Witcher 3 mod limit reddit. It could be the load order (I am using the mod.
Witcher 3 mod limit reddit The game, imo, works much better without it. Place the "modOver9000" folder in your witcher 3 main directory/mods folder. What can go wrong? PS: I'm installing next-gen updated mods to work on properly. 6 and 0. The game apparently can't support more than 49 Mods (Scriptmerger mod included). High Quality textures for Terrain, Buildings, Rocks, Water, Vegetation, ending at NPCs and Animals. I can get it installed, the keybinds working, the mod showing up in the Mods menu, but when I go to load the game, the loading screen just spins and spins and spins and never progresses. {P}: Set the mod priority. Now open ModLimitAdjuster. (Such as, Nvidia Control Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now For Hanse grinding install weight limit mod over 9000 Witcher 3 turns 9 years old today and still Extremely terrible list. Thanks man, I forgot to reply. 31 version and that changed nothing too. Never downgrade. This mod patches the game executable to remove (increase) a limit that causes the game to break with many mods. 1. It is buggy and will probably 70% of the time not install your mods to the proper folder. I did have to install a couple manually but no game breaking problems yet. Apr 12, 2020 @ 10 Apr 28, 2019 · It removes (increases) the limit that causes the game to break with too many mods. All of the mods I've downloaded are either on the approved list from CDPR or they are versions updated for the next-gen version. I understand what the Mod Limit Fix does (modifies the binary), but are less certain how Limit Adjuster works. Cheers for helpers! Hi so, got the Witcher 3 a couple days ago, been downloading some mods, but I've always had a pretty bad frame rate on this game. Oct 26, 2023 · i was having problems with the infinite loading screens even with this fix, so i noticed that is all about the file number the mods have, this mod only allows 500 (instead of the original 192), but i was crashing (probably the gwent mod i'm doing that has over 400 new cards besides the other mods like brother in arms that has a tons of files Apr 12, 2020 · The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ; New Mod Limit Fix that can reach up to 500-1000 mods? The Witcher. For script mods there might not be a limit just gets extremely hard to merge as you get over 200+ scripts together. 1 The GameBannana version of Over 9000 is an outdated version and may not work with The Witcher 3 version 1. ) And well since I mod the game myself I also use those mods. 5 No game breaking ones. My laptop is an Alienware m17 R2. No worries! If you are playing on PC, there are several base mods that I would start with - HD reworked project ultimate 12, community patch base, Besserwisser and Nitpicker patch, All NPC scabbards, jump in shallow water, mod limit executable patcher, world map fixes, witcher script merger. All things related to The Witcher - books, games, TV You name it. For installing mods and mergins scripts and general fixes The Witcher 3 Mod Manager. No need to extract, nothing 4. 01 update. settings file from here, see Preparations/#12). It doesn't matter which mod I add, even if it has no conflicts, the game can't load saves anymore and tries to connect to the internet and stays idle. default value is 192. The Witcher 3 ; Mods ; There are many ways to set FPS-limit from outside the game. Witcher 3 kind of felt like it had a leveling system because, hey its an RPG its needs leveling. I did everything but no. If you'd rather not install manually you can use Witcher 3 Mod Manager, you can get it from the Nexus. The witcher 3 mod manager works in lutris but I never got the script merger to work in combination with it, which is required when you want to stack a lot of mods that modify the same files. Hi guys, i just want to ask im experienced Witcher 3 player. Now just trying to get this one last mod to work but isk why it just won’t. I just got the witcher and want to add the weight limit and weapon durability mod. 0. You’ll have to give priority in the mods. Ive followed everything and nothing works. Hi all - so with the cyberpunk DLSS 3. Enhanced Herbalism - Gather 1-3 herbs instead of just 1 Fair-Trade Next Gen - Fixes the egregious sell prices of merchants Filterless Toussaint - Removes the yellow fantasy filter in Toussaint Friendly Focus - Minimalizes Witcher Sense effects You’re not supposed to be merging W3EE with any other EE mods. Then press on ‘Run Script Merger’ in the bottom right corner. * A complete rework of nearly every texture in the game. They all work fine. I have a mod list with like 40 mods in it. Depending on your mods, some merges may require basic understanding of code. community patch - menu strings. ini to your "The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64" folder. You'd have to start merging bundles after that. Or download “Priority File”. exe is located. 32) As anyone who avidly mods The Witcher 3 knows, there is a hard limit on how many mods you can have installed that must be fixed in order to truly mod the game without issues. Ive removed mods and added one by one nothing is happening. It’s called Merged DLC Mod Limit Fix. + The conflict is red colour. Stay on v 1. Don't use vortex, download mod limit fix and script merger. Choose either Mod Limit Adjuster or this one (if your on 1. I decided since I can I would mod my game. Fast travel from Anywhere. Both work to bypass the soft limit coded into the exe, until you hit the hard limit with bundle counts. { Future Update } Announcing by the author an updated version of the mod is in development. I used the "Mod Limit Adjuster" from Nexus. Extract DINPUT8. Also used W3MM to set load priorities for some things, namely texture mods. Some of these textures are widely used, so there's no reason not to get this mod. 17. That style of armour is specifically meant to be curved to prevent the wearers chest being crushed by the armour itself. zip' and put them in the same place where the game executable is located. Ive uninstalled and reinstalled. My last Cyperpunk playthrough probably had like 120 mods installed, so there's still a lot of fun to be had there - but like, super obviously needed mods like a GOOD third person mod don't exist, for example Welcome to r/Witcher3! A subreddit for discussions, news, memes, media, and other topics pertaining to the third installment in the Witcher games franchise. You can either choose to use the mod limit fix or the mod limit adjuster . No longer is it necessary to merge your mods (unless for more control in conflict resolution) or be restricted in how many mods you install! Any good mod list starts with an overhaul mod, as they fix a ton of the game's problems. The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project. It's better than mla regarding default compatibility. archive and . 90% of my mods are from that Hello, i've played The Witcher 3 a few years ago, modded and at that time the No Weight Mods and the No Durability Mods worked fine, a few months ago when next gen update came i tried to install those again and they were not working anymore, i was looking to know if there's new mods that remove durability and weight limitations, i just hate those in games so i'd like to remove them all together Does anyone have a definite answer on what mod Limits are in TW3 for things like textures, bundles, etc? can have a lot of mods added to your witcher 3 mod file May 2, 2024 · • r/wiedzmin - For The Witcher series in general, with emphasis on the source material (books) • r/WitcherTRPG - For The Witcher Tactical role-playing game developed by R. But there is also a "Mod Limit Fix". cfg to the folder where witcher3. Merges are easy to undo because they don't change the original mod or game files. The Witcher 3 has 1. If you put mods on that change the game you'll have no context for what you might like on your next playthrough, or your NG+ game. But I suspect it is the mod limit method. The mod fix limit mod was linked in the HD rework mod and I downloaded it (it ran for a while without the loading screens then I downloaded a few more mods and got loading screens, so I downloaded the mod fix limit, set it to 900 and still getting loading screens) Mod Limit Fix - Patcher which modifies the game executable to remove (increase) a limit that causes the game to break with many mods. The Witcher 3 Mod Manager (tool Download 1st don't use w/ large mods eg: 4k ones) Script Merger (tool Download 2nd) Community Patch - Base (tool Download 3rd) Humans of the Continent 4K-2K Textures. ini if you don't want to use the default settings. Good thing is the hard limit is above 200 bundles, varies per setup, usually around 220 to 250. Dec 28, 2022 · { Next Gen Compatible - Link } A new or updated version of the mod is available to further fix/improve the Vanilla game. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Mod limit fix This one works well with any dll injected like some free-cam/console command. 7 has different workflows when it comes to cookin DLCs , and needs the paths in xml modified as such. com 3. It runs in task manager, everything merged. Then extract the file from 'Witcher 3 ModLimitAdjuster. dll and all interposer files (which start with sl. Then neither works. Gotta give one of them higher priority and that’s it. Did that mod limit fix, still had that script merge. zip file that you downloaded. I installed the 1. Unzip all the mods so that the directory ends up being "The Witcher 3\mods\modWeight9000\content" so make sure the modWeight9000 folder isn't repeated. First install The Witcher 3 Mod Manager and Witcher Script Merger latest versions 2. Games. Further mod recommendations depend on which of those two you choose. I have tried putting them in my Mod folder and in the content folder of the AMM file. My "mods" folder has 1433 files, 751 folders. (Literally all the weight limit does is making especially the caches in Skellige annoying. I use Witcher 3 mod manager and script merger and yes mod limit fix as one of the authors (of the other mods) recommended it. Råb!d. Mods great adds cards from the witcher card game - adds alot of variety and new ai as well (play it on hard as recommended) Also a note on the modpage for midgame starts: Before installing this mod, I recommend you to make an additional save file. Long story short, yes, there is a mod limit. Then download every single mod from nexusmods. Only if youre the type who's gonna install 300 mods, MLA or manual hex editing should be considered, where you merge non script mods with mod merger to avoid hitting hard mod limit. Download Mod Limit Fix. mod limit fix (exe program) community patch - base. My laptop gets very hot, I cleaned the fans today but didn't change much. 240 votes, 63 comments. dll file from the latest 64 bit release of Ultimate ASI Loader and ModLimitAdjuster. What this mod does is make all items weigh . The mods I suggested don’t have scripts except for Immersive Cam so you might be able to get away from it for now. I downloaded several mod and the game works fine, but I downloaded the HD Reworked Project and now the game won't even open. Now you’re ready to mod the game. I played game manytimes with mods or even without the mods. 32 and nothing happened. Use Mod Merger by DJ_Kovrik to merge graphics mods together. In this case, Give Lazarus higher priority over all the files, and DON’T merge anything. The wiki is currently under construction, and will contain articles detailing the use of the Modkit. Lots of mods work in Next Gen. Then press ‘Add’ in Witcher 3 Mod Manager and find the . dll in this "mod" is actually version number 1. . I use the same mod and downloaded it from Nexus. Portal RTX has 1. The programm will ask you to run Script Merger and I would always do it. Not sure why it took them "a miracle to find". Sep 23, 2024 · The Witcher 3 close Clear game filter; Games. Oct 26, 2023 · Is the next gen edition of Witcher 3 supporting an unlimited amount of mods? I already have 55 mods and already have one or another mod not showing up I hope the mod limit extender will also be updated for the next gen Witcher. I've installed the mod limit adjuster and moved my game file out of program files. The mod limit gets lower and lower with Apr 9, 2020 · The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt There is a Mod Limit Fix over at Nexus, and your need of Script Merger depends on the mods you are using. Thirdly, make sure you have Script Merger. settings file (located in C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\The Witcher 3), make sure your mods folder is completely empty in your Witcher 3 directory, and then boot the game up and see if any mods are still present. If a mod isn't working and you downloaded the correct version, it's likely installed incorrectly. Barring the HDReworked mod, that is a god-awful list of recommended mods. Jun 3, 2019 · Installation: download this ASI loader(x64) and put it into the Witcher 3 directory where Witcher 3. Truth is, it really doesn't and the system they used felt very artificial. After some several years I got back to Witcher 3 again with next-gen update. 32. My specs are Intel Core i7-9750H CPU @2. Been trying to mod Witcher 3 with the Mod limit adjuster. 32) - Glowing Witcher Eyes - This mod modifies the materials of Witcher's eyes to make them glow in the dark. One thing that bothers me is weird leveling system. Please feel free to post about a mod announcement, a mod in-progress, a potential mod contest, mod news, new tips and tricks you managed to accomplish with the Modkit, so on and so forth. Any and all posts are welcome on this topic, especially in the early days of this game's modding lifespan. exe file. But mods did not work. Long story short, I've been trying to get AMM working on my Steam copy of Witcher 3. - Grammar of the Path - It is my first go at Witcher at all and Witcher 3 seems to be great game. 2. You can customize the HUD a lot without mods and make the game very immersive. And mods are still mostly clothing replacers, vehicle replacers, etc. There’s a second mod you can install but I feel like you don’t need it since your mod list is so small anyway. Try keeping it below 1400. We will be adding links to good beginning mods, information on creating your own mods, and tutorials on how to mod very quickly after release! Witcher3Mods is a subreddit centered around the modding community of the newly-released title from CD Projekt Red, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Friendly HUD. Which means the mod at the top in the conflict, overwrites all other mods conflicting in this file. Talsorian Games • r/WitcherMemes - For Witcher memes • r/Skelligers - r/freefolk equivalent of The Witcher; LINKS • Official Wiki • Witcher 3 Nexus • Orcz Wiki I will be honest with you, there is a grand total of three minor mods I use in Witcher 3, even after my third finished replay. More quality of life. Hey all, I just bought Witcher 3 on Steam the other day after playing it on console. The last time i played the witcher 3 was when it got released, now plan to relive that amazing experience with mods so i downloaded some mods and installed them using VORTEX and the game is running with no problems, but when i run the witcher script merger it says there are some conflicts what magnus says is very good. First of all. Open Community · 291 members The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt; The Witcher 2 Oct 7, 2017 · Script mods i pull out the original scripts from the mods folder that i already merged and only leave the merged scripts folder. Especially for a role-playing game like "The Witcher 3" on a first play-through. cfg and set the mod limit accroding to your usage. Mod section doesn't appear on menus. If you want to add a mod now, click on "add" in the Mod Manager and choose the zip or rar file, which contains the mod. Community Patch - Base / Unification patch (M)[G]* Mod limit fix / Mod Limit Adjuster (E)[F]** Auto apply Oil Mod, Set XP Multiplier, Weight Limit to 9000, Items not losing durability, VladimirUI (complete (overhoul of the UI and it looks much better), DLSS 2. Back then I thought deleting an outdated texture mod would have done it but after some testing with other mods. Mods for starting New Game + past level 50/ removing the level cap in the Witcher 3 The Witcher 3 So I've more or less completed the Witcher 3 and plan on going back through and playing it again via New Game +, but as I've read, if you start after progressing past level 50, you're capped at level 100 whereas your enemies will continue to level Yes, but only mods that improve graphics and nothing else. Honestly, W3 looks good without any graphics mods, so you could easily just not install any for your first time through. Ghost Mode and Witcher 3: Enhanced Edition are the best ones. Though I can't seem to mix mods from Vortex Collections because my game crashes despite using the limit adjuster. All games (3,376) Recently added (85) My games. Script Merger - Not a mod, but a tool for resolving conflicts. 4 btw. Here you can share your mods and modpacks, receive support as a player or as a mod dev, ask questions and discuss Fabric! Members Online No mods button in Fabric 1. A handful of things I installed with Witcher 3 Mod Manager if I wanted to easily toggle them off/on, such as lighting mods. 2 version originally. [M]: Install manually, per say of the mod instruction. Community Patch - Besserwisser's Fix Collection you can install the base unification patch too. However the level gating for quests, enemies, weapons and gear kinda forces a player to follow a certain path on repeat playthrus. When I use script merger, I get no conflicts but none of mods seem to be working when I launch the game. Utilities. Vortex has it's issues. The nvngx_dlssg. The Witcher 3 Mod Manager - The go-to mod manager for Witcher 3. The 2 mods that actually make the game look better I found are BlitzFX and HD Reworked. Witcher 3 : Finally No Mod Limit! Best graphic!! | STLM Nudel Edition | Yggdrasil Reshade So, i installed a ton of mods, and at some point the game refuses to show up. The Witcher… Jul 19, 2024 · This contains a large amount of useful information on how to mod The Witcher 3. It is the #2 most endorsed Witcher 3 mod. Once it’s verified try using the Mod Limit Fix mod. asi and ModLimitAdjuster. Actual method is to cook a new dlc : easier to do with wolvenkit- just keep in mind that 0. It comes in 4 flavors - 9999, 120, 60, 30 or custom so you can use it to never have to worry about bags on Roach or the weight limit. Mostly can be considering cheating (but it's single player, so for me it just make the game less annoying in some parts) Fast travel anywhere (read the description), no inventory limit, no fall damage, no destructible items, jumping in shallow water, galloping in the city, photo mode unlocked and various graphics mods Apr 28, 2019 · The Witcher 3 close Clear game filter. 2k votes, 72 comments. Digital signature looks identical to the one in Miles Morales. The stupid mod limit CDPR implemented, that has been plaguing the modding community since release, has finally been dealt with. The Over 9000 - Weight limit mod link is still valid. This can give you some problems with that Now im playing another playthru of the witcher 3 and wanted to experience the same feeling of doing things earlier and different. We are Reddit's primary hub for all The nexus mod manager was what I used for forever but for some reason it doesn’t work with the Witcher 3 very well. The lower the priority value, the higher the priority. Comrades - A Collection Of NPC Mods : Choose either Mod Limit Adjuster or this one (if your on 1. settings file in the Documents/Witcher 3 folder. Next to file you can locate Witcher 3 directory. xl - for the mod limit, only the archive count matters). Before this next gen update i didint had no game crashes so far. Welcome to r/Witcher3! A subreddit for discussions, news, memes, media, and other … (All it does is break immersion, it's not a first person game CDPR!) On top of that, weight limit remover. The Witcher 3 has a very low mod limit, and installing heavy mods will result in the game refusing to boot up if the natural mod limit is reached. Follow the install instructions given by the authors of the mods you install. Yep that’s where I’m at now. The red color on witcher gear however, does not go away. Posted by u/Adenschon - 4 votes and 10 comments I installed most things manually and used script merger as needed. 5. A subreddit for veterans and new fans alike of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt as well as for other Witcher games and the franchise in general. When i got it to 1415 files, it starts working again. #1. exe is located (The Witcher 3/bin Witcher3Mods is a subreddit centered around the modding community of the newly-released title from CD Projekt Red, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. That list is only good if you don't really care about enjoying the challenge of the journey and you only want to arrive at the destination. Did the same for friendly hud, and another one. Has made my life very easy and has worked with all of my mods thus far. I hope this adjusted actually works. It could be the load order (I am using the mod. Script Merger. 3. It's seriously awesome. Install it and always use it when downloading mods. The only downside is some added latency, however Nvidia and AMD recommend having 50-60FPS before frame generation because having any less adds latency. The only viable manager for w3 is the "witcher 3 mod manager", but i still recommend manual installation. HDMR - HD Monsters Reworked mod - This mod reworks the textures of monster NPC's only. Huge issue with modding Witcher 3 for years was that there was basically a soft mod limit that got worse with every patch. o1 I have had no issues with it for a week now, and I use it in the GOG version on win7. Welcome to r/Witcher3! A subreddit for discussions, news, memes, media, and other topics pertaining to the third installment in the Witcher games franchise. YOU MUST INSTALL “Mod Limit Fix” before doing all this or your game won’t even run!!! If you’re going to start installing mods that have scripts in them, then you also NEED to download “Script Merger”. That´s exactly what I was looking for but in the end what I did was using the "Friendly HUD" mod, the one that allows to see 3D marker while using the Witcher senses and in the mod menu you can change a parameter that makes undiscovered locations (question marks) appear when you are in certain range (which you can also change). You literally can’t do that. 60GHz, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 with Max Q Design and 8019MB VRAM. Should be an easy one to install. So what I do now, is manually add the mods to the mod folder and let the mod manager do the script merger stuff. Better example would be "modWeight9000" or whatever the weight limit mod name is. It is not a hard lock, I mean, the game WILL attempt to start normally, but as soon as you get "BREACHING" and press spacebar The mod limit in Witcher 3 is a real bitch! I actually googled "witcher 3 mods for first playthrough" and found this reddit thread. Most of the RPG games I played were focused on grinding or doing sidequest to get enough lvl to keep main story going. Make backups of your bin folders that contain any new mod menus. A lot of the cheat mods like auto apply oil, weight limit removal, fast travel anywhere, indescribable weapons can be had with just one mod that complies all of them and way more functions together like “God Mode”, works with both classic version and NG. You can also set priority of some mods, so their content is used, if they Easiest method : is to have those xml changes as a new mod and have it load over the original mod component. W3 doesn't need any mod for a first playthrough imo. 0 stutter fix for AMD CPUs, I found you can replace the nvngx_dlssg. Everyone is welcome. I use managers whenever I can. Witcher 3 Mod Manager or W3MM is more powerful and easier to use than Nexus Mods mod manager named Vortex. |F|: Use Menu Filelist Updater. There’s not a single mod I can’t think of that doesn’t work on 1. Immersion breakers are a no go for me. If 2 mods conflict and at least one of them have a priority value assigned to it, the conflict is coloured purple and the highlighted mod wins the conflict. Deleted that mod entirely and redownload it manually without vortex and then script merge and it works now. Secondly, you might’ve hit your Mod Limit. W3MM's author has provided a simple and easy to follow YouTube video detailing how to use the Mod Manager. This was one of the first mods made for The Witcher 3, which allows you to, as the name suggest, change your weight limit. I provide short instruction with legends: (W): Install with Witcher 3 Mod Manager. As of now I have only made lore friendly mods. I have downloaded the AMM Mod, as is well known I ran into the invisibility, but fixed it like descriptions say. Witcher3Mods is a subreddit centered around the modding community of the newly-released title from CD Projekt Red, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. As anyone who avidly mods The Witcher 3 knows, there is a hard limit on how many mods you can have installed that must be fixed in order to truly mod the game without issues. 1M subscribers in the witcher community. Go to steam and verify file integrities. Even that is unnecessary once you know what loot is worth picking up for selling later. There are two different solutions to this. (The load order bit won't be relevant unless you start installing lots of mods) What I would do is start by deleting your mods. The few HD mods below increase the details of the textures while trying to maintain the vanilla aspect of the original art with little to no degrade in performance. Games . dll and witcher3weight. After next gen update i told myself im going to play it again and slightly moded with compatible mods that CDPR posted. " Mod Limit Fix is required if you are going to use many mods. The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project - * The #1 most endorsed mod on Witcher 3 Nexus. 4K Armor Textures (priority above HDRP) Good lord. community patch - shared imports (my recommendation over vortex manager) witcher 3 mod manager (exe program) script merger (exe program) I'm playing W3EE (no additional mods, except for an alternate input settings file) and getting blurry dialogue, sliding npcs, and occasional crashes even though I have installed Mod Limit Adjuster by putting the dinput8. Mods made by the community include World Map Fixes by Terg500; Nitpicker's Patch - Various Visual Fixes by chuckcash; The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project by HalkHogan; FCR3 - Immersion and Gameplay Tweaks by Andrzej Kwiatkowski; Immersive Real-time Cutscenes by teiji25; and HDMR - HD Monsters Reworked Mod by Denroth. In Script Merger, give this mod the priority of 2. 1000+ textures. These are - jump in shallow water - gwent maximum bet limit increased - TW2 Triss (changes her outfit to witcher 2) I tried some overhaul and armor mods, but most of the time these change too many things. If you need help with installing mods I suggest using The Witcher 3 Mod Manager for installing mods and Script Merger & Script Merger Unofficial Patch for resolving mod conflicts. most of them are extracted but they still don’t work They all need to be extracted. The curved shape spread the impact so it it on the shoulders and waist rather than the chest(a lot more sensitive organs there), the curve makes a blow more likely to glance off partially or entirely, and in the case of a solid hit makes it both less likely to be deformed Witcher3Mods is a subreddit centered around the modding community of the newly-released title from CD Projekt Red, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Downside is the 9 GB download, and on Nexus Mods free users have a 2 mb/s download limit. Oh, and Mod Limit Adjuster for sure. 32) Elihal's Shop : Choose either Mod Limit Adjuster or this one (if your on 1. As of today, that mod limit is exactly 500 archives (in archive\pc\mod folder there are two filetypes, . The only one I could think of beyond graphical mods is maybe a no weight limit mod. install Community Patch base by copying and overwriting files into witcher 3 installation path run installations for all 3 HD reworked project files run the mod manager and use it to install mods from your collection of zipped mods. Ever since the next gen update has come out every mod is broken and I'm assuming the mod limit fix patcher along with it. Here is a video of the mod working in Witcher 3. I love this mod because it reminds me of the best cinematic trailer for the Witcher 3, "A Night to Remember". Edit witcher3weight. ) from cyberpunk to witcher 3 and it completely fixed the stutter with frame generation. run the mod limit patch on your witcher3. Choose "The Witcher 3" folder. Even after the 4. It still says v1. If you use mla and some other bin mod(s) you need extra steps for patches. HD Reworked makes a lot of ingame texture resolutions better. I have tried both endorsed and non endorsed mods from AMM original author. 175k members in the Witcher3 community. Finally can play the game as it should be :) The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project - * The #1 most endorsed mod on Witcher 3 Nexus. fvjjhc igoh psakt mussw qeh wtzn kjitd wbjul zwqudq tgkx zrvjl vuzpc idyxp aio bmqu