Power bi drill through keep all filters greyed out. Nov 17, 2022 · Hi @caishen .
Power bi drill through keep all filters greyed out I know that you can set the background colors for the filter area, but it is now set to white, so it can´t be that. When you add a field to the Drill through well, Power BI automatically creates a back button Jul 21, 2023 · Best Practices for Using Drill Through in Power BI. May 25, 2023 · Step 2. 1. Regards, Somnath Dec 2, 2020 · When I drill-through a date (for example, 2020-11-05) in this chart, the page just show me the Id_Ticket = 2, because this ticket was created in "2020-11-05", but this is not right to my case, I need the page show me Id_Ticket = 1 and 2, because ticket 1 was closed (and resolved too) in "2020-11-05" and ticket 2 was created in "2020-11-05", in Nov 17, 2022 · Hi @caishen . The goal is to pick a line item for a specific customer, then be able to view all historical activity for that customer on the drillthrough page. e. Drill Through in Power bi| Drill through in power bi latest version| Drill through in power bi using Button| keep all filters in power bi| drill through in p Aug 19, 2022 · I want to drill on that specific customer (8829), but not keep the other filters for that entry - I need that customer to be the only filter that gets carried through to the next page. May 12, 2021 · Here's simplified scenario :: I have a report with a couple of pages Page 1 and Page 2. I am wondering if a visual indicator can be created to show the user the depth s/he is at during the drilling down process? e. pbit. And you may add your comments there to improve Power BI and make this feature coming sooner. and then from the second table drill through to the third table with filter France. Thanks in advance,. Jun 11, 2020 · I have another page with the two attributes in the drill-through field well of that page; I add a button to the first page with a drill-through action pointing to the second page . I agree that this makes it confusing when drilling through from a measure like Count Orchid Cut. When you are at the top level of a hierarchy, the data points are aggregated, and Power BI cannot determine a specific value to use for the drill-through. My main dashboard shows a graph of categories by ticket count for the date range set by a slicer on the Created Date field. I would need the drill through to keep the player's names, team, etc. My current example is categories. In the fields pane make sure Keep all filters is toggled on. Would you like to restrict any specific Apr 11, 2021 · Hi @BigLo ,. Drag the field for which you wish to allow Drill through into the Drill through well on that Drill through target page’s Build visual part of the Visualizations pane. Please let me know where to click to have the option of Drill Through. I have also enabled 'Keep all filters' Now I add a card on another page with the [File Keys] measure showing and I can drill through to the detail page and it will bring all the filters that were driving the number on the card. In the expanded section for the added field, under Allow drillthrough when:, select Used as category. For context, I have a pro license and no premium licenses. Basically I want picture 3 to show by default when drilling through and not picture 2. No issues here. Jan 12, 2021 · Good Afternoon All, First, kudoes to @aj1973 for suggesting the new Drill through Button feature. Creating a Drill through Filter Oct 8, 2019 · I believe I found a solution. However, that double-click renders the entire chart at the subject levelshowing all replies, instead of just the 94 that I'm interested in. if I click on Open OD for October 23 for the Americas region, it shows all row items with October 23 in the month end field, Americas in the region field and 1 in the Open As title says, when I try to drill down on a power pivot, I'm limited to 1k rows. Then you can drill through to another table from a drill through table. I chose "off" on "keep all filters" and dragged all the relevant fields to the Learn when you might want to switch the 'Keep All Filters' off when setting up a drill-through page in your Power BI report. 2 filters though are in italics, and the hide buttons are not available on them. Make certain that your target report page has fields added to the 'drillthrough filters' area. There are two ideas about this issue, please vote it up : Multiple Values(row) Passing in Drill through feature and Drill through of multiple rows. Learn what drill through filtering is, When drill through filtering is used and How to step up drill through filtering It blanks out the other areas since those are filtered out. If there is no hierarchy, the drill down button is greyed out. Then when you drill through to a visual on the source page, the temporary filters applied to the source visual aren't applied to the drillthrough target page. This article shows you how to use the drill mode in the Microsoft Power BI service. When you add a field to the Drill through filters well, Power BI automatically creates a Dec 5, 2019 · Hello, Is there a way to keep SOME drillthrough filters? From what I can tell I can only keep the MOST recent field I used to drillthrough on (if the keep all filters is set to off) or I will keep ALL of the filters within the report that have been applied? I don't want either of these options - May 5, 2018 · In May 2018, the drillthrough capability of Power BI has got its own section in the Filters pane, which reflects two enhancements: Drillthrough can now keep all filters You can perform measure drillthrough In this blog post, I am discussing these enhancements. Chart 2 only filters to the VP West top level hierarchy and removed the East and North from view, the Chart 3 does the same as CChart 2. Learn what drill through filtering is, When drill through filtering is used and How to step up drill through filtering Apr 2, 2018 · Power BI considers a card to be a single data point, regardless of the number of filters applied to it. Keep all filters In the previous implementation of drillthrough, you had to explicitly … Continue reading "Enhanced Drillthrough in Apr 29, 2019 · Drill Down Feature is not working in Power BI Service but works in Power BI Desktop. The bookmark should be configured to remove all filters. Drill through is probably what you are talking about here. Mar 27, 2022 · However, let us suppose you are using Power BI Desktop and you want to test the Analyze In Excel feature locally without publishing the dataset. So instead of the first picture where "JAHR" = 2018 i would like to have a filter like it is in the second picture "JAHR" = all The problem I’m running into is the drill through filters. Feb 6, 2023 · Hi All, I have a measure that says below: Hide Visual = IF ( [Check Filtered],1, 0 ) Now, I wanted to add this hide visual measure as a filter to an existing Table graph. Even if I turn keep all filters off and then leave and drill back into the page the filter is still there. I have gone and turned-on Cross reporting in the options. Everything on Microsoft Community post is about an older version of Power Bi where there is a Visualization Pane. To get the most out of drill through in Power BI, you should follow these best practices:1. I need all charts to drill down at the level (VP) I select and go to the accounts. Go to Lab File > then Select Lab 3 Drill Through. When "Keep all filters" is off, if you drillthrough on a data point, only the listed fields existing in the current visual will be carried over to the target page. Mar 8, 2018 · Yes, it's possible. Sep 21, 2024 · I'm having trouble getting the correct related data to display in my drill-through. Power BI May 20, 2022 · However, it isn't guaranteed to work with all visuals imported from AppSource. Lesson Goal (00:11)The goal of this lesson is to use a drill through filter to create a dynamic page of visuals in our report. Aug 19, 2021 · Power BI forums; Get Help with Power BI; Desktop; Service; Report Server; Power Query; Mobile Apps; Developer; DAX Commands and Tips; Custom Visuals Development Discussion; Health and Life Sciences; Power BI Spanish forums; Translated Spanish Desktop; Training and Consulting; Instructor Led Training; Dashboard in a Day for Women, by Women Feb 4, 2016 · In a Power BI desktop stacked bar chart, I'd like to drill-down by clicking to see which 2nd-level items (Subjects) make up the 94 replies in a survey. Thanks in advance for the help. I want to drill through from 1 to 2 with all the filters from page 1 except of the dates. There is no "x" like other filters since its a drill through. Also, What's the purpose of the option Keep all filters (drillthrough). I am reluctant to download a newer PowerBI version out of fear, that the file maybe wont open at all then. It is not clea at all for me how this setting works, Regards, May 22, 2023 · I do want some of the drill-though filters to "stick" (such as category, manufacturer, etc. I Drillthrough to Page 2 and Use the Drill Down to a Single Customer, I then CTRL and Click back to Page 1 and Drillthrough to another selection yet the Drilldown is still set to the Customer above. Pie chart visual. However, recently a conversation with someone made me think of a use case where it might be useful. For instance: from main table, drill through to the second table with filter France. This is the result of a preceding drill where the user clicked a Chiclet Mar 3, 2020 · If you want to show all data after drill through, you could click this icon highlight in red to clear the filter but it will still exist when you drillthrough to this page next time. fields in the visual itself, slicers, other filters. When I return back from detail page to summary page by clicking back button in detail page, prior selected row in table visual of summary page is not retaining. Anyone know where it went? I used to be able to select my table visual and it would be on the lower right hand side. What can I do to Clear the Drill down when I CTRL and Click back to Page 1 Oct 27, 2021 · If there is no default filter set on the dimension your only choices are advanced and basic. This report contains a list of customers who have made orders. https://docs. Start small and focus on creating drill-through actions for key visualizations. If you select all the filters on your drill through page and update the clear filters bookmark for the drill through page to "Selected Visuals" the drill through filters that were passed through are still applied and only the filters you selected on the drill through page are reset. Since the add visual pane is now a floating window, I no longer see the option to add a drill through filter Oct 23, 2017 · These functions in the ribbon work on a visualization. Sync Slicers Mar 14, 2017 · Upon loading the chart, the user has the ability to right-click to drill down from the first level to reveal the value for A1, A2 and A3. Page 1 has the different baseball players and their respective teams, while page 2 has that player's specific stats. - when I then drill through to the new the tab, the slicer says ‘all’ - I want the company name specified to be selected . Hope that helps. Here is my bookmark config. Jun 20, 2024 · Then you create a button with Drill through as the action type and select the drillthrough page as the Destination. Dec 2, 2021 · Power BI tutorial for beginners to understand the impact of keep on filter option enabled or disabled for the page. Check Drill through filtering is a feature in Power BI that allows users to explore and navigate through their data between charts. Card visual. But it did make my go clicking around all over… On the Page Information tab of Format sidebar I found Drillthrough under Page Type. I want to choose Embedded option to give my workspace access to capacity for visuals on the webapp to load (right now only has a flashing Power BI logo), but everything other than Pro is greyed out. Aug 18, 2023 · Hi, I am using Power BI Desktop July, 2023 version and I am unable to find the Drill through option. For the solution I think you could try disabling Keep all filters option on drill through pages, and then sync your account slicer between all 3 pages. This works, I click on a value in the Overview page and the corresponding page filtered by Site shows up (depending where the value was). I'd been wondering when you would Jun 1, 2022 · Power BI forums; Get Help with Power BI; Desktop; Service; Report Server; Power Query; Mobile Apps; Developer; DAX Commands and Tips; Custom Visuals Development Discussion; Health and Life Sciences; Power BI Spanish forums; Translated Spanish Desktop; Training and Consulting; Instructor Led Training; Dashboard in a Day for Women, by Women Jun 14, 2018 · Hi I can't seem to figure out why Drillthrough is not working, I have tried directconnect and importing a dataset, starting a new report, but the drillthrough filter is nowhere to be find, the filter options where you decide what the drillthrough should filter on. Nov 10, 2019 · Hi I have 2 Power BI Pages - Page 1 has a Drillthrough to the Second Page. Table visual. I want to be able to see all the details across all dates instead of drilling it through only 1 date. And both are repeats of filters that I already have. Set this to OFF. The Drill-through filter is specifically designed to provide granular information for a single data point or field. The only options you have are Cross-report and Keep all filters. Please give it a try. However, the filter is greyed out. To get their teammates I try filtering for all the individuals in the UserDim table with the Manager that is indirectly selected as a result of the drillthrough filter applied to the LabelValue field: Then, under Drill through: Set Keep all filters to On. In my tooltip, I would like to ignore my 'snapshot week' filter on the main page (to expand from current state to showing previous 10 weeks) but r Apr 21, 2022 · I can add points to both filters but cannot retrieve from either without deleting the entire filter. I think only those fields in the table filter through to the drill So my company just updated to the new Power BI yesterday and I cannot find the pane to add drill through filters. I've checked the option "keep all filters" because I want more than one filter to be applied. Because the drillthrough button has two states, enabled and disabled, you see two tooltip options. I have created an Embedded capacity in Azure (A1 SKU) and want to link it to this workspace. Sep 12, 2019 · Page1 drill-through to store=500; See Page2 filtered; Navigate to Page1; Click bookmark button; See Page2 unfiltered. Here's what i need help with - The user drillthrough's to Page 2 from Page 1, plays around with slicer values on Page 2 and then returns to Pa 3. What is a Power BI Drillthrough Filter? A Power BI drillthrough filter is used to identify the columns that are to be used to drillthrough from one report page to another report page. The source page passes either Adventure ID (primary key) or a unique Headline. com/spreadsheets/d/1Ul Nov 24, 2020 · Hey there, I would like to get rid of a single field in the drillthrough filter. ) I'm even okay with the date filter to follow, I just don't want the date from my drill from page to overide my date frames on my line graphs. Aug 15, 2019 · Thereafter, if I go to tab2, the table1 always show the results of January because the filter is still selected. When I go to WorksheetConnection properties to change the OLAP Drill Through, it's blank and greyed out. Mar 21, 2022 · I have a table with 3 slicers in my first page, I want the slicer values to filter the values in the drill through page however even when I place the fields in the drill through page nothing happens I even turn off keep all filters. Jan 11, 2021 · I have 3 visuals on report. Mar 19, 2023 · Method 1: Use ‘Clear all slicers’ button. I click on the button attached Jul 23, 2020 · Hi, i've a question regarding the "new" drill-through button; Is it possibile to use a drop-down list slicer to select the drill-through value and then click on button to go to the drill-though page? I've tried so many different ways, but the button only works if i select the value from a table fr Feb 20, 2024 · I'm trying to get drill to work on a visual. google. Create a drillthrough button in Power BI - Power BI | Microsoft Docs . If you want to view other column values without having to return to the main report page again, all you need to do is change (or reset, if you like) the filters that are applied to the report page, and you can add new filters too. Assign a bookmark to the button. Feb 1, 2023 · I'm trying to drill through on a bar chart to data on another page. Oct 2, 2023 · Power BI Drill Through - More than one level: thanks but unfortunately keep all filters is greyed out for me as I am drilling through on summarized data Oct 11, 2020 · Currently, you could right-click a data point which is actually a column value in other report pages, and drill through to the focused page to get details that are filtered to that context. My main page has a bar chart with Employees on the Y- Axis. Then go back to your visual and make sure that it is also slicing by some set of those same fields. Ensure Used as category is selected. When I drill through, the date range and Category are drilled through as Sep 4, 2019 · L ike Cross-report and Keep all filters will appear over the next month or so. Best Regards, Qiuyun Yu Sep 24, 2021 · Trong bài viết hôm nay dataMAKER sẽ hướng dẫn cách bạn cách sử dụng tính năng Drill Through để thực hiện xem trang báo cáo chi tiết trong Power BI. Best Regards, Gao Community Support Team Jun 15, 2022 · When I select a project, then the button color turns on, so user knows to click on it (see visual attached). If multiple values are selected then the drill-through filter will be disabled. after that, when your visual on other pages, included that drill-through field, will allow you drill through to another page. Drill-through in Power BI typically requires a specific data point to pass as a filter to the target page. Please correct me if I wrongly understood your question. Clicking on pie area takes me to another page (drill through) respecting the filter context. Drag the field StateProvinceName into the field that says Add drill through fields here. Nov 4, 2024 · Hi @Mo_ . g. The Top N filter is greyed out as in my original screen shot. Maybe you can learn more about Keep all filters function in Drill Through pane. Oct 1, 2024 · For example, if your default personal bookmark includes a report-level filter for Country/Region = US, Power BI applies that filter before applying the filter context from the source visual. The second point is that currently only the drill button is supported within the same visual. I've enabled cross-report drill through on the Options > Settings menu, I've created the page I want to navigate to, but the visual on the other page is not filtering/drilling. I have slicers on the page that has area When i drill through, i want to Aug 3, 2022 · Method 1:you could clear the filter after drill through. In the image you can see that one says "Year: 2021" and another filter for "Year: 2022". On the page you added the field, POWERBI will automatically add aa button for you. But before selection, the button is greyed out (see visual attached), which kind of makes it hard to read, and I couldn't figure out from the Format view how to make the text and outline of this button to be, say, black and so more visible. Jul 18, 2019 · When using drillthrough, filters created within a measure with CALCULATE are not passed to the drillthrough page. There are some downsides to this way: no right click drill through on the slicer sadly and it can be tidious to replicate. So stay tuned. The file was created by two different employees with different versions of PowerBI. One limitation of the drill through functionality is that it only allows users to drill through on a single data point Jun 2, 2020 · Finally set the "drill through" page to keep any filters you need to have and remove the ones you don't ie don't select keep all fitlersLearnt that the hard way 😑. (Disadvantages: it's not possible to do it with a button 😞) I hope it helps. set action. See full list on askgarth. Feb 28, 2024 · This seems crazy silly but I create a date filter as outlined below and whenever I change the number of days, the apply filter text remains greyed out meaning I can't apply the filter. Is there a way to get that visual to ignore just one filter from the drill through? Jul 19, 2019 · I have a matrix visual that I've added a number of filters to in the filter pane. You can select BallotName and pivot it in PQ (you will have to indicate in the next step the Values column), but you will no longer be able to create the pivot in the structure you mentioned, data for pivot tables must be in tabular Feb 16, 2023 · Hi - what is the best way to use the drill through feature but only keep some filters? So i have a measure that just gets handled Handled = sum(tbl[handled]) This is then places in a visual which is split by product code. However take a look at the "Included (1) entry. I do publish my reports so, deleting the drill-through filter after drill-though will not work. Folloiwng is the screen shot of the page where I want to add fields for Drill through. I'm stumped how to do this - the drill-through report greys out the 'Keep all Filters' function when I go to set it up, bringing through the Title of KPI, but also the Year and Quarter. About the other two, please refer to: powerbi-desktop-matrix-visual. I started this report with the June desktop version and just noticed this Nov 7, 2024 · When I set up my filters on the drill-through, it successfully filters for the region and month end. Note the bookmark was saved on the drill-through page with no filters applied: Here is what I see when I drill-through on store 500: And then I navigate to page 1 again. You can't turn off drill-through on a visual by visual basis. I'd been wondering when you would switch the Keep All Filters toggle to off when you set up a drill-through page in a Power BI report. As already stated, navigation between pages is drill through, not drill down. The slicers are all cleared and the matrix is drilled up all the way. Best Regards, Amy Apr 15, 2021 · Is it possible to be able to drill through but excluding the date filter. However, there are enough measures that I need 2 pages for each individual Apr 7, 2020 · Friends, I have created a scatter chart with below details Page 1 X axis - Subject Names Y axis - Results Legend - Roll Number Tooltip - Student Name, DOB, Admission Year Page 2 - Drill through page which contains a table which shows students details. Only filters from the report itself can be passed, i. Jul 8, 2021 · I have a PQ / Power Pivot model which uses as main sources other excel file in which i have the transactions DB (fct) and the supporting tables (dim). This page has Employee detail. If you drill through on the card with multiple data points selected, the drill through page will have all of the relevant filters applied. Back button: A back button is added automatically when you assign a drillthrough filter. I’m drilling through to a Category Details page. I then have a replica of the page as a report page tooltip, but showing the last ten weeks. Works exactly as intended. Jul 8, 2020 · It is not supported to drill through with multiple selected values in Power BI currently . To give an example: I have a source page where I want to drill through to a target page to see details of where a product was used in a promotion for a particular brand in a particular date range. Mar 9, 2020 · When I go to try and filter my data by parameters so that I can set up incremental refreshes, the parameter button is grayed out and I don't know how to change that: Per the incremental refresh article, Pro users are able to use this feature, and I have verified that I have a Pro account. Nov 8, 2016 · In your scenario, please verify the chart also has hierarchy in service. If a create a pivot table using as source the datamodel i am able to retrieve only the first 1000 rows (the function is greyed out) is there a solution? thanks for the support. In a recent Power BI update, an option to add a button to clear all slicers has been added. There is now an easier way to clear all filters in your Power BI report with one click. In Add drill-through fields here, add the field that you want by dragging it from the Data pane. Please try in the Drillthrough section of the Visualizations pane, set Keep all filters to Off. Feb 2, 2023 · Hi @Jeanxyz ,. Add the visuals you want on this drill-through target page. For your reference. Method 2:if you don't want to keep the filter about drill through ,To jump to another interface that is not affected by the first page (show all), use button+ Page (or button+bookmark). So I put Roll Number as Drill through field an Oct 31, 2024 · drag the field you want to drill through here. Reference: Drill down in a visualization in Power BI. 2. After the last update, these two filters are greyed out and do not offer the option to select. While the Drill through feature is unavailable for measures , you may learn more Set up drill through in Power BI reports. Dec 12, 2018 · Hi Guys, I have a 'current state' snapshot on a front page. If I select 'Keep all filters' then obviously all filters from the source page are kept. Is there a toggle or option that may have been turrned off in the last update. Oct 26, 2022 · In One Click we can reset all filters and slicers to default values in Power BI Service as well as to clear all filters in Power BI desktop using a button Feb 23, 2021 · Apply drill-down filters to (Edit interactions) in Power BI helps to Control the behavior of the visual interactions. the buttons will be greyed out. Always define the target page and fields that activate the drill through. You can explore in-depth details about your data by using the drill-down, drill-up, and expand features on your visual. Jul 2, 2024 · I am selecting a row from power bi table visual in summary page and then right click --> drill-through to detail page which is working fine. But I want it to filter for row items where the values have a '1'. Hope this helps! Feb 10, 2023 · - Drill through Filters in Power BI enables us to navigate from Home/Summary tab containing high level information into the in depth detailed level informati Oct 3, 2023 · , on Drill through page you can turn off the keep all filters, and then what fields are added to drill through, will be passed to the page. Dec 28, 2020 · The Pivot Column is greyed out because you have more than one column selected, including the Values columns. Note: i am not using any date related Drill down. When you turn on the Keep all filters , the data that filtered by slicer will display in the page you drill through . Currently the "Keep all filters" function is working as expected (or as design) when it is off in Drill through. Enable Drill-through Filter: - Go to each drill-through page and add the relevant field (Category or Region) to the Drill-through Filters pane. issue if on the details page there is a filter from the drill through so, only solution i found is to create reset book mark that removes the filter then the user can select another company. When I hover over the drill-through button on my bar chart, it's showing the entire table instead of filtering to the specific data. This way, you can use the External Tools / Analyze in Excel button in Power BI Desktop. Feb 23, 2021 · A drill through in Power BI allows the reader to see secondary data related to the original page with the context of a specific data point applied, for example, drilling through on sales data can display the demographic information of the relevant customers for those sales. Luca May 20, 2020 · Chart 1, I select drill down arrow, then click VP of West and it opens up all the accounts under VP West. 3. Does anyone know how I can do this? Measure data is below - Nov 18, 2019 · You can keep all applied filters to the drillthrough window when setting the Keep all filters toggle to on. Set the drill through filters On this new page, We need to select the visual we want to drill through to We want to keep all applied filters, in the Drillthrough section of the Visualizations pane, set Keep all filters to On. Best Regards, Amy The rest is hidden behind the grey stuff. add button. on that details page i want a slicer to change the company im looking at to a different one. Is there a way when we return to tab2 to have all the filters clear. Jul 19, 2023 · I have added the measure [File Keys] to the Drill Through list. If you really don't want show the specific data in the page, you may could try with Bookmark feature Create the page you want to be the target of your drill-through, find the 'drill-through fields' section in your Visualizations pane, and add [B], [C], and [D] (eventually you should take some time to understand what "keep filters" does - but turn it off for now to keep things simple). For cross-report drillthrough, Power BI passes the filter context to all standard pages in the target report. There is a drill through button in the Drill/Data tab, but that button seems to be doing nothing. From my Main Page, I can drill through to Detail 1. 2. Click the back button to leave the drill through and return to previous page. i have read many blog posts related to this in online but still i couldn't find the solution in my case. I also cannot select them to drag them to another area. However, when I drill through, it brings all the filters, including the single date. The same can be done for drilling down to A3. It is the reason the Janruary data is showing and I need to somehow bypass this. I have set up drill through on the pie chart visual. I've added the drill-through field for all the relevant DAX measures, but it's not producing the expected results. Dec 25, 2023 · APPLIES TO: Power BI service for business users Power BI service for designers & developers Power BI Desktop Requires Pro or Premium license. Can you drill through multiple values in Power BI? The current drill-through filter doesn’t support drilling multiple values in Power BI. It always filters the one below. When I go to Format > Edit interactions, "Apply drill down filters to" is grayed out and I can't I have a card visual that I've added to a report. But i wint it that it won't filter the date. You can create another Drill through table. com To fix drill through not working in Microsoft Power BI, you need to include the filters correctly, enable cross-report drill through from Options, activate Keep all filters, use reports within the workspace, and complete the source data and check the relationships. If you leave the tooltips boxes blank, Power BI automatically generates tooltips. Can someone guide me here, please? Thank you Kindest Re It most likely means you no longer have a valid target page for drill-through. Drill through filtering is a feature in Power BI that allows users to explore and navigate through their data between charts. I. I have a drill through page for a dimension and want to show a line chart of account values for that dimension over time. Apr 9, 2023 · The image below shows the results of a standard drill through operation. If the report is published with the Top N set then looking at it in the service the Top N will look as it should until it's changed to basic or advanced. I would have expected to see all Customers. New set the filter fields you want to pass from the other report pages to filter down your best sellers Here we Jun 21, 2024 · For each chart I created a page with more details (Details1, Details2) configured as Drillthrough with Keep all filters = Off and Drill through from = Site. About Drill through, please refer to: powerbi-desktop-drillthrough. In that case, you can install the Analyze In Excel for Power BI Desktop external tool. I am using the Drillthrough feature to get to the additional details. The drop-down doesn't work. Each page has multiple slicers and Page 1 drillthrough's to Page 2. Open the page Customer Details. dataMAKER có 2 trang báo cáo gồm: Trang 1( Produc… May 1, 2024 · As an examlpe, think of it like drilling through based on baseball player. Jan 11, 2021 · Good Afternoon All, I have a report wherein I am creating Employee Performance Scorecards. It's a good idea to keep it. Oct 28, 2024 · - For each page (Page 2 for Category-wise sales and Page 3 for Subcategory-wise sales), add a Drill-through Filter based on either Category or Region, depending on how you want to structure the navigation. The expected result is so see the top 3 values only . That's the whole problem. Sep 9, 2019 · Hi, I have to pages - 1 with geographical data of sales 2 - customer info Page 1 is constantly filtered with specific dates range. my issue is i drill through on company name, to a details page. Best Regards, Dale So I have a table and I want to drill through based on company name to a different tab. The only other visuals are 3 slicers and a matrix. Then Top N becomes greyed out again. from page 1, while using another bookmark to filter out a certain year on Page 2. PBIX to your My Workspace to see if drill down is available. So if the visual doesn't have the ability to Drill through or Expand to next level, etc. Any help would be appreciated. Oct 11, 2021 · It is likely to do with Drillthrough Filters being applied on other tabs / sheets within your Power BI Report. When you add a field to the Drill through well, Power BI automatically creates a back button Jan 5, 2022 · That's the problem. Is there a way to ignore that area filter when drilling through? I have keep all filters off but it still applies it when going to the next page. Dec 30, 2024 · If you decide to keep a drillthrough page visible, be sure to add a button that allows users to clear any previously-set drillthrough filters. Keep all filters allows you to specify what filters are kept, depending on you requirements this may suit your need. If I select a single attribute from either bar chart, the button activates and the drill-through to the other page works. I'll take you through the when and explain the set-up steps. Selecting that gives me all the options that were there previously (Keep all filters, cross-report Drill through from…) Then, under Drill through: Set Keep all filters to On. the final show: Best Regards, Community Support Team _ Yalan Wu Found it! I have no idea what you mean by context menu. In the original tab , I don’t need to use the filters to filter by company name as the data is easily viewed in the table. The "Year: 2021" can't be removed. #POWERBI #MICROSOFT #MICROSOFTPOWERBI #DAX #MICROSOFTPOWERBIDATAANALYSIS, #DATAANALYSIS, #BUSINESSINTELLIGENCE #BI #PERYTUS #DECIPHERYOURDATA #DAX #TIMEINT Jan 23, 2023 · Set Keep all filters to On in the Drill through a section of the Visualizations window. I can close it but in the web i can't. com/blog/power-bi-drillthrough-filters-and-how-to-change-them/ Jan 7, 2022 · When I drillthrough with a Measure the 'Keep all filters' automatically comes on. However, I am encountering an issue others have had, but have not yet been able to find a solution. . Check out this blog post that may be helpful: https://askgarth. Jul 23, 2020 · The column LabelValue in Fullstore is the drillthrough filter for the individual (their email). So, i am just using only 2 levels in Drill Down, one is Region , 2nd level is Country. See: Also you can publish the attached . Or none if I toggle that button off. I have been using this functionality in reports for many months. utyh fgv pzdad cwyhdu btwyr jtwzdv tsnydss iydbmg zkgxkih jpa hmtwyt xtmkhzmz tjhiue zdm pvxzcp