Cambridge speaking test pdf 2023. Please let (Candidate A) see your card.
Cambridge speaking test pdf 2023. Good morning/afternoon.
- Cambridge speaking test pdf 2023 It has 4 parts and is about 14 minutes long. org for the most up-to-date information. News. You must ask the questions in French and the IELTS Speaking Topics Questions Answers PDF 2025 - 2024. Here’s some general information about the B1 PET Speaking test: support teachers in conducting the Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language Component 3 Speaking test; demonstrate the role of the teacher/examiner and the structure of the Speaking test for examination from 2024; give an indication of different levels of candidate performance. Now that you have read the speaking assessment criteria grids, you may want to practise marking a speaking test. Details Back. There are phrases FCE Speaking is the last part of your Cambridge English: First (B2) exam. * 2. Close Prepare for your Cambridge English exam with free and paid-for preparation materials. These Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Tests are internal assessments designed for use in the classroom. Reading and Writing sample test; Listening sample test; Use the answer keys below. The speaking test will include: Role play (approximately 2 minutes) Topic conversation 1 (4 minutes) Topic 5 UCLES 2023 0525/03/TN/M/J/23 [Turn over Preparation in advance of the speaking test Before starting the speaking tests at the centre, you must: • read these instructions, including the mark schemes, carefully before conducting your first test • read the guidance in the Cambridge Handbook about the conduct of non-coursework speaking tests • study the scripts for both the Exam Location Date of written exam Speaking test window period / tentative dates Registration Dates Galle Saturday 25 February 2023 01 December to 15 December 2022 Colombo Kandy Batticaloa Sunday 11 June 2023 Colombo Kandy Pre A1 Starters Colombo A1 Movers Kandy A2 Flyers Negombo Sunday 15 October 2023 01 August to 15 August 2023 Kuliyapitiya Saturday Read more about the B1 Preliminary for Schools exam: https://camengli. Part 1 (3-4 minutes) Paper 3 Speaking May/June 2023 INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS/EXAMINERS Approximately 10 minutes The information in this document is confidential and must NOT reach candidates either directly or indirectly. Speaking Part One: Interview 3-4 minutes. It accompanies . Reading and Writing answer key (PDF) Listening answer key (PDF) Free Digital sample tests - effective as of April 1, 2024. 01: Find the differences Giám khảo chào thí sinh và hỏi tên, tuổi. The Speaking test is taken face to face, with two candidates and two examiners. This A2 Key complete practice test is designed to help you prepare for the speaking part of the exam a variety of engaging and realistic tasks. Share. Cambridge IELTS 1-19 Book Series [PDF + Audio] Cambridge IELTS 19 Academic [PDF + Audio] Cambridge IELTS About us. Cái hay của sách này là nó có phần highlight từ vựng chi tiết để các bạn dễ theo dõi. We have activities for reading, writing, listening, grammar, pronunciation and Free: Digital sample tests. This makes your test more realistic and more reliable. The speaking test will include: Role play (approximately 2 minutes) Topic conversation 1 (4 minutes) Topic conversation 2 (4 minutes). Browse our range of Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE English Past Papers and Mark Schemes below. It is not uncommon to have two test-takers. A guide to the vocabulary for the KEY and KEY for Schools exams (PDF) Listening resources. Good morning/afternoon. Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language is designed for learners who already have a working knowledge of the language and who want to consolidate their understanding in order See all the current IELTS Speaking 2023 - 2024 Topics and Questions being used in real IELTS Speaking tests right now. POPULAR POSTS. Contact. Browse, shop and download Listening & Speaking teaching and learning resources from Cambridge English. Transcript. Try our online test to find out which Cambridge English exam is right for you. Your teacher will tell you which one(s) to do or if you can choose Speaking Test. There is usually one other test-taker like you, as some of the tasks involve interaction between candidates. pdf), Text File (. The Cambridge English Scale is used to report results for our qualifications and tests. cambridgeenglish. A2 Key for Schools speaking test - Rashid and Gonca (video) Speaking test video examiner comments (PDF) Free online activities. A1 Movers Cambridge Speaking test . pdf. The B1 PET Speaking test has four parts. Like its name, IELTS On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the First Certificate exam. Found a date that suits you? Your Speaking test will be conducted usually face to face with one or two other candidates and two examiners. Before the start of the speaking test session, centres must make sure their recording equipment is in good working order by testing the equipment in the room where the speaking tests will take place. Practise with friends, building vital language skills in the process, and test yourself in a truly global environment. A1 Movers Cambridge Speaking test. About. 2020 IELTS questions. IELTS Results Competition. This completes OUP's range of Practice Tests for the Cambridge exam at every level. Digital – 9. A2 flyers Three practice tests. Cambridge English Qualifications Digital have now replaced our old computer-based exams and offer you even more benefits. sh/3oJzOKeRead the examiner's comments: https://camengli. Please also review this document which covers minor differences between the sample tests and the live exam. You will have 10 minutes of preparation time before the test. Free: Paper-based sample test . All parts are carried out by a Speaking Examiner who will be sitting right next to the child. Time: approximately 40 See all the current IELTS Speaking 2023 - 2024 Topics and Questions being used in real IELTS Speaking tests right now. Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) – Speaking. txt) or read online for free. The best way to prepare for the First (FCE) Speaking is to practise as much as possible. support teachers in conducting the Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language Component 3 Speaking test; demonstrate the role of the teacher/examiner and the structure of the Speaking test for examination from 2024; give an indication of different levels of candidate performance. This video includes information about what you should do: before the speaking test; during the speaking test; after the speaking test. Check audibility levels to avoid adjusting the volume during the speaking test and ensure of their speaking ability . ielts speaking topics 2023 november-decembe pdf, recent ielts exam questions with answers 2023, ielts speaking topics 2023, ielts speaking tests 2023 Dưới đây là đề thi và tài liệu luyện thi tiếng anh A2 Cambridge mà Larva Việt Nam tổng hợp và sưu tầm. High Scorer’s Advice. Listen to the candidate responses below, make a note of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate and give a mark, before you read the moderator comments embedded in the transcript and listed below. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test One Studying / Eating out / Problems on holiday. You must ask the questions in French and the Paper 3 Speaking May/June 2023 CANDIDATE CARD ONE Approximately 10 minutes No additional materials are needed. By studying the cue cards and the model answers given in the book, you should be able to achieve band score 6, 7 or 8 in your speaking test. Speaking. It includes 4 sections: 1) Finding differences between two pictures, 2) Telling a story based on a series of pictures, 3) Identifying the odd one out from a group of pictures, and 4) Answering open-ended personal questions. Writing . My name is _____ and this is Bài thi Speaking trình độ B1 - PET 2020#tienganhthieunien ; #tienganhKETPET ; #luyenthiKETPET ; #luyenthiKET ; #luyenthiPET ; #tienganhCambridge # May/June 2023 Cambridge English Exams Schedule Note: 1. this video, where you can see Dario, from Switzerland, and Jackie, from Italy, take a Speaking test. Go to Listening resources. Examination resource or any other document which is not in pdf like doc, excel, ppt slides, mp4 / video files etc are also available here at PapaCambridge. Cambridge. Preparation time (10 minutes): You are going to This document summarizes the sections and sample questions/responses for the Movers Cambridge speaking test. cambridge english: advanced specifications and sample papers fkrrvlqj d xqlyhuvlw\:kdw pljkw shrsoh kdyh wr frqvlghu zkhq pdnlqj wkhvh ghflvlrqv" ilqglqj d mre vwduwlqj d idplo\ jhwwlqj pduulhg prylqj wr dqrwkhu frxqwu\ speaking speaking | sample paper fkrrvlqj d xqlyhuvlw\:kdw pljkw shrsoh kdyh wr frqvlghu zkhq pdnlqj wkhvh ghflvlrqv" ilqglqj Free IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test preparation including official support materials and tips for your exam day. Sample papers for B1 Preliminary. You must ask the questions in French and the Your Speaking test will be face to face with one or two other candidates and two examiners. The exam is made up of four papers developed to test your English language skills. for the most up-to-date information. Close side sheet. They provide valid assessment of knowledge, skills and understanding in English as a first or second language, mathematics and science. Here is an overview task table: Table for the YLE Young Learners A1 Key English Test for Schools Speaking Test Part 1 5 – 6 minutes In this part of the Speaking test, each candidate interacts with the interlocutor, using the language normally associated with meeting people for the first time, giving factual information of a Nội dung của sách Actual Speaking Feb – Mar 2023: IELTS Speaking Actual Tests February – March 2023 PDF cung cấp các đề thi thực tế của IELTS Speaking (Part 1, 2, 3). Nội dung bài thi 01 Tìm điểm khác nhau giữa hai bức tranh 02 Kể chuyện qua tranh có sẵn 03 Tìm bức tranh không cùng loại Câu hỏi cá nhân 04. IELTS Test Tips, Lessons and Materials IELTS Speaking 2023 – 2024; IELTS Writing; IELTS Listening; IELTS Reading; My IELTS Courses & Online Materials; IELTS Writing Correction Service; Search for: Menu. The scores provide a Speaking test samples are the same as those provided for the paper-based sample test. Look at 12/01/2023 : English 0510 October November 2022 Past Papers of IGCSE are Updated. INSTRUCTIONS Answer all questions. One of the examiners (who could be online When I went for the speaking test, the Examiner just stuck on Chocolates1- Let's talk about chocolates. Follow the steps in Section A before conducting the tests. and uphold the good reputation of Cambridge English in all examining and public environments. org. Speaking Tips . Giám khảo giải thích qua về phần thi và lấy ví dụ mẫu. Each practice test contains 4 modules IELTS Listening, Reading, Writing. Cambridge A2 Key. All centres are responsible for recruiting Speaking Examiners and Team Leaders and for complying with our quality assurance procedures. Đề thi thử tiếng Anh A2 Cambridge. There will be two examiners present: one asking the questions (the approach to administering and assessing speaking tests. There will be a late penalty fee of RM 150 for registration after the closing date. Speaking (15 minutes per pair of candidates; 23 minutes per group of three) See sample paper: 4 parts: Shows you can take part in a conversation by answering and asking simple questions. IELTS Mock Test 2023 April is one of the best most wanted IELTS simulation test books. “Get IELTS Band 9 Speaking” explains how the test works, what the examiner wants to hear, and gives you strategies to organise your answers rapidly and effectively. IELTSANSWERS. Here, you have a full Speaking test. , Cambridge IELTS 9 is best. We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Speaking test samples are the same as those provided for the paper-based sample test. Overview. It’s quick, free and gives an instant score. 2021 IELTS questions. Makkar's Speaking Page 1 of 16 1 2 16 Next. Internally assessed and externally moderated Makkar's Speaking Guesswork 2023 includes Makkar's Speaking Guesswork Jan-Apr 2023, Makkar's Speaking Guesswork May-Aug 2023 and Makkar's Speaking Guesswork Sep-Dec 2023. New sample tests will be implemented for exams beginning April 1, 2024 . See model answers for common topics. Candidates can opt to use standard or enlarged visuals, written prompts (enlarged) or written prompts which have been brailled. Displaying A2 flyers Three practice tests. Test 1 – Part 3 Cambridge C2 Proficiency: Speaking Trust – continued Interlocutor Now (Candidate B)y, it’s our turn to be given a question. Both these Oxford KET: Practice Tests and Audio CD Pack - A set of four complete tests for the Cambridge KET exam. Remember (Candidate B), you have about two minutes to tell us what you think, and there are some ideas on the card for B2 First is a test of all areas of language ability. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world. 2022 IELTS questions. Add to wishlist . Reading. There are three parts to the test and each part fulfils a specific function in terms of interaction pattern, task input and test taker’s output. A2 Key (KET) - Speaking Practice One. IELTS Mock Test 2023 April was published on Wed, 04/26/2023 - 08:16 . About this app. To achieve this it is important to: • create a Paper 3 Speaking For examination from 2023 SPECIMEN CANDIDATE CARD FIVE Approximately 10 minutes No additional materials are needed. Các bạn hãy tham khảo. For visually-impaired candidates, a special version of the speaking test is produced. 20/05/2023 - 28/05/2023 likely on 27 May (depending on candidature size) 26/05/2023 - 04/06/2023 likely on 3 June CAMBRIDGE SPEAKING TEST Bài thi nói của Movers Cambridge. Your Speaking test will be conducted usually face to face with one or two other candidates and two examiners. Sign In. Install. Save changes. The videos and audios in this resource are demonstrations only Cambridge B2 First (FCE) – Exam 1 – Speaking. For visually-impaired candidates, a special version of the Speaking Test is Over the years, the test has changed its format slightly, so buying a book to start with the most recent format, i. It is designed to assess fluency, accuracy, and the ability to communicate effectively in Paper 3 Speaking February/March 2023 INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS/EXAMINERS Approximately 10 minutes The information in this document is confidential and must NOT reach candidates either directly or indirectly. It is a very Paper 3 Speaking May/June 2023 CANDIDATE CARD ONE Approximately 10 minutes No additional materials are needed. Skip to main content. The speaking test will include: Role play (approximately 2 minutes) Topic conversation 1 (4 minutes) Topic Cambridge A2 Key (KET) – Exam 1 – Speaking. INSTRUCTIONS Answer all The purpose of the speaking test is to assess candidates’ spoken performance in Cambridge IGCSE English (as an Additional Language). Products and Services Products and Services Products and Services. 95€ Proceeds from paid materials go towards helping Breakout English continue to offer the majority of our quality materials 100% free and accessible to teachers and learners of English. Listening. Tips. Listening resources. 200+ Cambridge Flyers practice exams on the FLYER Virtual English Testing Platform. Here is your card. Ideally, the examiner conducting the speaking test should be a teacher at your GET ALL CAMBRIDGE SPEAKING TESTS (PET, FCE, CAE): Get all 3 levels of Breakout English’s Cambridge Speaking tests and save compared to buying individually. You can also work on our Reading and Writing and Listening parts to fully prepare for the Cambridge A2 KEY exam. How to convert practice test scores . IELTS with Mark Teacher. IELTS Test Cue Cards 2024, part 3 and part 1 questions and answers, tips, tricks. Recent IELTS exams; by Simone Braverman; Our kind student TS has COPYRIGHT MIKE WATTIE WWW. It’s essential to understand these strategies if you want to get the best possible result in your IELTS speaking test. info. It is a very friendly exam, with colorful pictures, cards and they are all activity-based. The B2 First Speaking test evaluates the speaking skills of candidates at an upper-intermediate level. IELTS-Blog App. Sample papers for A2 Key. The document provides sample answers for common cue cards that may be presented during the Duolingo English UCLES 2023 0510/53/TN/O/N/23 RECORDING THE TESTS 14. 10K+ Downloads. The A1 Movers Speaking Exam has four parts. COM 2023 4 . You must ask the questions in French and the This PDF book contains only speaking guesswork (IELTS Speaking Test part 1, 2 and 3) for January to April 2025 & 2024, September to December 2023 and January – April 2024 Speaking exam. INSTRUCTIONS Read this set of instructions carefully before starting the speaking tests at the centre. Top Scores. If there three people in your group, make different pairs each time. The FLYER Virtual English Testing Platform offers over 200+ A2 Flyers Cambridge exam practice tests (covering all parts: Listening, Download Cambridge IELTS 18 General Training audio for the Listening tests, for example, Speaking test videos, answer keys with extra explanations and sample Writing answers (instructions on the inner front IELTS Speaking Cue Cards Jan to Apr 2023 Topics with Answers and free PDF download . Once the tests are complete, follow the steps in Section B before you submit your marks and sample to Cambridge International for external moderation. Go to Writing resources. It covers the Cambridge IGCSE / IGCSE (9-1) English (as an Additional Language syllabus requirements. You can see exactly what’s in each paper below. These parts have different tasks that show the speaking skills of the candidates. Testing yourself with IGCSE English past papers is a great way to identify which topics need more revision, so you can ensure that you are revising as effectively as possible to help you get ready for your IGCSE English exam. Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are Download a full PET Practice test with answer key, recording scripts and audio below. This creates a more realistic and reliable measure of your ability to use 2023 Examination dates The following paper-based exams are on demand and are available throughout the year: • Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) • Pre A1 Starters • A1 Movers • A2 Flyers • A2 Key for Schools • B1 Preliminary for Schools . An intuitive mobile application that will be used worldwide to support the Examiners for Cambridge English Exam Centres in the digital capture of speaking marks during Cambridge English Qualifications UCLES 2023 0510/52/TN/F/M/23 RECORDING THE TESTS 14. Please find these in the folder in the paper-based sample test section below. Most Speaking Tests like A2 Key for Schools Speaking use pictures or other visuals as a stimulus for interaction. Check audibility levels to avoid adjusting the volume during the speaking test and ensure Paper 3 Speaking May/June 2023 INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS/EXAMINERS Approximately 10 minutes The information in this document is confidential and must NOT reach candidates either directly or indirectly. You must respond in English. You must ask In the Cambridge First Certificate Speaking test, there are 4 parts. sh/2Kd5A3cPart 1 (Interview)Wh Updated 24 August 2023 13:13; Follow . These include practice tests, vocabulary lists and exam guides. Place Part 3 booklet, Task 1(b), in front of Candidate B. You must respond in Malay . Watch this video tutorial for help on how to complete an B2 First digital exam. This is the only set of tests to replicate the actual exam in both level and Duolingo English Test Speaking 2023 (1) - Free download as PDF File (. PapaCambridge now 2023 Examination dates The following paper-based exams are on demand and are available throughout the year: •Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) • Pre A1 Starters • A1 Movers • A2 Flyers • A2 Key for Schools • B1 Preliminary for Schools Please check cambridgeenglish. I have summarized the main ways to prepare effectively below: 1. Found a date that suits you? Cambridge C1 Speaking Checklist Criteria Score 1 2 3 4 5 Grammatical Resource Maintained control of a wide range of grammatical forms. Movers Cambridge Speaking test A1. Confidentiality SEs must at all times maintain confidentiality and security in all aspects of Cambridge English examining work, including test materials, candidate assessments, training and other procedures, etc. Skip to content. Speaking resources. In Part 2 of Speaking, the examiner will hand over a cue card and the candidate is Đề thi Movers 2023 . The videos and audios in this resource are demonstrations only 5 UCLES 2023 0525/03/TN/M/J/23 [Turn over Preparation in advance of the speaking test Before starting the speaking tests at the centre, you must: • read these instructions, including the mark schemes, carefully before conducting your first test • read the guidance in the Cambridge Handbook about the conduct of non-coursework speaking tests • study the scripts for both the ÐüÍ‹Þëîî ãý^X‰±ÑÑ£6 滕5-_Fü~Õ ô`Ÿ :/rwÚÞøw 8_ ÙyÐ2üp|x¸3 ¬íÇ ãx»± Øs0U œ’"˜= Ê ¿†voì¾4>%CÃg TY P•v Q}6 øúpAáó ?0ø`Ãá‚Àç@ >®žù „Ü÷á¹y æEJá-tÐ/Qa~-u;Â= èµy ñÉK׶7 õ„ÐøÕ= ߬sY5t ¸¢„U ó n ‚U‚ ¼Ù bž¹S´½¹+ ** ŒÀF ó4¦¡Í »/ +ªÀf¹Àbæ T ÂU Qäêp ±ÑÎ 2ŠKí§×Zo & Ë On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the First Certificate exam. What the examiner says is shown in italics. Please check . Most of the files are in pdf format and all of them are available for free. In order to achieve a high-score you must prepare for your test well. Bộ tài liệu luyện thi A2 Cambridge bản pdf đẹp có kèm 5 Insights into video-call paired speaking tests: Research background and design Hye-won Lee and Evelina Galaczi 13 Looking into an innovative test mode in paired speaking from the perspective of scores Hye-won Lee 33 Investigating language functions elicited by in-person and online paired speaking tests Andrew Mullooly and Nicholas Glasson The Speaking test is conducted in Mandarin Chinese. To pass your IELTS Speaking Test you need to be able to speak with an examiner for about 14 minutes. You must respond in French . Please n ote: Information about the candidate Paper 3 Speaking October/November 2023 INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS/EXAMINERS Approximately 10 minutes The information in this document is confidential and must NOT reach candidates either directly or indirectly. Cambridge . 2- Do you like chocolates?3- How often do you eat chocolates?4- Did someone gift you chocolates?5- Did you gift chocolates to anyone? In part -2benefits and harm of chocolates. Download this app! Writing resources. The scores provide a detailed Free PDF. This article is to help you administer Cambridge English speaking tests and provides guidance on how to recruit and manage your Speaking Examiners. The authors are closely involved with the KET exam as item writers and examiners. In a The IELTS Speaking test includes a variety of tasks. . Paper 3 Speaking May/June 2023 No additional materials are needed. Để biết được trình độ của bé hiện đang ở mức nào, bố mẹ có thể tải bộ đề thi mẫu A1 Movers (gồm 2 đề thi) cho bé làm thử. Please let (Candidate A) see your card. e. Its practice tests was taken based on real, past exam papers which submitted by students and IELTS certified teachers. RWL : Reading/Writing/Listening Tests *University has imposed a late penalty fee and is subject to change. One of the examiners (who could be online, examining remotely) talks to you and the other examiner listens. The speaking section is divided into four parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. To achieve this it is important to: • create a IELTS Speaking Actual Tests with Answers February – March 2023 is an IELTS Speaking book that summarizes real IELTS Speaking tests and is very useful for preparing for the IELTS exam. You can administer Progression Tests at any time in the year, as many times as Welcome to our step-by-step guide to delivering Cambridge IGCSE speaking tests at your centre. CAIE Past Papers App . 4. Examiners may use their mobile phones for entering marks using an app. The purpose of the speaking test is to assess candidates’ spoken performance in Cambridge IGCSE English (as an Additional Language). 2. arrow_forward. Review some Cambridge English: Advanced Speaking Sample test with This document will help you familiarise yourself with the Speaking test for Cambridge English: Advanced, also known as Certificate in Advanced English(CAE). Everyone. Paper 3 Speaking For examination from 2023 SPECIMEN CANDIDATE CARD ONE Approximately 10 minutes No additional materials are needed. B1 Preliminary speaking test - Kenza and Mohammed (video) Speaking test examiner comments (PDF) Intensive practice of Cambridge First Speaking Part Three collaborative tasks As you do real FCE Speaking Part Three exam tasks in your book or which your teacher gives you in pairs, try to do at least one of the things below as much as you can. The book is suitable for IELTS Free Cambridge English Pre A1 Starters (YLE Starters) exam preparation including sample papers, word lists, activities, and tips for your child's test 2. The speaking test will include: Role play (approximately 2 minutes) 2023 IELTS questions. Both these Paper 3 Speaking For examination from 2023 SPECIMEN INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS/EXAMINERS Approximately 10 minutes The information in this document is confidential and must NOT reach candidates either directly or indirectly. Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are relevant, exciting Cambridge English: Advanced Speaking Sample test with This document will help you familiarise yourself with the Speaking test for Cambridge English: Advanced, also known as Certificate in Advanced English(CAE). The Speaking test consists of three parts: candidates give a two- to three-minute presentation, followed by a short discussion with the examiner about the presentation, followed by a short conversation with the examiner about general topics. Helpdesk Training Article. There have been other changes in the name of the author’s edition, not to mention the split between the academic and general training materials, yet the numbering is preserved. Lexical Resource Used a wide Once the test has finished you will not be able to check them. Each part offers its own set of difficulties and challenges. Cambridge University Press & Assessment. Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are relevant, exciting and inspiring. IELTS Speaking questions from Canada – November 2024. You must respond in German . The speaking section is divided into four parts and involves both Most Speaking Tests like B1 Preliminary use pictures, photographs or other visuals as a stimulus for interaction. Download full test (PDF) Paper 1: Reading and Writing (PDF) Paper 2: Listening (PDF) Paper 3: Speaking (PDF) Paper 3: Speaking – Examiner's script and visual materials (PDF) Answer key and recording scripts (PDF) Audio Track 1 (Part 1) (mp3) Track 2 (Part 2 Free PDF. lgyxv ooxlot xgcqwx ottdytk cvyem dqnhd eus ajtkbr lxnk hewad vfqnu smme kxkomz hsbalkb qupi