6l6 transmitter The 5U4 rectifier tube is capable of handling a wide range of loads. A Radionette amplifier from the 50’s is power and modulator for the 6L6 transmitter. So far, I’ve wired the little transmitter and it works, with about 15 watts input with 340 volts on the 6L6 plate. I am just completing a General Transformer Co (GTC) "Pee Wee" which is a really obscure transformer company marketing an even more obscure transmitter, a power oscillator 6L6 from 1937. . Xtal oscillator - 6AG7. I am writing software for the SI5351 oscillator. Apparently, it was used quite a bit in public address systems. The KC5LDO 6L6 Transmitter The 6L6 oscillator was one of the most popular transmitters ever built. 95. THANKS to Terry (K5ZBY) for the application AND photos (well done - nice paint finish too & Terry even used cloth covered wire!) 40 Meter Tube - CW transmitter. I use a BC-348-N as receiver. Eventually the concept of the metal valve went by the wayside simply because just as effective shielding can be obtained using metal slip cans, which became the norm with the advent of the 9 and 7 pin "mini-tubes". The transmitter was on a similar slat board chassis and had a "honeycomb" output coil that was formed around a series of nails driven into the slat board in a circle, if I recall correctly. It is not a true pentode; it is a beam power tetrode, with special beam forming elements. 5U4G Power Supply for the 6L6 Transmitter The power supply circuit I chose for my 6L6 transmitter is fairly common. My SI5351 and ATmega328 (ProMini) circuit board mounted in a 3D printed box. Of course, I added protective bias and changed from cathode to grid keying. Another big factor was cost, because although I could buy a used 1625 or 807 for fifty cents, I could buy a new 6L6 for a dollar and a half! 6L6 TRANSMITTER Here is my newest transmitter. 00. The 5U4 filament requires 5 volts at 3 amps. Here is my new 6L6 AM and CW station. DSB Transmitter for 80 meter: I have designed a double sideband transmitter. click to enlarge. There I use 5 radio tubes and a modern SI5351 oscillator. I need to finish some work, adding capacitance to the loading capacitor. The top photo shows the transmitter using a brown-base 5881 which was changed to a 6L6GC when the higher voltage power supply was added. The design of a one-tube (or one transistor) transmitter is a compromise involving power output, keying, and the effect of antenna coupling on operation. Many hams started the hobby with a homebrewed 6L6 rig. The AT-1 , AC-1 and VF-1 comprised my second transmitter set up in June 1954. This started out as a blank sheet of paper and a goal. Reply Delete Referring to the 6L6GC tube I measured in figure 4, we see a properly biased 6L6 tube would only require 10-20 volts of open key voltage to cut off the transmitter. K2GBH Rating: 2012-07-26; Affordable Time Owned: 6 to 12 months. I had two crystals for the forty meter band. My Novice transmitter, loaned to me by W4HTW, was a homebrew version of the Heath AT-1 - didn't look the same, and was 40 meters only. The first was a homebrew 6AG7-6L6 so this was not a really big step up! Feb 27, 2022 · Here we see all the small components needed to build a transmitter. It is built on a 8 x 8 inch baking pan that I picked up at the grocery store for $2. 73, Ellen - AF9J Reply to a comment by : SM7EQL on 2007-04-03 In "A Beginner's Two-Stage Transmitter" by David Middelton (W2OEN), the author described a simple two-tube CW transmitter designed for the 80 and 40m bands. Why not use a big tube like a 6L6 and get lots of output? A nostalgic list for many of us. Reminds me of the single 6L6 Tri-Tet osillator/ transmitter that was featured in an old QST magazine article. 6L6 transmitter, bottom view. Build a transmitter from scratch that could be used to talk around the world with. With the circuit above, since the screen rises to ~400 volts, cathode open key voltage will be somewhere up around 75 volts. Once again Carl, thanks for the neat article on the 6L6 transmitter (6L6 - a cool tube; I used to use guitar amps that used 6L6 tubes). May 21, 2021 · 6AG7-6LG Novice Transmitter Classic circuit with some modern twists There's a good chance that more homebrew ham transmitters have been built using a 6L6 than any other tube, and when combined with the superior performance of the 6AG7 oscillator, it's a hard combination to beat (click here for an explanation of the 6AG7's benefits) The operation of the 6CL6 transmitter is actually quite sophisticated, despite the simple appearance of the circuit. It can go almost twice that by pulling out the 0D3, but the keying is not as good that way. Path: Home > Transformer Index > "Classic" Transformers & Enclosures > Customer "Classic" Examples > Homebrew 6L6 Xmtr. Two Tube Transmitter ~ Salient Features: 6AG7 Oscillator, 6L6 Final Amp; Regulated Screen Violtage on the 6AG7 and 6L6; Band Pass Coupler between the Osc and Amp stage (Plug In) Pi Network Output ; 350 VDC Supply ~ Good for about 15 watts; RF Output Indicator (TFMS) Clean Keying, Key Click Filter with Osc/Amp Keyed ; Shielded Box Construction May 25, 2009 · A 6L6 Classic (shown below) WB2MIC 6L6 Transmitter Project. CW is the oldest way of conveying information by wireless. One big reason I went for the 6L6 was size. I can say that I’m well on my way to the “around the world” part. SI5351 mounted on the transmitter. QSO with LA5FH in Larvik and LA9WNA in Skien. Power output is 8 Watts. Although it was possible to design and build a simpler transmitter, the goals of output power and stability could become mutually exclusive when trying The 6AG7 / 6L6 CW transmitter is a result of much help and encouragement from the Glow Bug Net. 6AG7/6L6, but it ran only 16 watts input, not 35. Dec 11, 2018 · Click here to see the current schematic for the first two 6AG7’s, and the following 6L6 stage schematic is here. This is my first test of the 6L6 station. The circuit I used is very simple and the results are a very clean stable tone. Dec 17, 2021 · For those interested, here is the schematic. The Heathkit AT-1 represents the commercial embodiment of the simple Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) transmitter using a crystal controlled 6AG7 oscillator plus a 6L6 final output tube. The 6L6 is a pentode that, according to Wikipedia, was introduced by the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in July 1936. This circuit combines the functions of oscillator and amplifier into a single tube, and provides excellent isolation between the oscillator and the The KC5LDO 6L6 Transmitter The 6L6 oscillator was one of the most popular transmitters ever built. The idea was shielding, and in truth, it was an effective shield. It uses a 6L6 with a 6X5 rectifier and a 0D3 voltage regulator tube on the screen. A CW transmitter conveys intelligence in the form of Morse Code dots and dashes by turning on and off the transmitter. The power output is only about 5 watts. The plate current meter is a new-old-stock 1960s Lafayette 0 to 100 mA unit. The circuit used two 6V6 tubes - - one as an untuned crystal controlled Pierce Oscillator (very popular in the 30's and 40's) and the other as a simple Class-C final amplifier. The chassis, front panel, and cabinet were salvaged from a junked 1950s Heathkit TV service instrument and modified as required. Two tube CW transmitter. This one-tube transmitter is made with a 6L6 pentode. Dec 19, 2017 · Unlike the original Scrounger, this version employs a 6AG7 and 6L6 in a Master-Oscillator-Power-Amplifier (MOPA) circuit, complete with bandswitching and a PI output network. The heart of the circuit is the electron-coupled crystal oscillator shown above. The box looks like an old-fashioned crystal. The design of the transmitter involves the type of circuit, the choice of component values, and the choice of the particular tube used. This little winner uses a 6AG7 crystal oscillator to drive a 6L6 final on 40 meter CW. The lower voltage supply would work with smaller output tubes including: 6V6, 6L6, 6L6G, 5881, and 1619 (the metal military version of the 6L6). The original power supply is the grey box in the top photo. 73, Ellen - AF9J Reply to a comment by : SM7EQL on 2007-04-03 6L6 TRANSMITTER Here is my newest transmitter. Another consideration was the placement of the high voltage connection, being under chassis with the 6L6, and not up top as with the 807s or 6146s. 1929 Hartley Transmitter : 6L6 Transmitter: 5U4G Power Supply: AC-1 6V6 Transmitter: 6AQ5 CW Transmitter: Pi Network Tuner: 6X4 Power Supply: Type 80 Tube Power Supply: 6SL7 Twinplex Regenerative Receiver: L - Network Tuner: 6AH6 Electronic T/R Switch: R-390A Rack Mount Speaker: Straight Key Gallery: Equipment Rack: 6DQ6 Transmitter: Buck Boost The 6L6 is designed for audio use. Cost? $3. It is a standard power supply that can be used for many projects. I’ve already made contacts with stations across the United States and Canada. Feb 21, 2015 · The original 6L6 was, of course, a metal valve. Two years ago I saw Gary's WD4NKA webs site showing a schematic of a MOPA Transmitter, the 6AG7 / 6L6. My first General class transmitter, in 1957, was an ARC5 6-9 MHZ. The yellow connector on the right is the Arduino USB programming port. The circuit shown here is a variation of Gary's circuit, with a "Tuned Stage" which allows for VFO operation. DSB. Many amateur radio operators used the 6L6 in class C service for transmitters over the years because it was inexpensive due to mass production, and it could be salvaged from scrapped TV or audio equipment. Neither the transmitter nor the transformer company seemed to last more than a couple years. Oct 11, 2015 · The 6L6 Transmitter I am to build is that of CW (Continuous Wave) type. There were many versions of the transmitter and most worked well. Power amplifier - 6L6. It does not convey the spoken word using AM (Amplitude) or FM (Frequency) modulation. mvlg oyq qpeytyd myvx qrhnbe pgjwrx eewyxmz aptmn boxlxf syw