5y3 max capacitance Are there any rules of thumb for this, I have noticed quite a few rectifier data sheets ignore this info. For example, would replacing the three 10,000 uF filtering caps on the Cornet H+ with 3 x 22,000 uF alter the frequency repsonse? What about the 47uF B+ caps. That extra 5W of current draw could make your PT toasty. Cathode stripping is a highly technical issue, but the basics of it are this: Filamentary Cathode rectifier tubes like 5R4, 5U4, 274B etc can deliver full DC levels only FIVE seconds after powering up an amp in which they are installed. I own a 5Y3 version of this (I was concerned about the PT heating up too much), and it does the job pretty darn well. Many go a bit higher but how much is needed for that node depends on proper design. Feb 26, 2012 · For a 5Y3 at 350VAC with a cap filter, this is 62. It also cools down the PT by not drawing the 3 amps across the 5V heater winding (6. The 6X4 is rated for 450v maximum between heater and cathode, which will be exceeded by the 320-0-320v secondary of the AA764 Champ, and that assumes wall voltage or a transformer with a 110v primary don't result in more than the rated voltage. Oct 1, 2022 · That PT won't handle a 5U4, which draws 3 amps of heater current. 5Y3 and 5V4 will also work fine, voltages will be lower and "soften" the amp somewhat. The anode is pressed from a single sheet and stitched around the support. If a 2. V. 250 250 250 250 250 225 mA Ritm min. Iirc, it is spec’d for a max input capacitance of either 20 or 30 mfds. The Peak Inverse Voltage rating of the 5Z4 (1100 volts) is lower than the 5Y3's rating of 1400 volts, so it's less-capable in this area. There are some basic rules to apply which make this task easier. Hope this helps, Best Regards. The maximum reservoir capacitance is 32 µF and minimum series resistance is 100 Ω. 5mA per plate. Dec 15, 2015 · The commonly used replacement tubes for the 5U4 and 5Y3 tubes are listed in the 5U4/5Y3 Compatible Fullwave Rectifier Tubes tables above. Post subject: Max Capacitance First Filter 5Y3 ? Posted: May Tue 07, 2013 3:54 am Member Post subject: Max Capacitance First Filter 5Y3 ? Posted: May Tue 07, 2013 3:54 am Member You will need to use a power transformer that has a secondary voltage less than ~300vac, or use a second 6vac winding. That's on-par with typical operation of a 5Y3GT (page 2). 3V for EZ81 rectos). 5 kV ia(Pk) max. I paid 100 bucks for a Mullard GZ34 (actually labeled RCA) for my Deluxe Reverb, but it sounds great and will last forever. Mar 25, 2021 · The 5Z4 data sheet says DC Output Current is 125mA max. I've also read that excess filter capacitance in the preamp circuits is not a good thing; best to stay with 20uf or less. Of course, the 5Y3 has limits. 250 250 250 250 200 160 mA R1im min. The GZ34 will be the least voltage drop, equivalent to the EZ81. Apr 9, 2008 · Be careful swapping them. adam Jul 8, 2018 · KingFan, when you get to changing that first stage of filtering, you will find a difference, ime. made rectifier tubes are exceptionally high quality and are extremely difficult to kill, even if you try. The filament current should be equal to or less than the original design. So the first stage (B+) filter shouldn't be any bigger than that. Radio tubes are valves. The anodes are mounted as mirror images of one another. 6 mm max 1 2 3, 5, 7 4 6 8 No Pin arrangement Electrode -to - lead connection diagram Heater Cathode, heater 5Y3GT 8 4 6 2 1 Dimensions Free Second diode plate First diode plate Vacuum tube 5Y3GT is a two - plate cenotron in glass bulb wiht octal base, with a common equipotential cathode, designed for two - nalf - period rectification of Apr 17, 2016 · Now that we know the peak plate current it is time to choose a rectifier tube. Voltages are correct, sag is what you Ø29. Russian 5Y3 will drop less voltage than NOS. The other rating of consequence is the peak current per plate, which for the 5Y3 is 440mA. The maximum reservoir capacitance for the 5Y3GT is 32 µF and minimum series resistance is 100 Ω, The GZ30: 50 µF, series resistance 380 Ω Still the reluctance of the UK to accept imports as of equal value to British made. 20uf is recommended first filter max capacitance for the 5Y3 but 40uf is common. I didn't find a max spec for the 5y3 but the highest value "typical operating conditions" spec I saw was 32uf. The maximum reservoir capacitance is 32 µF and minimum series resistance is 100 Ohms. Aug 11, 2004 · This SS replacement eliminates the max C1 value limitations of the tube rectifier. , that outlived the equipment they were installed in. P. (per anode) 0 0 0 0 0 0 S2 My question: Can significantly increasing power supply capacitance beyond spec have negative sonic consequenes. Making this decision requires checking the tube data sheets, looking at max ratings and voltage drops, and applying some judgement and experience. I have, literally, a tub full of good rectifier pull outs, 5R4, 5U4, 5Y3, 5V4, etc. Mar 31, 2017 · Old U. , 2 x 300 2 x 350 2><400 2 x 450 2 x 500 2 x 550 V Capacitor input out max. I've used 47uf for an input filter in silver face Champs without consequence to the 5y3 where the plate voltage was eating the 6V6's for lunch. S. If the amp had SS. The 5Y3GT is a directly heated full wave rectifier, with inverted v's of coated tape as filaments. 1. But allow a somewhat higher winding resistance, like 1,000 ohms on a 5Y3 fed 300V, and you can go thousands of uFd. It seems to me, in the role of filtering, capacitance can never be too large. I don't think I've ever seen a bad 5R4. 60 µF Va)r. Anything between 16 and 33µF is usually safe. And that was a vintage spec sheet. s. In a nutshell: low supply R and high voltage => low capacitance, say up to 20µF for a real 5Y3GT; highish supply R and medium voltages => higher capacitance, say up to 47µF or so. A 5U4 requires a 5V, 3A (15W) filament tap, and most of the smaller amps which originally used 5Y3's only have a 5V, 2A (10W) tap. The 47uF cap in the SSE or TSE will be fine. The first thing to check is the filament voltage and current. And if you run a 5Y3 in an amp that was designed for a 5U4, the amp's B+ current draw could make the 5Y3 arc. Post subject: Max Capacitance First Filter 5Y3 ? Posted: May Tue 07, 2013 3:54 am Member Post subject: Max Capacitance First Filter 5Y3 ? Posted: May Tue 07, 2013 3:54 am Member Jun 25, 2018 · Today's caps are almost invariably close to spec. Dec 5, 2008 · 30μF is the usual max stated for 5Y3, according to most sources. Rzenc Jan 7, 2011 · For example, a 5AR4 tube is limited to 60uf of capacitance, a 5U4GB is limited to 40uf and a 5Y3GT is limited to 10uf. Jan 19, 2006 · Tube data sheets often ASS-ume "typical" capacitance AND resistance to give quick-use data. max. Indeed since these values ARE typical (copper and iron have not changed much), we fall into the habit of 20uFd-40uFd tube capacitors. - Scot. Jun 17, 2004 · I have looked in every data sheet I can find, and I can not find how much capacitance I can put for the first filter stage and get decent tube life. m. This is why they are highly desired. 750 mA C max. If you have too much cap after the rectifier, slow the inrush current and it will last longer. Oct 1, 2012 · A problem caused by directly heated or filamentary cathode rectifiers is known as cathode stripping. 5 uF cap is used, peak current remains just bellow the max rating, but the DC output of the filter is at 300 Volts instead of at 340~360 Volts. Aug 13, 2017 · In any case, according to PSUD both the 8uF and 32uF give max current values above the stated maximum, at 474 mA and 491 mA respectively. The 5Y3G version is 30 mm taller. The replacement tube should have the same filament voltage. Feb 26, 2010 · An example: According to datasheets, the maximum allowed filter capacitance for a 5Y3 is 20 uF, so, even if it is indeed possible that the tube will work with a 50uF filter cap without failing immediately, I think that the extra stress the rectifier tube would have to withstand each and every time the amp is powered on would result in A 5y3 really doesn't like to be loaded with more than 33uF. (peranode) 50 75 100 125 150 175 1 Choke input lout max. Title: 5Y3GT Author: RCA Subject: FP-2011-12-10 Created Date: 12/10/2011 9:10:19 PM Just a reminder BluesBlear, How much capacitance is in the first filtering stage? 47uF?? I believe you should check it in order not to exceed max input capacitance with 5Y3 - as far as I understand it, it's related to how much current you are demanding from your tube recto. Ken Voxbox Junior tube assistant Posts: 65 (3/4/04 8:30 am) Re: 5e3 capacitor values----- Thanks Ken, How do you work out the max capacitance from the tube data? Cheers Craigzbrand Junior tube assistant Posts: 81 (3/4/04 Jun 4, 2004 · The GZ has an indirectly heated cathode wich provides a slower warmup, and therefore it can handle more capacitance then the directly heated 5Y3. Tube 5Z4 or Röhre 5Z4 ID2219, Full-Wave Vacuum Rectifier, Octal (Int. fender used 40 mfds there in BF/SF Champ/VibChamps/Broncos, though. If the amp uses solid state rectifiers, you can use more capacitance. I. It can do this all day everyday until it wears out. The wide glass tube envelope is 28 mm in diameter, and excluding the IO base pins is 68 mm tall. Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power-supply shown. lptbeh tdgppy zwug myawdi dzzmaz mpsuypu wznm jabonrk nvqnyoy palppxi