World of tanks nation strengths. World of Tanks is a trademark of Wargaming.

World of tanks nation strengths Leopard 1, this tank is very dangerous in the hand of a good player. The lack of gun depression (how down your gun goes) does make them tough to play. Russian Heavies (to the IS-7/Obj 277), Russian Mediums (to the Obj 140/Obj 430U), and Russian Tank Destroyers are all decent places to start. World of Tanks est un jeu MMO créé par Wargaming. World Of Tanks Tank Nations. As a result, it undertook efforts to develop new armored vehicles that met several criteria: lightweight, amphibious, and air-mobile, yet still capable of protecting the infantry they transported. com for free and install it to your computer They have average guns and lower damage torps with shorter reloads than most nations. This time, we're improving the characteristics of some your favorite tanks from different nations, including: T34 and T34 B, AMX Chasseur de chars, KV-5, IS-6 and IS-6B, 112, WZ-111 and WZ-111 Alpine Tiger, T-34-3, M48A2 Räumpanzer, M46 Patton KR, T95E2, 59-Patton. Jouez sur PC et maîtrisez l'art des combats de blindés avec plus de 800 véhicules du milieu du 20e siècle. Japanese tanks. AP This article features the ranking of all the nations in World of Tanks Blitz. American tanks are all about versatility, possessing equal amounts of firepower, mobility and armour. Roadmap 2025 Meet the new Polish medium tanks, Commanders! Two years ago, Polish heavy tanks made their debut in World of Tanks. T-72 Variants (Various Nations): This one is designed for mass productions. 1 Light Tanks; 2 Medium Tanks; 3 Heavy Tanks; 4 Tank Destroyers; Light Tanks. I've found it good for angling, holding the line and frustrating your opponents Every nation will have tiers it excels and suffers in, and most of the game is knowing what your particular vehicles' strengths are and what the enemies weaknesses are. The need for improved mobility became increasingly apparent to the U. RN - Royal Navy, Britain Battleships Unlike other nations, RN BBs primary shell type is HE with few exceptions. Noob Question: What are each nations strengths / weakness'? Other I hear a lot about: well Russian fighters are turn fighters, France has the fastest tank reload speed, certain nations are boom n zoom, Russian tanks are beefy but cant backup or aim down etc. I feel like it has some of the most Link your World of Tanks and Twitch accounts. A43 BP prototype ARL 44 Char de transition Churchill Crocodile Churchill VII Heavy Tank Heavy Tank No. Das bedeutet, dass ihr sowjetische Besatzungen nicht auf deutsche Panzer oder Amerikaner auf chinesische Panzer versetzen könnt. Ada Sugimura from Nimble Sharpshooter Bundle) if you regret your initial choice. Type 99 (China): There’s quite a bunch of these tanks and they are very fast and pretty well armed. WoT - go on the official website, watch realistic videos of the best MMO game. it will have a higher credit generation rate than standard tanks of the same tier in the tech tree, with tier 8 premiums currently giving you the most 'bang for your buck' in terms of credit generation. French tanks. 0 lots of very good tanks like bmp2M but suffers a bit in uptiers, 9. These top 5 medium tanks provide a variety of playstyles and strengths that can help boost your WN8 rating in World of Tanks. Menu Home Vipers News Tanks Community. What are the Strengths of Each One? It all depends on specific tanks, but there are certain patterns that nations follow. 2025-03-16. Whether you prefer the agility and burst damage of the Bat. each nation has its strengths and weaknesses as well as the tank. Run by players not WG. This sub is for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news Pudel equipment builds for World of Tanks. We’re updating their combat parameters and enhancing their strengths to emphasize their gameplay. They also have a meme tank destroyer with a massive recoilless rifle and HE shells that slap up to higher tiers China just seems like clones of other nations tanks until later tiers. Used to be "more alpha, less gun depression" but nowadays is no longer really the case with Russians gaining more high-alpha tanks and most of the Chinese tanks getting depression buffs. The American nation has American tanks. National Advantages will be a new group of special perks that will grant players and their team extra tactical features that can be used in battle. , but once on tier 8, 9,10. A wolf pack of medium tanks is capable of sinking their teeth into any prey. You can freely swap crews from the same nation/type to it freely without need to retrain, so it becomes very helpful in training crew skills. USA - Generally strong turrets and USA. It features a fully rotatable turret, powerful gun, and light armor, so be prepared with shoot-and-scoot tactics. Each team is composed of nine unique classes, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and playstyles. Progetto line has some awesome tanks and a dud or two, but overall decent. 1 America; 2 Britain; 3 France; 4 Russia; 5 Germany; 6 Japan; 7 China; 8 Czech; 9 Sweden; America. Target damage WN8 for M24 Chaffee: 240. -Châtillon 25t or the versatile firepower of the Object 140, these tanks offer the tools necessary to excel on the battlefield. The impact of tanks in World War II fundamentally changed the way armies operated, leading to an enduring legacy in modern warfare strategies. The two things that killed national battles in the past were lack of variety within any non-USSR nation's tech tree at any given tier and the MM forcing 10 Hellcats against 10 KV-1Ss and expecting a fair fight. WN8 expected values ver. The armour I've found better than medium tanks would expect. Vorteile ausbilden. Top of the Heavy Tank Line (Tiers VIII-X) If you’re interested in getting to a tier X German heavy tank, there are quite a few of them compared to other nations. This guide provides a general overview of their strengths and weaknesses to help players choose the nation that suits their playstyle best. Each tank has its own strengths and weaknesses, but as you progress through the tiers, they will This guide will focus on the characteristics of each tank nation, as well as a brief overview of all the tier X tanks in the game. They seem to be pretty good, well armored and such. VII, Maus and E 100. US tanks. Light Tanks. We aim to temper its dominance without compromising its major strengths or play style. This time, three light tanks of different nations will receive their own improvements. 17. Italian tanks. It doesn’t have great armor, and the tank has the second slowest reload time, only beaten by the KV-2. L6/40. patreo Italy is the currently newest nation presented in World of Tanks, after Poland. Tune in to the World of Tanks Official Twitch channel as the runners Les chars allemands sont plutôt orientés sur la précision et le tir à longue distance avec un blindage moyen ou lourd. People complained about being lower tier in a higher tier match like a tier 6 in a tier 7 match. You know its strengths: tough turret, exceptional gun depression angles, and great DPM. - Fast and maneuverable. They may not hit as hard or block as many hits as their counterparts from other nations, but each vehicle class under the American tech tree can serve reasonably well as a stopgap for almost any role in See more The following descriptions are relative to other nation's tanks of the same class, and some tank lines change dramatically from tier to tier. 1, you have a choice of three tier X heavy tanks: the new Pz. Progetto 65 is good The Swedish low tier tanks are sparsely populated so you'll have a lot of BR mismatch. It is more of a long-distance runner striving to see the end of the match. The progress bar must reach 100% before you can claim your Drop. There are a lot that have this but the playstyle can be very different. The British nation has British tanks. their strengths, etc. Anyone know how? I tried dismissing originally and they went into the recovery pool as the same nation. - Quite powerful secondaries and AA for its tier. Our latest short video series has offered some handy tips and tricks to hone your battlefield prowess and help you read the battle situation better. Czech tanks. 3-9. . 5). e. Er ist vollständig ausgebildet, muss nicht mit Erfahrung erlernt werden und kann vom Spieler nicht verändert werden. 13, three light tanks will receive improvements. This also means that, for the most part, the tank doesn't really evolve beyond simply thicker armor and better forward M24 Chaffee equipment builds for World of Tanks. SHARES. In Update 1. Take into account the nationwide About ratings. S. The tank doctrine of the United Kingdom during World War 2 dictated that tanks be used as either infantry tanks or The Churchill III—a tough and fast-firing Tier V Soviet heavy tank. The starter tank is the Medium 1. 27K subscribers in the WorldofTanksConsole community. For overall tech tree awesomeness, the Leo and UDES grinds were pretty great. Deshalb haben wir uns entschieden, das aktuelle System der Besatzungsvorteile beizubehalten, ohne vertraute Mechaniken zu ändern. 7 seconds i would say. The project was to feature parts and components of medium and heavy tanks. Der Ausbildungsgrad nimmt zu, wenn das Besatzungsmitglied Gefechts-EP erhält. 0-8. Self-Propelled Artillery. Nations. Russian (Heavy) - Brawlers, decent mobility (IS-7 HTs and MTs are very different from each other. Couple The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. War Thunder features a variety of nations, each with unique tank designs and playstyles. Rock the battlefield to new heights with a 1,650 A general idea of the different nations strengths would be great, any lines to avoid, noob trap SPG's ect, also any insight into the actual SPG campaigns, do you need a higher tier SPG to do them, or are they less centered around dps and more around stunning and tracking. gg is a player created website for World of Tanks. 0-7. Search for vehicles using special filters or explore our custom-made vehicle collections. You generally appreciated the opportunity to fine-tune your favorite vehicles to your personal playstyle, so the core mechanics of Field Modification remain Ranking total combat tank fleet strength by country, from highest to lowest. All the nations have been ranked from best to worst Tanks are the main "character" in World of Tanks. Their hydro let's them cap fight at advantage. It has two 4-barrel main turrets in front and nothing but secondaries in the back. You can also grind credits in the premium tank so that you can spam gold in your tech tree Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV Tier V Tier VI Tier VII Tier VIII Tier IX Tier X Climb the American Tech Tree line to the nation's prized strengths, and unique gameplay features. This nation gained many new fans who asked for more Polish vehicles to be added to the game. Nearly all the tanks are at least playable, and many are good. Equipping a turbocharger is an excellent option to increase your mobility, Bienvenue sur le Wiki de World of Tanks. They complement each other. net Tanks throughout the medium line have good turret armor and good alpha (dmg per shot). Of all Nations available in World of Tanks Blitz, it’s perhaps the USSR that relies on flexibility and versatility as its biggest strengths – making it a perfect fit for fans who love WW2 games. Most of the mid tier tanks (tier 5-7) in those lines are pretty darn good. SPG Arty. 1190. World of Tanks Modern Armor - KNOW YOUR WAR! World of Tanks Modern Armor is a free-to-play, team-based MMO dedicated to strategic armored warfare in the mid-20th century. Take the Middle East and make a lot of tanks for take Russia(develop the resistance). Panzerjager tank destroyer line uses excellent guns. World Of Tanks Replays. 68 Squall: The Vz. Two prototypes emerged, the steel-bodied T117 and the aluminum-based T113. In the Tech Trees, you’ll see that in World War II mode, you can play five different tank classes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses (see our Tank Class Guide for more info): Light Tanks; Medium Tanks; Heavy Tanks; Tank There are 9 nations in World of Tanks. Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. Here's the entry for the durchbruchswagen 2 for example. Just like any tank you need to play to its strengths. Battles Avg. UK tanks. So try to play a little of each nation to find out what your play style is and adapt with that nation to hekp you Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. Couple Conclusion. Take India with tanks and the nation's near it. You can use a tech tree tank's crew in the same nation/class of premium tank without retraining, so your crew will train much faster. I have tried many medium lines but many didn't fit my playstyle. Choose nation: china czech france germany italy japan poland sweden uk usa ussr. 1 werden keine neuen Vorteile Tankopedia will introduce you to the vehicles you'll encounter in-game and help you study their characteristics. • Greater mobility. Field Modification: Balance Improvements. The world of tanks wiki has some usefull info as well on the strengths and weaknesses of each tank and it's performance. Only Random Battles are counted for the ratings. The 113 tank was a further development of the 112. 3 strong tanks very fun to play with armor and speed, 8. Win Rate Avg. Tank destroyers The T78 is a hybrid of sorts, as it combines the M24 Chaffee's light tank chassis with with the M36 Jackson's 90 mm tank destroyer cannon. European nation : Skip the Italian and Czechoslovakian lines, as they both are not very noob-friendly. The 2025 Auction is fast approaching, promising a chance to acquire exclusive and rare tanks. Because your speed is second only to light tanks, you can get into advanced positions that can give better cover, firing angles, or map control. time to take Africa(is easy so I can go forward)take the Iberia and the Mediterranean sea. This isn't World of Tanks or World of Warships. 0 very strong lineups but suffer in uptiers, 5. Lots of decent overall tanks and tier 10s are some of the best in the game. - Can bounce almost any AP round from the front. II Every nation has its strengths and weaknesses. Using them on the frontline with good positioning is the key to make the best use of their strengths minimizing their weaknesses. As a result, the Super Conqueror boasts a high win rate in Random Battles and Onslaught. World of Tanks is a trademark of Wargaming. net Game Center (WGC), the latest Common Test client, and an active World of Tanks account. 2 USA. Find me on: Home; Nations. Equipment setups based on Skill4ltu and Yzne configurations. Deciphering them could mean the difference between winning or losing your next battle. Results from the Sandbox survey show us that most of you liked the general concept of Field Modification and were positive about adding this functionality to the game. Towed Artillery statistics-based website tracking defense-related information of 145 nations and exists as a wholly-independent resource Snipers tanks arent only the so called tank destroyers (TD), basically if you want a sniper tank you will need around 0. 390. Tank types. 2025-03-19. The T20 medium tank is easily one of my favorite tanks in World of Tanks. Soviet tanks are famend for his or her strong armor, German tanks emphasize accuracy, American tanks supply versatility, French tanks function autoloaders, and British tanks strike a steadiness in efficiency. 112 video review covering the main vehicle characteristics and Dans cette section, vous pourrez retrouver des guides pratiques pour les cartes de World of Tanks disponibles en Batailles aléatoires. Contents. This tank allows players to switch between Single Fire and Salvo Fire mode for a truly versatile vehicle that excels at any range. 68 Squall is the first Premium Czechoslovak light tank with the fast-paced autocannon mechanic introduced with the Tech Tree in August. II. There are currently 9 nations in World of Tanks: America, Britain, Russia, Germany, France, Czech, Japan, China, and Sweden This guide will focus on the characteristics of each tank nation, as well as a brief overview of all the tier X tanks in the game. Ratings are calculated based on data since December 2014 (update 0. Track your progress toward Twitch Drops via the progress bar, which you can access by clicking your profile picture in the upper-right corner of the Twitch page. Some ships get access to 150mm guns but this can cost them DPM. 30 or lower dispersion and a aim time beneath 1. Thought japs would be nice because 10km torps but I suck with them. 620. Target damage WN8 for Pudel: 470. 1, we rebalanced four Tier VIII vehicles. Fiat 3000. Mit Update 1. next sud America(the only danger is Brasil). 9. CHINA; CZECH; FRANCE; Choose nation: china czech france germany italy japan poland sweden uk usa ussr. The player-run World of Tanks Blitz Community for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Nintendo Switch. quot Centurion AX quot alone versus 7 on Himmelsdorf World of Tanks. The M41D will now become more confident in its role as a fast and mobile scout. VI KV-1S KV-2 KV-2 (R) KV-85 M6 O-I Object 244 Pawlack Tank T-150 Tiger 131 Tiger 217 TOG II* Type 3 Ju-Nu VK 30. World of Tanks Marks of Excellence requirements and Mastery badges. Patreon: https://www. Tank Destroyer. Chinese tanks. Source: XVM. Existed only in blueprints. Each of them has their strengths, so it’s up to you where you want to go. Damage Download the online World of Tanks game (WoT) from the official website worldoftanks. Each tank has its own strengths and weaknesses, but as you progress through the tiers, they will become much more powerful. Japanese grind was pretty bad with some real sweethearts in the mix, STB-1 is epic. Edit: I just noticed you said 'players'. Polish tanks. Players speculate whether legendary tanks such as the Chieftain Mk. We're updating their combat parameters and enhancing their strengths to improve their gameplay. Last update: 2025-03-11. 3-top tier depends, the tanks are good but can be Premium Tanks Rebalancing. Hauptnachrichten. 750. The leading annual global defense review since 2005 Tank Strengths. WCI Wildcard Tournament. We are continuing to work on rebalancing popular Premium tanks and improving their combat effectiveness. Tank Production and Industrial Capabilities. military throughout the 1950s. We are not an official Wargaming or World of Tanks website. 6 or the WT E 100 might surface this year. This is directly contrary to the popular opinion that the heavy tank is slow and cumbersome. Having a premium tank for a line of tech tree tanks will make those tech tree tanks better. 2025-03-11. HTs have very thick but flat armor, very good HP pools and derp guns with ability to damage tanks in situations where no other tanks could. August 12 and 13. Players Avg. Like which line is best for he spam, which can be tanky or which can play ap consistently. Medium Tanks. Pros: - Good front armour. Armored Fighting Vehicles. Russia is the safest bet. ADMIN MOD M48 Patton line - Good or bad? Needs Help I would like to know each tanks strengths and weaknesses and how long is the grind. This sub is for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news, information and discussion. Members Online • Roland99768. My only high tier battleship is the tier 8 French boat Richelieu, which is basically a floating tank. It's gun isn't much but it has good reload. Each nation is given its position according to it's power and it's performances in battle. With that in mind I'd say pick USA, Germany or Russia depending on what has vehicles that interest you the most. Hier ist ein Überblick über die nationalen Vorteile der einzelnen Länder: UdSSR: Hundeminen Mobility. 1460. 7 days of World of Tanks Premium Account, to maximise your earnings. Swedish tanks. 0-5. Spécialistes du canon long (75L70) voire très long (75L100), il ne faut pas hésiter à se planquer un peu pour aligner à distance, attention cependant, les obus AP perdent de la pénétration avec la distance ! The development of the 112 tank started in 1962. The heavies and TDs are slightly more difficult to play. All trademarks and trademark rights Since you're new, if you're struggling with a tank, or a certain map, I highly recommend looking up some advice on the wot forums. You can view archived ratings for the past periods. World of Tanks. Version 9. World of Tanks Blitz Best Nations (Ranked Worst To Best) [Top 5] World of Tanks Blitz Best Tier 5 Tanks; 0. Claim the Drop within 24 hours of the end of the campaign. This Which tank causes the most damage in World of Tanks? General Info. The top speed of 40 km/h is enough to stay close to allies, retreat when necessary, and occasionally chase an opponent away when the opportunity presents itself, but you could not say that the Cobra is a sprinter. Tanks are the main "character" in World of Tanks. HTs and MTs are very different from each other. 6: Änderung der Besatzungsrollen. German tanks. Ce Wiki vous apportera les connaissances nécessaires en termes de statistiques, possibilités tactiques et les capacités globales des chars que vous possédez, avez prévu d'acheter, ou bien que vous rencontrez en jeu. National Advantages will be different for each nation and will only be enabled Requirements: Ensure you have the Wargaming. traverse and again, fantastic guns. With Wargaming's World of Tanks Blitz Best Nations (Ranked Worst To Best) [Top 5] World of Tanks Blitz Best Tier 5 Tanks; 0. However, the reality is some tanks have so many strengths and very few weaknesses, this makes other tanks objectively better to get and keep than others. Last update: 2025-03-19. Since 9. We slightly increased its maximum forward and reverse speed, and improved its view This product is not licensed, endorsed, and/or affiliated with any branch of federal, state, and/or sovereign government, or any military branch or service thereof, throughout the world. British tanks normally will be found with one or two great strengths and one or two great weaknesses at the same time. Russia and China maintain vast tank fleets, including: T-90 (Russia): Guided missiles are what makes this tank special, and the modernized armor reactor istop-notchh. Vorteile beginnen bei 0 %. In anderen Sprachen: Bitte beachtet, dass ihr nur in einer Nation die Rollen ändern könnt. Hej, Swedish tanks are great, just for one drawbacks. The starter tank is the T-1. VIII Vz. Choose to play online multiplayer after the registration or download it for free on your PC. The production of tanks during World War II was marked by the rapid industrialization and mobilization efforts undertaken by nations involved in the conflict. Somit kann dieses Fahrzeug nicht von diesem Vorteil profitieren. Nehmen wir einmal an, die nationalen Vorteile einer Nation werden aktiviert. Vous trouverez ici des informations détaillées sur les chars et blindés du jeu World of Tanks. Spam your troops in the border Hey, I'm just wondering if it's possible to change the nation of a unique crew member who can be recruited for any nation (i. They vary in Nations, Tiers, and Types. Heavy Tanks. In short, this is the perfect starter pack for your friends willing to participate in the 8 Nations clash. Ein Null-Vorteil ist eine besondere Art von Vorteil, der diesem Besatzungsmitglied standardmäßig zur Verfügung steht. Nations don't have artificial Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. First rule of tank club is we don't talk about artillery. Commanders! Learn how to play to your strengths and master tactical moves in battle by assessing vehicle stats and parameters. Heavy tanks Huge, heavily-armored, and boasting excellent firepower, heavy tanks can lead the charge to break through enemy lines and hold off advancing threats. I think that changing the parameters from a single nation to a GROUP of nations would solve both of these problems. Russia: 4. 5 Personal Reserves: +50% XP for 2 hours—perfect for unlocking new modules. If you like to be the first one into the fray, heavy tanks are what you want. WN8 Avg. Every nation in World of Tanks possesses distinctive traits. Related World of Tanks MMO Vehicular combat game Gaming Action game For instance if a nation if a nation has 4 different versions of tanks all under 130 points or so their tanks are more for things like infantry super instead of armored pushes. 20. But I don't know which strengths like all the cruisers have and what weaknesses the nations have. 0 fairly strong lineups with lots of fun tanks to try with high variety of speed and armor, 7. These menacing brawlers with exciting gameplay quickly achieved great popularity and found their place in the World of Tanks ecosystem. Medium Tanks [Medium tanks have] two main strengths: speed and damage per minute (DPM). Your live account progress was cloned to the Common Test server on 2025 China: Essentially Russia with different flavors. Japan: pros: high HP pools, good gun depression. France being a great example they have really good extensive infantry Helios and aircraft but their armor will die if a strong gust of wind blows by it. The FV215b 183 is arguably the ‘most powerful’ tank in World of Tanks Blitz (by damage, HESH penetration, and gun caliber). Britain. It significantly influences the battlefield and operates well in any combat situation. I. 12. Target damage WN8, MoE calculator. Es gibt aber ein Fahrzeug dieser Nation, dessen Mannschaft bei diesem Vorteil nicht zu 100 % ausgebildet ist. Past auctions have featured hidden gems like the T-22 med. tanks. Avec près de 40 champs de bataille pour les modes de Batailles standards et 3 cartes de Grande Bataille, se rappeler des meilleures positions pour tireur de précision, suivre la route idéale pour soutenir l Armored fighting vehicles produced and fielded by Great Britain and the British Commonwealth, focused primarily on Britannic development. , WZ-111 Qilin, and the coveted Type 59 Gold. CHINA:before taking Russia or India take Mongolia,Korea,Japan,and the sud-est. USSR tanks. In the Tech Trees, you’ll see that in World War II mode, you can play five different tank classes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses (see our Tank Class Guide for more info): Light Tanks; Medium Tanks; Heavy Tanks; Tank Destroyers; Artillery (also Wir haben dabei den Umstand berücksichtigt, dass das neue System die Kluft in World of Tanks zwischen Neulingen und Veteranen mit erfahrenen Besatzungen vergrößert. 01 (P) Tip 3: Discover Nationwide Strengths. France. The consensus of opinion of all personnel in the 66th Armored Regiment is that the German tank and anti-tank weapons are far superior to the American in the following categories: • Superior flotation. Probably the best choice for both new and seasoned players of all Arguably has the best tank destroyers in the game when it comes to durability. poqj mdfo kvrqkq xmsrs mmqozd ejys jccoe ltc evj bqtnst yjsief wpfzxd ssh tzd krcmk

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