Mhw best sticky lbg 2021 You can make Fatalis LBG but it’s only 1 dmg better per shot, and kind of a wast of Fatal eyes. One thing for sure - BUILD STYX. The DPS on sticky 3 shots is noticeably better because of this. Not a lbg player, but that's the main reason afaik. It may have lower raw but the recoil 2 on sticky 3's are amazing, you would not be locked in place when shooting stickies since the rajang has recoil 3. These are "Beginner" tips - If you're a seasoned cheese hunter like myself you know all of these already. This is obviously the forum for base game, and he's talking about Jho's LBG. its harder to play, but lbg just has sticky ammo going for it, which is not a top dps build but rather a utiloty class. its that goooooood! sticky Lv 1,2,3 Gunpowder Lv 2,3 and blastnuts 3 )set your radial menu so you can quickcraft sticky on the moment 4) REMEMBER that you craft 2 sticky in one craft,so craft your ammo when you have 1,3,5,7 ammo left on the light bowgun 5) take blastnuts in the map whenever you can if you know where to find it If you do not mind defender weapons the defender LBG is easilly the best normal 2 for base MHW. Aug 17, 2020 · What would people suggest as a combo of foods to best benefit a bowgun user? I'd like to get more damage, yes, but also as good a bonus on HP and stamina as I can. Hidden Bullet II is the best sticky LBG between MR 50-70 because it can equip a health augment and fire Sticky 3 at recoil+2. I think the LBG is your problem here, using RF Sticky 1 you'll get 9 + 30 shots crafted without visiting camp, whereas with Sticky 3 you'll get 9 + 78 shots (each Sticky 1 shot gets crafted into two Sticky 3). The Defender LBG was actually the best normal LBG when iceborne launched, if you can believe it. You can alternatively drop 2 recoil mods for +2 recoil and replace them with shield mods. Burstcannon is still competitive vs Vor Buster on shorter hunts because Wyvernheart's burst damage makes up for Vor Buster's higher EFR. Literally locks down monsters permanently with sticky 3 and para 2. Go AB7, artillery3, peak performance 3, rest is up to you T-Rex hbg. Like for my Aquashot Sticky 3 build, I use Attack 5, Artillery 5 and Peak 3 to hit sticky cap of 145/sticky 3. Nov 10, 2020 · Best Monster Hunter World Tips, Tricks and Secrets MHW Best Longsword Builds [Top 7] [Top 10] MHW Best Elemental Weapons; MHW Iceborne Best Heavy Bowgun Builds [Top 7] Monster Hunter Live Action Movie Release Date, Cast, Trailer, Story, News; Monster Hunter World Large Monsters List: Weaknesses, How To Kill, and Location; MHW Tier List Iceborne Ymmv but I usually go water for the first phase, break both wings and back, then focus the head. Garuga would be the recommendation. I enjoy the play style. sticky 3 = 113 damage sticky 2 rapid = 80 + 40 = 120 damage using spare shot charm i only get attack boost Lv4, but we got the wonderfull spareshot ability : stick 3 = 110 sticky 2 rapid = 79 + 39 = 118 damage LBG has a fast sheath time while HBG is the slowest in the game. So sticky would be my preferred option in multiplayer since Fatalis isn’t as predictable in multiplayer. Bolstering your Light Bowgun's base damage with Attack Boost is definitely recommended for Sticky Ammo hunters. Either zorah set with artillery 5 and spare shot or nargacuga set with artillery 3 and trie spare shot should do decent damage. Get the garuga LBG you already have access to guiding lands, it can do sticky 3 at recoil +2, from the guiding lands you can also start farming for the zora set for artillery secret, mix and match the other 2 slots to get ammo up 3 for your second ammo on sticky 3 and use the spare shoot charm. ) We have good choices of guns for Sticky firing, it is also very easy to build for. And then while you’re in the evade reload animation to get in a quick craft. Sep 27, 2021 · We have come full circle. Read on to learn more! Ok so your at post story base game, you can go for the taroth blitz support from kulve for best normal 2 lbg, and the empress Styx from Luna is good for free spare shot skill and thunder and slicing ammo good for killing kulve, probably run pierce with that as well if you don’t want to use defender. Right now four piece fatalis is the best way to get all three and put on some other useful skills. Recoil Down caps at level 3 for armor skills but even with that maxed Sticky 3 still doesn't have the lowest recoil possible so you need the Silencer to lower it further. lbg are better with elemental ammo, but elemental ammo itself usually is worse than the classical ammo types unless you have some crazy elemental weaknesses like high rank kulve taroth. : LBGs are generally better at using sticky then HBGs in mhwi. The Supressor frees up a Mod Slot on I've been using the rapid fire Sticky 2 Deviljho LBG. A properly awakened Aquashot is the best Sticky LBG in Iceborne. It's really good but if you are going to use artillery I asume you want to use sticky ammo in which case Aquashot would be a much better option. Aquashot is actually the best for sticky in the LBG category, you want to build for full attack and artillery and trying to get true razor sharp/ spare shot. Unfortunately for you pretty much all of the HR best in slot LBGs are from Kulve Taroth. Slugger. Actually for sticky you now want to go full fatalis. That means without going back to camp to refill ammo you can have 39 Sticky Ammo 1 and with that you can craft up to 78 additional Sticky Ammo 3. Normal 2: Taroth Shell "Support" or "Blitz" - For non-KT player: Empress Shell "Ruin" (Higher damage overall), Empress Shell "Blaze" (Higher Aff + Para ammo), Karma (Odog, lowest damage but has the best support ammo list) Regular Brachydios have rapid firing sticky, could be a for-fun choice for the purpose. If you like the style of using sticky ammo but hate having to restock, try a solid HBG build with clusters (reccomend furious rajang HBG or magda gametus vulcan). This is one of the absolute best LBG you can find at High Rank, and is ideal for pushing your way into the early Master Rank portions of Iceborne. Pretty quick to build the muscle memory for it. Discussion I have agitator and artillery maxed out, attack buffs out the ass, and keep almost constant damage on him the entire fight but have only 10 minutes left when he gets to the third phase and I get oneshotted by almost every fire move he has If using HBG, switch the LBG to Tigrex's HBG. This also means comfort and possible damage loss. tv/angbata11GUNSEXUAL DISCORD:https://discord. Wouldn't go full slugger secret for an LBG build but 1 point of Slugger now gives 20% bonus which is double what any other point in the skill gives so if you have a single KO jewel knocking about it's probably worth it. The best Sticky build is going to be full fatalis gear with Safi Aqua shot the skills depend on what monster you fight and how comfortable you are against them. The rajang lbg is a great choice for sticky, is easy to craft and the negative affinity doesn’t matter. Jan 13, 2020 · Brachynos LBG have rapid sticky, loaded it with 3 evade reload + 1 mod of choice 3 set of narga for True spare shot Added armor that have are can be slotted with artillery + free ammo + attacks Or Zorah armor to upgrade artillery + razor charm + free ammo + attacks + artillery I heard there is also another LBG with rapid stick, a rare 12 one I Not just that, but recoil suppression is quite amazing, you can walk and shoot sticky 3 with low recoil using aquashot, that not only has a shitton of raw for an LBG when fully awakened and augmented, but also has a lv 4 slot to boot. The Safi'jiiva, Kjarr, Alatreon and Fatalis weapons dominate each category with its potential in their respective element brackets. Even if I do get the occasional "free" shot from the armor passive, you really blow through Sticky ammo very quickly. The pinned meta sets for the bowguns don't actually say which ammo types are better, and it's difficult to find solid info regarding ammo types for LBG. Sticky Ammo is known for its high KO damage. My first iteration of the set had max crit eye, attack boost, wex, and crit boost (as well as minimum recoil + reload), and was a comparison between the Magnamalo LBG and the Zinogre one. Especially on the safi aquashot. Of the two, I prefer the play style of LBG, especially the use of Wyvernblast, but LBGs cannot match the damage output of HBGs. If you want go only sticky, then go farm safi for aquashot, it's the best sticky bowgun in the game. The Blackwing Bowgun II is still a contender, has less damage and less skills to work with since it needs Free Elem/Ammo Up and has worse slots, but sticky 3s on Normal recoil instead of High increases your mobility by an absurd degree, and it can use Poison Ammo (paired with poison dur up set bonus it can make back the damage compared to rajang lbg quite quickly on monsters susceptible to Like do 2 sticky level 2 shots equate to more KO than a sticky level 3 from the HBG even though they do close to the same damage. Sure, the rajang lbg has para 2 ammo but the garuga has poison 2 and a lot of backup ammo like RF sticky 2s, spread 3s, slicing, RF pierce 2s. The best Sticky Heavy Bowgun available at this point in the game is the Gama Turret from Dodogama. After you got the Aquashot level for [Narga skill, Atk+, 3x Atk], pair it with Zorah head, Nargacuga chest, Zorah hand, Zorah waist and Narga leg He is saying that frostfang barioth LBG is good for spread ammo, not that it is an ice lbg. It can shoot RF water faster at recoil 1 with normal reload than any safi lbg. . High deviation isn’t the worst downside for Spread builds, as the ammo explodes in larger areas, but it can be a nightmare if you’re trying to line up a precise shot with Pierce ammo. If you don't have access to fatalis, go with 3 piece Zorah magdaros for artillery secret + 2 Nargacuga and one Narg Rajang hbg is good for sticky, but thats all. See full list on gamewith. RF Sticky 2 has always been bad. As mentioned, you want to use sticky 3. The almighty Safi Aquashot if you have access to Safi Siege. The following LBGs were considered the best during MHW's base game experience: For sticky ammo, I like three pieces Zorah Magdaros and two pieces Vaal Hazak, with that skill that gives attack at full health (don't know how it's called), but you also have four piece Raging Brachydios. They do, however, ignore a monster's hide defense. But be carefull since 1x Sticky Ammo 1 and 1x Gunpowder lvl 3 creates 2x Sticky Ammo 3 at once you will waste 1x Sticky Ammo if you craft over the maximum of 9. Pure slicing: zinogre LBG but runs out of slicing ammo fast. Edit: If you want to use HBG, sticky 3 is your best bet for safi. Adding 3 Reload Mods can make its other ammo types somewhat usable, would not recommend using Wyvern or Cluster in multiplayer though. Reply reply Yes, it depends on weapon and skill levels. Nov 18, 2024 · Furious Flammenkanone is the best Sticky LBG of Update 2. Sticky is easier to play at range and can just shoot anywhere. net Well for LBG I’d recommend Aquashot for sticky, and kulve/safi for elemental. If you stick with stickies (ha, no pun intended), Safi Aquashot is the best sticky LBG. I crafted the 1st tier Rajang HBG with auto-reload Sticky 3. Rajang HBG. It also has a higher base raw than alatreon lbg plus you also get status with aquashot. And as the other said, once you get Safi get x3 Aquashot - Sticky 3, Pierce 3 and Elemental. Boltshot is best SF Pierce 2. my old build ran with the Brachy LBG for the rapid fire sticky ammo because it almost always guaranteed a knock out on almost everything after a few shots. I get some good food skill procs, but not so much on HP or stamina. You could use that with your current build a try fit some pierce jewels in. come and join the darksidewe have plenty of cheese. Either way, make sure you also stock up on Sticky ammo and crafting materials to craft them on the fly, and put them in a loadout. And since sticky 3 does significantly more damage then sticky 2, yet you cannot carry or craft more sticky 2 then 3. Jho LBG for rapid fire sticky 2, Rajang for sticky 3. PP is a pretty good skill for this. Sadly, Dango Bombardier does not work properly to increase sticky ammo damage (hopefully they patch it. For a Sticky LBG, you want Safi's Aquashot with Nargacuga Essence, Attack VI, and then either your choice of Attack Vx3 or Attack Vx2 and a Recoil Supressor. They key is picking up tune up and using silencer. The only issue is Pierce isn't as good vs a lot of matchups so it won't be as versatile as something like Defender LBG. The Garuga was the best lbg before any expansions came to iceborne (safi, MR kulve, Rajangs, zinogres, etc. Never unplayable, but if your target is buttkicking damage AND you take KT off the table you're left with a big pile of mediocre guns that take a bunch of Minor FYI due to backpack capacity as many folks have said having sticky 3's and 1's ready to craft is a good call - bring your gunpowder 3's and your blastnuts. My favourite HBG for pierce is the Baleful night (Naruga). But to be honest Safi=Jiva is coming back this weekend, you should just grab the Safi Aquashot, it is the best sticky LBG in the game now. I've tried a few combinations, and the results have been less than stellar. There is no one best LBG I would say, as most LBGs specialize in only 1 ammo type, or at least they need different awakens to be able to work well. Jun 21, 2020 · I'm trying to add gameplay tips now into the mix. Sticky LBG does around the same damage as sticky HBG but less DPS because only clip size 2. His GLs are notable as among the best options for Long. Normal is a comfortable in-between Spread and Pierce. The meta LBG for base World is the Defender LBG with its Rapid Fire Jan 29, 2021 · The best Light Bowgun mods in MHW will depend not only on the LBG in question, but on the type of ammo you’re using. I think, not sure, I can't check right now. I main lbg sticky all day long. Also notable as the best shield HBG option. Now, if the goal is to help your friend learn the game, maybe something more supportive. However, sticky ammo combines at a 2 to 1 ratio - meaning every gunpowder plus sticky 1 equals 2 sticky 2s or 3s depending on what you're shooting. Oct 28, 2020 · Best Light Bowgun: Monster Hunter World. The build itself, its same as usual stack as much damage as you can (Attack, Artillery, food buffs like Bombadier and Temper). But yeah, I highly recommend Beo’s LBG. You can check this Fatalis Meta LBG Compilation for the best LBGs in endgame. Fatalis lbg isn't that bad so if you want to run sticky but don't want to go through the trouble of upgrading an Aquashot you could use that one. From comparing this set in MHW builder with the meta set in the sticky, with item buffs active, it's only just behind in DPM on a monster like Seething Bazelgeuse when coalescence is active. reReddit: Top posts of May 2021. Quick Sheath can help, but even at level 3, it is slower than LBG. Both are pretty much equivalent in dps, but I like Jho a lot because you don't need recoil mods and can run 3 evade reload. The best non-aquashot sticky LBG is Fatty's. The spare shot charm is superfluous because you already have TSS from the nargacuga set. Magnamalo LBG would usually be the choice for sticky LBG due to the variety of other ammo it can fire to support sticky damage. Its affinity that is irrelevant to sticky ammo because it doesnt crit: you want as high raw attack as you can get. First you're probably right about the damage. Best craftable Sticky 3 LBG, versatile and can also be used for rapid-fire Pierce 2. ive been told that theres a Safi LBG that runs rapid fire sticky as . Follow me on my twitch to join Open lobby gang! :)https://www. I’ve found what works best is binding sticky 3 + sticky 1 crafting to your radial wheel. When paired with the right skills, mods, and weapon augments (not to mention the Fatalis set bonus), you’re guaranteed about 50 damage per shot. PS. Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Light Bowgun for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Sticky is the cheese ammo. Second, you can bring a LOT of materials to make ammo. Rapidfire shots are . 0 due to its high base damage and because it is one of the few LBGs TGS 2021; E3 2021; May 26 2021 Event Go ahead and run sticky it will get you through a lot of fights. Sep 26, 2021 · Argent Ray (Silver Los LBG) is good for fire until you have Alatreon Dominator for all elements except water. I used the Shara LBG sticky 3s only and would sometimes go with the Loyal Thunder HBG for spread. The build for Frsotfang LBG is Brachy, Brachy, Alatreon, Kulve, Kulve. The jho and garuga lbg both excel at sticky rfs2(sticky 2 rapid fire), with the jho having a slightly higher base raw and the garuga having more room for augmenting and much lower deviation. I can still ko several times a hunt. The set has 20+ Fire Resist and Heat Guard, can't get set on fire and cannot take damage by burning floors, meaning with the aid of moxie you always get a second chance even when hit 64+ to 0 by fire attacks, though at the time I was in possession of a Hard Fire Res Jewel, which were pretty hard to come by back then, chances are you won't have all of the jewels here either, Shaver can be Garuga LBG still the best Sticky LBG. Fatalis gear gives you true spare before then IIRC it’s Nargacuga armor that has spare shot. Kulve was an end game siege in HR, so I think it’s pretty reasonable that MR Kulve is an end game monster. ). Normal jewel bombardier doesn't, it only affect bomb. I'm not trying to go for max optimization as i don't have the best deco slots or mechanical skill, but I do want to slap on the best augments possible for the sticky 3 playstyle. Man, if you are going for a wide range build, use a sticky light bowgun. It's the gateway drug to LBG. Recoil + 2 when modded allows better mobility than Shara/Rajang with similar DPS. More info explained in this Sticky Album. Item buffs: Bombardier Atk L, Normal drug and Might seed. Safi Aquashot remains king for water. Unfortunately there is no lbg that is good at both sticky and spread, for sticky the best lbg is safis aquashot with nargacuga essence, 2pc nargacuga and 3pc zorah until you get fatty armor. You get large clip size So here it is guys the dream builds for Sticky LBG user! all skills needed is here for sticky! make sure to check it out and also damage test per build is sh See if you can lower the recoil/reload and get them to decent levels, usually high hitting LBG go for lowest recoil and at least +3 reload, if you have spare slots after choosing these you usually fill up with close range mods for normal, spread and pierce, if using the later power barrel is a priority, sticky doesn't really benefit from either The best sticky LBGs only have a clip size of one for sticky 3s while the best sticky HBGs have a clip size of four for sticky 3s, which is a pretty massive difference. You want to avoid firing stickies when you stun the monster as you aren't contributing to extra stun (There is an argument for getting rid of your sticky 2s during as knockdown as they are less safer to use), I use that time to drop three of the wyvern mines as they do about 2X180 damage each and you might get 10-15 mines in a fight which What is the best HBG/LBG sticky build upvotes 2021. It is also the best gun for Pierce shot and Sticky 3. Depends, I personally go for Bombardier/Riser/Daily Skill with Attack L on F. That and Sticky 3 deals the same KO, RF Sticky only shoots twice compared to other RF ammos, and the main kicker is the really bad recoil that you cannot lower. Elemental, you match the element you have to the weakness of the monster you are fighting. Let me know what you think. Once awakened properly, it is THE LBG of choice for shooting sticky 3s. Sticky HBG does more DPS because you can shit out stickies with a 4 size clip. Rajang, however, doesn't need Ammo Up, because you can only fit 2 evade reloads, so the third in the mag isn't worth it. All easily farmable and I can include special ammo boost 2 too, instead of taking away the Attack 5 and add Earplugs. Still, if you insist on staying with LBG for the last stage, Sticky is the best option. Speaking of which, I'm currently using Cartilage Blaster III. It's possible to get the fastest reload speed and lowest recoil possible on a Bowgun with the Basarios LBG by using Recoil Down 3 and Silencer, as well as Reload Speed 3. However it's pretty immobile so it can take some getting used to. You need 3 Aquashots if you want the best LBGs from Safi specifically. Best meal is weapon dependant, there is a skill that boost shelling/sticky damage so those builds will favor it, there is another black belt I think that works like constitution so bows go for it, there is another that boost normal shoot damage so Normal based LBG/HBG or bows go for it. It also gets Wyvernheart which is fun. If u want pure deeps kt shot is the way to go. You're also missing out on the heaviest cluster shells which are a major part of the damage output Dec 27, 2022 · Sticky Ammo does NOT crit. Feb 15, 2021 · This particular weapon will also auto reload Poison ammo, which is a nice bonus, but the main reason you’ll want to keep and upgrade this LBG is for the upgrade in High Rank, Cataclysm’s Trigger. It uses the Magnamalo gun that has a decent ability to fire slicing and spread so you have something to do Whatever weapon you are most proficient in. PLus, you trade off LBG's mobility to HBG's damage (clusters is really strong, problem is you can only carry/craft so much). The other options are too skill expensive to fit wide range. Your main focus for sticky builds are Free Element, Artillery, and some form of Spare Shot. Some lbgs are the best in their class at a given element if a monster is particularly susceptible to that in which case you might want to get a wider variety of lbgs, but that means way more time farming. Third, you should have spare shot for free shots. So with 3 you can do a lot more damage before you have to refill at camp. My friend did a Oct 19, 2019 · Sticky's value comes from CC alone, really. The Support lbg is used for Normal 2 RF. Still I would recommend sticky HBG for the first and second phase with partbraker until you knock the horns and then after that your favorite raw dps weapon to just kill it, there is not much science besides knocking the headplate in phase 1 and the horns in phase 2 for added rewards, all elements sucks Pure sticky: rajang HBG. Wo Spread is generally high DPS just like HBG if you can keep good uptime close to the monster, and you have a bunch of options for LBG (Spread 3 Evade Reload, Spread 3 Slow Reload, Spread 2 Normal Reload with larger clips, comes down to preference) Dec 27, 2022 · This article is the best build for the Light Bowgun in the base game, Monster Hunter World (MHW). 7 x 3 of the original shot, and can be boosted by 20% with rapidifire up so while they are good for pierce or ammo thats harder to bring a lot of like slicing, often times like normal and spread the best ammo level 3 single shot option on a more powerful gun does more dps. The best LBG for slicing is Frostfang LBG. And maybe another if you want to try Pierce 3 build (which Aquashot is the best at). twitch. It is still useable. With recoil and reload decos you can walk around while spamming and reload. Since the damage is low, there’s also a tryhard version using guts and felyne heroics like this build. Frostshot is best SF Spread 2. Thats the sacrifice you make for playing LBG. See the best Iceborne Light Bowgun builds of 2024, starter builds to help you progress through the Iceborne expansion, and the best Light Bowguns and skills of Iceborne's endgame meta. Also has great CC ammo. reReddit: Top posts of 2021 TOPICS. Title! Looking for the best Bowguns for the following: LBG: Normal 2 Rapid - Taroth Assault Blitz Normal 3 - R Brachy Spread 2 Rapid - Fatalis / FF Barioth Spread 3 - FF Barioth Pierce 2 Rapid - Fatalis / Safi Bolt Pierce 3 - Safi Aqua Sticky - Safi Aqua Slicing - Fatalis Fire - Kjaar / Alatreon Water - Safi Aqua Thunder - Alatreon Ice - Alatreon Dragon - Fatalis HBG: Normal 3 - Vor Buster This is the part where your experience is the most painful, during your first encounters with Fatalis and if you are the only one to target him, then it is unlikely for you to kill him if you focus the head due to your lacking shot damage and short timer, so the belly and arms are the spot to target throughout the hunt, quite a few of the attacks that already were oneshots before stay oneshots Sticky is a bit more fussy though, since you don't get to carry a lot of it you need True Spare Shot, but getting TSS into a Sticky build without a Safi weapon with a Nargacuga awakening or Fatalis gear is really difficult and makes you about as squishy as a fly against Tempered Elders. Slugger increases Stun Power by 40% at level three and is definitely worth adding to Sticky Ammo builds. You can unload stickies on a monster faster than any other bowgun. Both are available to you now after the story and the armor is the best you'll get until Fatalis. Also Sticky LBG is amazing in Iceborne. it's the Odogaron tree LBG, sequel to Karma :) It's quite good but I'm hoping I can get "bigger numbres" considering 3 of these shots do significantly less damage than a single HBG N3 shot. Fatalis is impossible with a LBG sticky build. For HBG, Furious Rajang's HBG, Demonlord Beastbuster, is the best, mainly because it can get recoil +1 with a clip size of 4 (via Free Elem/Ammo Up 3) for sticky 3 ammo. If you want Auto-reload Sticky use the Rajang HBG instead. Safi Aquashot. Has to run recoil+3, two evade reloads, but no free element required. Granted, I do change out of LBG for the last stage because firing Sticky ammo non-stop tends to run out of ammo very quickly. If you have the velkhana Y set you get peak 3 on one piece and can still run true spare shot with fatalis armor. GGEZ wherever you go but can run out of sticky ammo mid-hunt, hope your teammates maximize DPS with the openings you make and don’t ever cluster on a teammate’s area. gg/Dam4zYZ#MHW # In regards to Spread, Frostfang is better, even with Evading Reload customizations. The goal is to hunt monsters, fighting with your best weapon achieves that goal. I haven't done much bowgunning apart from trying out fatalis and using elemental ammo so I'm probably a bit off on what meta lbg sets are. Follow me on my twitch to join Open lobby gang Oct 23, 2020 · Using Vor Buster with Spread 3 ammo is widely considered the MHW best Heavy Bowgun for spread and DPS. The thing dispenses Sticky 2s like nobody's business when you do this, and it's also possible to raise the clip size for Clust 2 using Rampage skills. If you do not have access to fatalis yet then four piece raging brachy will do just fine Bombardier the food skill does affect sticky. Reply reply [deleted] As far as Sticky is concerned, the only time that is ever relevant is in Hidden Bullet II. See this build. Three piece xeno y, empress mail b and kaiser helmet y n awakening charm. In the endgame hbg just outclasses lbg. Spread needs to stay near Fatalis chest and is dangerous to play cause the player can easily get one shot. The LBG you pick also depends on where you are in the game. The rapid sticky 2 shots deal slightly more damage per shot but at the cost of higher recoil which means more animation commitment per shot and slower shooting. There are various spread and piece options such as Fatalis, Frostshot, Aquashot, Boltshot, or Frostfang depending on what you want out of it. ATM I'm using Ghost for LBG rapid N2. When he goes to phase two I switch to sticky (there’s a build in the sticky for TSS and Art 5 I use) and focus the shit out of his head. Fatalis' LBG has some niche usage for supporting the status effect infliction of others by means of firing its very small magazines of Sleep and Para through Wyvernblasts as wasteaway ammo, but it is not really strong enough to be a full blown status bowgun due to its high rarity and its very poor reload stats You can use rapid fire sticky 2 if you really want but sticky 3 is just better overall. Others are more comfortable options. Food just eat bombardier / temp / booster The best HBG for slicing is Safi Freezecannon. The only thing affect cluster is raw atk, nothing more. Sticky is good in this game. The damage isn't worth it. Coming onto IB I didn't find anything that beat the defender LBG in terms of N2 until the higer tier of normal monsters, I only switched once I got the Nargacuga LBG which does pierce2 RF along 3 pieces of nargacuga, even with the bad skills clear times for monsters just below ED's are in the 15 to Jan 16, 2024 · These are the best endgame builds for Heavy Bowguns in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (MHW:I). Important skills for Sticky LBG are just free element/ammo up level 3, artillery 3 or 5, true spare shot, and as much attack boost as you can fit. Garuga lbg is more versatile with spread, slice and poison. I am actually doing more damage than pre nerf. The magnamalo sticky slice build is not completely nerfed. Reply reply [deleted] Best set is obviously fatalis but until you unlock fatalis you either want 3pc nargacuga for true spare shot or the razor sharp charm for normal spare shot. Spread and pierce are normally better on HBG but pierce is good for LBG too. Read on to learn all the best armor sets to use for the Dual Blades and the best skills to help you level up faster. It hits the training pole for 144 damage. In total with skills and slots u can build atk boost 4, normal shots, peak performance 3, crit boost 3, special ammo 2, max might 2, non ele boost and ammo up 2. Alternate mod options include: If you really like the normal ammo playstyle, after you’re done with the story, the raging brachy lbg has rapid fire normal 3, otherwise it depends on what ammo type you want to use since different ammo types are best on specific weapons, elemental gunning you want safi aquashot for water and the alatreon lbg for the other 3, (if you enjoy Well, LBGs can't fire sticky 3. One of the safi guns probably has rapid fire pierce. Light Bowguns (LBGs), like Dual Blades, were extremely situational weapons Pre-Iceborne Expansion. I find riser extremely useful when in group, say I got hit by a monster and when I'm recovering it tries to attack me once again but the food skills grants me some frames to not get hit. Tarroth Blitz support is the best normal shot LBG in MR, better than any other normal shot LBG. Look at Phemento on youtubes old stuff presafi and it will show you right. Isn't the Rajang LBG the best Sticky LBG now? I need more materials to upgrade it, but I thought it was listed as the best. IMO, Zorah > Rajang for HBG stickies. When coalescence isn't active or can't really be active, it's slightly ahead. Alatreon/Aquashot are better for element. Run 4 recoil and 1 reload mod for +1 recoil and Slow reload with a clip of 2 with Ammo Up 3. Given the extra augment slots that the Garuga has it actually only beats that gun by 2 raw, but 2 4slots vs the single 1slot means that it has better builds. Yeah, it's fine as a RF Pierce 2 or Sticky 3 LBG. Reddit . It can also run most of the status ammos, so it’s great for controlling slippery monsters like If an LBG main, at a minimum, you want the Safi Aquashot, and likely 2 of them: One for a sticky build and one for water element build. Magna got to 90% crit, Zinogre had 100%, and Magna needed the silencer to get to minimum recoil. You have the Vaal Hazak LBG and the Garuga LBG too. The ammo choice for LBG against Fatalis is basically spread or sticky. See the best Iceborne heavy bowgun builds of 2024, starter builds to help you progress through the Iceborne expansion, and the best heavy bowguns and skills of Iceborne's endgame meta. If you are interested in hbg, there is wyv ammo which can hit 1k easily. I'm a big fan of LBG at Iceborne endgame, but without KT guns it's just "okay" through HR, and the selection of LBGs through Iceborne story is a bit sad. Sticky HBG playstyle is different with LBG (again IMO). Iceborne and World have different good LBGs. I used to use the garuga gun because it had rapid pierce 2 and rapid sticky 2. Just want to help everyone by showing all of the "STICKY 3" buils ( I LOVE TO USE ) Test them out and see how you like them. Just make sure if you run the HBG not to run Health Augment. Shara LBG: Less damage version of Rajang lbg, in exchange it gets usable sleep 2 Jan 16, 2024 · These are the best endgame builds for Light Bowguns in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (MHW:I). Yeah reloading and ammo management is just part of the game play for ranged. Ranged weapons like bow or LBG can let you stand out of the way while they run facefirst into the monster. Recoil supressor + compensator and 3 attack augment awakening. Basarios LBG is the best all-rounder. The sticky king is still Aquashot which does 10dmg more per shot (149 vs 139). HAPP You don't really shoot all the time, but yeah you tank everything, stop shooting so your shield can block, you will need to learn timings and so anyways, since you need to know when is the best time to attack, you can think of it as a strong safe weapon to learn the moveset, and you still might need to sheathe to heal every now and then given you take chip damage, sticky hbg is also a strong Aquashot is best Sticky, SF Pierce 3, and RF Water. I've been looking for the basics of an aquashot sticky build and tried it out, enjoying having the ability to break the wings off safi. While the damage difference is Rajang LBG: Highest damage for Sticky 3. Looks like this. I would use the Demonlord Beastbuster HBG (which is the best sticky HBG anyway even at endgame) with 2 pieces of the Raging Brachydios armor and 3 pieces of Nargacuga armor. so im gonna be coming back to MHW:I soon and id like to get back into my old hunting style of blowing the ever loving bejeezus out of everything that can be hurt by blast. Jan 9, 2020 · Welcome to Iceborne PC players! Come and bring your nuts . Running peak performance and razorsharp charm. jlmjwsf igowco lytmvdid dwgtn cdddgmzo vmezxy slfeq zlorq sav etvtdkiq aurr utrkywu ybrbzc vrx nfyoj