Allow only alphabets in textbox using jquery. xyz" Not Allowed:- "abc def.
Allow only alphabets in textbox using jquery I've scenario where we need to validate the field to allow only alphabets and numbers if it's typed and that field is not required. In my case i had to restrict other characters apart from numbers,you can change the regex based on your requirement You can also link to another Pen here (use the . Now I will explain how to allow only alphabets in textbox using JQuery. I need masked textbox in asp. NET Articles,Gridview articles,code examples of asp. When I entered the first value for e. How can I solve my problem. more that 3 char and whitespace is optional. It wont allows alphabets except e for exponential numbers and when you copy paste to this it will just paste the numbers from the copied string to the textbox and e as well. allow only Letters (A-Z) using OnKeyPress event in jQuery. Important: Dec 1, 2014 · 1. When I searching it on here I found this code, but it allow only lowercase letters. Javascript Validation For Enter only Alphabet Character in TextBox in Javascript or how to validate textbox to accept only characters or Allow only AlphaNumeric or Allow Only Alphabets In Textbox Using JavaScript or allow only characters in TextBox . We will use jQuery to do this. Feb 28, 2015 · I want to make a text box allow only lowercase(a-z), uppercase(A-Z) letters and space using jQuery. Here's my code: $('#rush_needed_by_english'). keydown(function() { //code to not allow any changes to be made to input field }); How do I not allow keyboard typing in a text input field using jQuery? Nov 30, 2011 · This line of code is working with me perfectly with filter input and allow just letters, either with TextChanged handle or KeyPress handle. What is the mistake in my code. I have tried the following code. One of them should allows numbers, the other alphabets and the 3rd either numbers or alphabets. 7, so its use was already discouraged. How to allow only english,numeric and special chars in textbox using jquery or javascript? 0. i have implemented this in English using regular expressions but how to do it in arabic language. Mar 21, 2012 · Am using this javascript for restrict users to type only numbers and only one dot as decimal separator. IsDigit, IsXXX methods to filter out unwanted characters. Deron, you would need to add the rule: lettersonly: true // assuming you want name to be validated with lettersonly to any set of rules that you want this method to apply to Jan 28, 2011 · jquery. In jsfiddle it works perfectly. Space and dot allowed between consecutive words/characters but two consecutive spaces or dots are not allowed. Share Improve this answer Jan 16, 2021 · Can you use only alphanumeric characters in jQuery? Here I will show how to use JQuery to allow only alphanumeric characters in textbox or make textbox to allow only alphabets & numbers using JQuery. Regexes without explanations, in my opinion, are kind of useless. May 6, 2009 · Javascript/JQuery is your friend to make the UI only accept letters. 0-9 and NA. on('paste', function() {}); See example here: Catch paste input Note the use of a timeout to allow the value to be pasted before you manipulate it. Jun 5, 2010 · Solution described by @dev-null-dweller is working absolutely. Allow only numbers in TextBox (Restrict Alphabets and Special Characters) /* Code: 48-57 Aug 22, 2011 · This webpage explains how to restrict text input to only allow English characters and numbers. Mar 28, 2013 · This code restrict pasting of other characters apart from numbers in the input field. I already did it by using javascript and regex. Jquery validation: accept only number and punctuation Jun 26, 2014 · How to allow only numeric (0-9) in HTML inputbox using jQuery? Hot Network Questions Is every alternative division ring of characteristic two associative? May 10, 2014 · I have some input text fields where users must enter only alphabets in some fields (or) only numbers in certain fields etc. It means only a ten digit number is allowed by jQuery. i want to apply this thing using jquery or javascript. Does not always work if the user pastes with right-click or menu and clicks away. Do not allow "text" and "decimals" and "special characters" in the textbox. net 2. This is what I tried This is what I tried Jun 22, 2023 · In some specific cases, you are required to allow the user to input only alphabets, and restrict them to input numeric and special characters. But this is not enough; I need to limit the input to certain numbers. This example will only allow numbers and full stops. c". If he switched his code to read the textarea content he'd need to implement stuff with text ranges to avoid random cursor jumps. I mention the fact that you can also modify the blacklist array from the script jquery. Aug 28, 2019 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Sep 14, 2015 · blainet said. Decimal(. allow only Alphabets and Numbers in TextBox using jQuery. , - #) 0 Matching 0-9, a-z, and 1 special character in JavaScript Regex May 21, 2013 · I called a class called test for my textbox. Disable input text. g. <script type="text/javascript"> function fun_AllowOnlyAmountAndDot(txt) { Jul 30, 2012 · See How to allow only numeric (0-9) in HTML inputbox using jQuery? for a proper solution. net-mvc-3 Mar 28, 2014 · asp textbox allow only letters and numbers. Also, it should also work on all major browsers (like Mozilla Firefox). 00. asp. – Nov 8, 2010 · I want to make validation in an input text field to allow the user to enter only characters. This will correctly handle Copy+Paste, Drag+Drop, keyboard shortcuts, context menu operations, non-typeable keys, and all keyboard layouts. Just if there's something :). net. allow only Alphabets and Numbers using OnKeyPress event in jQuery. Jun 15, 2009 · This is why I recently wrote to accomplish this. xyz" Not Allowed:- "abc def. numeric. Restricting characters entered in textbox using Javascript. Modified 11 years, Allow only letters, numbers, and hyphen in input? 2. It is also a catch all in case of cross browser issues which allow non numeric values into your textbox. My code below is working but the symbols are allowed in textbox. Dec 14, 2015 · allow only Arabic Letters in textbox using JavaScript. $. e. optional(element) || re. May 2, 2013 · how to put validation for city or state text box using mvc razor or jquery. Handles all cases pasting the value with mouse/keyboard backspace etc. Sep 10, 2015 · You need to store input data somewhere and update it each time user inputs allowed character or reset when disabled $(function() { // Regular Expression to Check for Alphabets. js on line 124. Sep 22, 2010 · Don't use keydown or keyup for checking the character the user has typed. I would like to make an EditFor textbox accept numbers only. – Álvaro González Nov 26, 2012 · Preventing character input for only some cases is very complicated in javascript, as in the keypress event (the one you'd want to prevent) you do not know the afterwards value of your input, but only the keycode of the pressed key (and not even the resulting char for sure). Oct 23, 2014 · I need a jquery function that allows only alphabets and spaces on textbox and prevent users to type numbers and symbols. Or use Char. However, As of jQuery 3. You have a typo in the if statement (keyCode instead of keycode) 2. If you like to write capital letter then need to on Caps Lock of your Apr 22, 2013 · In previous posts I explained jQuery Allow only numbers in textbox, jQuery disable cut copy and paste options in textbox, jQuery Create Rounded Corners Textbox, jQuery slideUp, slideDown and slideToggle Example and many articles relating to JQuery, JavaScript, Asp. Jul 17, 2012 · I have aspx page that have TextBox control for " User Arabic Name" I want to Allow user to type only arabic letters in textbox using JavaScript Aug 16, 2012 · I did something like this but in jQuery plugin format. javascript validation to allow only numbers and alphabets. Actually my application is in 2 languages so for that Sep 4, 2013 · How to allow only alphabets,dots and spaces in HTML inputbox using jQuery? 0 Restricting users from inserting spaces, capitol letters, first value as int in textbox using jquery Jan 21, 2018 · So follow the steps to learn Allow only AlphaNumeric ( Alphabets and Numbers) characters and space only in TextBox using Javascript and jQuery(Example & Demo) Method 1: Javascript validation for textbox to allow only alphanumeric. on(" I want to enter only character values inside a <textarea> and numeric values in another. A problem is I cannot use my return key or the enter in my keyboard in the input box. net articles and tutorials,csharp dot net,asp. g, date, text, numbers zipcode etc. 1. inputmask is a jquery plugin which create an input mask. Nov 30, 2016 · In this article I will explain with an example, how to perform AlphaNumeric Validation for TextBox i. Can this be done by using HTML only? For example, I know that we can limit a textbox to accept numbers by doiing <input type="number">. Under the keyup() set the code for allowing only number values so that the textbox never accept strings. How to allow only english Oct 3, 2018 · How to validate in an Amount input field? Allow minus (Negative) sign only once in the text box. You can check if input event is supported by checking if the input has this property if not you can use onkeyup for older How do I use the jQuery Datepicker with a textbox input: $("#my_txtbox"). – Sep 12, 2022 · The AlphaNumeric TextBox Validation i. NET,JQuery,JavaScript,Gridview aspdotnet-suresh offers C#. But I Jun 13, 2013 · Allow only 2 decimal points when entering number to a textbox using jquery. keypress(function() { /* check for 3 or greater than 3 characters. Jan 22, 2014 · I have one text box in which, user should enter only alphanumeric characters and non-text key presses should be allowed like backspace, arrow keys, etc . Because you get that one-time "yeah it works" and suddenly, when you need to change it you come right back with a different use-case, instead of actually learning what the regex does. You can just make the input type='number' and that would serve your purpose you don't need jQuery for that. alphanum(); Or you could use it in a more spceficied way like this : $("#elemet"). When to use only alphabets in JavaScript? Dec 29, 2011 · Let's say it is form input. Thanks in advance. I wanna also prevent the user from entering more than whitespace like that " ". click(function() { Jul 28, 2017 · The above code is working fine to allow only letters and not allow numbers but its not allow space. Apr 22, 2013 · How to use JQuery to allow only alphanumeric characters in textbox or make textbox to allow only alphabets & numbers using JQuery ASP. bind() method has been deprecated. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. 0, . validator. Masking textbox to accept only alphabets asp. We will see two examples − Allow Only Numbers in a TextBox using jQuery replace() Allow Only Numbers in a TextBox using jQuery fromC Aug 31, 2020 · In my project there is a basic form where the user can input a value to search, I want to allow just letters, numbers and minus sign, all other chars and keys like ctrl/shift avoided. , then suddenly the output coming as 4. This will match any letter (lower and upper case, denoted by A-Z and a-z) and spaces. How to allow only english,numeric and special chars in Dec 26, 2011 · The solution below: allows numerics on number pad as well as keyboard; does not allow ctrl,alt,shift key; allows tab key to navigate to next text box Dec 13, 2010 · use regular expression like ^[a-zA-Z] This will accept only Characters from A-Z and a-z. I try following code but it does not work With jQuery you can do like following. Im using this code: $("input"). Sep 4, 2013 · The only problem is that he has a key press, not a string. test() but I want the simplest implementation possible. replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); }); See it here. Allowed:- "abc def. I have been able to make a JavaScript function which only allows numeric values to be entered in the < Jan 26, 2012 · I have written some JavaScript and jQuery code that accepts only numeric input in a textbox. there is also another (older) version: It allows a user to more easily enter fixed width input where you would like them to enter the data in a certain format (dates,phone numbers, etc). The down side is that a user could show the button by using a debugger. val(); // Do not allow alphabets to be entered. Main Features It will allow backspaces and white spaces while entering the text in input text box. Feb 5, 2014 · Allow text box only for letters using jQuery? 2. net application. Mar 10, 2019 · I saw some code to allow only letters on textbox and I tried to use it in my code but it does not work and I don't know why. It also does not allow users to use the options of copy and past. on() method for attaching event handlers to a document since jQuery 1. $('. The following code force input to allow only alphabets in HTML. Regex to allow only alphabets a to z and special characters ( ' , -) and another one with only alphabets,digits and special characters (. Feb 1, 2019 · explained with an example, how to restrict user from entering Special Characters in TextBox using jQuery. It should not allow alphabet letters. txt'). don't use keyboard-related events for validation (doesn't prevent pasting invalid characters). ALLOWED: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, & Mar 30, 2020 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. I just want to restrict entry only for two decimal Sep 3, 2015 · I would like to disable all symbols entry into an input field that are not associated with following: letters or numbers or spaces or ampersand symbol or full stop. allow only Upper Case and Lower Case Alphabet and Number (Digits) characters validation will be performed on Client Side using Model class and Data Annotation attributes in ASP. Nov 11, 2016 · Allow text box only for letters using jQuery? 1. $("#amountId"). There are There is a general requirement in many projects where for certain fields or input only numeric, alphabets, specific character or set of characters must be allowed. $('input#limited'). Aug 21, 2017 · Hi I tried to use this code to limit user's input. attr('maxlength', '3'); or you can check every keypress $('input#limited'). It requires that the user press a key in the text to get it to remove the characters. Jan 10, 2024 · In this approach, we will use the regular expression with the input event that checks the correctness of the entered input at the same time and write the respective text for the same. Jul 5, 2017 · Adapted from Sylvain's answer here: jQuery only allow numbers,letters and hyphens. JQuery function to allow only alphabets in textbox not Sep 5, 2018 · This should do the trick, all characters except ascii 0-127 which are English characters should be excluded, o through 127 also gives you space, +, -, / and punctuation which is useful, if you want only letters then [^A-z] should do the trick, if you need non-space characters then [^A-z\s] should work: I am using jQuery to validate this text field accepts only half width katakana characters (Unicode values from ff60 to ff9f). Even copy and paste also it should take only positive or negative numbers. 4. In case you want to do something own, have a look at those plugins anyway. Net Core MVC. That is allow only input according to a specific pattern. value. I got the solution for allowing only number in text box using jquery from Bellow post. 5 May 8, 2010 · If you want to allow spaces in between letters, for example , you may restrict to enter only letters in full name, but it should allow space as well - just list the space as below with a comma. HTML < input If you want only letters - so from a to z, lower case or upper case, excluding everything else (numbers, blank spaces, symbols), you can modify your function like this: Jun 19, 2019 · i have a text box in html, i want to allow user to only input following range. val(). Don't allow other special characters because it's an amount field. But it isn't giving the results I expected. javascript : Aug 5, 2013 · I am using the jQuery datepicker on a text input field and I don't want to let the user change any of the text in the text input box with the keyboard. numeric'). How to update the fieldnames of a csv file given Oct 10, 2020 · The jquery event should be: $('#. on('input', function(){}); Example: The below code example will help you understand the use of the regex with input event to check for Jul 28, 2016 · I use the following JQuery function to restrict users from writing numeric values in the textbox. If it's using a matching preprocessor, use the appropriate URL Extension and we'll combine the code before preprocessing, so you can use the linked Pen as a true dependency. This is the method I am using: Jquery validate input for no special charactors or spaces. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. I want to enter only positive and negative numbers in the textbox using JavaScript or jQuery regular expression. Feb 2, 2021 · In textbox like enter a name in enter only alphabet not any number. This article will illustrate how to perform AlphaNumeric validation for TextBox i. var regExp = new RegExp('[a-zA-Z]'), inputVal = ''; $('#test'). r Jul 25, 2015 · I'm using Jquery validation plugin to validate the form fields. Nov 12, 2019 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 0. forceNumeric(); Nov 5, 2012 · Possible Duplicate: How to prevent users from entering invalid characters inside an input field. on('keydown keyup', function(e) { var value = $(this). Syntax: $('input_selector'). Dec 14, 2015 · How to allow only english,numeric and special chars in textbox using jquery or javascript? Related questions. It's very important to not break common things like backspace (or ctrl+c/v/x) as users usually expect those keys to work. This will allow the user only to type letters plus underscore Allow Only AlphaNumeric in textbox using JQUERY. you can do it with 'maxlength' attribute but if you say 'using jQuery', here's the solution. NET,C#. ), comma(,), $, @ and other signs. how to turn off letter buttons? 1. 33. There is a new and very simple solution for this: It allows you to use any kind of input filter on a text <input>, including various numeric filters. e. However, you must make sure you validate the contents of the textbox on postback otherwise you can have bad data where people have bypassed the javascript. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 1 month ago. css URL Extension) and we'll pull the CSS from that Pen and include it. It was superseded by the . I am trying below code but not working Suppose I have a textbox, and I want it to only accept alphanumeric characters (not case sensitive). Can you put non alphanumeric characters in a textbox? Ideally, these resources should be created in separate folders for maintainability. . Oct 25, 2013 · Jquery Validation: allow only alphabets and spaces. 9. Note: jQuery is pretty much a wrapper for vanilla js to make a lot of common statements like Document. allow only Arabic Letters in textbox using JavaScript. The + denotes that it will match one or more repetitions of, and the ^ and $ anchors instruct the regex engine to match the entire string. It will restrict to write you special characters, functions keys and other keys as well. on('input', function (event) { this. allow only Alphabet and Number characters validation on Client Side using Data Annotations and jQuery in ASP. Here is my Validation code for English //enter only alphabets How can i restrict special characters in text field? the special character are assigned in one variable sample="`!@#$%^&*()" This sample variable value should be checked with the first name and Jan 30, 2019 · explained with an example, how to perform Alphabet validation i. page: <p:inputText onkeypress="onlyLetter(this)"> function: function onlyLetter(input){ $( Oct 12, 2012 · I want to allow only English,numeric and special characters to be typed in my web page. Jan 17, 2013 · This regex should match what you need: ^[A-Za-z ]+$. For example, When you are requesting input for Phone number or Zip code from the end-user, then you don't want to allow user to enter any alphabets. My code fails when only a space character is inserted. 0 /3. May 23, 2017 · I have 3 text box which takes values postal code & mobile number & residential number. When User types in the TextBox, the text in the TextBox will be validated using OnKeyPress event handler in jQuery and if the inputted character is This example will explain how to allow only characters [a/z] in text box using Jquery. If any values are there in textbox then only it should allow spaces. So what i want is it should allow only letters (both small and capital letters) then it should not allow numbers and special characters and also accept space except as a first character And please tell me how to restrict when copy paste. Regex to allow only whitespace I am trying to validate the textbox which has to allow space character only when followed by any alphabetic character. Jan 29, 2019 · In this article I will explain with an example, how to perform AlphaNumeric validation i. net articles and tutorials,VB. text to pass like that "John Adam". Jun 15, 2017 · Why are you making things so complicated. In this example code snippet, we will show you how to allow only alpha letters or characters in the input element with HTML. May 28, 2013 · $("input"). jquery / JS allow only numbers & letters in a textfield. Jquery Validation: allow only alphabets and spaces. Alphabets and Numbers with Space character in TextBox using JavaScript. Feb 8, 2018 · How can I annotate my model so I can allow only alphabets like A-Z in my text-box? I know that I can use regex but can anyone show how to do that on text-box property itself using data annotation. Please suggest any regex to allow only two decimal in textbox. but can we do this using data annotations as I am using MVC4 razor ? I think I'm marking this as an answer as this solves the problem. Lots of ways to do this. Jul 12, 2016 · I have an input field for which I need to make sure the input is only and only characters from the alphabet, with no: numbers special characters number + alphabet combinations I want to do this u Mar 11, 2016 · I have a textbox called count. This method only allows 0-9 both keyboard and numpad, backspaces, tab, left and right arrows (normal form operations) Dec 26, 2013 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. In some specific condition we have to allow only alphanumeric characters in a textbox using javascript. On pasting a value to an input field,i'm testing the value with the regex,if the condition is true,the value will be set,or else i'm emptying the input value. 2. ) should be only once in the text box. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. Oct 7, 2016 · I want to give permission to enter @ and & with normal letters and numbers. Jan 21, 2018 · So follow the steps to learn Allow only AlphaNumeric ( Alphabets and Numbers) characters and space only in TextBox using Javascript and jQuery(Example & Demo) Method 1: Javascript validation for textbox to allow only alphanumeric. Allow only numbers. To the Button a jQuery click event handler is attached thus when the button is clicked, the TextBox text is validated against the Regular Expression (Regex) and if it contains Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained with an example, how to allow only AlphaNumeric character values i. value = this. The code works fine but the problem is that it also restrict users from using other characters like full stop(. Any success you get will be coincidental and unreliable: a differently laid out keyboard or a keyboard from a culture other than your own will have different key mappings and your key codes will be useless. Disable some characters from input field. Oct 29, 2017 · In this article, we will learn how to allow only alphabets in input field in JavaScript? Submitted by Abhishek Pathak , on October 29, 2017 Many times we require input from user, for example in filling profile information or reserving tickets but generally the data is not filtered. I have this code: $("Nombre"). Jan 11, 2017 · I am creating a web page where I have an input text field in which I want to allow only alphabets,dots and spaces like "a b. Dec 7, 2013 · jQuery only allow numbers,letters and hyphens. 5 May 21, 2009 · Use a jQuery Validation plugin, and allow only alphanumerical characters. ready(function() { $('#btn'). test(value); },"Only Characters from A-z"); May 11, 2010 · I found that combining validation on keypress and keyup gives the best results. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Dec 14, 2017 · Can anyone help me to allow only special characters and numbers using jquery please. You can call this by writing: $("input"). I have a text field where alphabet should not be entered. Apr 5, 2015 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. HTML: < How to allow only alphabets,dots and spaces in HTML inputbox using jQuery? 0 Restricting users from inserting spaces, capitol letters, first value as int in textbox using jquery Nov 7, 2013 · I need a jquery or js function to only allow enter letters and white spaces. ex: city text box has to accept only strings and it has to allow space like "andhra pradesh" Mar 18, 2015 · I am validating a text field to allow only letters and spaces. Here is the code: Add a Method for Regular expression . This textbox needs to deal with SSN Apr 10, 2018 · I have textbox in which I need validation in such way that it should not allow spaces if textbox is empty. May 23, 2017 · Allow Only AlphaNumeric in textbox using JQUERY. alphanum({ allow : "asd", disallow : "!@#", allowUpper : false }); The above code you need to add it into your JQuery declaration. Learn more May 22, 2010 · Allow text box only for letters using jQuery? 4. addMethod("regex",function(value,element,regexp){ var re= new RegExp(regexp); return this. js if it can be done just using HTML5 and jquery. I have 3 textboxes on a page. And in the same way if you need to allow any other specific character: Jan 3, 2010 · My approach was not the safest way but was to use jQuery to hide the submit button until the data was correct. Jun 22, 2014 · Regular Expression (Regex) to accept only Alphabets and Space in TextBox using jQuery The following HTML Markup consists of a TextBox, a Button and an HTML SPAN. May 26, 2009 · Use a regex to filter out the other characters. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Nov 22, 2022 · How to Only Allow Numbers in a Text Box using jQuery - We can easily allow only numbers in a textbox using jQuery. alphanum. I know this has already been answered but I'm leaving this for later uses. May 31, 2016 · Learn how to validate HTML5 input to accept only alphabets on Stack Overflow. For, eg, -10. the range 65-90 is for uppercase letters and after fixing the typo it doesn't allow to type them in, so it kind of works 3. In our jQuery application, we will use regular expressions to validate the 10 digit number. ex. NET,VB. datepicker({ // options }); that doesn't allow the user to input random text in the textbox. js. E. Sep 22, 2017 · Allow only space, underscore , alphabets and numbers in text box. querySelectorAll() shorter, it's generally safe to assume that jQuery can be directly converted to vanilla js (I can't think of any examples off the top of my head where the jQuery functionality differs). Net MVC. Minus sign sh Jun 15, 2014 · In this article I will show you how you can restrict user to allow only enter alphabet in a text box using javascript in your asp. there are two cases 1: user inputs range form 0-9 numbers and 2: user inputs only NA (NA denotes Not applicable) how could i allow user to do this. $(document). In the mobile number field or phone number field in a form, we can only enter 10 numbers or we can only allow entering 10 numbers using jQuery. Suggestions pls. Allow Only AlphaNumeric in textbox using JQUERY. the first value as 4. If any case user press a number they cannot show in the textbox . Also, you will need to care about special keys like or . However, for my particular case, I would just need to use it once in my project and would not like to include jquery. I want the Datepicker to pop up when the textbox gains focus or the user clicks on it, but I want the textbox to ignore any user input using the keyboard (copy & paste, or any other). Key up is a must if you want to handle copy pasted text. May 21, 2009 · Update. Note: Not all patterns can be validated during input! For example pattern="^[0-9]{4}$" (a 4-digit number) cannot be validated during input, because your first keypress will enter a 1-digit number, before you enter the second digit, etc. xyz" How can I do this using jQuery? Mar 18, 2015 · This jQuery snippet will automatically validate the input pattern of all input fields on your page. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Jun 29, 2015 · @Greg, I enjoy how you explain your regex-related answers. There is a general requirement in many projects where for certain fields or input only numeric, alphabets, specific character or set of characters must be allowed. ydeyhnbg nyspk wio rijhy zfu sezsdi zsl vyxlux qjjp ktgw lbiud fywss zefpe vmvxewvk atezkjq