is, undeniably, a great game. Go to the AC Valhalla. No frame rate drops. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. In the PC version of Valhalla I noticed that using playstation controllers, either dualshock 4 or dualsense, will cause a severe stutter constant stutter, taking me from 60 fps to 55fps. Cutscenes are not working either, i have sound but the monitor stays black, steam says 3 fps, good job. Please enjoy your stay here and read our rules before posting! I’m experiencing stuttering and frame drops on AC Valhalla every now and then. I'm running 1440 high settings on a 9600k and a 2070. Please report this post if it violates any rules. During raids in big towns my FPS is sitting at stable 60. it has very little to do with your specs and more to do with the game's optimization on PC. which causes the fps drops and stuttering. Ascend humanity’s last remaining shelter, a great tower-city. people with even higher end gear have issues. Hello! Thank you for your submission to r/ACValhalla!Please read our rules and our FAQ. Hey, When I start playing Valhalla it's running smooth, I was playing couple of hours, all was fine, but when I arrived to England suddenly game started to stutter a lot. Players are finding it hard to keep it running smoothly and instead are experiencing stuttering or micro stuttering while playing or streaming the game. I started AC Valhalla last night, and it went alright for the first hour, but once I got near the settlement, it began stuttering like crazy, every time I had an interaction with people. If you go into the settings menu in steam then the controller section and enable xbox controller compatibility, afterwards add valhalla as a non-steam game and run it through steam. Warriors of Valhalla, welcome to the unofficial Assassin's Creed Valhalla subreddit! You can post anything directly related to Assassin's Creed Valhalla. If you’re one of them, don’t worry. Jul 9, 2023 · Game is stuttering and flashing, first loading screen takes 5 minutes (with 3fps) before you enter the menu. But there are some performance issues. While I play Destiny 2 after around 75 minutes I get lots of stuttering. For your crashes, have you tried clearing the cache and file_cache folders in Documents/Assassin's Creed Valhalla? This fixed the crashes for me, it's due to a memory leak issue with the game (still not patched). Tried turning off controller vibration, as well as making sure hybrid input was off neither helped. exe is. I plug in via usb cable. Please enjoy your stay here and read our rules before posting! I've been having bad stuttering for AC Valhalla, i own the game on Ubisoft after trying to fix it for very long i had reached a solution which was disabling the Max FPS on NVidia settings from 60 FPS to disabled this had kept me at a steady 60 fps with but then i closed the game re-opened it, then it was fine then i reached a town and the stuttering and lag came back heavy this time, i was Hi, First time here I recently purchased new pc parts but I am running into a recurring. This may should weird. I'll finish in less than a couple months Mar 13, 2023 · I had stuttering on the steam deck and i fixed it by doing this in desktop mode: #1: go into ubisoft connect, turn off the overlay. It will use steams controller support to run the input not whatever garbage ubisoft is using and eliminates the stutter and performance loss AC Valhalla PC: Did they fix camera stutter? As noted by Digital Foundry, and launch and for a good while after, camera motion on PC & Xbox ran at an inconsistent/lesser framer rate than the world and animations, causing some very jarring stutter particularly in cutscenes. I was playing with my Bluetooth Xbox controller. exe in windows, right click, properties, disable full screen optimization. Consider joining r/PlayStation for your daily dose of memes, screenshots, and other casual discussion. I really don't want to play on my keyboard, so I hope you guys have a solution for me. Please remember to stay civil!. Apr 23, 2020 · I'm not seeing stuttering. after entering the game, steam said i have 85 fps, but it is flickering and stuttering. best thing to do is tweak settings until you notice it lessens or goes away. li]. gghoeqpqcbrbikcevwxanwcfbohjuoxfyfeeyekjunwarjy