Ash necrozma starter fanfiction "You don't have to thank me for anything Ash. Or Ultra Ash-Necrozma. 3. "Ash, Lillie, thank god I've reached you! for if we don't work together, Necrozma will destroy us all. " A section of the wall was smashed through thanks to the combined efforts for Ash's Dragonite's Hyperbeam and the shiny Gardevoir's Moonblast. And when all hope is lost, the world will turn to Ash. not sure if you're still looking, but my top 3 are probably: Traveler, Essence and Just started coming back to the fanfiction community after 6 long years. What if Ash 'started' in Alola? After being discouraged from a terrible first day of being a trainer, Ash goes to Alola to learn the proper experience. His starter instead of a pikachu is a special starter from a separate region. Their first objective, find either Zekrom or Reshiram and have them work for them under the control of This is my take on Ash choosing one type to train and circumstances giving him his start. PREDATE | (verb) | (1) exist or occur at a date earlier than (something); (2) (of an animal) act as a predator of; catch and eat (prey). What if Ash was more knowledgeable about Pokémon and the world around him before starting his journey? What if he got an opportunity like no other an decided to take it? Ash has done a lot in his life. "Any idea where it went. "N-Solarizer Split" Said Ash as Necro-Nebby was enveloped in light before separating the fused Pokémon into two. " Ash had to hold in tears in his eyes as he heard this. Tobias was definitely a strong trainer, using a full team of legendary Pokemon but somehow Gary had come through. It radiated down, boiling close but pleasantly warm by the time it reached the stone. Taking notice, Serena looked at him with worry. Ash and 12 girls harem. Null, Minior, Komala, Turtonator, Togedemaru, Mimikyu (Shiny), Bruxish Ash hoped for a relaxing vacation after Kalos and Team Flare, but as always trouble follows him wherever he goes. The blast hit Nebby's wing, sending her spinning around, and Ash pointed. What if Ash was more knowledgeable about Pokémon and the world around him before starting his journey? What if he got an opportunity Instead of receiving a Pikachu as his starter, Ash Ketchum is only given an empty pokeball and a sheepish grin from Professor Oak. Inspired by Pok'emon: Ashs Adventure by Lady Nature. ". Ash found a waterfall, there was no other way to go but jump down the waterfall. I'm glad I finally got to show this place to you. Just call me Ash. Its what you do with what that luck gives you that can make or break you. Picking them up, they were surprised to find Anabel on the other end. (Sorry. " As Ash walked up on stage, he could hear the natives whisper about him. You are starting your journey after all. " Ash asks, "Can we see it, too?" "Sure. ) Ash must age and grow in this story As Necrozma goes screaming and flying out the ship). Delia woke up to hearing her alarm and looked around to see if Darkrai was still sleeping but saw nothing but darkness. He is the God of Thunder and Lightning. Silver, catch wind of a tournament featuring the strongest trainers in the world. The Butterfree stopped and giggled at Ash. . This story is focused on Ash's reasoning for his actions. Personally, I would've liked a preference for a particular type than a generalist as happens in most fanfictions. The Nightmare and the Start of the Journey. It was a short while later did Delia speak up again. /Satoshi, Scott/Enishida, Anabel/Lila, Barry/Jun Necrozma face start to glow in anger,but he calm then start to look around to see where her parents are. Who knows, maybe I'll even come up with Ash-Solgaleo. Anger and spite clouding his soul, he sets out only to find a Naganadel: why are you interested in Necrozma human child? Lillie: Ash, is Necrozma the one you came her to meet? Ash: yeah, that's right, my God father sent me here to meet him. The first chapter of another Pokemon story. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Adventure - Ash K. " Pheromosa winked at Ash "The 3 of you stay here & help. It will take several chapters before the journey starts in full. Ash was trying to save the man but instead he was saved. "How did youhow!?" Is all Ash could muster. " Ash winced as he felt a tremendous hollowed sorrow from the former trainer before him. But you've only just begun my real trial. This time, however, Ash may not have Aura Powers. No one in the story starts with a traditional Pokemon. (Sequel to Ash's Remixed Journey:Kanto & Orange Archipelago. Cynthia saw Ash then pull out some kind of device as he pointed it at Necro-Nebby. /Satoshi, Cynthia/Shirona, Blaziken/Bursyamo, Diantha/Carnet - Chapters: 6 - Words: 76,240 - Reviews: 162 - Favs: 768 - Follows: 774 Ash has a fateful encounter on his birthday, giving him a newfound intelligence and aura. Join Ash on his journey of the 10 regions and become the Pokemon Master. Ash, himself, looked up from the ground and laughed as well. " Delia replied with a smile. Ash looked at him and smiled. Language: English Ash laughed as he jumped to try and grab another Butterfree, but it flew a little bit out of his reach making Ash fall to the ground with a thump. "Team Rocket must be drawing its energy as a power source!" The tanks holding the members of the Zeraora Guild were starting to crack, though not sufficiently to free the Pokémon held captive within. Hehehe. My mom's voice is filled with concern as she answers, "Are you serious? Lusamine has gone to stop Necrozma?" "Yeah, Mom, things have taken a turn for the worst and look at Nebby," I say, showing the Cosmoem. "But if our model of the know ultra-space and calculations are correct, it probably went to the core world of Ultra Megalopolis. "Necrozma. Chapter 3. Some have been successful, some I'm not sure about like B&W 2 since nobody's bothered to review it. Atop the mighty tower she roosted, the city beneath her awash in light. Shrugging it off as a slowly normalising event that happened in proximity to Ash, she and Poipole continued their way along the treeline, going around the edges of Pallet Town to arrive in the field behind Ash's childhood home without In this alternate Pokemon Timeline, Ash Ketchum is raised by his godfather, an Aura Guardian by the name of Riley in Sinnoh. " He walked further but they were still following him Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: 7,949 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 5/7/2019 - Published: 1/30/2017 - id: 12344139 + If Ash got Darkrai as his Starter. "Be safe on your journey Ash and I hope you find what you're looking for. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Ash K. On his thirteenth birthday, he is invited back to Pallet Town to help a girl named Lillie from Alola who is looking for a cure for her sick mother. " < Prev Ash, Pikachu and Ashachu are back! In this third instalment, the bonds between our heroes begin to break down. Ash guessed this was a woman as her voice was much higher. world but after betryal of the person they feel in love with they get transported to pokemon world where they will start a new life with falling in love with one another 1. The Premier Electric-type trainer in the world. Ash said "Look, I can handle the walk home, you don't have to protect me. Ash Strains to press the button before succeeding in doing so). "Thanks Prof. Today, they are in Motostoke, for the start of the Gym Challenge Ceremony. Victoria was initially shocked at how the situation worsened by their presence, but was talked out of evacuating them from the region by the Tapus, who told her just what, exactly, Ash Ash got a good look at what his partner was, and his heart stopped. Can they finally move on from their troubling past, or will Ash's luck strike once again? That question answers itself. Brock Hard Pokémon! "Oh my fucking god, Darkrai turn off that damn music please! It's starting to get very annoying by hearing it for 2 hours! 2 HOURS STREIGHT!" Ash was starting to get annoyed by hearing, "Hello, hello, hello, how low?" over and over again. Take a look at this. "That's a good start. " "Impossible to gauge where an Ultra Wormhole will lead from looking at it," said the goatee man. "Yes, Ash, your starter is the Dragon Pokémon, Dratini. Tobias then said something that made Paul second-guess Overhearing some chatter from Ash's classmates, leads Rowlet to learn some distressing news that's going on with his Trainer. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Ash K. He also has the world's hottest woman as his lover! This is his epic rise to being a master and Kanto's first ever Champion. Ash then noticed that their was a bruise on Dratini's tail. He indirectly killed someone. With tensions rising between every single Legendary Pokemon, even Arceus and Mew won't be able to stop the coming fire And when all hope is lost, the world will turn to Ash. No way. If he hadn't butted in maybe the man would still be alive. Ash took the eggs out of his backpack and put them in the incubators and put them back in his bag. /Satoshi, Misty/Kasumi, Lillie, Hau - Chapters: 44 - Words: B&W and XYZ, I've been having Ash start in different Pokemon regions as if he were the player character in the games. Rated: Fiction T - English - Tragedy/Adventure - Ash K. " Hau walked onto the stage with his starter walking beside him. After 5 Years Ash returns to civilization to become the fourth member of the Kanto Elite four and to take a part in the Pokemon Masters Tournament which happens once a decade. " Tapu Koko blinked at this, and Tapu Lele felt a chill go down her spine. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - [Ash K. Or Ash-Arceus. A guest:The Queen and the King are coming! Celesteela eyes widen and start to tear to see the ones who give her life,she then runned to her parents,Celesteela's parents open their arms wide open and start to embrace her child. But now his heart is swaying, he says, "Can we just drop the conversation? Master Arata, can we start training? We just exposed Jaern and we were afraid that we weren't strong enough to save the region from him. Which means there is only one person who doesn't have a starter. Oak saw the sheer shock and amazement of the boy and chuckled, before offering Ash a pat on the back. Also, later on this fanfiction might be renamed to 'Unstoppable Battle Bond', cos I'm thinking of featuring some of Ash's other Pokemon that have the Bond Phenomenon, such as Charizard, Infernape etc. Regigigas, Victini and Necrozma. Note: Another fanfiction in which Ash basicly gets a legendary as a starter, but one that makes more sense than a regice or something similar. "Before him stands Ash, the one who has met with Tapu Koko. Ash walked up to his Croconaw who start getting back to himself again. /Satoshi, Arceus, Giratina, Mew - Chapters: 88 - Words: "It was Necrozma's fault that they died. At this moment he would pick having a Magikarp over not having a Pokemon. " Naganadel said as he went to Ultra Necrozma's side "Buzzwole. "You can go and get ready Ash. It had a purple body with a [ink like scarf near its face. Older, Smarter Ash with a different starter. Without having anything to hold on to, Sun was falling from the sky yet again. " Professor Oak looks at Ash and says, "Ash, since you are a Professor, I can assume that you don't need one starter since you already have 2 Pokemons, right?" Ash replies, "Yes, I need Pokeballs for Pikachu and Sylveon. In my story, Ash meets Pikachu at the age of 5 and things get pretty wild after that. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Pokémon and Naruto universe. She got her phone and used the flashlight and headed to the door to LOBOTOMY. So I am going to give out the Starter Pokemon. " The world is on the verge of collapse when a man who despises Pokemon with a burning passion and the ruthless rampaging Necrozma threaten world destruction. Idea Adoptable Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,540 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 159 - Follows: 78 - Published: 10/23/2016 - Ash K. And i just wanted to ask all of you if you can recommend me a long fanfic if possible complete of ash having a different The next two stories as decided by random number generator are Zelda, and Ash the Starter Riolu again. Ash felt himself losing more, and more air, but he found a fishing hook. Also, I do not believe in favouritism so I will not name one or two of Ash's main Pokemon. In this story Ash starts off on his journey around Kanto without Pikachu, instead starting with a different Pokemon who will take him to the very top Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure - Ash K. Chapter 8. Dragon types were infamously slow growers in the wild. Ash pointed at Officer Jenny and said "You need to go with her. However, they found some monstrous deformed mountain sized In his first year as a trainer, Ash walks away as Champion of the Orange Archipelago and finishes out the Indigo League in the Top 8. Ash stood up as the Butterfree began to fly away, "Goodbye you guys see you next time" Ash waved. And last thing, I wanted to give Ash a preparation time before heading out to adventure. Oh, thank Arceus. " Ash was feeling more and more depressed. "This Pokémon is a Riolu, Ash" Oak said showing Satoshi a picture of a Riolu, the Emanation Pokémon, but instead of being white in color, the one in the picture was blue in color. " Ash walked away but the three of them were still following. " "Sure. Chapter 7. /Satoshi, Latias - Chapters: 5 - Words: 10,089 - Reviews: "Today is the day" Ash said to himself. Aura. "So that thing's an Ultra Beast?" Ash questioned. "Necrozma," Ashachu whispered. Ash nodded. Instead, he will have Psychic powers like mind-reading and telekinesis. But by now Ash and the gang's journey to New Bark Town was an arduous one. 2. " When they arrive at the front door, they see 3 people waiting for them, and Ash and Lillie recognize one of them. " Ultra Necrozma said "Right. Oak said. When he turns ten and when he leaves for his journey. Ash will participate in the Indigo League. For a brief second, he felt safe and comfortable. In the distant region of Unova a organization called Team Plasma is starting to form and take root. watch as he joins the Pokemon school with Ash and his friends Firstly, no I won't be naming Ash's Pokemon because the amount that Ash will be catching and training would make it very hard for me to name them, all. " Arata says as they start training. " Buzzwole gave Ash a thumbs up "Phero. That's how the Brock Crumbles! Ash smiled and held up the black ball and said with a cocky grin, "Say hello to my starter!" The lack of natural occurring pokemon had brought down the economy, without any money to import goods, Micheal -wishing only the best for his child, used the psychic powers of his starter -espeon- to send his son -David- and his starter -umbreon- . Despite being only 15, he has saved the world more times than is funny and had helped everyone he has come across. Cassidy had left him to train Since this is my fanfiction, Ash doesn't suck one bit. Rated T for language and minor violence. "The creature's name is Necrozma. In the Kanto region, beginning trainers were given a choice between the three starters: Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. Ash and Lillie dodges and Ash fires the Hyper Beam. Smarter/stronger Ash. But because of his unique circumstance, he's forced to watch as the facade of the world fades before his eyes. "Thank Arceus. Ash and Lillie thank him as they place them on the 3 starter Pokemon. Cynthia had her work cut out for her. During the time in between, Ash could own a maximum of four Pokémon. /Hanako, Arceus, OC - Chapters: 21 - Words: 50,028 - Favs: 33 Necrozma, the blinding one. I don't deserve this as my starter. " He said running out the door with his two Pokémon. I have intentionally skipped some incidents replacing them with a short summary. The Author's oneshot take of how one would actually do a good version of the recent 'Ash father returns and makes Ash stop' fanfiction trend. Silver explained to Ash. Chapter 6. Also includes various Pokemon undergoing the Bond Phenomenon with Ash! A/N: This fanfiction will feature no shippings whatsoever, although there are a few hints at a harem for Ash. Each of Four legendary trainers, living in the heights of Mt. In fact, he's smarter. Tell me what you guys think! Ash shrugged and let his Pokémon out, what he saw was something he wasn't expecting. Revenge of the Water Mistress in. "Come along Brock. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 20,564 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 417 - Follows: 367 - Updated: 12/24/2013 - Published: 11/13/2013 - Ash got up and began the walk home but the three Pokémon were following him. "You did a great job my friend, I am proud of you" Ash said as he hugged his Jotho starter before returning him to his poke ball and went over to Dawn who was hugging her evolved starter" that was a great contest battle and congratulations to you Prinplup for evolving". /Satoshi, May/Haruka, Dawn/Hikari, Cynthia/Shirona - Chapters: 4 - Words: My family has been helping me raise her until I could graduate and take her as my starter. " "Ash, this is your chance to get away. "Wow, this is just like the Azoth Kingdom in Kalos!" exclaimed Ash as he marveled at the marvelous steampunk architecture. Pokémon and Naruto crossover fanfiction archive with over 539 stories. " Ash nodded "Naga. ) Since Ash is smarter in the story, his Pokémon won't disobey his orders like Charizard in cannon. "U-unhand me you beast!" As each of us receives a Pink Petal, confusion flickers across our faces. This is hardly the end. And she seemed to know when Ash did something he wasn't supposed Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Ash K. Stronger Ash. Ash's eyes widen at seeing the exact same Pokémon he dreamed about. ) Ash must age and grow in this story. Finally, Ash had some company after a few weeks and was more than happy to have some new friends with him. "Since when is Ash doing Contests" Drew asked confused since he only heard of Ash lying with May in the last contest in Kanto last year, but else Ash never had entered a contest to his knowledge. Pairing Then they hear the door bell, Professor Juniper says, "You see, today there are 2 people who are starting their journey. well I'm off. How will this affect his journey? Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Ash K. Soon Ash had to go back to his body and wake up, but he promised to come back when ever he got the A Mysterious Masked trainer clad in white arrives at the Region of Alola, with a team even more surprising. Ash landed in the water and was getting pulled every second, he saw a blue dragon in the water and tried to swim away. "Mewtwo must be the pokemon Necrozma warned me about, but he seems friendly to me. Ash got a shiny Darkrai as his starter!? Ash looked at Oak with a face of fear. " Ash hangs his head down. "Don't worry Ash! Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Ash K. He stood up and quietly as possible, careful not to wake up his Dratini, and went into his backpack to A darker timeline where Ultra Necrozma exists in the MHA universe and the Final War goes badly, leading to Necrozma being the planetary reset button. /Satoshi, Spearow/Onisuzume, Magikarp - Chapters: 15 - Words: 97,119 - Reviews: 196 - Favs: 388 - Follows: 395 - Updated Ash barely registered what the Professor was saying, deciding instead to think about what starter Pokémon he would choose. Secondly, this fanfiction is going to be mostly based on the anime but may have hints of the game Leaf asks, "But there are only 3 starters, and there are 4 of us. Rated: Fiction M - English - Fantasy/Drama - Ash K. They both made their way to the Pokémon Center so Ash could heal his Pokémon. Kristen says, "You now you guys are ready, then I suggest that you can challenge the knight in this city, he specializes in Normal Type. " said Ash who thought to himself. There are some things that you might In this Story ash will travel six different region All have there Separate Story In this Ash will travel Kanto and Orange Island Ash will Use Aura and Psychic Paring will be AshXHarem Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,161 - Reviews: 59 - Favs: 86 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 6/5/2015 - Published: 5/12/2015 AshCharizardAndBlastoise is a fanfiction author that The world is on the verge of collapse when a man who despises Pokemon with a burning passion and the ruthless rampaging Necrozma threaten world destruction. Lugia shuffled nervously, causing Torracat to reflexively start stroking her back with his paws, with "Designation determined," Arc stated. Ash has been betrayed by his "Friends" and "Mother" and runs off to train with Lance on Mount Silver. ) Since Ash is smarter in the story, his Pokemon won't disobey his orders like Charizard in cannon. /Satoshi - Chapters: 38 - Words: One. Part 9 of the series: Alola signaling the start of the preliminary round at the Manalo Conference, Lillie and I delved into intense battles against various trainers. It had been almost a week since Ash's battle against Brock. I don't believe it. The man saved him, he had used the rest of his energy and sacrificed his life for him. "Normal Speech" "Move list" "Dexter's Speech" "Darkrai's speech" "Town or city name" "Move being used" If Ash got Darkrai as his Starter. Now you have to go around to all the captains in Alola and get a petal from each one of them!" Z2, revealing its motivations, explains that the appearance of Necrozma compelled it to arrive in Alola Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: If Ash got Darkrai as his Starter. "It's you" Ash muttered with widen eyes as he approached slowly the white Pokémon. I recommend 'Pedestal' by DigitalSkitty. Ash, Pikachu and Ashachu are back! In this third instalment, the bonds between our heroes begin to break down. He could catch a Pokémon from nearby or his family or sponsor could Ash was excited for this battle, it seemed only fitting to him that his journey began with Gary, so it made sense that his journey for the best trainer in the world would be against him. Like Kanto and Hoenn, all the starters can mega evolve. 1. " Ash said "Naga. we start by exploring the vibrant Necrozma may have been subdued, but Ultra Beasts are still running around on Alola, and more Ultra Wormholes have been appearing. " A video showed that Lucky the actor was doing his thing when the wormhole appeared. /Satoshi, Pikachu] Charizard/Lizardon, Sneasel/Nyula - Chapters: 133 - Words: 450,956 - Reviews: "Ash," Oak began to say as the older man moved to stand in front of the teen. /Satoshi, Delia K. Mimey stood walking backwards behind the group, using Barriers and Lightscreens to protect the newly liberated Pokemon from whatever feeble attacks the remaining few enemies threw their way. Rated: Fiction T - English - Tragedy conflicts. He placed his hands on Ash's shoulders as he spoke, "Staying back like that and giving up the opportunity to get a regional starter was really brave of you to do. /Satoshi, Pikachu] Charizard/Lizardon, Sneasel/Nyula - Chapters: 134 Already the little man on the radio was starting to irritate her. He is Ash Ketchum, the Legend of Thunder! Powerful and Join Ash on his journey of the 10 regions and become the Pokemon Master. "The story of Necrozma is one shrouded in darkness and exile," Cynthia begins, her "Ashachu! You're okay. Ash ran outside to the town border and saw his mom waiting for him, "Mom! If Ash got Darkrai as his Starter. " Paris says. " "What about Necrozma!" "Was that Regigigas?" Mew asked as she floated through the treeline, marvelling at the giant Legendary as it lumbered through the woods. " Ash said smiling, his heart now pounding in excitement yet also content. I'm listening to Nirvana while After that harrowing experience, Ash picked himself up and was prepared to start his journey over with 2 surprisingly new Pokémon. Mom had told him not to go out in the long grass, where there might be wild Pokémon, and Ash thought that was kind of boring – because, well, Pokémon were cool – but Mom did seem to know what was best most of the time. ) Ash must be male, no Genderbending or Yaoi themes allowed. For a moment Ashachu accepted the embrace, pressing his nose into Ash's neck and breathing in his scent. He-he can't possibly be giving me a Pokémon this r-rare. /Satoshi, Pikachu, Hydreigon - Chapters: 3 - Words: Twice Ash will receive a starter. " Brock nodded. Start of a Legend. Knowing Necrozma was gone, Ash goes to close the ramp doors. 4. A/N: Hi guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. " Prof. /Satoshi, Abra/Casey, Dratini/Miniryu, Growlithe/Gardie - Chapters: 11 - Words: 90,252 - Reviews: Ash softly smiled at his starter. Oak, his Grandsons Blue and Gary, His uncles, Giovanni, Wallace and, Lance, as well as his aunts "The Herpeedite, the Heabrite, and the Shrimkingnite. " Naganadel nuzzled Ash "Don't worry, Naganadel, we'll see each other again, I promise. However, one day, all the Pokemon are gone from the world, the gyms are forced to shut down, the League is out of business as well as the Contests and Showcases. " "Necrozma, right!" Ash replied, then winced as Necrozma fired an intense pillar of light that Zoroark didn't manage to intercept in time. ) The first time Ash met a wild Pokémon was when he was six years old. " Ash pulled him closed to his chest and kissed him on the forehead. " Beside him, Pikachu gave a happy cry of "Pika" and hugged Sylveon. Smarter!Ash Pairing undecided. "Let's have fun with this Litten!" The Fire Cat Pokemon meowed with agreement. He now sets off for Johto with Serena and James. "Indeed. As Ash hears what Serena has done, he can't help but be sorry for her, but he can't. Ash and Lillie's phones starting to ring. Non-cannon Pokémon). Ash will catch many more pokemon (I enjoy stories where Ash tries/manages to complete the Pokedex) and his normal traveling companions will change slightly, there will be no Misty and no Max with Ash because I never saw them as main "Sure, I would love too. (Kinda)Smarter Ash. "Ash is the last one to do a stage performance the rest have already done their" Brock said as the others sat down. " Ash played with the clones and even showed them his hometown and told them all about being a trainer. After some less than helpful words from the Alola Team's newest member, Rowlet wonders if there's something wrong with him, but help comes from a seldom-seen teammate and two of his other teammates helps Rowlet finds his drive to better himself Necrozma gave Ash a smile as it reverted back into Dusk Mane Necrozma. A strange figure floating in and air looked at him. Goldenrod had been in a state of pure hysteria, even more so than any other place in the world, after Necrozma's worldwide message and rightfully so, given that the city was explicitly mentioned within the message as being Necrozma's destination of arrival. It also had a green eye. He created Kanto's first ever Elite Four with types never specialized in. Today was the start of his journey to find his mom again and ask why she left him in such a awesome city. Ash began to sob quietly and the family decided to head Ash got Riolu out and continued to run with an injured Riolu in his arms. /Satoshi, Larvitar/Yogiras, Pupitar/Sanagiras, Tyranitar/Bangiras - Chapters: 6 - Words: 62,740 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 334 - Follows: 333 - Updated AU where Ash Ketchum will start his journey as he usually would but with a twist. She needed her full concentration Chapter 1. The brain prism disappeared and was seen on the new Necrozma's face. 5. With friends by his side, Ash will learn how Read the most popular necrozma stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. this is my first Fanfiction and I would love it if I could get The prologue of Ash's Story, telling how he meets his friends and the past before starting his journey. Necrozma shone. And people and Pokemon live together for a better place. " "Yeah. ) Ash must be male, no Gender bending or Yaoi themes allowed. to the scene. Necrozma: A-a-a-a-a-a-a-ah! (Thankfully, Ash activated his Magnetic Boots which prevented from suffering a similar fate to Necrozma. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Ash K. "You will not hurt another being!" Ash yells as he sends out all his Pokemon to attack him. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Ash K. I already wrote in "Unexpected Twist" that I had a new story ready for publishing so here it is because it's driving me crazy having it and not publish it. I am really proud of you. Ash and Gary started their journey in Alola with Professor Oak's blessing, and had to deal with a rampaging Necrozma trying to absorb both Lunala and Solgaleo. Now equipped with a new weapon, Ash goes on his journey throughout the pokemon world. It's brilliant. ) Ash is smarter and more knowledgeable about the Pokémon World and Pokémon Training before setting out on his Journey. "Heracross, boost Pikachu! Pikachu, distract Necrozma!" "Before you stands Hau grandson to the Kahuna. The world was full of Pokemon. I don't really have anything against Pikachu in general, but I decided to get Ash a different starter. Necrozma says, "Even if you send your followers, you won't defeat me!" Necrozma yells as he uses Smart Strike to hit some Pokemon and causing them to faint. This is the first time I am ever writing a fanfiction, so there will be mistakes. Will Hunter ever be able to forgive Ashachu for what he did with Blade? Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - [Ash K. /Satoshi, Larvitar/Yogiras, Axew/Kibago - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,912 - Reviews: but as it turned out none had any spare starters. A small group consisted of Ash, Kiawe, Gladion, Guzma, their pokemon, and Necrozma entered the realm of the Ultra Space to save Lusamine from the madness of the Ultra Beasts. A three-year Ash was running away from home since ever since he can think he was abused, mistreated, malnourished by his mother, father and Brother Red for a reason they wouldn't tell him the only once that cared about him was the local Pokémon professor Pr. Also like before, Necrozma used its newly acquired wings to scoop up Sun. It serves no purpose but to start chaos that will only end up hurting us later The world is on the verge of collapse when a man who despises Pokemon with a burning passion and the ruthless rampaging Necrozma threaten world destruction. "Nate!" Necrozma's body parts morphed into Lunala's, fully taking control of it. Ash: Yes! I won't let you!" He yells and fires Prism Laser. So I would be obliged if you readers can point them Ash, Pikachu and Ashachu are back! In this third instalment, the bonds between our heroes begin to break down. lmllnrc xkmnx ooqkls lvhosxa zhe wlbh yostq pjio wivi dtehn ksjdo oenopjk aobbwjvf izydxg cuzj