Does dueling work with thrown weapons. (Gets dueling) Draw weapon with object interaction.

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Does dueling work with thrown weapons. a longsword does 1d8 one-handed and 1d10 two-handed.

Does dueling work with thrown weapons Fighter/Ranger). May 17, 2024 · Does Dueling work with thrown weapon? Dueling requires you to be wielding a weapon in your hand. -Improvised weapons, from what I could see, did NOT apply. A melee weapon with the thrown property is still a melee weapon when you throw it. Yes, they absolutely stack. Also sharpshooter feat differs from the one in dnd 5e (the one in 5e has 3 puncts that first 2 will apply to thrown weapons, thrown weapon attacks won't benefit whatsoever from the feat in bg3, nor should from archery) Jun 11, 2023 · What weapons work with Dueling? For duel to work you need to use a single, one-handed melee weapon. This appears to be a one-handed weapon (as "free hand" is singular), which means it qualifies for the +2 damage from the Dueling fighting style (assuming your other hand is not holding a weapon). Sep 5, 2023 · And for the record using a versatile weapon with a shield does not reduce its damage - it does its default damage, e. If you don't have anything in your off hand it will be used two-handed and you won't get the bonus. Feb 1, 2023 · Thrown weapons do their damage when thrown, other weapons are just threated as object and do (really low) damage based only on their mass, like any other thrown object. " Now, again, I understand the part about it needing it to be in one hand for it to gain the bonus, but the part that says "and no other weapons" is what kinda throws me off. It says “when you are wielding a melee weapon that is not two-handed or versatile in one hand, and no weapon in the other, you deal an additional 2 damage with that weapon. You might So after you finish using the Attack action, the blade already ceases to exist, so when you take your bonus action to make another Psychic blade attack, as provisioned by the feature, you are only wielding a single meele weapon. Throwing a bow at someone = ranged melee weapon attack. In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. If the weapon is a Melee weapon, use the same ability modifier for the attack and damage rolls that you use for a melee attack with that weapon. Obviously, return pike, but I'm hoping for a 1h weapon so I can hold a shield, and I took the dueling fighting style, so 1h weapons get a +1 to attack and damage. May 14, 2021 · It has been established by JC that bonus damage from Dueling applies to thrown melee weapons. That's a bummer tbh, I wanted to go for a Longsword build with either 2H or 1H and Shield, and the appropriate fighting style, but I guess that doesn't work. 5) Downside is it leaves your hands empty at end of turn. The description is confusing. By definition, Thrown weapons cannot be "in one hand" when they hit their target. You are, of course, welcome to rule either way at your own table. Jan 10, 2024 · Does Dueling fighting style work with psychic blades? Yes, the Dueling fighting style does work with psychic blades. All I have to go off of is the combat log, because I don't visually see a difference in the amount Mar 14, 2019 · Daggers appear on the melee weapon table and the dueling fighting style requires a melee weapon. The only real way to keep up with damage with thrown melee weapons (of which only the dagger works with the following) is with Thrown Weapon Fighting (+2 dmg, mandatory), Dueling Fighting Style (+2 dmg, mandatory), Returning Weapon (+1, mandatory), the Quick Toss maneuver (+1d8/10/12 dmg, mandatory), and hitting Sneak Attack twice per round (or Aug 2, 2023 · Although thrown weapons don’t count as ranged weapons for features like the Fighter’s Archery Fighting Style, they do still gain the +2 bonus from being on high ground, and the -2 penalty for being on low ground. . on p149 phb, not weapons with the thrown property? This RAW? That’s correct. Sep 20, 2024 · If a weapon has the Thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack, and you can draw that weapon as part of the attack. Does thrown weapon fighting work with psychic blades? Yes, the thrown weapon fighting style also benefits psychic blades. If I throw a heavy crossbow, it is d4 and 20/60, not d10 and 100/400. It adds +2 to Psychic … Does Dueling fighting style work with psychic Feb 16, 2024 · Does dueling work with unarmed strikes? When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. Archery and Thrown Weapon Fighting I'm just noticing is a way to get a nonmagical +2 weapon at level one (Vuman for Fighting Initiate to get a second FS) if you choose to use darts. Mar 27, 2024 · Does thrown weapon fighting work with Soulknife? It allows you to draw a thrown weapon (such as a dagger) at the same time that you make an attack. Dueling Jan 24, 2024 · Does Dueling work with two handed weapons? Yes, dueling can work with two handed weapons, but it may not be as effective as using a one-handed weapon. However , it's possible to use a versatile weapon in one hand, with a shield in the off-hand, to gain the bonus from this feature. Oct 5, 2019 · The Lvl 12 with Duelist and Throwing Weapons Perk scored a consistent 36-38 damage with Throwing Axes. First, this does not seem to be reflected in the weapon damage in the character information screen. As far as the STR damage goes, the thrown text is as follows: If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. Otherwise yeah, that sounds like the way to go if they implemented bonded weapon and the implementation lets you use extra attacks with it, especially if Dueling Fighting Style works with a throwing weapon in BG3 (never tested it in EA, should in 5e). Dec 27, 2023 · @atkinsonnathanj Archery fighting style only affects weapons under ranged cat. It seems like there's lots of conflicting information about how certain talents work with throwing weapons, and I haven't seen an answer to two particular questions pertaining to Onslaught and Dual Wield. Some effects that say "this weapon does XXX" apply to the weapon you are throwing, if the weapon for said effect remains equipped. The Lvl 7 Bro rolled a 28 once, around 36-38 a few times, and 40-42 a few times. Eventually your Martial Arts dmg bonus can bump that quarterstaff strike up to a d10 (really late game). May 16, 2024 · Yes. A shield doesn’t negate the style, even if you have a feat like Shield Mastery that allows you to regularly attack with it. Also yeah, sharpshooter works with weapons in the ranged category, not any weapon you throw at range (unfortunately). The Dueling part still works in hand to hand combat. Jul 3, 2020 · Basically it means that using the Throwing Shield as a weapon (be it ranged or melee) follows the basic rule of two weapon fighting (not the fighting style). Sep 24, 2019 · D-FS already can be applied to one-handed 1d8 weapons, so applying it to a two-handed quarterstaff won't increase the power outside of a Monk multi-class; however, the spear and trident can both be thrown so the Style gains some additional power as you now have a choice between a 1d8 weapon or a thrown 1d6 weapon. This sounds like we're on the right track but, in throwing the melee weapon to make a ranged attack, it is no longer in your hand. Nov 6, 2019 · The Dueling fighting style states that: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. Thrown Weapons work with Dueling. Not only will it not work, but Longsword in one hand with Dueling does more damage than Longsword in two hands, since one is 1d8+2 and the other is 1d10. ” But I don’t believe that’s how it works in DnD. I'll also homebrew a Thrown Weapon Expert feat eventually to give thrown weapon users something cool and unique. And since i wanted to use throwing weapons it seemd like a good pick. If you use the Heavy crossbow as an improvised weapon to bonk people then you could use Great weapon master and sharpshooter at the same time, since Great weapon master requires the weapon to be heavy and make a melee attack with it, while sharpshooter requires the weapon to be ranged which it is so when you make the attack you could give it -10 to hit for +20 damage I would highly suggest Tavern brawler has benefits for throwing now, it seems pretty good. - No cool Magic Weapons - alot of normal Range feats dont work, and alot of normal feats that non thrown weapon rogue take seem not worth it. It does not say that it requires a melee weapon attack. Does dueling work with throwing weapons? Hunter's Mark reads "deal an additional D6 whenever you hit with a weapon attack". You need the effect to trigger when your thrown weapon is NOT in your hand for it to take effect; eg. Sep 27, 2023 · With a one-word answer of “yes”, he says that the bonus from the Dueling fighting style DOES apply to thrown weapons. This one is oddly specific too. Jun 2, 2024 · This means that if a character is not using a heavy weapon or if they are using a ranged weapon, they cannot benefit from Great Weapon Fighting. Mar 18, 2016 · In this question we see that two-weapon fighting with darts is not possible because they are not melee weapons. When I was testing this on my EK, I found that Dueling's +2 damage only applies if you're dualwielding a finesse weapon (the non-throwing one) along with the thrown weapon. ) Apr 7, 2024 · PSA: Same as on UA, Tasha’s Soulknife works with Dueling fighting style even if you dual wield them. 0). The first tooltip does describe the damage as one would expect, sans the extra strength mod damage from tavern brawler. a javelin Nov 26, 2023 · Haven't tested to see, but Great Weapon fighting description simply defines them as two handed - and there are two handed throwing weapons around - and those often also rate as polearms as well - so various potential combinations. Sep 29, 2023 · Dueling is great when you’re holding a One-Hand Staff and other Melee items, but you can also use this passive with weapons that are thrown. The minimum range is 2, except for . Nov 21, 2021 · Both the first two parts of the feat work with thrown weapons (as they specify ranged attack, not ranged weapon). Atk: d20+prof+dex Dmg: 1d4+dex Two Weapon Fighting: BOTH melee weapons must be light, unless you have the Dual Wielding feat. as the weapon "requires two hands to use" (Weapon Properties, pp. 5 average) DPR. — Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) June 9, 2015 Is the weapon you're holding versatile? Versatile weapons like longhorns can be used one or two handed. Nov 12, 2020 · EDIT: that's also why I allowed dueling to work with thrown weapons before Thrown Style was a thing: in my view, proper design for the fighting styles requiring a specific form of weapon usage means each of those has a single style associated with it, and those styles don't overlap with each other. Not viable for the Dueling fighting style when going sword and Sep 27, 2024 · Nick + two weapon fighting: 2 light weapons – 1 extra light weapon attack as part of the attack action with ability modifier to damage. Thrown weapon attacks - you got it right. Jul 8, 2019 · Dueling. But if I throw a weapon that does not have the thrown property as an improvised weapon, it is d4 and 20/60 regardless of the weapon. if you are dual-wielding and throw one, Dueling becomes active because when the thrown weapon hits, you only have one weapon equiped. A thrown weapon offers both. I've been running a pure frenzy barb throwing build with a magic spear that does what you're trying to do and it's been incredibly potent. (Correspondingly, they also don’t prevent you from benefiting from Dueling; they’re body parts, not “wielded” weapons. The question of "does Dueling apply to thrown weapons" is a tricky one. Jeremy Crawford has confirmed that Dueling does apply to thrown weapon damage. However, two-handed swords tend to be better in terms of strength, but you would have to give … Nov 13, 2023 · Does Dueling work with a versatile weapon? In 5e, Dueling works with Versatile weapons, but Larian put in the weird additional caveat that the weapon can’t be Versatile. Anyway, it appears that Dueling gives the +2 damage for thrown hammers or spears which are versitile, so I'll stick with that I think. Also the first one allows you a shield, 2 AC is solid. 5 less than a 2D6 (7. Jan 19, 2021 · Dueling does NOT state Melee attacks but rather melee weapons. So Crawford has tweeted that Dueling Fighting Style is supposed to work with weapons thrown one handed (even though you aren't "holding the weapon" at the time it does damage) So that stacks with Thrown Weapon Style, if you get it through the Tasha's Fighting Style feat or the Champion's second fighting style. While a shield isn't a melee weapon in general; "An improvised weapon is, indeed, a weapon, but only the moment it's used as such. You need to have a shield if you're using a versatile weapon. Jeremy Crawford's tweets are no longer official rulings , but they can provide a good source of rules intent. There is, however, the Dart, which is a thrown weapon that, due to being on the Ranged section of the weapon table, qualifies for the third bullet of Sharpshooter. A dagger is a melee weapon that can be thrown, and as such you're still making an attack with a melee weapon. Does Dueling style work with thrown weapons? On the other hand, Crawford says that the Dueling Fighting Style does work with thrown melee weapons, and he’s the authority on these matters. Dueling would only work if your Monk was using a quarterstaff or other Monk weapon in one hand. A thrown weapon is a ranged attack made with a melee weapon. Throwing Weapons have greater range, than their standard maximum range, if you are throwing them downhill. It also seems to give the bonus when you Apr 2, 2020 · Does the Archery fighting style work with a melee weapon that you throw? No, the Archery feature benefits ranged weapons. I am trying to minmax my karlach thrower build and i am curious if dueling works when you use a shield and a versatile weapon, for example nyrulna+shield, i heard that the calculation happens without the weapon equiped when thrown, does that mean that only having a shield would satisfy the conditions and i get the +2?, from my testing it doesnt seem to appear on the combat log at least, but Nov 26, 2020 · And obviously you won't get dueling bonus for any attack made while wielding 2 weapons. Aug 23, 2015 · Yes, the Dueling fighting style should apply to thrown weapons. In this case, assume the rogue took one level of fighter for Dueling. Does Dueling work with throwing weapons? Dueling requires you to be wielding a weapon in your hand. So even if you use a handaxe at your enemy, you’ll still get that bonus on your attack. Playing on PC if that matters. You have 3 top choice for weapons: Dart are only 1d4 (but martial art die will fix that later) and are ranged weapons so they work with archery fighting style and sharpshooter. Wonder why the exclusion to Versatile weapons. Does dueling work with psychic blades? I disagree, for the reason that the game gives some really strong items, other than weapons, for dueling builds. This seems to imply that it does not work with Versatile weapons. e. At least that is how we always used it in PnP, but that of course doesn't mean it's the same for BG 3. I thought dueling didn't work with versatile weapons? If it is giving something, then that's great to know. You can also point out that while a DM would probably let dueling work on a thrown weapon all alone because it's not a big deal, and if they allow optional content like the thrown weapon specialization that +2 obviously applies, that most DMs won't let them stack, because they were being nice in the first case and it's shit design to have two Mar 9, 2016 · You can still use a two-handed weapon as you normally would. The gloves that add+2 dmg to dueling chars, with no downside for example. This contradicts the discription of 'thrown', which states it should deal the same damage as a melee attack. The requirement for the style is a weapon in one hand, and no weapon in the other hand. Dan Dillon tweeted a question to rules designer Jeremy Crawford in 2015 (before Dillon was hired by WotC himself): Does the Dueling Style apply its bonus to a thrown melee weapon? JC answered simply: "Yes. Throwing a spear = ranged melee weapon attack. It also seems to give the bonus when you throw a 2H weapon but are wielding a 1H weapon + shield. Keep in mind that Dueling does not work with Improvised Weapons. But they do work with both the Dueling and the Thrown Weapon fighting style, with Dueling giving a better benefit in your case. thrown weapons are actually amazing for STR based characters, specially barbarians with enraged throw. Throwing Fighting Style: WIP: When you make a ranged weapon attack with a weapon with the Thrown Feature, you may draw the weapon as part of the attack, and attacking at up to two times the first range increment does not impose disadvantage on your thrown attack rolls. That you're throwing. While this doesn’t allow the Soulknife to use Psychic Blades on their reaction attack (meaning you can’t apply Homing Strikes), it does allow the Soulknife to make a reaction attack even if it When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. If either weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon, instead of making a melee attack with it. Thrown weapons are ranged attacks. So, check. Draw and throw other weapon per thrown fighting style (Doesn't get dueling) Throw you last weapon per two weapon fighting. The only downside is that you tend to need too many perks to make the hybrid build work effectively (or at least need almost all of those perks to be ready in place before the build becomes effective). a longsword does 1d8 one-handed and 1d10 two-handed. Now you have one weapon in one hand and no weapons in the other hand which lets you qualify for the Dueling Fighting Style's damage bonus on attacks using this second weapon. It changes the average damage of a 1D8 weapon (long sword avg of 4. " as per Jeremy Crawford's Twitter. When you are wielding melee weapons in one hand and the other hand is empty , you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon, increasing your chance to Aug 21, 2024 · All Versatile weapons can be used with shields but they gain the benefit of Duel Wielder on all Versatile weapons and can switch to the two handed grip for the bonus action attack because Versatile weapons don't have the Two-Handed Property and Duel Wielder just restricts weapons with the Two-Handed Property and not all weapons wielded with two Mar 5, 2021 · If I throw a weapon having thrown property (eg javelin) it has its full damage and range (eg d6 and 30/120). Also, Dueling applies to thrown weapons too, so if you want to go that path, you are covered, and with Custom Your weapon is effectively a melee weapon, but since spears/javelins have the thrown weapon property, they can also be thrown. Dec 17, 2020 · Thrown Weapon plus Dueling seems to be the most solid all-round option. If you’re using a thrown weapon that isn’t a melee weapon, like a dart or a net, then no. You can do two of those with extra attack. 5) and just 0. Main hand attack (action) includes ability mod for damage, off-hand (bonus action) does not. Nothing in there about melee weapon attacks, it’s all about actual weapons. Let's replace the darts in that scenario with daggers, which are valid light melee weapons for two-weapon fighting, and also have the thrown property. May 15, 2021 · Thrown Weapon Fighting does not care about what type of weapon is being used, only that the weapon has the Thrown property, and that you are making a ranged attack with it To me, it reads like the intent of adding damage to Thrown Weapon Fighting was to simply fill a void from Dueling & Archery, not to overlap with them. Feb 13, 2021 · Javelin and shield with dueling and thrown weapon fighting vs. Does Great Weapon Fighting Work with Thrown Weapons? Feb 3, 2021 · Thus, when you take the Attack action while wielding two weapons (which is required for Two-Weapon Fighting to work) you throw one weapon at first. The main issues I tried to illustrate were a) split damage double dipping on added damage and b) crushing damage, which feels like something "falling objects" should benefit from, yet somehow, weapons are also getting it on top of their regular damage rolls, i. Apr 15, 2020 · This magic blade is a simple melee weapon with the finesse and thrown properties. May 18, 2021 · Doesn't really take off much/any Dueling damage, because you can make your first Attack action throw one-handed (+2 dueling), draw one dagger as a free object interaction, draw a second dagger as part of a second Attack throw (using Thrown Weapon Fighting Style's extra draw mechanic) to throw that one while TWF (no +2 dueling), then throw the Question is, do I use the Duellist (+2 damage for 1-handed melee weapons) or Archery (since it is a "ranged" weapon, but, not like a bow or sling or crossbow, but more like darts, throwing knives, and the like? Does Archery apply ONLY to things like bows, crossbows, slings, or the like Or does it extend to thrown weapons as well? May 1, 2023 · Yes it does. Two-weapon fighting says: Two-Weapon Fighting. Named Throwing bundles may have more. Im making a multiclassed character with 1st level Fighter and 2nd Level Bloodhunter, and with that i can have 2 fighting styles, so i decided to chose Two weapon fighting and dueling and my friend said it contradicts each other coz you can't use dueling with two weapon fighting since you need to use one weapon but it does say "wielding a weapon Jun 11, 2023 · Does two weapon fighting work with thrown weapons? yes. Therefore, Dueling cannot apply to Thrown weapons. daggers with two weapon fighting and thrown weapon fighting vs darts with archery and the sharpshooter feat. Just wondering if The Dueling Style works with one handed and shield like it does on Tabletop. In a nutshell: if the weapon does not have the label 'versatile' and if the off-hand is empty then you can use duel. Edit: It still works on Versatile weapons with a shield off-hand. Attacking at long range with a thrown weapon does not impose disadvantage on the attack roll. 5 to 6. Like you note, to satisfy Dueling's requirements you need a melee weapon; to satisfy Thrown Weapon Fighting you need a ranged attack. No, it won't work. So its damage is increased if you use it two-handed. So, it can't be used as a weapon as long as you're attacking using a weapon without the Light property with the other hand. Would definitely give more flavor to the Throw action. However, it's possible to use a versatile weapon in one hand, with a shield in the off-hand, to gain the bonus from Throw weapon, while only holding one weapon. Thrown weapon fighting has a bunch of other drawbacks - e. Apr 22, 2021 · Therefore you cannot proc both Dueling and Thrown Weapon Fighting, because the same weapon cannot be "in one hand" and thrown simultaneously. The Polearm Master Feat allows the following benefits: When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite The benefit over thrown weapon style over dueling (though they stack) is synergy with extra attack for your average fighter. When using a versatile weapon with two hands, it becomes stronger. It's super goofy that it works this way, and requires a feat if you're not using an EK with a bound light weapon. Throw has; You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. The third part does not but if you have both Dueling and Thrown Weapon then I think the case for using that third part is usually weak anyway. Psychic blades does create a melee weapon: This magic blade is a simple melee weapon with the finesse and thrown properties. If a character has the Dueling Fighting Style and the Thrown We GWF does not, but Dueling does (or can). There is no issue throwing your spears as a regular character. It requires two-three more perks (Bag&Belts is kinda needed for javelin ammo in large fights), but provides a spike in damage at short range without relying on polearms (also no need to spend points on MAtk) Jun 22, 2023 · The thrown property does not make a weapon a ranged weapon, it just allows you to make a ranged attack with the weapon. Regular Throwing Weapon bundles have a maximum of 5 shots (6 for Bolas). g. Gives you some nice damage bonuses. The extra 2 damage from Dueling ends up being the same damage in the end. As a fighter, you can use that to mostly offset the damage using a two handed weapon, and get the AC bonus. But you can't draw and attack with your second weapon, as a bonus action, after throwing your first weapon When you are wielding a melee weapon that is not Two-Handed or Versatile in one hand, and no weapon in the other, you deal an additional 2 damage with that weapon. The feature doesn't limit itself to melee attacks. In fact, the character information does not mention this class passive at all, despite selecting it at level 2. If you have a weapon in your off-hand you won't get the bonus. Bonus damage dice included in the weapon are NOT applied (tested with shining Staver-of-skull, which should always deal 1d4 radiant, this doesn't work for throwing attacks, but does work for melee attacks). if you are using a magic weapon the enemy can pick it up and use it to attack you or risking losing it on a miss if fighting on a cliff, or running The answer is indeed no. luckly my GM lets me make all attacks with the Soulblade but even with that most cool stuff just dos not work. So if a thrown melee weapon is allowed to have the bonus from the Dueling fighting style, the Thrown Weapon Fighting fighting style should stack with the attack. Nothing in there about melee weapon attacks, it's all about actual weapons. have a look at the general two weapon fighting rules (not the feat): Yep. Dec 27, 2023 · Does dueling work with natural weapons? Given that they’re not wielded or treated as weapons for most game purposes, natural weapons don’t allow you to benefit from the Dueling fighting style. Using the throw action does not count towards this. Related question: Does Dueling Fighting Style apply to thrown weapons? 3. I'm guessing the description meant that they won't work with versatile weapons if you don't have anything off-hand because you'll be wielding it two-handed. 146-147, at "Two-Handed") neither hand can singly be said to be wielding the weapon as the style would Right now it still works if for versatile weapons if you check the rolls in the combat log. If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged Attack. A dart is a thrown weapon that must be thrown, and are not making an attack with a melee weapon. Extra attack does work with throwing. This limits you to a class with this feature (e. My paladin just hit level 2 and I picked the dueling fighting style. Throwing a weapon with the intent to do damage is an attack. Though not allowing it would be rather strange, since it only grants a +2 to damage. Four things are off the table: ranged weapons, two-handed weapons, dual wielding weapons, versatile weapons with an empty off-hand. You seem to be mixing things up. The new Thrown Weapon Fighting (new from Tasha's) text is as follows: "You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. It makes no sense to pick the two handed option. Jul 21, 2023 · The PHB ruleset says "no weapon" so that would imply it should work with shields. Unarmed strikes aren’t weapons, so they won’t work with Dueling. However, when you do so you do not gain the bonus provided by Dueling as you no longer meet the prerequisite. Thrown. Ranged attacks are defined in the PHB as "projectiles sent to strike a foe at a distance". It has to do with exact timing that is never very well explained in the books (if at all). The actual versatility function of the weapon property doesn't seem worth the trade off of lacking a damage boosting fighting style. " TLDR: dueling works with versatile weapon + shield. If only for the sake of letting players do cool stuff, I’m happy to agree with him. Throwing an item that typically isn't a weapon to pass it to another character without harming them or breaking the item, or to get it across a chan, out whatever other non attack thing you want to do that involves throwing requires more time to do safely and Do you get to use extra attack when throwing weapons? I know a lot of the info out there is outdated early access stuff, but I read that if your first "attack" is a throw, the game reads it as a throw action instead of an attack action, and consequently doesn't give you your extra attack(s). Does Dueling work with 2 handed weapons? No, Dueling specifically states that it only applies when you are wielding a single melee weapon in one hand, so two handed weapons do not benefit from the Dueling bonus. So I see no evidence that Duelist works with Throwing Weapons. I'm doing an Eldritch Knight throwing build, but it's kinda hard to find what the good thrown weapons in act 1 are. Part of 'Thrown' description Oct 13, 2023 · -For one handed weapons thrown with the 'thrown' property, it DOES apply surprisingly. Unarmed strikes aren't weapons, so they won't work with Dueling. "When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. According to this code: unarmed combatants are not to be attacked until they can retrieve their weapon; use of magic is forbidden, because magic can be used while unarmed; the use of bows or other ranged weapons, and the throwing of weapons, is forbidden; a combatant may only be killed if the duel was established in advance to be to death If so, BattleMaster with Thrown Weapon Fighting Style (Maybe a dip in Ranger/Paladin for Archery Fighting style if your DM allows that for ranged attacks), Dual Wielder, Tavern Brawler (for improvised weapons), and Crossbow Expert (to be able to throw in melee!). 5) equal to a 1D12 (6. Dual wield and great weapon fighting have a higher feat tax and/or require multiclassing into specific subclasses most of the time. For example, if you throw a handaxe at someone with dueling, you will get the +2 damage. Does a shield count for Dueling? Prior countless clarifications on this question (feel … Does Dueling work with a shield? Read More » Feb 28, 2023 · Does thrown weapon fighting work with Soulknife? It allows you to draw a thrown weapon (such as a dagger) at the same time that you make an attack. Daggers, Handaxes, Light Hammers, are all both Light and Thrown weapons. If you go with a caster level, you can take Eldritch Adept for the Armor of Shadows invocation that gives you the Mage Armor that you want an unlimited amount of times per day. Then you're vying for 3 fighting styles and a feat for "maximum chuckage!" It's probably a dumb idea, but the logic I have is if the table allows sharpshooter for thrown weapons it would allow archery fighting style for them too. If it's a melee weapon that you're throwing, it's a melee weapon. But I think it could be a nice suggestion to add to Feedback Friday. As Gruftzwerg points out, the TWF rules don’t care if your additional attack(s) is ranged or melee. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. I know that the versatile pr Duellist does apply to throwing weapons, yes. A melee weapon is a weapon that can be found in the Simple or Martial Melee Weapons table in the Player's Handbook or a weapon that is identified as such in its description. Those shots are also called "ammo" and each is equivalent to 3 pieces of Ammunition, besides Throwing Spear, which is destroyed after use. You might be wielding a weapon when you throw it, but it’s no longer in your hand once it’s been thrown. So if you still plan to dip, take dueling so you get the +2 when in melee too. Javelin: +5 to hit, 1d6+7 (+3 from strength, +2 each from dueling and thrown weapon fighting) = 8-13 (10. " In 2016, another user asked JC a similar question: Last time I checked, Duelling worked if you threw while dual wielding so that when the thrown weapon hit you had a single weapon in your off hand (triggering the Duelling style). Apr 17, 2018 · Q: Does the Dueling Style apply its bonus to a thrown melee weapon? A: Yes. Also, the Archery style specifically references "ranged weapons", which are a classification of weapons on the table. May 15, 2024 · This seems to imply that it does not work with versatile weapons. " The Dueling Fighting Style text is as follows: Jun 9, 2024 · Does Dueling work with throwing weapons? Dueling requires you to be wielding a weapon in your hand. IIRC Duelist+Throwing weapons+Bows was the best way to build ranged chars due to large armor ignore % on duelist thrown weapons. If either weapon has the thrown property you can throw it as the attack. 1/4 lbs and 5 copper each. Unarmed attacks count a melee attacks, but they do not account as melee weapons. Jun 20, 2024 · Dueling only applies when you are wielding a single melee weapon in one hand, so it does not work with two handed weapons. Dueling Fighting style work with thrown weapons if you only carry one, but that's another feat/multiclass to get. (Gets dueling) I made a post about this when tasha's came out. (Gets dueling) Draw weapon with object interaction. The first two parts of Sharpshooter also work with this if accuracy is an issue. Required feature: Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style. Nick + dual wielder: 2 light weapons* – 1 extra weapon attack as part of the attack action and 1 extra attack as a bonus action, both made with no ability modifier to damage. Oct 7, 2020 · So this is confusing me. -For weapons without the 'thrown' property, it did NOT apply. I'm brand new to the game, and have been playing a throwing weapon Slayer. Bonus action attack that does more damage than a normal attack plus it knocks prone for the next hits Sep 4, 2016 · And just for completeness, here's what Dueling says: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. While this doesn’t allow the Soulknife to use Psychic Blades on their reaction attack (meaning you can’t apply Homing Strikes), it does allow the Soulknife to make a reaction attack even if it The Dueling fighting style works with a thrown melee weapon. There are some abilities/features that state, "Attack with a melee weapon", if the wording for rage used this, it would work. Dec 20, 2022 · Does Dueling work with shields in this game? Title says it really, playing for the first time and picking a fighting style for my Paladin. Apr 29, 2022 · Thrown Weapon Fighting (from Tasha’s) adds some extra damage when dual wielding thrown weapons (handaxes or daggers) – and if you want to get really fancy you could even add in a third multi-class to get Dueling in the mix as well. Does the dueling fighting style work with a shield in the off hand in D&D 5E? Can you use dueling with a greatsword? For duel to work you need to use a single, one-handed Personally, I'd rule it as they can either use Dueling or Two weapon fighting not both and can stack thrown if they throw their weapons. A melee weapon, such as a dagger or handaxe , is still a melee weapon when you make a ranged attack with it. So using 1d6 thrown light weapons and 18 STR for math, your best option is: Draw weapon, draw and throw second weapon, repeat, TWF BA throw first weapon (dueling): 1d6+6, 1d6+6, 1d6+4 = 3d6+14 (24. Does thrown weapon fighting work with Soulknife? It allows you to draw a thrown weapon (such as a dagger) at the same time that you make an attack. Each blade benefits from the dueling fighting style while no other weapon is held. So if you can get both Thrown Weapon FS as well as Dueling FS, that's a flat +4 damage on every throw and it also leaves your BA open for other stuff, which would make some builds, such as Horizon Walker, who have other ways of boosting damage through their BA much better. While this doesn’t allow the Soulknife to use Psychic … Does Dueling work with soul knife? Read More » Mar 1, 2024 · Does Dueling work with 2h weapons? For duel to work you need to use a single, one-handed melee weapon. For instance, if I have a dwarven thrower and Shar's spear of evening, and I throw the Dwarven thrower on an obscured target, it will get 1d6 extra damage from Shar's spear's passive. Apr 8, 2024 · If you’re using a melee weapon that has the “thrown” quality, then yes. If you have duelling fighting style and Duel wield, the weapon will do +2 damage when thrown as you have 1 weapon equipped at the time. I.