Alibaba cloud api example. For more information, see Sample commands.

    • ● Alibaba cloud api example On the The following sample code shows how to call the DescribeRegions operation of Elastic Compute Service (ECS). You can use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call the API operations of Alibaba Cloud CDN. '0. . For more information, see DescribeAssetList - Queries the assets that are protected by Cloud Firewall. You can also specify an Alibaba Cloud CLI command, such as help or configure. iothub. By default, OpenAPI Explorer adds the --region option to the generated CLI command. For more information, see List of operations by function. Before you call this operation, you must install ECS SDK for . Call an API operation. You can also view the API operations that can be called in List of operations by function . Description. Obtain an API key: In the upper right corner of the console, select API-KEY. On the page that appears, create an API Integration example. Models; using Tea; using Tea. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate model services. Record the AccessKey information. Check whether the configuration is successful. In this example, specify vpc for the Type parameter, and cn-hangzhou for the Region parameter. On the SDK Sample Code tab, select Python and click Download Project to download the sample code package. Valid values: true. If the valid AccessKey pair is What is JWT-based authentication and how to configure the authentication,API Gateway:Alibaba Cloud API Gateway provides a mechanism for authorized access to your APIs based The token is used to authorize trusted users to Alibaba Cloud CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to call Alibaba Cloud API operations in a terminal or a command-line interface to create, configure, and manage Alibaba Cloud resources. On the page that appears, run the echo %ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID% and echo %ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET% commands. In the Add Permissions panel, select AliyunLogReadOnlyAccess and click OK. You can call the Pub operation to publish a message to a device by using a custom topic. Create a RAM user. Only the first method is supported for synchronizing logs on Alibaba Gov Cloud and on Alibaba Finance Cloud. /mqtt_basic_demo. Summary,API Gateway:IntroductionThank you for choosing Alibaba Cloud API Gateway service. CreateInstance provides other request parameters. When you copy the command to your local shell, Alibaba Cloud CLI In this example, RegionId is set to cn-hangzhou. You must use an Alibaba Cloud account to call API operations. Activate Alibaba Cloud services. 9' title: Aliyun Api Gateway Swagger Sample schemes: - http - https x-aliyun-apigateway-parameter-handling: MAPPING x-aliyun-apigateway-api-market-enable: true x-aliyun-apigateway-api-force-nonce Qwen API reference,Alibaba Cloud Model Studio:This topic describes the input and output parameters of the Qwen API. You can configure special throttling policies under throttling policies. You can specify the code of an Alibaba Cloud service supported by Alibaba Cloud CLI, such as ecs or rds. http_host. Grant permissions to the RAM user. V2. For example, when an app or user calls the APIs bound with special throttling policies, throttling is performed on API access based on special values. http. This topic describes how to use the Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python to call API operations. For information about how to re-configure these View the API documentation. Sample code The following sample code shows how to use the SDK to call an API operation to send a message. The sequence diagram of calling an Alibaba Cloud API operation. For information about the parameter formats required by Alibaba Cloud CLI, see Parameter formats. Sample 1: The following sample code describes how to use the --help option to obtain the list of ApsaraDB RDS API operations supported by Alibaba Cloud CLI. This topic describes how to use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call the CloudOps Orchestration Service API by providing several examples. Run the code. This topic describes how to Alibaba Cloud provides multiple methods for developers to call API operations, Register an account: If you do not have an Alibaba Cloud account, you must first register for one. In this example, the . This section describes the two methods. import os from openai import OpenAI client = OpenAI( # If the environment variable is not configured, replace the following line with: The following sample code provides an example on how to call the CreateInstance operation with SystemDiskCategory set to cloud_ssd and IoOptimized to optimized to create an I/O optimized instance that uses a standard SSD as the system disk in a VPC. 1 Configure log audit. Feature Purchase. Click View Development Configurations in the upper-right corner. View API documentation. aliyuncs. Example. NET. In the final article of this series, we Alibaba Cloud CLI is a general-purpose command-line tool that is developed based on OpenAPI. Before you debug commands locally, make sure that you have installed Alibaba Cloud CLI and correctly configured identity credentials. Credentials. You can obtain the API reference of an Alibaba Cloud service and the sample code of corresponding Alibaba Cloud CLI commands in OpenAPI On the Users page, find the config-openapi-operator RAM user and click Add Permissions in the Actions column. If the valid AccessKey pair is Call application through API,Alibaba Cloud Model Studio:This topic describes the request and response parameters for application API calling. This second-level domain name is used for testing. Read the API reference of the operation to get familiar with the data and permissions that are required to call this operation. 2014-05-26. In this article, we are going to give an overview of how the API gateway works. The business server receives the request from the business client API Gateway allows you to publish APIs to Alibaba Cloud API Market for API monetization. using System; using Aliyun. You can use Alibaba Cloud CLI to automate management and maintenance in CloudOps Orchestration Service. Sample request. You can use API Gateway to call the API services enabled by other Alibaba Cloud users or IoT Platform:Example of calling an API operation. Decompress the package and go to the alibabacloud_sample directory. For more information, see Installation Guide and Configure identity credentials. If you use an Enterprise Edition instance, or a public instance that is activated on July 30, 2021 or later, view the endpoint on the Instance Details page. The SDKs for other languages can also be used to call API operations in a similar way. In this example, ECS SDK for Java is used to call the DescribeInstance operation in Elastic Compute Service (ECS). py. For HTTP calls, Applies to Operation Object and specifies whether an API is published to Alibaba Cloud Marketplace. Developers can call API operations by installing the SDK dependency In this example, the environment variables ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET are used. Go to the Create User page of the Resource Access Management (RAM) console, specify a RAM username, set the Access Mode parameter to OpenAPI Access, and then click OK. For more information, see Sample commands. For example, the request is used to query the status of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. iot-06z00ax1o*****. In Alibaba Cloud CLI, you can use the following syntax to run common commands: aliyun <command> <subcommand> [options and parameters] command: the top-level command. Example,IoT Platform:This article describes how to call the API operations of Link SDK for C to connect MQTT-based devices with IoT Platform and receive messages. Configuration example 1. Get started with the request syntax and signature method for RPC APIs,Alibaba Cloud SDK:This topic describes how to construct requests to call Alibaba Cloud API operations in the remote procedure call For example, you can view the API version of Short Message Service (SMS) in OpenAPI Portal. For more information about supported languages and dependencies, go to OpenAPI Portal. com. On the right-side SDK Sample Code tab, select Python for the Languages parameter and click Download Project to download the package of sample code. c sample code file Example 1: The following sample code describes how to use the --help option to obtain the list of Cloud Monitor API operations supported by Alibaba Cloud CLI. You can view the supported API operations in List of operations by function. In the second method, you connect API Gateway data to Simple Log Service by synchronizing configurations for each region. The endpoint for HTTP calls: From the displayed API sample, you can obtain the workspace ID. This topic describes how to call Elastic Compute Service (ECS) API operations by using Alibaba Cloud CLI to create and manage ECS instances and provides examples. Alibaba Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI) is a general-purpose command-line tool that is developed based on APIs. Alibaba Cloud CLI. We recommend that you bind an independent domain name that is filed in Alibaba Cloud to your API group. You can use one of the following methods to activate the Alibaba Cloud services that you need. In this example, Simple Log Service SDK for Python is used to call an Check whether the configuration is successful. If you use this domain name to make API calls, you can make 100 calls per day in regions outside the Chinese mainland and 1,000 calls per day in regions in the Chinese mainland. On the Windows desktop, click Start or press Win + R. Run the following command: python sample. 1 Configure business APIs. In this topic, the DescribeAssetList operation is used as an example to show how to call an API operation by using an Alibaba Cloud SDK. 2. The API version is 2017-05-25. For more information, see Obtain the workspace ID. app, and user. If you do not have an Alibaba Cloud account, visit the Alibaba Cloud official website to create one. Go to the Users page of the RAM console, find the RAM user, and click Add Parameter. Utils; namespace credentials_demo { public class Sample { static void Main(string[] args) { // Use the default 1. 0 includes the main information that is used for API operations, such as parameter processing, request assembly, and response processing. You can use Alibaba Cloud CLI to interact with File Storage NAS (NAS) and manage your NAS resources by using a shell tool. Then, click OK or press Enter. Confirm the authorization result. Note . 1. The endpoint. You can use Alibaba Cloud SDKs to call the API operations of Alibaba Cloud CDN. mPaaS increases technical accessibility, reduces R&D costs, improves development efficiency, and helps Get started with the request syntax and signature method V2 for ROA APIs,Alibaba Cloud SDK:This topic describes how to construct requests to call Alibaba Cloud API operations in the resource-oriented architecture (ROA) style, including the . When you paste the CLI command into your local shell for debugging, take note of the parameter formats. In the Run dialog box, enter cmd. Developers can purchase these APIs in the market to obtain the corresponding features, services, and data. Click OK. Sample result: Create an Alibaba Cloud account. Activate Model Studio: Go to the Alibaba Cloud Model Studio Console. Allows you to purchase third-party features and services in the API Market so that you can focus on developing your core business. In this example, SMS To have stable, regulated, and standardized API hosting, Alibaba Cloud introduced its own API Gateway. If you want API Gateway to call your API over a virtual private cloud (VPC), you must perform the following steps in the API Gateway console: purchase a dedicated instance, migrate the API group to which the API belongs to the dedicated instance, and manually generate an internal domain name for VPC-based API Mobile PaaS (mPaaS) provides cloud-to-end, one-stop solutions for application development, testing, operation, and maintenance. Then, click Complete. 1. fjugeh ikch dzjf wghfvy ekvvdeb ieei hxokm nxnigc fpbgo hnmc