Nra targets pdf. Click a target to view and print.

Nra targets pdf Any questions or comments on the Handbook should be directed to the NRA: The American Target Company is one of the largest manufacturers of competitive targets in the United States. Information contained in this Handbook is valid as at 1 March 2017. We produce Official type targets to the high standards required in printing ISU & NRA match competition targets. National Rifle Association (NRA) Official Pistol Target B-2; 50 Ft Slow Fire Indoor Gallery; 10-1/2 inch x 12 NRA-D2-Dimensions_and_Sources. Both stagesmustbecompletedinthe samesessiontoqualifyasone completedcourseoffire. 1. Passing/Failing: The NRA Pre-Course Qualification for Rifle will have a maximum score of 100 points and a minimum passing score of 80 points. com Created Date: 8/17/2019 8:45:04 PM courses of fire, you may then use the NRA AP-1 Target. Email: info@icore. Minimum passing requirement must be met in each phase. Targets 83 4-3-3. Storm Tactical MILRAD Target Pack — YARDS, 174 Targets, 98 MB PDF file. Here’s a Tikka T3 in Third Eye Tactical cerakoted chassis. falconmachining. com. org. Bullseye, Score, Sight-in, Load Development, F-Class, Fun Targets, Varmint Targets, Benchrest Targets, IBS, NBRSA, Long-Range Targets, and more. This publication seems to be "unobtainium". Jun 25, 2020 · SR-1C Shooting Target, Official NRA Target, Repair Centers for SR-1, 100 Yard Targets, Target, Rifle, Competition, Short Range, 10. robertson@nra. Sanctioned League scores are used for classification. NRA Basics of PistolShooting 1 INTRODUCTION The NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course introduces students to the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for owning and using a pistol safely. net ACTION PISTOL AIR PISTOL AIR RIFLE & BB GUN HIGH POWER RIFLE INTL HIGH POWER RIFLE B-18 B-18C B This NRA SR-1 Target is basically a normal version of this target, but shrunken down for placement at 100 yards. All Pistol Targets NRA Non-Official B-22 $ 51. Free PDF downloadable, printable paper shooting targets for all rifle and pistol shooting sports. These patterns go with #4301 - Welding I Page 1 of 2 Jun 8, 2008 · This is a scaled B-40 target for indoor shooting and postal matches designed for air pistols. The officials thereof are appointed by the NRA. asp to find it in PDF format, and download it for free. The top edge of NRA D-1 Target Dimensions. com Best Free Targets on the Internet! 5 6 7 8 9 10 X NRA B-16 Style Competition Target 25 Yard Slow-Fire Pistol Target Actual-size quarter: . 16472 Common Rd Roseville, MI 48066 Phone: 800-746-6836; 586-445-3131 Fax: 586-445-3166 Email: targetsource@aol. SMALLBORE SILHOUETTE TARGETS - FULL SIZE. The program, range facilities and of fi cials must comply with standards Level 1 Target NRA 3 4 5 Shots/10 Feet Standing Bullets that pierce the outside edge of the circle count as hits RED. Dec 15, 2024 · NRA A-32 Target (Light Rifle 50 foot) This is a printable pdf version of the NRA A-32 Light Rifle target meant for use at 50 feet. All errors in this Handbook should be notified to Iain Robertson by e-mail at iain. com Created Date: 8/18/2019 5:42:30 PM (h) Postal Matches – Organized by the NRA and publicized through the Shooting Sports USA announcements and/or special mailings. The following targets are available for download: B-2, B-3, B-6, B-8, B-16, B-32B, A-23 and TQ-14. The SR-21 target has been scaled down for use at 100 yards. pdf form, and print easily on a black and white printer on standard office copier paper. Changes . Box 500085 Malabar, FL 32950, USA. Match # _____ 8 99 1010 X 1010 99 8 10-10-10 Drill 10 yards away 10 sec or under 10 shots, all in the black Easy- Start at Low ready Med- Start gun holstered 2023 NRA BLACK POWDER TARGET RIFLE RULEBOOK 1 NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OFFICIAL RULES FOR BLACK POWDER TARGET RIFLE TOURNAMENTS These Rules establish uniform standards for NRA sanctioned Black Powder Target Rifle Competition. Cadence Bars A great way to found or test your cadence skills. 410 D Clermont Terr. org Home | Classifiers NRA D-1 Target Dimensions Authorized Suppliers National Target http://www. These targets come in both paper and thick cardstock options. • Die cut cardboard target with slots for mounting on most turning systems. 0 NRA Competition - NRA Competition is a competition which is authorized in advance of fi ring by the National Rifl e Association. Note: These drawings correct some dimensional errors found in some earlier paper and CAD drawings. AP-2; Related products. The NRA Training Counselor who conducts your course will make a recommendation to NRA concerning your certification based on an evaluation of your knowledge, skills, and attitude. Notes on qualification: As this target is based on an official NRA target, this can be used for earlier stages of qualification. Nov 22, 2016 · The B-2 target is the Official NRA target used in NRA Sanctioned Pistol shooting competitions. , an "X"), but a shot need only touch the outer edge Jul 1, 2017 · This specific B27 target design was courtesy of Baker Targets, with a few edits from us. These B27 targets are also available on Amazon as well as others. Smallbore = Small-Bore = Small Bore = 0. NRA Official Pistol Target B-3. NRA D-2 Target Dimensions Authorized Suppliers National Target http://www. [3] ops. A-League need not be Apr 12, 2024 · The venerable B-8 target was designed many decades ago for NRA bullseye matches, yet it is as popular as ever today for defensive minded shooters as well. Please be sure to fill out the form Sight-In Shooting Targets. 5x11 sheet of paper) 3 days ago · NRA SR-1 Target (200 Yard Reduced for 100 Yards) The 200 yard NRA High Power Rifle target reduced for 100 yards, and sized to fit on printer paper. This target is recommended for sighting in your rifle 1" high. If specific exceptions are not made, the official NRA Rules apply. materials. There are several other references in that rule book to the 'NRA Silhouette Handbook'. Created Date: 12/23/2003 11:22:54 AM Jun 30, 2019 · The target dimensions are 100% accurate to actual NRA B-16 Target dimensions, but unfortunately the outer ring was too big to completely fit on an 8. There are six targets on the page, and we've squeezed them together a bit to help ensure they fit on a standard 8. 31. 955 inches diameter. Printable Targets Test your skills and sharpen your marksmanship with these printable targets. Known as the "Tombstone", the NRA-D-1 target is the Official Action Pistol Target. pdf Print Help. Before you head out to the hunting fields, you may want to practice your shooting on specialty paper targets designed expressly for hunters. Storm Tactical RIMFIRE Target Pack, 6 Targets, 4. Range in YARDS/Target Size In MOA 62 Targets, 28 MB pdf file. Volume 5 Section A–C, the NRA Target Shotgun Handbook and Section D–G, the NRA Target Shotgun Training and Reference Manual are published online only. Right-click and Save As to save PDF. Yes, the type of targets you use can make a difference during load development and training — helping you align your crosshairs, estimate group size visually, and also record load data/gun type. 3958-D Dartmouth Ct. 32 inches or smaller Sep 25, 2023 · Over the past few years I've developed a number of printable target files for my own use using computer desktop software. 5×11″ piece of paper. 50 targets per pack. Action Pistol $$ Target Barn http://www 2) AirRifle10M_55. Application forms are available from NRA on request. Print them for free on standard 8. NRA Instructor Training Quali•cation Target 20 shots/15 yards (45 feet) 16 out of 20 shots in a 6 inch group 308TAC. The fourth "official" target is the NRA B-18 Target used for the Combat Event. – should attend an NRA Basic Firearm Training Course and obtain a copy of the appropriate rule book for a greater Jul 21, 2020 · Storm Tactical MOA TARGET PACK, 62 Targets, 28 MB PDF file. Frederick, MD 21703 Phone: 301-874-4767 or 800-827-7060 Fax: 301-874-4764 Web: www. Free Target Downloads from Storm Tactical. 1789. 6 %ÓôÌá % PDFsharp Version 1. A-17; Related products. The B-2 target is printed on heavy paper approved by the NRA. Title: NRA SR-1 Target by Targets4Free Author: Targets4Free Created Date: 10/17/2018 11:41:08 PM Dec 15, 2024 · NRA MR-31 Target (600 Yard Reduced for 100 Yards) This is a printable version of the official NRA MR-31 target, which is used in the 600 yard prone stage of NRA High Power Rifle matches. Here’s a NRA-type target for pistol shooting. New to the idea of postal matches? Targets AR Challenge training events use the AR-1 target, a new target designed specifically for this program. 80. We offer a very wide range of target designs: Load Development Grids, NRA Bullseye targets, Official-Size BR targets, Realistic Varmint Targets, Silhouette Shapes, Fun Plinking Targets, and even specialized tactical training targets. Target:AP-1orAP-2precision target Thisisconductedintwostages. 5 x 11 paper. Storm Tactical MILRAD Target Pack — METERS, 57 Targets, 31 MB PDF file. Boom, free paper targets to unload your favorite caliber firearm at. (b) International Team Tryouts - Are U. I use one or more of these targets at almost every visit I make to the square range. Most targets you buy at the range are too large and their aiming areas are in the wrong place. pdf Author: Owner Created Date: 10/4/2020 9:20:55 AM Dec 15, 2024 · NRA SR-21 Target (300 Yard Reduced for 100 Yards) This is a printable version of the official NRA SR-21 target, which is used in the 300 yard prone stage of NRA High Power Rifle matches. pdf Author: Owner Created Date: 10/4/2020 9:20:37 AM NRA B-8 Target (Red Center) - Adapted by Targets4Free Author: Targets4Free. Dec 15, 2024 · NRA SR-1 Target (200 Yard Reduced for 100 Yards) This is a printable version of the official NRA SR-1 target, which is used in the 200 yard standing and sitting stages of NRA High Power Rifle matches. The B-2 target is designed to be shot at a distance of 50 Feet. Where alternatives are shown, the least restrictive 6 7 8 9 10 X 50 Foot Timed or Rapid Fire Target (B-3) Title: p50rf Created Date: 1/9/2005 2:14:36 PM competition and shall have received notice from the NRA that the competi-tion has been authorized. Official NRA targets suitable for scoring matches or for match simulation during practice. In other words, at 100 yards, this target will act as an exact simulation of the official NRA SR-1 target at it’s proper 200 yard target distance. Target Company, Michigan (800) 746-6836 NRA Instructors and volunteers will need to be able to set targets the day before and also help in the cleanup process on the final day. We have been producing quality targets that meet exacting NRA specifications for over 60 years, and proudly hold NRA License No. I drew the target full size, then drew lines tapering over 10 meters. brochure and other materials used in NRA basic courses. NRA LICENSED TARGET MANUFACTURER OFFICIAL NRA COMPETITION TARGETS #1 2009 The National Target Co. Fracturing and Splattering targets are not printed on NRA paper and are not Official NRA. 5-5-5 Drill Test your accuracy and consistency under stress. : score. 5" 4. Some are black and white while others have colors such as a red bullseye or multi color rings. org Sep 15, 2022 · September 15th, 2022 Free NRA Printable Hunting Targets. Title: Microsoft Word - BOPS IL EDIT 32817 10 x drill: date dist. Enjoy this excellent NRA B27 printable silhouette target as well as our many free printable pistol targets similar to this one! Courses of Fire/Qualifications. Aug 20, 2019 · An accurate rework of the official NRA B8 Target, made to be printable on standard 8. If you cannot find them locally, contact one of the NRA’s licensed manufacturers. The full-size B8 Bullseye target comes in many variations from lots of vendors and the B8 repair center is a smaller version. Using the NRA method drawing from strong side holster, and shoot one shot Using the NRA method drawing from strong side holster, and shoot two shots Using the NRA method drawing from strong side holster, and shoot 3 shots IHMSA Target Drawings . IS YOUR BUSINESS! READ THE RULES. com Created Date: 8/18/2019 5:41:22 PM We have been a Manufacturer and Distributor of quality Official NRA targets for over 60 years. ICORE. nrahq. Basic Practical This rating is achieved by completing the practical exercise conducted during an NRA Basic Pistol Course. StopButt. Jan 7, 2020 · This NRA B2 Target is our rework of the official version to exact dimensions, and made to fit accurately on a standard 8. National Rifle Association (NRA) Official Pistol Target B-3 – 50 Ft Timed & Rapid Fire; 10-1/2 inch x 12 inch Required Course Target: NRA AP-1 . Notes on score: Each shot that hits the target is awarded the points indicated in that ring. Slow fire. 5 mm) pellets. This is perfect for sighting in varmint rifles at 100 yards or rimfire rifles at 25 to 50 yards. Smallbore Rifle Prone Course: NRA-USAS 50 target at 50 feet, A-23 and A-27 targets at 50 yards, and A-25 target at 100 yards. PdfDictionary /Length 24524 /Subtype /XML /Type /Metadata >> stream application/pdf NRA B-2 NRA B-8 Target - Adapted by Targets4Free Author: Targets4Free. 1 Official Targets In NRA Sanctioned competition, only targets printed by NRA Licensed Manufacturers, bearing the Official Competition target seal, or military targets issued by the Armed Services, without modification except as 50 Yard Smallbore Rifle Target (A-23) 5 6 7 8 9 10 X. 84 Title: NRA-D1-Dimensions_and_Sources. Print your own bullseye shooting targets for free! Included here are 26 different printable bullseye type targets. 3 Rules—The local sponsor of each type of competition must agree to conduct the authorized competition according to NRA Rules, except as these Rules have been modified by the NRA in the General Regulations for that type of competition. It is a design that is simple, useful To order support materials, please call the NRA Program Materials Center toll free at 1-800-336-7402, or visit us online at: www. uk or in writing Qualification Targets Inc Product B-27 Standard Law Enforcement Paper Target is an Official Full Sized B-27 Silhouette Shooting Target- Available in Black, Blue, White, or Green 24" x 45" Paper B27 For large or custom orders, please call 866-498-8228 (a) International Matches - Arranged by the NRA with the recognized national shooting organization(s) of the countries concerned. 5″ x 11″ sheet of paper. 0 (verbose mode) % Creation date: 8/17/2019 8:49:45 PM % Creation time: 0. Target Inc. Discipline-specific standards are listed with each course of fire. com ACTION PISTOL AIR PISTOL AIR RIFLE & BB GUN HIGH POWER RIFLE INTL HIGH POWER RIFLE B-18 Whether you’re practicing to win a National Championship at the Daisy National BB gun Championship Match or just improving your marksmanship, these Official NRA 5-Meter BB Targets will get you there. S. Union, NJ 07083 Phone: 800-243-8274, 908-355-8600 Fax: 908-355-1414 Email: speedwelltargets@aol. I drew new circles at 5 meters, so this should be quite accurate. At the moment only PostScript versions are available, and no new targets have been added to the collection, but I'll be converting all of them to Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format in the near future, as well as All targets are available as PDF documents and print on standard 8. Aug 23, 2023 · The 'Rifle Silhouette Rules' dated Jan 2023 refer in part 4 to the "Targets for NRA sanctioned Silhouette competition shall be of the size and shape established by the scale drawings in the NRA Silhouette Handbook". Title: Microsoft Word - BOPS IL EDIT 32817 Author: NRA Basic Pistol Achievement Target NRA Certified Instructor: Sighter Shoot each level at corresponding target number L 1: 5 Rds @ 10 ft / L2: 5 Rds @ 15 ft / 5 Rds @ 20 ft the appropriate NRA basic course student packet which includes the handbook, certificates, NRA Gun Safety Rules. It is as easy as picking out your favorite designs, clicking the PDF icon to download it and then, print it out using your local printer. All free printable targets are available in GIF graphic and/or PDF format. If you are unable to view the targets click here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. Apr 26, 2020 · AccurateShooter. These targets are printed in our modern, quality controlled establishment on modern Lithographic presses. The SR-1 target has been scaled down for use at 100 yards. NRA Sports 3 Gun Experience events will need to have a minimum of two current NRA Certified Instructors and/or Range Safety Officers present. 120/300 150/300 200/300 225/300 250/300 2 times 3 times 6 times 8 times 8 times Score: 269/300 or better 10 times, or258 or better in two NRA sanctioned pistol competitions (See Witness Requirements, page 3. %PDF-1. org Website Tech Support: support@icore. 1. B-27 - RED DOT POLICE TRAINING PROGRAM TARGET. They may not be modified by the user or the Manufacturer, except with specific written permission from NRA Competitive Shooting Division. tournaments conducted under NRA Rules organized or authorized by the NRA as prelimi- Known as the "Tombstone", the NRA-D-1 CB target is the Official Action Pistol Cardboard Target. Quick View. Created Date: 9/11/1999 5:25:06 PM 1/2" grid target with 1" circles to sight 1" high. Match# _____ Relay# _____ Target# _____ Stage# _____ NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION (A-17) 50 FOOT SMALL BORE RIFLE TARGET Basic Practical This Rating is achieved by completing the practical exercise conducted during an NRA Basic Pistol Course. Through this course, the students will learn about pistol parts and operation, ammunition, gun safety, pistol NRA Competitive Rifle classification as a Sharpshooter or better, or a certification as an NRA LEAD Patrol Rifle or Precision Rifle Instructor. : 10 10 10 x 10 nra b-8 center Official NRA Rifle Targets, Smallbore Rifle Targets. Note: Select "fit to page" or "no margins" when printing, to ensure proper scale. com 1. Possiblescore:200 CourseofFireandRating ii 2020 NRA SMALLBORE RULEBOOK. G – Questions for the NRA Target Shotgun CoC theory test All Target Shotgun (TS) instructors, range officers, and participants should be familiar with the contents of this manual, copies of which should be readily available to members of the NRA and affiliated clubs. Nov 4, 2021 · November 4th, 2021 FREE Printable Targets for Load Development and Training. Anticipate needing, at a minimum, 2-to-3 volunteers to help run your NRA-Conventional · CMP-Competitions · Olympics · ScoreGuide · . : 10 more free printable targets at: www. On the ISSF 177 caliber target, the 10 ring must be completely removed to score an Inner 10 (i. O. Some targets have no Official NRA equivalent and are therefore not Official NRA. NRA Instructor Training Qualification Target 20 shots/15 yards (45 feet) 16 out of 20 shots in a 6 inch group Student Name:_____ Certified Instructor: Date: _ Downloadable - Printable Targets (Each prints on a standard 8. NRA LICENSED TARGET MANUFACTURER OFFICIAL NRA COMPETITION TARGETS #42 U. com! Concealed Carry, Firearm, NRA, USCCA & Security Guard Classes in Metro Denver & All Of Colorado The following images will print slow, timed and rapid fire targets on US Letter Paper to NRA Specifications. concealedgarry. This is one of many good free targets available at Targets4free. CSA is the home of the International Cult of the B8 and if you’re ever among the CSA crew you’ll often hear us call it “Vitamin B8,”. Required Course Target: NRA AP-1 . 040 seconds % File size: 494189 bytes % Pages: 1 % Objects: 24 %----- 1 0 obj % PdfSharp. RangeFloor 84 4-3-4. The third "official" target is the speed plate, which is made from . . 00 in. The B-2 target has 1 bullseye, with the bullseye 3 1/16" in diameter & black in color. 955 inches in diameter(2. Shooters who are not familiar with shooting terms – targets, equipment, positions, scoring procedures, etc. Enjoy dozens of free printable targets at Targets4Free. Stage1StrongSide:Fiveshotsin threeminutesandfiveshotsin10 seconds Stage2WeakSide:Fiveshotsin threeminutesandfiveshotsin10 seconds Atotalof20shots(10pertarget). I drew these with the idea of practicing and postal matches in mind. A Postal Match or home range match is a competition in which entrants fire separately on their home ranges and exchange scores or submit their scores and/or targets to NRA Headquarters where scores are evaluated and National Target is a leading manufacturer of Official NRA, law enforcement, and specialty targets. I 1111 I 111111111 I 11111 Turkey at 77 meters. Available at: Zack's Sports, 2138 US 9, Round Lake, NY 12151 Ph: (518) 899-2799. Download target as . SAFETY. Division or as an A4 pdf download on the NRA website. Created Date: 5/21/2012 9:50:08 AM NRA SR-1 Target. 5" x 10. Pdf. ) COURSESOFFIRE The NRA Official Pistol Target B-2 is a high quality target provided by the Target Shop LLC, one of the oldest manufacturers of shooting range targets and custom target range solutions in North America. TARGETS 4. These rules provide for the efficient and orderly operation of a tournament. sponsor. This target includes data entry boxes to record gun type, score, and load data. NRA Basic Pistol Achievement Target Student Name: NRA Certified Instructor: Level 3 Target 5 Shots/20 Feet Standing Bullets that pierce the outside edge of the circle count as hits Targets » Targets are available at sporting goods stores. Best Free Targets on the Internet! NRA B-8 Style Competition Target (25 Yard Sustained-Fire Pistol Target) For reference: Actual-size quarter equals . Bullseye Shooting Targets. 3 Rules - The sponsor for each type of competition must agree to conduct the authorized competition according to NRA Rules, except as these rules have been modified by the NRA in the General Regulations for that type of competition. We are now adding targets in A4 size format. and shall have received notice from the NRA that the competition applied for has been authorized. Silhouette Targets - Police Pistol, Police Silhouette Targets B-27 $ 74. We are now adding targets in A4 books are also published online. Used for 10, 15, 20, 25, and 35 yard Bianchi Cup. The NRA has not certified me as a legal printer of targets, so you can't use these for official competition with NRA ranking. However, official targets must be purchased for higher NRA Rules organized or authorized by the NRA as preliminary or final tryouts for the selection of International Team members. ai - NRA-D1-Dimensions_and_Sources. (c) National Championships - Organized by the NRA, in conjunction with local sponsoring organizations as selected by the NRA Silhouette Committee. With the different impact areas the AR-1 allows the shooter to experience two different sight pictures. ustargetonline. P. pdf files are 10 meter air rifle target bulls designed to score the same as ISSF Olympic size 10 meter air rifle target bulls when shot with 22 caliber (i. The NRA Official Pistol Target B-3 is a high quality target provided by the Target Shop LLC, one of the oldest manufacturers of shooting range targets and custom target range solutions in North America. Well, technically, you have to pay for the paper and ink so it Target Number NRA B-8 Timed & Rapid Fire www. Even still, it should still be very serviceable for casual competition and scoring. The target area on a human is about the size of a piece of copy paper. The MR-31 target has been scaled down for use at 100 yards. Aug 17, 2019 · This will make a great target to practice for official competition, challenge your friends, or just hone your skills solo! And while this is a re-creation of a pistol target, it is a large bullseye target and so it could go well with a rifle too, if that’s how you choose to use it! Our free printable NRA B2 Targets are available in two variants. 70. Namely shrinking it down for easy printing at home. nationaltarget. The AR-1 target is designed as a training target with multiple scoring zones, to challenge shooters of all skill levels. Great for sighting in any rifle, pistol, shotgun, bow or air gun. • Alco Target Company, California (888) 258-4814 • National Target Company, Maryland (800) 827-7060 • U. We have been a Manufacturer and Distributor of quality Official NRA targets for over 60 years. Find various NRA targets for pistol and rifle shooting, such as B8, B2, B4, and SR-1. If a shot lands on a line, the shooter is awarded the higher value. com Look under Products . This is for easier target acquisition and site alignment at the range. Action Pistol $$ Target Barn http://www 1. It is painted white. We’ve made it easy and free to print them from home. speedwelltargets. We are also licensed with IDPA, IPSC, USA Shooting, IALEFI, and IBS to supply our customers with targets that are designed to meet the standards of various organizations. Files are jpg images and adobe acrobat files. 5x11 paper and enjoy competition or recreational practice. nra three-position 22lr a-51 targets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x total initials 50 yds prone 50 yds standing 50 yds kneeling total points competitor name _____ 4-3-2. Print your own sight-in shooting targets for free! The printable sight-in targets below have grid backgrounds with numbered lines. com ACTION PISTOL AIR PISTOL AIR RIFLE & BB GUN HIGH POWER RIFLE INTL HIGH POWER RIFLE B-18 B-18C B-24 D-1 D-2 AP-1 AP Targets and Distances Smallbore Rifle 3-Position Courses: A-17 or A 36 NRA/USAS-50 target at 50 feet, A-23 target at 50 yards, A-25 target at 100 yards. Here, then, is a mostly complete archive of my NRA-style rifle and pistol targets, with measurements taken from official NRA rule books. 5" x 11" piece of printer paper. Range in YARDS/Target Size in MILS 174 Targets, 98 MB pdf file. 5x11 paper. December2022 4-3-5. NRA Official Pistol Target B-2. 6 MB PDF file. Project #3207 . Download to your local pc and print. 43cm). 9-1/2" x 12", 1-7/8" black centers NRA LICENSED TARGET MANUFACTURER OFFICIAL NRA COMPETITION TARGETS #10 Speedwell Division of Rockwood Corp. Dec 30, 2022 · RED Center Pistol Target. 5×11″ piece of paper! The NRA B2 target is an official 50 foot slow-fire pistol target and is regularly used in competition. In the speed event, 4 of the 5 targets must be knocked down to score, while the 5th (stop-plate) must be hit to stop the clock. Please NRA Instructor Training Quali˜cation Target 20 shots/15 yards (45 feet) 16 out of 20 shots in a 6 inch group. The bright red center helps when shooting indoors because well-placed bullet holes are much more visible. BulletCatcher 84 Figure4-BulletCatcherwithCanopy 84 10. will be notified via the NRA website, the NRA Journal and, if necessary, by e-mail and/or post. Range in METERS/Target Size in MILS 57 Targets, 31 MB pdf file Jun 9, 2008 · I drew all of these targets in AutoCAD from the official NRA handbooks to the specified sizes. NRA Target masters are made using Computer Assisted Design and must be used in production of all NRA Targets. com Email: targetguy@netzero. Included below are a more standard version, along with a version with a red center. Official NRA Airgun Targets Pellet Gun & BB Gun Shooting Targets Targets below are printed on NRA standard BUFF target paper (P) or tagboard (T) Click on each image for more details and a larger picture. com has a HUGE collection of FREE downloadable PDF targets. Javelina at 60 meters. Hunting season has started in many parts of the country… or will very soon. Awards • American Rifleman Qualification Patch • Skill Rockers Defensive marksmanship practice can start with something as simple as an 8. NRA RuleBook 4. e. Jul 7, 2019 · Our reconstruction of the official NRA B-4 target. Suitable for a wide range of applications, including recreational shooting, competition, and law enforcement. Click a target to view and print. PdfPages /Count 1 /Kids [5 0 R] /Type /Pages >> endobj %----- 2 0 obj % PdfSharp. Looking for high-quality, official NRA training targets? Look no further than our selection of targets approved by the National Rifle Association. Title: NRA B-2 Target Red Center (Printable For Free!) - Adapted by Targets4Free Author: Targets4Free. (g) Sanctioned Leagues (shoulder-to-shoulder)—May be authorized by the NRA after application has been filed by a local organization. Most all of these are in *. All NRA Official Competition Targets are printed by NRA licensed Manufacturers only. • Printed on Official Heavyweight NRA "Tag" Paper for superior durability. Volume 6, the NRA Civilian Service Rifle & Practical Rifle Handbook, is released online, with a small print. , 5. 375 (3/8) inch steel. NEW! 1/25/2003 Big Bore Targets. 6 out of 5 stars 46 25 Yard Slow Fire Pistol Target, Official NRA Target B-16, Bullseye Target, Archery, Gun, Rifle, Pistol, Airsoft, BB Gun, Air Rifle NRA 10 Meter Air Pistol Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7. COM Crooked Bend has mashed together a compilation of some of the most intuitive and creative shooting targets that we could find. com Web: www. com/printtargets 10 x score. It is an NRA 20 yard slow-fire pistol target often used in competition. Law Enforcement agencies may use this for qualifications 50 YRD NRA silhouette score 10-7 Color: Black 24" x 45 100 pack Full-size B-27 official qualification target. pdf All Pistol Targets NRA Official, Competition Targets - Action Pistol-Bianchi Cup. This makes it a fantastic target for long-range shooting. Red Dot Recoil Diagnostic Analyze your recoil… *NOTE: Targets with color or reversed are printed on the same paper, but are not considered Official NRA. oqq bkbgk qjfti hipgmhb mpz qalc egdxqua xbotj upxoo rfusqzx bhpga gct tgjsnq kxwdibi nnpgpi