2001 volvo s60 rough idle. any other recommendations.
2001 volvo s60 rough idle The likely cause of a rough idle is a vacuum leak or split hose. I found this one: Torque Mount Bushing Rough Idle would make me think of maybe the ETM or the torque bushing. 4M posts 182K members Since 2000 A forum community dedicated to Volvo owners and enthusiasts. 4 non-turbo, 112,000 miles, just had Xemodex do the throttle body on it. 2001 Volvo T5 S60 Idles Roughly, hesitates at idle. All you need to do to calibrate the ETM is put the car in ignition position 2 and let it sit for a minute, you'll hear clicking noises indicating the ETM is resetting. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. 6 posts • Page 1 of S60, V70, V70-XC 2001-07; 850, S70, V70, C70, V70 Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, distinctive P2 platform 2001 - 2007 V70 2001 - 2004 V70 XC (Cross Country) 2004 - 2007 XC70 (Cross Country) 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. This is normal. 12 posts 1; 2; Next; johnrapier Posts: 72 Joined: 30 June 2011 Year and Model: 2001 Volvo V70 T5 Location: Fredericksburg, VA. Worse if im in gear at a stop. L My volvo 2001 s60 is running a very bad rough idle the spark plugs get compleately black and the tips are burn and - Answered by a verified Volvo Mechanic My 2005 Volvo S60 (2. Help, Advice, 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. Volvo Rough Idle Problems (ETM issues) - how to fix. The car starts with the Engine System Service Required, it idles rough, and even with the A/C 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. Last visit was: less than a minute ago . gregr Posts: 4 Joined If the same symptoms have now returned (stalling while rolling, rough idle, jerky acceleration), would it be Volvo had dual fuel vehicles but I can't recall ever seeing that equipment shown for the B6304Tx engines when I view parts catalog. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. If there is no change then that is a bad coil. Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, 2001 S60 2. After a few minutes, something kicks in and it runs perfectly. Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, distinctive P2 platform cars sold as model years 2001-2007 (North American market year designations). 2001 volvo s60 idle issues. You should get some kind of response when you pull a coil as the engine will not run smooth on 4 cylinders. Then, the engine will suddenly 2006 XC70 Rough idle, stalls. FAQ; Active Topics; Year and Model: Volvo S60 T5 2001 Location: United States. SOURCE: 1995 impreza starts but low rough idle Sounds like the TPS (throttle position sensor) at the throttle body there is a black box on the opposite side to the cable mech, looking at it from front of car place a multimeter into where the 4 wires enter. Post by Mihcaelmcmillan95 » 08 Feb 2013, 02:31. RPM will be around 800-1500 (sometimes up to 2000 or more). Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, distinctive P2 platform cars sold as model years 2001-2007 American market year designations). A rough engine idle condition is a common issue that many drivers face often indicating underlying problems within the engine, fuel or ignition system. Volvo 850/S70/V70/C70/S60 - Bad idle/Rough Running - EVAP Purge Valve Solenoid - P80 / P2 LIFTED 2001 S60 T5 *IPD Strut Brace Conversion, IPD Lower Transmission Mount, IPD Oil Cap, IPD Rear Sway kit, , XC70 Front Struts, 1" Subframe Spacers, Rear Bilstein B8, Stainless Steel Brake Lines, Do88 Hoses, Custom 3" catback - 4" tip, Race C-arm bushings, IPD Ball Joints" 2007 S60 2. Customer: Volvo s60 rough idle and hesitation on acceleration. It drops & gets rough in a rhythmic pattern. 5T Vibration/rough at idle only. Rough Engine Idle. 5T, Zimmerman/Akebono brakes 2012 Honda Accord So on absolute cold start, such as leaving it overnight, my 2002 2. It will then have a normal idle at 800-1k, then boost up to 1500-1700rpm for 7 seconds and plummet back to 800 for 2-3 seconds. 4. once it starts it has a rough idle for a while. ASK A QUESTION. 06 s60 surging/rough idle. There's no obvious pattern, but I've noted the following: - happens at any. 9 degrees) 3. 2002 S60 Rough idle. Jump to Latest 5. The car is in great shape and the swap went without any concern. Check Out the Latest Top Trucks Report! Help, Advice and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's P80 platform cars -- Volvo's 1990s "bread and butter" cars -- powered by the ubiquitous and durable Volvo inline 5-cylinder engine. now its running very rough while driving even on Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, distinctive P2 platform cars sold as model years 2001-2007 (North American market year designations). American market year designations). 2 Replies. 2006 Volvo Posts: 7 Joined: 8 September 2013 Year and Model: 2006 XC 70 Location: House. Engine System Service Required indicator; rough idle; stall on restart. 5 T rough idle, stalling , backfiring . i did find a boot coming from the pcv box to the engine block had no clamp put a clamp on it and no change. It is currently 09 Nov 2024, 08:42. I drive a 2001 automatic Volvo S60 2. Im pretty sure Volvo has redesigned the part. Help, Advice, I just replaced the engine on my 2001 volvo s60 2. The only thing i notice is thin white smoke and water on the floor. GUIDE. My 2001 s60 is stalling, rough idling, surging at idle, and undriveable. The last one was running great and then my neighbor who was going to buy it blew the engine. Jump to Latest 19K Have you figured out the problem? I also have Vibration/rough at idle only. It could be your throttle control OK – I’ve had my 2001 S60 2. So im having a rough idle issue. Come join the discussion about performance, builds, modifications, classifieds Volvo s60 2. 4t has a real rough idle, and will shudder from between around 900 to 1300 rpm. Hi, my Volvo has had a rough/hesitant idle now for a little bit and I'm kinda curious what could be causing it. Is it the alternator going? 2001 Volvo S60. The idle is also very low. 5T with P1171 and P0304 codes. try and put it in gear and it will go a bit, run very rough, and will stall out. 5T occasional hesitation and rough idle with no CEL buy it from Erie Volvo used. It had started surging rpms around idle ~4-5 months ago and it's progressively getting worse. 6K it stalls right when it's about to turn over and then after like five six tries it'll start. 11 posts 1; 2; Next; mipadesi Posts: 7 The ecm is shutting down injectors causing the rough idle it seems (ecm-532d). S60, V70, V70-XC 2001-07. by bschlage » 23 Apr 2015, 02:41. Lesson learned - Volvo engines are high performance engines, do Volvo Forum. Car would start fine and it would idle rough, like its laboring and misfiring (almost ready to die/shutoff). MSMCCORKLE MEMBER; 2007 VOLVO S60; 2. The car starts up fine and idles smooth when the vehicle is cold. 11 posts 1; 2; Next; pdavis Posts: 9 Joined: 16 March 2012 Year and Model: V70 T5 2000 Location: UK. Smartfeed; FAQ; Active Topics; 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. If i rev it up to say 2500RPM and let go of the throttle, the engine idle is normal or until i put in gear at which point it reverts to bad idle. 5T that is throwing a P0300 P0302 and P0304 OBDII codes. If your Volvo is experiencing rough idling, stalling, or hesitation, it may be due to the electronic 2016 Volvo S60 Rough Idle? RepairPal will help you figure out whether it's your Vacuum Leak, Spark Plugs, Ignition Coil, or something else. 5T, Zimmerman/Akebono brakes 2012 Honda Accord, EBC slotted rotors 2001-2007 S60; 2003-2013 XC90; 2004-2013 S40/V50; 2006-2013 C70; 2007-2013 C30; 2007-2016 S80; 2008-2016 XC70; When it loses its calibration, it can lead to a host of drivability issues like rough idle, stalling, and poor acceleration. Otherwise the car runs very strong. Replaced spark plugs. My wife was driving it. mkevolvo my 2003 S60 2. Help, 2001 - 2004 V70 XC (Cross Country) 2004 - 2007 XC70 (Cross Country) 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. It had started surging rpms around idle ~4-5 By chatting and providing personal I just replaced my son's stereo in his 2001 Volvo S60, now it won't hold idle, it stalls whenb decelerating. TCB - that's exactly right. LIFTED 2001 S60 T5 *IPD Strut Brace Conversion, IPD Lower Transmission Mount, 2001 S60 T5, 374K Kilometers It started happening a month ago. Do a search on this topic. It is currently 07 Jul 2024, 12:33. REPAIR GUIDES. Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, distinctive P2 platform cars sold as model 2004 - 2007 XC70 (Cross Country) 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. . jtklein Hi I have an S60 TS auto, when it the engine gets warm it starts to idle erraticly i have changed the air mass flow but it seems to have made no difference, although the car does seem to have a little more power when driving. 0T rought idle rough lack of power and emission service light - Volvo 2001 S60 question. Help, Advice, 2004 - 2007 XC70 (Cross Country) 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. What is going on with this car? 2006 S40 - RPM drops, MAF code, random stall Hi. All injectors ohm at between 14--15. During the rough idle, it almost sounds like the bassy noise that a diesel garbage truck makes when it stops next to you. Hope this helps! Then the car just takes off. com/forums/viewforum. Know about symptoms, costs ($375-$482), and user experiences. Jump to Latest almost 100% narrow it down to replacement of the mass air sensor but my reading says that may not be the case with volvoSo this is new territory for me. 1992 - 1997 850, including 850 R, 850 T-5R, 850 T-5, 850 GLT 1997 - 2000 S70, S70 AWD 1997 - 2000 V70, V70 AWD 2001 S60 Rough idle question Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, distinctive P2 platform cars sold as model years 2001-2007 (North American market year designations). S60, V70, V70-XC 2001-07; 850, S70, V70, C70, V70-XC 1992-2000; XC90 1st gen 2003-2014; SOURCE: volvo s60 idle sensor if you could get your hands on a scanner to read some live data it would help your plight,there is a cam position sensor when you take of the the plastic head cover at the timing belt end,did you check plugs,it also might help to clean the maf with some contact spray,sounds like plugs Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, distinctive P2 2001 - 2007 V70 2001 - 2004 V70 XC (Cross Country) 2004 - 2007 XC70 (Cross Country) 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. Do me a favor, shop with this 2002 S60 Rough idle but smooth at higher RPM. thank you its a 2006 s60 2. 5 ive had a rough/surging idle for a little while now. I had the same issue, kicking when accelerating off from the lights, and rough idle when stationary. On the scanner engine starts in OL, then CL, then quickly to CL Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, distinctive P2 platform 2004 - 2007 XC70 (Cross Country) 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. We have a 2001 Volvo S60 2. Search Fixya. BECOME A MEMBER; 2001 Volvo S60 Rough Idle. Idle is steady RPM wise at ~700 RPM. It will continue to repeat this process. 2009 and Below S60. 5 na Forum Search; Repair Database Search; Active Topics; Search; VRD Search; Volvo Forum. 11 posts Read the car with VIDA (visit an indie or Stealership) to confirm the MAF/comms issue (proprietary Volvo codes remain invisible to most generic scan tools). Problems / Volvo / S60 / Mass Air Flow Sensor May Fail The average cost for a Volvo S60 Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement is between $375 -$482. 1973CAMARO MEMBER; 2001 VOLVO S60; 4 CYL; FWD; AUTOMATIC; 148,756 MILES; Car runs good but idles rough and lunges at stop lights Saturday, May 15th, 2010 AT 12:54 PM. 1 post • Page 1 of 1. Explore common causes of rough idle in your Volvo S60, including vacuum leaks and spark plug issues. Learn More. 4T for ~12 years. 5+ Volvo S40 & V40 2000-2004; C30, C70 2006+, S40 & V50 2004 ½ + Getting an odd idle issue. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. 2001 - 2007 V70 2001 - 2004 V70 XC (Cross Country) 2004 - 2007 XC70 (Cross Country) 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R 2002 s60 rough idle. We've tried everhtjing- replaced the MAF sensor 6. quietcoolone Volvo / S60 / 2001 / Car has rough idle when air Car has rough idle when air conditioning is engaged. 4t has a very rough idle when starting. Yet I know it has a diaphragm issue in the PCV system. 4T. May 12, 2015. 5T FWD *Snabb Cold Air Intake, Full 3" Straight Pipe" BIG TURBO A/C allowed the idle to stabilize and I continued on to my final destination. i need help this is The most common reasons a 2005 Volvo S60 has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. Hi guys, I have a 2003 Volvo and I have a problem with it. 4t Location: california. RASMATAZ MECHANIC; 75,992 POSTS; Hi 1973camaro, Welcome to 2carpros and TY for the donation Hi all, This is my first time posting on this forum with the hope that you all might be able to help me with an inexplicable and nightmarish (and very expensive) experience (rough idle/stalling/power loss) with my 2012 Volvo S60 T5 Turbo (120,000 K Volvo Forum. P2 platform. If I don’t try to drive, and sit with it idling, it runs very rough and I have a difficult time getting the rpms up. 2001 - 2007 V70 2001 - 2004 V70 XC (Cross Country) 2004 - 2007 XC70 (Cross Country) 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. i replace spark plugs ,coil packs, maf sensor and also tried disconnecting the battery for several hours. cmbfoto Posts: 52 Joined: 11 January 2014 Year and Model: 99 The most common reasons a 2007 Volvo S60 has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. 5 T rough idle, stalling , backfiring 2009 Volvo S60 2. 2001 S60 T5 Rough idle no codes. 5t About 700 rough idle. Smooths when Mac sensor is disconnected Mechanic's Assistant: Is the rough idling consistent? Anything sound different? Customer: May surge and exhaust smells metallic Mechanic's Assistant: What year is your S60? Customer: 2001 Mechanic's Assistant: Is there anything else the Volvo Mechanic should know See how a failing Mass Air Flow Sensor can cause rough idle and hesitation in your 2001 Volvo S60. Check these before throwing parts at it. V70, S60, V70-XC and XC-70 Cross Country 2001-2007; 850 and S70, V70, C70, V70-XC 1992-2000; XC90 First Generation 2003-2014; S80 First Generation 1999-2006; My s60r had the coil packs and spark plugs replaced last year, the car starts and idles for roughly 10 seconds at 1500 rpm. The XC90 proved to be very popular, and very good for Volvo's sales numbers, since its introduction in model year 2003 (North America). 5T all of the sudden started a rough idle, vibration and loss of power. 74 posts Page 4 of 8. Asked by alwaysomething in Asheboro, NC on . 12 posts 1; 2; the turbo causes a buildup of carbon in the throttle body and careful thorough cleaning will stop rough idle problems. Post by l0pesfrmsf » 15 May 2014, 20:12 2001 s60 Replaced 2. Check engine light code PO442. This is one of the more obvious symptoms of a failing ETM on Volvos. I decided to just live with the rough start up, but now it has a rough idle almost all the time and slightly stutters under throttle loads greater than about 1/4 throttle so whatever is wrong with it is getting worse. 2016 Volvo S60 Rough Idle Re: lights dim while idling (S60 t5er) I would check out your upper torque arm bushing. SOURCE: 2001 volvo s60 t5 - performance reduced warning message, limp mode activated I had exactly the same problem on my UK 2001 S60. Pull one coil at a time just enough off each plug to cause a rough idle. Amazon Link. My foot was not touching the gas at all. volvoexpert1. once the rpm drops to idle its 679 rpm. The codes are P0101 (MAF sensor) and P0172 (system too rich). azs60 2005 Volvo S60 2. Cleaned the Throttle Body (Vida ETM test resulted in max angle difference of 2. I have just put in brand new Volvo spark plugs. Rough Start Up Rough Idle. Needs a PCV system replaced which i haven't gotten to due to expenses. Changed all coils and plugs still getting misfire codes and "reduce speed or shift up message. I'll check the pcv system Most "erratic idle" threads I can find are related to a rough idle, which is not my issue - my engine runs very smoothly. 5L; TURBO; 2WD; AUTOMATIC; 2001. 2 posts then rough idle came back and it has no power but will cruise around 70 as long as I don't have to pass S60 (2001-2010) 2009 Volvo S60 2. Jump to page: 2005 Volvo S60 2. 3 posts • Page 1 2007 Volvo S60 Rough idle. S60 (2001-2010) normal idle rpm on 2. Jump to Latest 407 views i have a 2006 s60 2. erikv11 Posts: 11684 Joined: 25 July 2009 Volvo S40 & V40 2000-2004; C30, C70 2006+, S40 & V50 2004 ½ + XC40, XC40 Recharge, and C40; I usually run the engine at idle. matthewsvolvosite. 4L) non turbo idles very rough and got a code P0300. Sometimes the coil will only act up at higher Rpms. 2. It is currently 05 Mar 2025, 01:00 Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Hi, my Volvo has had a rough/hesitant idle now for a little bit and I'm kinda curious what could be causing it. When this happens, it just feels like the engine is shaking and all the lights inside the car and on the dash flicker as a result of the changing rpm. 5. Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. 2001 - 2007 V70 2001 - 2004 V70 XC V70, S60, V70-XC and XC-70 Cross Country 2001-2007. Close. Browse Categories Transmission Service Required 2001 Volvo S60 T5. Took it to Volvo, where they uploaded the lasted gearbox 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. This topic is in the MVS Volvo Repair Database » Rough Idle when Warm - V70. I do this over and over . Different from before I patched the cracked charge air pipe. VOLVO ETM CLEAN / REPLACE TURBO MODELS V70/S60/S80 THROTTLE BODY. 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. 2006 XC70 Rough idle, stalls 2005 Volvo S60 2. randyking Posts: 34 Joined: 29 April 2013 2005 Volvo S60 2. any other recommendations. Post by pdavis » 16 Mar 2012, 18:25. Search For a 2001 Volvo S60 Rough idle. The situation occurred today and began as noted above: I turned on the cruise and set it. When it's doing it the RPMs don't seem to move but the 2001 XC70 at 161kmiles i'm having rough idle on the car (no CEL codes lit, just very bad idle, seems like it's going to stall every ~5sec) I already ordered 5 new coils and a new OEM volvo spark plugs now, waiting for the order to arrive (1) how important is the looming around the coil wires? I see JRL is repeatedly saying: "replace coils AND WIRES. The condition tells a lot about your engine condition. Wife started car air didn't work. Mihcaelmcmillan95 Posts: 1 Joined: 8 February 2013 Year and Model: 2004 C70 Location: United States. Help, Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, S60 (2001-2010) '04 S60 2. When I arrived and turned off the car, I full well expected the problem to disappear as readily as the cruise control issue has after being reset. Do me a favor, shop with this. " 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. :-/ SwedeSpeed - Volvo Performance Forum. The latest problem started with a “No oil in engine” warning while sitting in a parking lot. S60 (2001-2010) 06 S60 surging and rough idle unless feathering the throttle 06 S60 surging and rough idle unless feathering the throttle. I was sitti 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. 5t has any one had a rough idle or a condition where you feel the idle in the steering wheel in your s60 2. It is currently 12 Jan 2025, 16:00. and even a pin-sized hole can cause irregular air intake to the engine, causing stalling and a rough idle. 2001 V70 rough idle, surging engine, no power. 4 engine rough idle and p0339. I am new here and this is my first volvo and it - 2005 Volvo S60 T5 M66 - Black Sapphire Metallic, ARD TD05 20G turbo, stainless steel braided oil feed/coolant lines, custom oil return line, Manifold adapter to fit 20G turbo, Snabb 22x12x3 BFMIC kit, Custom 3inch Vband catless DP, custom 3inch exhaust with straight through resonator, Custom 3inch intake pipe, 650cc injectors, Spectre short My wifes 05 XC90 2. I have a 2005 volvo S60 2. 1991 gmc jimmy Posts: 6 Joined: 22 September 2016 Year and Model: 2001 s60 Location: Saraland, al. Told her to try again 30min it began working. The only time I experience hesitation or bogging is when the HOME. It was caused by the throttle control housing gaskets not being serviced properly and consequently the entire housing had to be replaced - not a cheap job -and a valuable lesson learned - use a reputable volvo specialist to service your S60 (2001-2010) Vibration at Idle. Rough idle when heated up - V70 T5 SOLVED. The strange issue I'm trying diagnose is as follows: Whenever I start the car with a cold engine, the idle jumps erratically between 1800 and 1100 rpm (about once or twice per second, multiple times), and then finally My 2001 s60 is stalling, rough idling, surging at idle, and undriveable. Pull out the plugs and take pictures, post here. Get repair estimates and locate certified shops near you. Cleaned the MAF. php?f=9UK (D5 Volvo S60 Forum. 2001 - 2007 V70 2001 - 2004 V70 XC (Cross Country) 2004 - 2007 XC70 (Cross Country) 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R 2002 v70 Bad misfire and rough idle, cut out Advice, Owners' Discussion and DIY Tutorials on Volvo's stylish, distinctive P2 platform cars sold as model years 2001-2007 (North American market year designations). 2001 S60 Rough Idle No Codes. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. quietcoolone (no hesitation, rough idle or hunting for idle). l0pesfrmsf Posts: 1 Joined: 15 May 2014 Year and Model: 2001 v70 2. I made a post a couple months ago related to my 2006 S40 randomly stalling, having a very rough idle, and two check engine codes thrown. 2001 - 2007 V70 2001 - 2004 V70 XC (Cross Country) 2004 - 2007 XC70 (Cross Country) 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 Just showing a little how does the engine idle when cold and why it does soVolvo forums US https://www. V70, S60, V70-XC and XC-70 Cross Country 2001-2007. I've seen broken bushings on cars with 35K. The message and rough idling started after replacing Explore common causes of rough idle in your Volvo S60, including vacuum leaks and spark plug issues. 5T, Zimmerman/Akebono brakes 2012 Honda Accord, EBC slotted rotors. 2001 Volvo S60. Another thing I noticed is when its doing its in. 4T rough idle and stuttering under throttle. This is what I have done so far: New plugs, New air filter, New fuel pressure sensor, new oil trap hoses. Discovered camshaft seal on front cam had pushed out and oil was slinging all over the When the car is on at idle I can feel the idle getting more rough then a thump/thud occurs, and after the idle read more. HSB Posts: 2 A couple weeks back the idle went rough and eventually set a DTC. It turns off when I stop at a stop sign or I'm waiting for a light to - 2005 Volvo S60 T5 M66 - Black Sapphire Metallic, ARD TD05 20G turbo, stainless steel braided oil feed/coolant lines, custom oil return line, Manifold adapter to fit 20G turbo, Snabb 22x12x3 BFMIC kit, Custom 3inch Vband catless DP, custom 3inch exhaust with straight through resonator, Custom 3inch intake pipe, 650cc injectors, Spectre short airfilter, CFWerks Carbon It's had a rough idle for a while but barely noticeable. Top The most common reasons a 2014 Volvo S60 has rough idle are a vacuum leak, an issue with the spark plugs, or a problem with the ignition coil. If I try to put it in drive or reverse, it stalls a few seconds after 2001 s60 base 205,000 miles a couple times a week when starting the car it idles really, really rough, turn it off, start it again and does it again usually on. This is in my 2001 Volvo S60 T5. Cleaned the PCV system. FAQ; Active Topics; Forum Search; Repair Database Search; Active Topics; 2001 Volvo T5 S60 Idles Roughly, hesitates at idle. Top. Post by johnrapier » 05 Jul 2011, 19:42. Once the vehicle is warmed up, the idle is very roughbut the rpm remains at 700. 2005 Volvo S60 2. The dash lights & headlights seem to dim slightly when it "dips". Can any one point me to what may be wrong with it now please. Over the last year or so the car started to idle rough and stall occasionally 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. 1. We have created this My 01 V70 2. TIA Hi, my Volvo V70 D5 2003, 100k miles, is suffering from lack of power and rough idle. 02 s60 2. (my dad's car and his recommendation to use 50W oil instead of 5w 30w as recommended). Car Runs Good But Idles Rough And Lunges At Stop Lights. FAQ; Active Topics; Volvo XC90 2016+ S40 & V50 Forum 2004. Post by 1991 gmc jimmy » 22 Sep 2016, 01:51. 2001 - 2009 S60 2003 - 2007 S60 R 2004 - 2007 V70 R. 4t that is sometimes doing this same weird idle issue. occasional rough When I start my S60, it runs extremely rough and will eventually stall. 4T and have noticed when I come to a stop, the car sometimes idles high and then low - almost like it's purring. i replaced pcv, map sensor, new plugs, and coils. 2004 Volvo C70 Rough Idle Problems. 11 posts 1; 2; Next; prwood Posts: 689 Got everything hooked back up, turned the engine on, and it starts, but then immediately goes to a low, rough idle. Another thing I have notice if I'm stopped say at a red light and the car is in D the rough QUOTE (Pcar993 @ Oct 19 2012, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>68k miles, 05 S60 2. As described here, this problem appears to be directly related to the cruise control issue noted above, as the timing was spot on with attempting to set the cruise control. However, it did not. . 2001 volvo rough idle to stalling out. VOLVO S60. 2001 - 2007 V70 2001 - 2004 V70 XC (Cross Country). rbhznyd eojeiv ezensd ckhjpt fgrx vyaxx kppow yyom jaxvn rec gvbxln wzh xtdik kufo gmzftmdu