Db10 team summoners war reddit Tried making the double tarq team with luna, used my best runes and it didnt work I have a lot of free time and i dont buy cristals at all, so a 1:30 team for db10 for me is enough. Speed up everyone, and it will be more reliable. 85% crit rate on sig. Where I am now. did my first DB10 Team this Weekend after frr. went straight from gb10 to db10 so never farmed any vio runes. Discuss the game with… The thing with this team is that I used Shaina, Sabrina, and Talia, in a lot of other places + Shaina is the most reliable def breaker for DB10 and NB10. This team Isn't easy for a beginner to rune. And that team clears DB10 in around 4:30 at 70-80% I'm using that team too. I'm doing Verd(l), shaina, 2a raoq, sabrina, talia for consistent 40-60sec runs. 156K subscribers in the summonerswar community. Aiming for 2 mins constantly. So what monsters would you choose ? here is my swarfarm Box… So two weeks ago I finally managed to auto DB 10 70% of the time with a team of Sig (L) Vero Bella Kona(5*) and Bernard and I just six starred my Kona because I thought it would improve the chances but then I realized Kona has always been the 2nd last one to die in dragons and the problem isn't just him. I used only mobs that are already runed, so i didnt have to commit my best sets for it to work. Hi! I am experimenting with DB10 for months now. Background: I'm almost 4 months into this game. Yes you can pull 45 second runs fairly constantly but the thought of losing a legendary drop is too much for me. Well using Spectra in DB10 was more of an accident for me. The most important thing about a DB10 Speed team , is you need everyone on CDamage 4. My current face team is Verde(L),Spectra,Vero,Belladeon and Hwa. abyss hard avg 1:20, giants 0:40min. Could refer to Farmable DB10 Face Team on Mid-Game Player's Account by u/ShreddedPuzzle Slot 4 : ATK% vs CR% vs CD% ( Roughly ) - credited to u/Cammr ATK swap megan for konamiya if you are going for a tower-team or swap mikene for spectra if you are going for a face-team. I want to try the CD build but to me building TOA Hard prioritizes over speeding up my DB10 but 30 seconds or so lol. After farming GB10 for 3 months, my first DB10 team went face, 3-4 minute runs with 95% success. the pair shaved my times pretty considerably with fastest runs being gb10 0:45 and db10 0:57 and I've even used the pair in necro but haven't really worked on a nb10 speed team yet Stats for my db10 safe speed team. I'm not sure if there's anything inherently bad with using perna in db10 but I think shaina + water twins +1 a good team. Three or six attacks on dragon wont make it. im currently farming db10 with kona on swift. i do have galleon, but still can't find a place for him in my DB10 team (currently verde, vero, bella, sigma, spectra). This team was more successful than the first team; I'll say 98%. That being said, I'd like to share a step by step guide to progressing through summoners war. Discuss the game with… This was my 1st face team and the quickest (2:15 avg and 1:50 low). This last floor still contains four vaults, one of which has a mini-boss: Zaiross. Can literally be 5* purple. Able to auto GB10, DB10, ToA 79/49 last rotation. My team at the moment: GB11/12: Sig (L) Kro2a Fran Loren Shannon(5*) 90% win rate for 11 @ 2:15 and a shaky 70% for 12 (3:00+ mins) though once I max out hp% runes I think it will be much more stable) Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. Originally, my team was Julie, Shaina, Sabrina, Double talia but I wasn't satisfied with using Sabrina as the def breaker (mine has like 30 ACC) but the problem with changing the team comp 50 votes, 36 comments. DB10 Team (Sabrina pretty well. Your stats seems fine for this team (although Sigma needs a boost). Would you use sigmarus in your speed db10. his second does hp dmg on boss. farmed abyss hard for a week and got the same amount of good and usable runes. you need 55% acc on your debuff-landing/stripping units. Dragons B10 Speed Team feat special guest|1 - This thread is really missing a DB10 speed team with a water bat! Dragons db10 2 tarq and stella|1 - Verde Galleon Tarq Tarq Stella as well! 魔靈召喚 DB10 no Perna,Taor, Galleon?|1 - to make sure he sees this Verde Luer Tarq Tarq Kahli Around 1:20 Summoners War: Dragons B10 Speed Team|1 - Verde Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. Problem? Don't know what is required and what I must do. Team experiment - Everyone is on Giant's runes except Sig (violent-revenge from DB7). Currently a 2 min 30sec - 3 min 30 sec run. Heck if you really really wanted you could run something like Vero, Bella, Chilling, Hwa, Theo. Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**… my only violent one is bella, and i went from 90ish% db10 clear to 99,99% success rate the past FRR thanks to this guide, i would totally suggest to make the switch if u have the runes and f that 3-500k mana u gonna "waste". We will now look at the strategy for defeating DB10 in Summoners War. With an average clear time of 3:30-4mins. i can farm gb10 now really fast, but it is not worth it, you will only gonna burn the crystals. run time about 2:30 average with maybe 95% success. Now I wanted to ask the good people of reddit on their thoughts as well. He's a staple unit on my TOA Hard squad which pretty much required me to run him SPD/HP/ACC or risk getting one-shot in the 70+ stages. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! Posted by u/donga123 - No votes and 5 comments When I was building my first db10 team, I had Vero and Bella faster than Bernard for a long time, simply because my best swift runes were on Vero and Bella to make db10 runs reliable. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! Tarqs are an easy way to make a sub 1min db10 team but rune requirements aren't for everyone. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! There's no guide to DB10 if you don't have Ifrit, there is simply a forumula (for killing both towers for first clear teams): Survivability leader skill (HP all, Resist all, Resist for element) Debuff Remover: Konamiya, Anavel, Fedora, Delphoi, etc Buff Removal/Defense breaker: Bella (i'd say important on every DB10 team). This was for 2 icarus and the third would be an accuracy rune on slot 1 using the same principle. Hwa, bella, and baretta can all be used for DB10, but make sure you have a well rounded team for it. Most people would infer that you're using relatively common units that are great and EFFECTIVE at what they do (galleon for aoe def break, mob wave clearing, atk buff and def break. only way i wipe is if mikene dies on zaiross stage. Hop aboard the Astral Express and experience the galaxy's infinite wonders on this journey filled with adventure and thrill. Funny Thing, got Close to 1 min GB Team but couldnt do db10 for month. Im thinking of using Theo for back up armor break and vio procs. 9% of the time. Discuss the game with… Don't remember much but I remember: Slot 1 determination is free. Discuss the game with… I want to build my Chilling(Water Jack o' Lantern) for my face team in DB10. yes Hi there, i'm no expert in DB10 but today I just wanna share with you guys the kinda minimum stats for a safe but slow DB10 team. Please… 151K subscribers in the summonerswar community. Not sure if this is the best team for it from my current monsters. Discuss the game with…. he stabilized my semi speed team without really costing me anything. I've read several threads about Mantura for DB10 and there seems to be mixed responses. Discuss the game with… Honkai: Star Rail is an all-new strategy-RPG title in the Honkai series that takes players on a cosmic adventure across the stars. also needed some rage/will runes, tried farm nb10 other week, I only saw blue runes. But a 95-99% team will also do the job. all but Lapis were 5* in this team. com A very reliable team I can think of right now would be Sigma (L), Megan, Spectra, Vero and Bela. Go for the boss itself (not the tower). He currently has 100% CR and 18k HP, I believe this should be enough? My previous team without Verd is Sig (L), Vero, Konamiya, Bella, Mikene. Also Stella but she is only halfway skilled up so idk if shes usable. I was thinking about: Verdehile (L), Vero, Laika (if he wouldn't work in dragons I could try to fusion Sigmarus), Chiwu (or Megan) and Bella. Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**… 153K subscribers in the summonerswar community. See full list on swmasters. Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**… Posted by u/Ntrfetis - 17 votes and 50 comments Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. Second team was Hwa (Violent/Revenge Spd/CR/Atk%) and Spectra (Swift/Focus Spd/CD/HP%). Need some help getting this db10 team faster. i've seen many hyped posts about peple starving to get galleon for their db10, yet no one actual mentioned the exact team theiy're aiming for (did ask for a number of times already). r/summonerswar: Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. 157K subscribers in the summonerswar community. Why farm DB10 and build a reliable and fast team? This dungeon is the main source of two important runes set Violent and Shield for late game (and other runes may have situational uses or to complete broken sets). Everyone's build can be found in summonerswar. I don't think I have the runes for 3 Icarus, my acc is begginer level (shaky GB12 & and stable DB10). So, I did 50 runs with each team and recorded results in the table below. I use Perna in my DB10 Double Tarq (or even Triple Tarq) is really only for improving your run consistence if you're on the cusp of the rune quality needed for speed DB10 or if only have 1 premium DB10 attacker (Yaku / Taor / Stella / Luna / ETC). I've been watching the db10 posts for awhile now and seem to have a slightly off-beat composition: Verde lead, Vero, Bella very standard I know but my fourth and fifth are Baretta and Platy. So you may sacrifice some CRate for Speed and Acc, Chilling will help out there with his buffs. 151K subscribers in the summonerswar community. the heals also help. Discuss the game with… This team is more dependent on runes as it requires a fast enough team to lay down the CC before it gets wiped by a nasty attack or two. been farming db10 since last thursday Posted by u/joeywheeler193 - 3 votes and 9 comments My team is Verd Galleon Tarq Lyn +1 Ive tried Chilling Sig Hwa Spectra(gave me good success surprisingly). After contemplating building a Water Homie, I settled on Poseidon. That said, I feel like Tarq on his own is more of a hit or miss if you're looking for completely safety. If you have some self healing bruiser like Chow you can run a left right boss team which makes the last wave way easier especially with Megan. You can swap out Ahman for Megan, faster but slightly less reliable. A 100% team is probably never fast. 153K subscribers in the summonerswar community. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! 159K subscribers in the summonerswar community. Referral to Mid Game Account Testing ( Verdeless Team ) Non - Violent Verdeless DB10 Face Team by u/hellomynameis69. One of the other 2 would obviously be easier to rune and obtain, but they all work Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. Dragon and towers dots all on first attack and all are killed at the second attack. Posted by u/ShreddedPuzzle - 59 votes and 50 comments Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. e. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. We all said that his claim of a stable team is impropable. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! 1st try with Elsha - Verde (L) - Sig - Spectra - Galleon. Started with Sig (L), Vero, Bella, Megan and Spectra and failed hard. Claiming that you have a stable team on db10 (99% success is stable ) when you have tested it on ~30 runs. Briand was replaced by Shai and a new age had dawned. is also the same team as DB10 julie something on reddit has an average chance of 0 I currently have a very reliable, slow DB10 team, but also just recently pulled Hwa and Verde, so now I am thinking about speed. I know there are a lot of guides but i decided to do a quick video with most important facts, my recommended beginner team, rune showcase and some runs so i can help new players easier. If all party made it pass Zaiross wave, the stage was 100% successful. Nothing really helped. Hey Summoners War Community. Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**… Posted by u/MParzivalM - 1 vote and 5 comments 153K subscribers in the summonerswar community. I use Kahli and Shaina instead of Galleon and Stella. dont have a 100% success rate yet but mikene and kona are 5*. Finally got a DB10 auto team up and running. As for dot team try something like that in db10 especially if you have water or light dryad. Mostly you care about getting reasonable speed, having verde move last, and having good CR (and eventually CD) on veromos and spectra. Hey, I would like to know your team ideas for DB10 if you were restricted to play only with nat 1* and 2* monsters, I saw a post yesterday of u/KC-Shuffle completing gb10 with this restriction and since then I can’t help myself trying to find a db10 comp that would work. What team comps do you guys use for Lyn Db10 comps? So I've been playing SW for 2+ years, seen a lot of meta teams come and go (RIP to everyone with 6* imps and fire viking) and tons of "newbie" guides come out and can't help but feel a lot of the "starter" teams being pushed onto new players aren't actually the easiest to rune starter teams (cough Verde Sig Vero Megan Bella DB10 face team cough Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 5 votes and 45 comments Post-Lapis buff the team Vero, Bella, Megan, Lapis, Sig works fine and so does the OP's team. But for now, with no offensive stats, just SPD HP and ACC on Energy/Swift he is a core part of my 3 min DB10 face team, and until the rest of my teams runes improve he will remain overly tanky because he is a DERPMACHINE, Spectra AI truely is something to behold. konas speed isnt even that crazy yet, 166 spd. The team is based on speed. On my quest to build a safer speed DB10 team, I was looking for replacements for Taor in terms of slowing the immunity tower. The faster your team is, the faster you can burn crystals and get better runes. It was a tower team but I targeted the boss and just let dots kill towers first. Which five do you pick, if your primary goal is reliability and secondary is speed. This is horrible advise. Especially shaina is better, because she reduces with her S2 also the bar of the right crystall and she lands the deff break with a much higher chance than Gale Jul 25, 2023 · This guide will get you to 100% success rate in Dragons Lair (DB10) in Summoners War. It's neat to try and skip a fusion but the fusion is almost handed to you and Vero teams are super consistent so why bother. Then you can use dots from towers and boss against dragon and nuke with tatu Reply reply No one said he failed on his goal. This comp or zaiross probably wouldn't work even with all 5 guys in godly runes. I have completed ToA 100, and am slowly building my first raid team in the background. Hwa, Verde, Bella, Theo, Sig, Marble, Spectra, Megan, Chasun, Vero. My team stayed the sameuntil I Shai came along. That said, it is certainly possible to make a speed team that succeeds 99. Besides that lyn brings nothing to table except her My db10 team is galleon>Shaina>Sabrina>Talia>Verde (L) it has 100% success rate and a fastest time of 0:46. Currently i have been using Vero(L), megan, kona, bella and vanessa, but this teams success rate is around 50%. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! Hard to be completely 100% with a speed team since there's always a combination of factors that could make you lose. The reasoning that Shaina will defense break the trash wave and then maruna will finish them off. team is fast and safe enough for me. 170+ speed on vio/200spd on swift on all units except for sigmarus So I was wondering who should I 6* now, what team could I use to auto DB10 and what stats would I need to achieve that. Vero speed is very important for clearing debuffs. As we learnt that the best twins for DB10 are Shaina+Sabrina+Talia, I wanted to find out what is the best team to run with them. 16 votes, 20 comments. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! Verde Loren spectra water Geralt Veromos is a very safe team and the rune requirements are low. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! Hello fellow summoners, I need some advice on building my gb10 auto team. Now I'm starting to move to DB which now a bit struggling with stable team but duration are horrible 2:30-3:15. Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. Then I got 1 slot 2/4/6 blue determination. Im asking this because I don't know if I should keep wasting energy in db10 when my team for db9 does it in 2 min with 99% win rate. Discuss the game with… 51 votes, 29 comments. This is a guide aimed at people that have already started their GB10 team and have farmed it for at least a few months and are starting to farm DB10, and for getting a start on a semi-speed DB10 team after farming it for a while. Got an interesting thought here and I really want your guys input after I present my situation: My 100% db10 team: Vero (L) Bella Colleen Julie… Hello Fellow Summoners, I've finished GB10 comfortably with good duration around 0:59-1:20. Hello summoners, I am creating this guide because I myself have been rather frustrated with the current F2P DB10 post, or lack there of. First of all in my opinion sigmarus > lyn simple because sigmarus is water so his survivability is a lot higher than lyn and he has nat 5 stats. Spd tower is level 4. Posted by u/Jimmin1 - 6 votes and 58 comments Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. 47 votes, 12 comments. Overall, the success rate was probably 95%. each stage on average he ohkos 2 crystals thanks to violent procs. Hello everyone! I recently just acquired Bella and am looking to build a DB10 team. My conclusion so far after many tested team comps is, that Verde, Bella and Sig are kind of fix in terms of speed (Verde for team speed, Bella for towerless boss, Sig for trash mobs and burst). Runesets Sig - fatal/ rev Vero - vio/energy Bella - vio/focus Megan - swift/energy Verdi - swift/blade Verdie is the only mon with no skill ups the rest are max skill. 159K subscribers in the summonerswar community. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! If you do want to jump into DB10 super quick I have a totally not ftp way to do it. Not sure what you consider high, I got up to around a 90% success rate with my first team of Baretta, Vero, Bella, Kona, and Talc. Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**… After I got my One Tower Team solid I played around with a lot of different stuff to get my teams faster using different monster; Chilling, Hwa, Vanessa (don't ask), Bernard, Soha. First wave of DB10. 38 votes, 27 comments. Feb 2, 2018 · Evolution of my Dragons B10 Team! 4 Teams at different stages of Summoners War! YouTube You can get Green 5* runes from the stages but the boss drops up to 5* blue runes so I farmed the boss while using lapis to level my team and collect some runes and skillups. 1 dps, 1 reviver, 1-2 cleansers, 1-2 healers. Even backing up the argument and giving out stats and advice on sig being better on stability compared to Stella . Discuss the game with… 154K subscribers in the summonerswar community. Runed Mihyang (5 Star, Level 20, 5* runes not even +12) and first 5 runs were succes. Posted by u/KiKizKi - 1 vote and 22 comments I recently maxed 6* my Verdehile to help with my DB10 team but I couldn't seem to make it work with him. The team can beat DB10 but it is not sustainable for long term farming. It can be potentially faster depending on your runes, but that also heavily depends on your 5th unit. During the last month, i answered a lot of questions about first NB10 team in the Daily Advice Thread. Further more he is way easier to rune since he gets 15cr awaking bonus and only has to has 85 cr so you only have to give him 45 cr in sub while lyn needs 70. If your HP and def stats are decent (and swift speeds are ok i. 25k hp on non-water units 15k for water units is the general rule i believe. farmed gb12 for a month just before reloaded and got only a few good and some usable runes. AoE ATB pushback and AoE slow, it seemed like a pretty good fit. Bernard doesn't need much speed for gb10, and using him as a benchmark might give people the wrong idea that they aren't ready, when they might actually have good Posted by u/sssr - No votes and 5 comments Posted by u/gabrielcamps - 401 votes and 79 comments 149K subscribers in the summonerswar community. Q's: • What should be the main stats for slot 2/4/6 rune? • Rune build should be Violent & Revenge, right? Because of element: Wind units will hit golems Water/Light/Dark units may either hit a golem or a crystal Fire units will hit crystals The above remains true unless one target is def broken, then the auto AI will override the above rules, and if there is more than 1 def broken target, the one with the lowest hp ratio will be prioritized. Discuss the game with… Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. her and galleon applying def debuff at such shit rates = not 100% winrate. Any of u got a really safe and under 5 min team? I've tried all kind of teams that go from 6 min runs to 2:42 min but at some point they fail. 200+ speed on Vero) you can pull off a sorta slow 154K subscribers in the summonerswar community. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! Hey, have been able to auto gb10 with 95+% success rate for about 1 month now and i want to know who to start working on to start preparing my db1… Posted by u/jgowell21 - 1 vote and 13 comments I'm trying to put together a speed team, and I'm thinking about this lineup: Verde (vio/rev) Hwa (vio/broken) Tarq (vio/blade) Poseidon (vio/rev) Mantura (vio/broken) I don't have Galleon, so I'm hoping Mantura might be able to work instead. If you want more HP, make sig your leader, but it won't help much. co 18 votes, 53 comments. Nov 14, 2023 · Summoners War DB10 strategy. 4 months into the game, I'm currently at NB10 tweaking my team for faster speeds. I would recommend going Shaina>maruna>sabrina>Verde (l) with velajual going immediately before or after sabrina. I have a 1 min spd db10 team with Vellajeul as my stella's not max skilled yet. It was Sigmarus (L), Vero, Bella, Megan, Kona, with everyone on Swift (except Sig, who was on Fatal). In the first wave, you will have to face 4 crystals that will inflict heavy damage on the team. Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**… Hey summoners, Since I finally finished my GB10 Team, I wanted to build a DB10 Team. Now it's my second month of farming Dragons, and I've switched out Bella's swift set for a Vio set. We'll go over the best monsters and team comps for Dragons that are farmable and F2P friendly along with best rune builds. Stella is good for backup def break, and brand, but her skills need to be max. Thanks for your ideas ! It doesn't transition "way" better considering you just end up replacing a level 35 Shannon and Bernard with a level 40 Verde and 35 Megan from the 2nd team and you have a DB10 team. told sbhhvb nrm tlvqui wftue henx txbj aphtx aji iggh rtrh bvdgz pvhrqk cgvgeg fiux