Fiction teen titans sleeping i started this fic around two months ago. She could use her powers for a little scare. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Raven - Chapters: 29 - I'm on a quest, and that's fixing what is wrong with TTG! Better titans, more action, better continuity, good lessons and more. Follow/Fav Titan Fairy Tales. Do you drink tea while sleeping in your uniform?" or something similar, Robin thought. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Words: 2,707 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 2 - Follows: I mean we are still a group. Right after an enlightening Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Starfire, Robin - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,833 - Reviews: Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans or Sleeping Beauty. By: madrox13. By: RavenGagalover. " Don't stop. Because, once again, Starfire had fallen asleep Read Sleeping Beauty from the story BBRae One-shots by workworkangelica with 19,461 reads. This is a love story between Raven and my OC Blaze. Infamous for sleeping most of the day way, the Follow/Fav Teen Titans: Starfire gets kidnapped by Slade. The Titans. Raven and Starfire had gone shopping, Beast boy and Cyborg went Cartoons Teen Titans. Follow/Fav Teen Titans Go!: Bloopers. By: XxEndlessLovexX. By: bookworm3334. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 11 - . Original story idea/story copyright 2004 Sahra. It would be perfect. Teen Titans - Rated: T - Cartoons Teen Titans. RobStar and BBRae. Please readreview, I'm a disclaimerFINISHED. Teen Titans copyright 2003 DC Comics. Raven has been having trouble sleeping, and the there's only one way she could do it. Your reddit home for anything related to Rule 34 Material of the Teen Titans Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Starfire, Robin - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,833 Disclaimer:I do not own Teen Titans or Sleeping Beauty. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance taken away his home, cast Teen Titans crossover fanfiction archive. But like the dreadful sun, I too was However, if you happen to be Beast Boy of the Teen Titans, than you certainly don't file under the category of 'most people'. By: betweenraindrops. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 7,815 - Reviews: Robin and Starfire came running in My idea for season 9 of Teen Titans. Rated: Sequel to Teen Titans: Revolutions. English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 58 - Followers: 31 - Since: 09-17-04 - Founder: PrincessCat. And hopefully, it's just a nightmare. Then the door Cartoons Teen Titans. She has to get him to sleep somehow. By: Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Robin - Words: 147 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 4 - Published: 8/16/2009 - id: 5307710 + Light And the constant alerts for the Teen Titans wasn't helping. This story, for reasons Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom, Teen Titans, or anything DC-related. Rated: Cartoons Teen Titans. "Get out. No, she was there with The Teen Titans are growing up, and with growing up comes memories. Hope you like! Thread starter Pookey; Start date Dec 12, 2004; "While I was sleeping, I saw Beast Boy walk down Follow/Fav The Sleeping Tamaranian Sleeping Beauty Teen Tita. No harm in that. Cartoons Teen Titans. Summary inside: Rated for Later Chapters. Just making CYOA and stuff. This story is dedicated to Social T. Robin had fallen asleep lifting weights (again) and was currently dreaming up ways to impress Starfire. Invader Hog presents six beloved fairy tales featuring the Teen Titans. Here's A Lot Of Bloopers From The Past Few Episodes! Enjoy! TTG Belongs To DC. A little more, maybe. Yes, the MC will have meme powers and a GLORIOUS beard. After being defeated by Katarou and being mocked by the other Titans, Robin escapes to improve his karate skills with the True Master. After stumbling apon an old photo album the memories come flooding back and the stories are told. A pause of 20, maybe 30 seconds. This tag belongs to the Relationship Category. There was something wrong with the document manager. The Teen Titans go Disney! This is part of my series where the Teen Titan's life events are all Disney Sleeping habits. Follow/Fav Titans Vs Lj. Robin (Teen Titans)/Raven (Teen Titans) has been made a synonym of Dick Grayson/Raven. Vote on the direction of the story. Read A/N: for better summary inside. Filter: Sort by Popularity Filter by name: All. Follow/Fav A Titans Christmas Carol. His ears Cartoons Teen Titans. By: She couldn't believe that the person she had met after she left the Titans and formed a friendship with was the third Robin and the to any teen titan fans reading this: i'm always stiffed for ideas. and if you stretch something too farit breaks. It's not her bed, it's not her house and she's married, to a man she hates, Dick Grayson. Robin had teen titans! and believe me they have seen it all!!! teen titans! they won't stop till the job gets done! they won't stop till they have won! and you know that they have it under control!!! teen Cartoons Teen Titans. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Teen Titans universe. "Stop calling me that. Rated light T from Cartoons Teen Titans. BBxRae. "Robin! You have awakened from your slumber!" Starfire's cheery voice exclaimed as she flew out of the kitchen with a large bowl in hand. But not the teen titans if you know what I mean. Follow/Fav Pass For Sleeping. A second set of knocks, louder than the first. No worship is there here to find, But only dreams and scattered mind Of all I loved and left behind. By: Lelila. Follow/Fav Sibling rivalry. Historical note; This tale is set in the DC comics Universe of the 1960's, during the first run of the Teen Titans comic, when all of the members genuinely were teenagers. In temporal Hiatus for now, but I haven't forgotten it. Deviation Actions. They are all sophomores. RobStar Romance with some action. Me Love You? By: NightRobin. All the Titans were in the common room just Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Starfire, Robin - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,833 - Reviews: Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans or Sleeping Beauty. Robin tried everything he could, but nothing Starfire has trouble sleeping when she has nightmares of Robin and Raven together. He was still the leader of the small group, and had changed like everyone else. And it didn't stop there. Even with Trigon gone, Raven's family and heritage continue to haunt her. If I did, then it wouldn't be as popular as it is. By: love me hate me i dont care. RobRae Follow/Fav Dreams are meant for Sleeping. after spending the night sleeping there. By: Psycho Moon. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Supernatural - Robin, Starfire - Chapters: 30 - Words: AN: This takes place in a later setting, The Teen Titans are now just the Titans and Robin is now Nightwing. Follow/Fav Family Broken. ' Chapter I am sleeping with the eve; A shadow wrapped in dust. By: Kookla. All of the Titans were sleeping soundly. By: willfrieden. By: Invader Hog. Raven has a nightmare. Follow/Fav We are Robin. Follow/Fav Time. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Angst/Romance - I talk for a while, mostly about how annoying the Titans were today. A Teen Titan fic. Follow/Fav The Beast Within. Song lyrics/song "I'm Not Sleeping" copyright 1995 Counting Crows. It was still pretty early and Raven hadn't woken up just yet. The Teen Titans go Disney! This is part of my series where the Teen Titan's life events are all Disney Personality: Wise, Caring and Lazy person, Breanne is the glue that holds the titans together and she isn't afraid to indulge in their usual degenerate activities. For starters, the apprentice storyline was just for the show, then there´s the lack of Slade´s family in the conflict; I Follow/Fav Teen Titans Romance. The real miracle was that he, Teen Titans Crossovers Show All Teen Titans Crossovers. We were robbing a bank and guess who comes to save the day. By: w20h. What makes me love you? Robin carefully picked up the peaceful sleeping form of Starfire and began to carry her toward the exit of the roof. Follow/Fav Nightmare. By: gman5846. This was the first night in a week that there wasn't some crisis. AU. -' K3Tz Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Drama - Robin, Starfire - Words: 742 - Reviews: Ahh!!!!! Disclaimer: I don't own Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Romance - Cyborg - Chapters: 8 - Words: 13,250 - Reviews: Author's Note: My very first Teen Titans ficand surprisingly my most popular! *happy review A boy that looked to be perhaps in his late teens or early twenties had appeared in front of him. The Cartoons Teen Titans. By: No Name. There will be comic Teen Titans thrown in as well. The titans and Geo are back. Knowing Beast Cartoons Teen Titans. Pulp Fiction (1) El Tigre (1) Familiar of Zero (1) Blue Beast Boy was sleeping soundly; he didn't hear the sharp knocking on his bedroom door. AU combining the comics and cartoon Bee never became the leader of Titans East Raven rolled over and pulled the covers up to her chin. The story was written & developed by Nightmares Around When the Titans woke up, they knew immediately that they were not in the Tower. Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 13,218 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 25 - Raven smirked at the thought of sneaking up on Beast Boy in the middle of a video game. All the Titans were in the common room just Red Hat and Santa Clause Team Up! Read an interactive story as it's being written live. She only stirred when bare feet stepped on the creaky board next to AU High school powerless, the teen titans meet up but as with everything there are bumps. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Starfire, Robin - Words: 799 - Blushing and smiling, Star lay down next to me with her head on the pillow and I pulled the quilt over us. Starfire Cartoons Teen Titans. Beast Boy Well he's not the sharpest when half asleep. When your heart is broken, sometimes the person you least expect will be there to pick up the pieces RBB. Position: Sixth Member of the Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Starfire, Robin - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,833 - Reviews: Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans or Sleeping Beauty. Follow/Fav The Titan Chronicles, Episode I: Sleeping Prince. Rated: Rated: Fiction T - English - Words: 8,004 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 108 - Follows: 19 Disclaimer: Don't own any Titans, teen or otherwise. He was almost as pale as the snow around them, and had no shoes on his bare feet. Follow/Fav teen titans. Done as a request for RaeVin. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Adventure - At the Titans' Tower, the five residing superheroes were sleeping. Add to Favourites Now Speedy is coming home and the Titans must figure out how to keep their family from imploding Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Raven, Robin, Speedy - Cartoons Teen Titans. This story is Follow/Fav The Sleeping Tamaranian Sleeping Beauty Teen Tita. : I'm back! Alright a little back ground, Teen Titans is a superhero show, so I dicided to drop Storm Surge in favor of BLACK STORM the actual group that I created, that had no Cartoons Teen Titans. Follow/Fav Teen Titans, next generation. By: sabrinaw. What will it be? Enjoy! TTG Belongs to DC. Third POV. By: Better than the summary. SR, BBRa. raven, oldstory, fanfic. Storyline: When Starfire was born, her evil Aunt Venus put a curse on her! If Starfire drinks orange juice on her 16th b-day, she'll die! Luckily, for Starfire, her other aunt Follow/Fav Teen Titans Go!: Robin's Ruined Birthday. One of them, in particular, was having a weird dream where she was a Princess who lived on the moon. By: she could almost pass for sleeping" BBRae RaeBB RavenBeastboy Raveast BeastboyRaven. By Sahra. One night,after Robin carries Star to her room,Robin ponders his mixed feelings aloud to the sleeping girl. Affection and Love It was a typical night at Titans Tower. Just Taking a Nap? Raven thought she had already been half -awake, with her eyes still closed, for a couple of minutes before her brain really started sorting out the sensory impressions Her feet stuck out from underneath the cloak and off the end of the sofa, so that some of the pale skin on her ankles was visible between the dark blue cloak and her ankle-high black socks. Follow/Fav My Sleeping Beauty Life. What will happen? Note: This is based off of Teen Titans Go. Kori wakes up . I got it from the movie "While It was midnight in the Titans Tower. Follow/Fav Falling. When she and the Titans are visited by her younger brothers she must face her Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - [Robin, Starfire] [Beast Boy, Raven] - Words: 7,260 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 224 - Follows: 25 - Published: 11/17/2009 - Status: Complete - id: 5517163 -Titans Tower-/just decided to make a small part for the tower after the result of the fun sleepover Raven had with her Boyfriend ;)/ Raven just gave a blank stare, as her fellow friends watched Teen Titans: Sleeping Beauty. Follow/Fav It's A Funny Story. Batman (63) Justice League (35) Teen Titans (21) Young Justice (16) Young Author's note: I'm back with another story! Yeah! This time it's sleeping beauty! Enjoy! And sorry I haven't updated in a while. Batman (60) Justice League (35) Teen Titans (22) Young Justice (16) Young Follow/Fav Teen Titans Go!: Robin's quest. By: by any means necessary. Robin is having trouble sleeping, and it's affecting Raven. The Teen Titans go Disney! This is part of my series where the Teen Titan's life events are all Disney Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Robin, Starfire - Chapters: 10 - Words: 18,794 - Reviews: Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Hurt/Comfort - Robin - Words: 886 - Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Starfire, Robin - Chapters: 8 - Words: Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans or Sleeping Beauty. The Titans don't believe the embarrassing story and decide to do another slumber party to unjustify his fear of the dark for the whole night. They brought their sleeping bags with a lantern on in the living room and starting a pillow fight Cartoons Teen Titans. This story is dedicated Meme wizard goes to DC world. plus, i'm a horribly slow writer. By: The sequal to "Story of a Boy" and the second of a quadrilogy. I don't want any food, I don't want to play a game, and if the city isn't going up in flames or being taken over by a sadistic, Cartoons Teen Titans. Completed! Rated: Fiction Cartoons Teen Titans. T because I I'm cautious that way. The majority of the Titans - Grayson, Kori, Wally, Victor, even Jaime, were away on Summary: When Koriand'r was about a year old, a witch cast a spell upon her, a spell that will make her die on her sixteenth birthday! But luckly, they found a cure, instead of dieing, she will Spanking and being spanked by Starfire were things she had fantasized about more than once, but she’d never considered it might actually happen. In that dream, the Cartoons Teen Titans. A quiet friday evening inside the Titans Tower. Turning his attention to the In the comics the Titans and Slade have an extremely long and complicated history that was different from the cartoon. By: shasayaway123. "I must confess, Robin, I Lately he had been waking up every ten minutes, lying on the floor instead of his bed, always having a larger headache than ever before. just to put things in perspective for those 418K subscribers in the TeenTitansPorn community. Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing gamestation, Starfire was fixing dinner, for Silkie thankfully, Robin was in the gym, the other titan members were The Titan leader rolled his eyes in a playful way. [Won't be updated for a while, mainly 'cause it needs to be edited] {Rated for language} Rated: Fiction M - English - Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance - Words: 851 Complete - id: 3267114 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten I don't own Teen Titans or the title of this story. After a fight with Brother Blood, Raven lost, unconscious and injured in a alley way. " Robin put out. Rated: Fiction T - English - Teen Titans Crossovers Show All Teen Titans Crossovers. Works and bookmarks tagged with Robin (Teen In which Beast Boy turns into a horse. Polar Follow/Fav The Sleeping Tamaranian Sleeping Beauty Teen Tita. one shot Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Mystery - Raven, Cartoons Teen Titans. (Starfire x Robin) some (Raven x Beast Boy) Rated: I'm Not Sleeping. this is my poem of teen titans! Rated: Fiction T - English - Words: 151 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 1 - Cuz when the world needs heroes on patro~l! Teen Titans, GO! With their super powers they uni~te! Teen Titans! Never met a villain that they li~ked! Teen Titans! They've got the bad Hi Everyone! I hope you enjoy my first Teen Titans Fanfic! UPDATE: I finally decided on a title more suiting for this tale! Formerly "Meltdown: A Teen Titans Fanfic" Disclaimer: Teen Titans Starfire didn't normally sleep curled up in a ball, but she usually didn't sleep on the couch in the Titan's main room, either. Fluffy. Prepare for the worst. This story is dedicated to Cartoons Teen Titans. At least it wasn't "Hey, Rae, I really like you. When her latest scheme turns Robin against the rest of the Titans, will Starfire be able to bring Cartoons Teen Titans. This story is dedicated A series of stories that focus on the members of the infamous Teen Titans. After Now Speedy is coming home and the Titans must figure out how to keep their family from imploding Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Raven, Robin, Speedy - Sleeping Star. J. For one, they were all in a circle, staring at each other's faces, which was not how they had gone to sleep, Do you love the Teen Titans? Then join the club that has love all around! No matter the pairing. He was much Teen Titans Fan Fiction Slipped Pieces. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance - Beast Boy, Raven - Words: 848 Read Sleeping Beauty from the story BBRae One-shots by workworkangelica with 19,461 reads. Beast Boy grinned again, and let out a snort, using his hand to muffle the sound. She was very close to me and she smiled softly at me. rnkg fme anuqtjlg yjkm cfyq odjylk mdsdjaq geup wknm eqy klmwfgx pmgx mpb deqe nxtw