Major revision acceptance rate If it didn't, you would not have gotten a major revision, but rather a rejection. Around 70% of students at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) are from outside the UK. We will commit to NAACL. Most of the time, "major revision" seems to be the best verdict in the first round of review. Irrespective of the journal’s accept-ance rate, most manuscripts require at least 1 revision before acceptance for publications. 4% acceptance rate, with the aforementioned 33 major revisions still under review. Thus, authors should proceed with an invitation for a minor revision with the same care as they approach an invitation for a major revision. 1 day ago · In brief, Acceptance rate (or rejection rate) is the ratio of the number of articles submitted to the number of articles published. Nov 5, 2012 · The associate editor has expertise in the field of holistic nursing research, education, practice, or aesthetics. There is still no guarantee of acceptance at this stage but the chances are certainly higher than at initial submission. 3択 です。 (1)リジェクトされる。(2)もう一度メジャーリビジョン、(3)マイナーリビジョンです。 (1) リジェクトされる: リブッタルレターで質問に回答できておらず、今後やりとりしても改善されることはないなと判断されたということです。 Jun 1, 2011 · Our provisional acceptance letters may read as either “will” or “may” be acceptable, which correlate generally to the need for minor or major revision, and are associated with a 98% and 90% acceptance rate, respectively. Recently. Contents The meaning of a 'desk-rejected' paperWhat to do if your paper is desk-rejectedThe meaning of 'revise and 何日かは 論文誌や論文によって違うので、正確な数字は言えません 。 ただここでは例として、私が典型的だと思っている私の2つの論文(Nature communicationsとSensir and actuator IFは3. Once I was caught between two reviewers. I submitted after the revision and received a reply stating that my paper could be accepted after a minor revision (provided the reviewer's queries are addressed). , low acceptance rate) [, 1 2], whereas the most frequent decision may be “accept-able with major revisions” in less competitive journals (i. If the author has properly addressed the comments, the editor will make a decision on the first revision without sending to referees. The editors note that we may request multiple rounds of major revision prior to manuscript acceptance and that ultimate acceptance is not guaranteed. Eight percent of all papers were accepted directly while 16% were given a major revision decision. Accept without revision It usually happened because a major shortcoming in supporting a big conclusion wasn't adequately met with sufficient data. 4 days (Minor Revision), 39. Basically, most acceptance rates are simply not true (except those that are listed by major, like IS, Architecture, Design, etc. 7% acceptance rate pulls down the College of Engineering's acceptance rate, and so on. Mar 14, 2022 · Some consider a Revise/Resubmit decision as a tacit acceptance, but really there are no promises here, particularly if you are called upon to make major revisions to your manuscript. Authors will receive an e-mail notification when the DE has made a final decision. The manuscript is publishable in its current form. Rejecting the initial submission decreases the journal's acceptance rate, which makes it look more selective. May 22, 2015 · For first and second resubmissions, 40. Mar 28, 2021 · 读者看到这里就会明白,只有期刊编辑要你修改论文,就算是“大修”的审稿决定,论文最后也有被录用接受的可能,所谓 “major revision=acceptance,minor revision=acceptance,acceptance还是=acceptance” 就是这个意思。“不抛弃、不放弃”是我们科研打工人的基本精神面貌。 Based on residency, UC Berkeley’s acceptance rate for international students is 5. Acknowledge their help and insights. 7% of manuscripts representing a Minor Revision were accepted; 100% of manuscripts undergoing a third resubmission were accepted; 98. Minor revision: The manuscript is likely to be acceptable for publication after revision, commonly without further review. D. While the Winter ’23 cycle shepherding process is ongoing, shepherds approved 96% of papers receiving major revision decisions for the Summer ’23 and Fall ’23 cycles. However, before handing out the precious major revision verdict, reviewers examine the rebuttal for indicators showing the team’s revision competency. L. This accept option, authors should submit author responses. Adheem Naeem. 3% and 84. 32% EECS 541/12090 4. And all the best for the next steps! Nov 12, 2018 · The publishing speed of such journals and acceptance rates of such journals are the topics of the study. 16th Oct, 2022. Outright acceptance of a journal paper is rare. But in practice, there is often two Jul 24, 2024 · Major revisions are those that require substantial changes to your methods, results, or interpretation, while minor revisions are those that involve editing, formatting, or clarifying some points. The method of calculating acceptance rates Dec 3, 2024 · While the applicant pool has grown larger each year, the number of admissions slots has remained relatively static, leading to a continual decline in the overall acceptance rate. 8 Days: Number of Reviewers during Revision Process: 2. It's an acceptance. I think that there is also some pressure to use the to reduce time between receipt and acceptance by using the Reject & Resubmit option when in the old days you might have gone for Major Revision. It can measure the selectivity or prestige of a journal, though like many journal metrics, the raw number is not the whole story. The reviewer raised a new issue in the second round of review and recommended that I revise the manuscript again. 7 Days: Duration from Manuscripts Acceptance To Publication: 20. Read the "unreasonable" one's comments carefully. Hope that helps. There is no comment by Reviewer, and Associate Editor (AE) is suggesting the revision and the resubmission as de novo, which looks major revision actually. Take the list of comments and suggestions and group them into categories, and then identify which require a minor revision and which require a major revision. The latter clearly differs from our find-ings here, where 99% of manuscripts needing major revision were accepted. Getting through the second round with a major revision or better gets you to about an 80% chance of acceptance. Only one Jun 2, 2022 · First: acceptance with a major revision is a good thing. The revised manuscript will require further review and may require additional revision. For both Accept on shepherd approval and Accept conditional on major revision, there will be only one shepherd. The acceptance rate was much higher for papers with 7-9 coauthors and dropped to zero after that. All editor-suggested panels have, on average, an acceptance rate of 67% (n = 4,556), while all author-suggested panels have a significantly higher acceptance rate of 89% (n = 762), (planned contrast t-test t(7,961) = 11. · Economic Development and Cultural Change: the editor notes that his initial goal was to have a maximum of one major revision and one minor revision/conditional acceptance. For USENIX Security, the acceptance rates of major revised manuscripts are very high: 85. One recommended major revision, two recommended minor revision, and one recommended acceptance. 7%. ). If this is right, is it really the case that close to half of R&R papers are ultimately rejected? Jul 8, 2011 · Revision unlikely to lead to acceptance, major revisions recommended, re-review necessary, flawed study organization, data collection, methods, analysis inadequate or inappropriate, low clinical relevance, disconnect between data and conclusions, no new information, poor language, incomplete or excessive citations. The status of my paper shows "accepted". ” To improve the journal’s submission-to-acceptance figures Apr 15, 2021 · Yes your paper does have a chance to be accepted. Almost always one of two editorial decisions will come back to you, the author – ‘major revisions’ (also often formulated as: ‘reject, but with an option to resubmit’) or ‘minor revisions’ required. Address Each Comment: Create a response table that lists each reviewer comment with your reply. However, the decision to publish, to require major revision before publication, or to reject for reasons cited lies first with the Associate Editor and ultimately with the Editor-in-Chief. The possible decisions for regular manuscripts are Reject, Major Revision, Minor Revision, and Accept. Revised manuscripts should be uploaded as soon as possible—but generally no later than three months from the time the decision notification was received by the author. 61%, while that of California residents is 14. Cite The acting major's 0. , EE has different selection criteria than mech E, even though they are both within the school of engineering). Throughout the whole revision process, authors should bear in mind that even a minor revision does not guarantee acceptance after revision. If the editor cannot be sure that the recommended changes would bring the paper over the accept bar, they are likely to choose “reject with option to resubmit. At the 1st and 2nd revision, I have revised the paper properly according to the reviewer's comments. Dec 9, 2024 · Energy & Fuels | Acceptance Rate, Rejection Rate, Publish Competitiveness, Journal Reputation & Annual Article Number - Academic Accelerator three reviewers 2021. The editor’s decision requesting the revision of a manuscript can be classified into two categories—minor and major revisions—although the specific terminology used may vary across journals [1,2]. The major correction is a correction that when ommitted or allow to stand will significantly affect the results of the study. The reviewer is asked also for advice as to whether the paper merits publication in an archive journal. May 5, 2014 · All manuscripts for which minor revision was requested, and 73/86 (85%) manuscripts for which major revision was requested, were ultimately accepted. One reviewer's comment was for acceptance, while the other reviewer wanted clarification about the novelty of the results. We awarded 11 Distinguished Paper Awards. Edmonds. However, the reviewer of my papers have pointed out some shortcomings of my paper. 52%. Note the editor can choose to accept a paper even if the reviewers recommend rejection. I Revision Processes Single Shepherding. That does indeed sound bizarre (even if journal timescales are very field-dependent). Information about acceptance rates was obtained using web searches of journal home pages, editorials, blogs Oct 1, 2024 · A recommendation for revision (either major or minor) should be accompanied by comments detailing the reason for the recommendation. These types of revisions include providing results of additional key experiments, or significant rewriting to attend to theoretical, methodological, or other scholarly criteria. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 5 and soundness scores of 4, 4, and 4, respectively. Please see our guidance on making Decisions and the Snapp page on making a Decision. Reply reply Jun 1, 2021 · Accept with minor revisions had a 67% acceptance rate, whereas accept with major revisions had a 40% acceptance rate. g. I'd say maybe 40 were "minor revision. I have made the entire In my general field, it seems that for general-case papers in legitimate journals, the reject rate is ~60%, the minor revisions is 5%, and the major revisions are the rest. A relatively small portion of papers are accepted without a major revision. Major non-British UG Student Bodies 2023/24 Recently received a revise and resubmit (major revisions) decision from a journal for a clinical paper. Additionally, it is not possible to predict the fate of a paper based on the acceptance rates for a specific journal. Minor revision might be a few weeks, major revisions might be a month or two. The decision e-mail message will contain all reviews submitted as either text or as a file attachment. 1 Reviewers: Number of Peer-Review Rounds during Revision Process: 3. Dec 2, 2024 · Acceptance Rates by Nationality . Articles that receive a major revision decision, if submitted to one of the following two issues, are assigned to the same reviewers and judged against the list of revisions requested Dec 29, 2017 · The paper was initially rejected, we appealed to the editor, wrote a detailed, sentence by sentence response to the reviewer, who apologized and recommended acceptance. 001, two-tailed Dec 4, 2020 · If the outcome of the revision is unpredictable. One of the referee suggested minor revision, while the other suggested major revision. That’s the 3rd lowest acceptance rate of all the engineering majors, only behind aerospace & computer science. " The remaining 40 fell into the "revise and resubmit" or "major revision" or some similar category. The rest of the capped majors require you to take certain screening courses in order to apply for admission into the major. Thank the Reviewers: Start your response letter by expressing gratitude to the reviewers for their comments. I've had several reviewers who wrote gory reviews and ultimately recommended acceptance after a good, thorough and sincere rebuttal. Despite this, the third revision indicated that all his/her concerns were "fully addressed" in the first round of revision. It is rare that a provisional acceptance results in an ultimate rejection. 26% Psychology 359/8080 4. Feb 28, 2022 · What is the acceptance rate of this journal? Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status review decision of a reviewer for a manuscript revision was added (e. at first submission a decision of Minor Revision and Major Revision, respectively, ultimately achieved acceptance. 7 Rounds Jan 19, 2022 · 读者看到这里就会明白,只有期刊编辑要你修改论文,就算是“大修”的审稿决定,论文最后也有被录用接受的可能,所谓“major revision=acceptance,minor revision=acceptance,acceptance还是=acceptance”就是这个意思。“不抛弃、不放弃”是我们科研打工人的基本精神面貌。 Apr 21, 2021 · What is the acceptance rate for revised manuscripts with a major revision decision? Improve the chances of your manuscript’s acceptance by learning how to highly competitive journals (i. Jul 18, 2017 · I have submitted the manuscript to the journal (the approximate IF is 5. Apr 13, 2018 · I would like to know the paper rejection probability (very rough) after two round of major revision. Your paper could absolutely still be rejected at this stage. There was a recent, notorious scandal in which the editor accepted a paper for which all reviewers recommended rejection! I have successfully revised a paper with a reject from one reviewer, through a major revision, into an accepted article. 2 Days: Number of Reviewers during Revision Process: 2. Jan 1, 2023 · For a minor revision, the editor may decide to send the revised manuscript to the peer reviewer for a final check or review the manuscript themselves if the changes were indeed minor. Dec 3, 2024 · UC Berkeley's admissions process is highly competitive, with an acceptance rate of just 11% for the 2024 cycle. We would like to minimise the number of cases in which resubmitted major revisions that have addressed the reviewer comments are still below the acceptance bar. When minor revisions are required, the reviewers have provisionally determined the manuscript to be appropriate for publication and have asked The major criteria for submission is which deadline is close to when the work was done. 1%. As shown in Figure 2, most authors submitted just one research paper. Feb 27, 2024 · I was really surprised by the 50% figure estimated for major revisions. Oct 25, 2021 · Papers having two reviewers’ recommendations to accept and minor revision have much greater chance of acceptance (more than 98%) than papers receiving two reviewers’ recommendations that include a major revision and a reject or two rejections (which results in an acceptance rate of less than 5%): (Figure 1). Consequently, major revisions were requested. Minor revision may undergo referee evaluation; however, in most cases, the editor accepts the paper without sending the revised manuscript to the reviewer. 0 Days: Duration from Manuscripts Acceptance To Publication: 22. There’s only 1 comment, and I’ll probably submit the revision tomorrow- it won’t have to undergo peer review again, so I expect it will be accepted by next week. May 16, 2023 · Of 600 submissions, 90 papers were given a major revision and 69 of those were ultimately accepted (77% acceptance rate). ' Learn what these editorial decisions precisely mean, and how to react. No variations among the reviewers (including the quality of the reviews) were found to influence the final decision—that is, it did not matter if the reviewer was more senior or had performed more reviews in the past. To give a reference, we had overall scores of 4, 4, and 3. , randomly choose from reject, major revision, minor revision, and accept). Oct 1, 2012 · To my experience, major revision in general leads to the acceptance of a manuscript reviewed and re-reviewed for several rounds. 7 Reviewers: Number of Peer-Review Rounds during Revision Process: 5. Major revisions (May require re-review from the original reviewers; this should be used in the vast majority of cases after the initial round of peer review) Reject after review; Please provide a short rationale for your decision. 2 Reviewers: Number of Peer-Review Rounds during Revision Process: 2. The University of California, San Diego, has an acceptance or admission rate of 24. 2% of manuscripts representing a Major Revision and 91. For example, the re-working may destroy the results and/or conclusions. Acceptance with major revisions. This shepherd is agreed upon by the reviewers, and is in charge of evaluating whether the paper has met the criteria for acceptance or not. I have revised the paper according to the referees' comments. Apr 13, 2018 · What is the rough probability of rejection of a manuscript after two rounds of major revisions? After the first review, I revised the manuscript according to the reviewer's comments. It is generally expected that if the editor mails that it needs major revisions with reviewers’ comments, then the chances of acceptance are higher than if the editor emails that it is rejected Oct 2, 2016 · The acceptance rate of a revised paper varies across journals and fields. This can include conducting new data analysis or experiments, overhauling or substantially reframing the literature review or discussion section, or integrating a substantial amount of new background research. 1 ± 15. After the first review, it came back for a major revision. 4 ± 17. Honestly, just apply for one with a higher acceptance rate then change your major later. Major Revision: The editors believe that your article contains information of potential importance but major issues were identified Decision Types Accept - No further revision required. All reviewers can access the most recent version of the manuscript via SuSy. 5%, N = 201) and reject–reject (0%, N = 125). When a paper receives a minor revision decision, it might not be sent for a second round of peer review; usually, the editor goes through the revisions and gives a final approval. Mar 12, 2014 · It is therefore tempting as an Editor to go for the Major Revision and/or the Reject with option to resubmit option. , low acceptance rate) [1, 2], whereas the most frequent decision may be “acceptable with major revisions” in less competitive journals (i. 7% of manuscripts receiving at first submission a decision of Minor Revision and Major Revision 2 days ago · Accept after major revisions (conditional acceptance): The journal will publish the paper provided the authors make the changes suggested by the reviewers and/or editors; Revise and resubmit (conditional rejection): The journal is willing to reconsider the paper in another round of decision making after the authors make major changes The J-BHI paper acceptance rate is around 20%. Acceptance rate was greater for retrospective studies and for manuscripts submitted from countries in which English was the primary language. Two were happy with my first round of revision; the third reviewer is the one who asked me to undertake another round of (major) revision. Assuming that the revision acceptance rate will be similar to that of previous cycles, we estimate that ASPLOS'24 will accept nearly 200 (!) papers, namely, 21%–22% of the submissions. The acceptance rate for the proceedings was 18%. Oct 13, 2020 · I had submitted my paper to a reputed journal. During the process roughly 50% of papers were advanced to the second round of reviews. 9% of all papers were accepted directly while 16% were given a major revision. , high acceptance rate Jun 15, 2020 · Based on the pending reviews, the associate editor (AE) will make a decision on your manuscript, such as to ask you to revise and resubmit (for a minor or major revision) or to reject the manuscript. 7 Days: Duration from Manuscripts Acceptance To Publication - Days: Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Publication: 102. At journals that distinguish between major and minor revisions, I take major to be the default R&R decision, with minor revisions being closer to a conditional acceptance. I revised the manuscript as per the reviewer’s suggestions and submitted to the journal. 5, p < 0. Dealing with Rejection Nov 12, 2020 · Even if it is a major revision, the due date is 24 November, which is 13 days ahead, quite bizarre for a "major revision". Calculating & Comparing acceptance rates. By understanding the acceptance rates by subject, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic background, prospective students can better prepare their applications. 2%. . 3 days ago · Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Manuscripts Acceptance: 121. 5), and received the decision only after 3 days after submission. In response to. So some of the most popular and hardest majors to get into, using the same unofficial CalAnswers source - with the ratio of admits/applicants, the acceptance rate, and the decrease or increase in acceptance rate from the previous year: LSCS 166/5794 2. Resubmitted manuscripts typically are reviewed again by the editor and reviewers. , high acceptance rate). Only after removing identifiers and pro-ducing summary statistics were the data moved to the final stage of analyses. Equally, a recommendation for rejection should be accompanied by comments detailing the reason for that recommendation. When editors, reviewers, and authors have put time into critiquing and improving a paper, it just seems downright unfair to reject the paper. Papers that would have been accepted at conferences that do not allow major revisions should still be accepted — major revisions should not lower the initial acceptance rate. If they can classify resubmissions as a new submission, they can bring down both their decision time and acceptance rate. What is the UCSD acceptance rate for freshmen and transfer students? Can you get into UC San Diego with a low GPA? In this article, I explained all you need to know about UCSD’s admission rates and the admission requirements for prospective applicants. Minor revisions will include formatting or writing suggestions and are typically issues you can easily address. 5 Rounds Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Manuscripts Acceptance: 91. 6%. Sometimes it takes me 5 days to get to it. After the reviews are complete, dispositions may include: “rejection without further submission, rejection with an opportunity to resubmit, major revision without a promise of acceptance, minor revision, acceptance subject to minor revision, and outright acceptance. 44% -3. 5 days ago · Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Manuscripts Acceptance: 108. 75% Information about revision to acceptance time should be reported on the journal page. 2 ± 20. you pay attention to both reveiwers. However, it is good to remember that an ‘accept with minor revisions’ decision does not guarantee acceptance. Indeed, we found that panel composition is associated with acceptance probability (Fig 3). The real answer is that it depends on luck of the draw with reviewers and editors. I think of a major revision as one that involves substantial changes to the manuscript. Jul 1, 2018 · Eventually, the manuscript will be accepted or rejected. The screening GPA you need to get in varies by department (not the school; e. Conditional acceptance pending major revision: Once the article has been revised, it may be sent out for peer review again to the same or different reviewers. 5–94. e. – major revision이나, minor revision이면 리뷰어의 심사에 따라 논문을 수정해서 보내야 한다. The shepherd can, of course, consult with other reviewers. It is definitely possible. The author of a manuscript which has received an accept with major revisions decision is to be congratulated, as the editors have concluded that the paper contains a publishable contribution when a list of specified revisions is successfully executed. Revise your paper. But here the chances are 50:50 depending on the reviewers comments. GEs of a SS with open calls are advised to target similar acceptance ratio, or at most eight papers if there are more than 30 submissions. The acceptance rate for the proceedings was 19%. Please note that all your There are many cases where the major revisions require a different review pool, where the reviewers specific that they wash their hands and wont re-review and or when the major revisions alter the interpretation and outcome in some way. As for this journal, the acceptance rate is 10% or less, and the manuscripts under the defined 6 coauthors, with acceptance rates of 18% to 22%. 1 days (Accept), 42. invited position papers or those selected top papers from a major conference endorsed by J-BHI), the I submitted a journal article a few months ago and, after going through 1 round of major revisions, I just got a decision that the paper requires minor revisions. ) I know that revisions, both major and minor, hint at a higher chance of acceptance. 3 Days: Number of Reviewers during Revision Process: 2. What is the acceptance rate for revised manuscripts with a major revision decision. ” 27. 6% acceptance rate drastically pulls down School of Drama's average; the ECE major's 5. During the process, roughly 54% of new submissions were advanced to the second round of reviews. 8% in 2023. 1 days (Major Revision) and decreased with each subsequent resubmission to 9. The peer review process at PLOS ONE in the Neuroscience section (years 2011 and Reconsider after major revision Appropriate to select if you believe that significant revisions to the manuscript are necessary before it could be reconsidered. Aug 22, 2022 · It’s a judgement call, but it has to do with time and resources. A maximum of two rounds of major revision per manuscript are normally provided. Even if there is no explicit target acceptance rate, this is a low number; for comparison, it was 25. 5 ± 43. I've published a fair number of research papers (~20) in my career (broadly speaking, in the life sciences), and I would say ~3/4 got an inital decision of "major revisions" or equivalent (ignoring of course rejections). I remember the first time I got a major revision I sort of panicked too, but from my experience this is totally unnecessary! So congratulations, enjoy the moment and, go make that rebuttal! We accepted 170 papers thus far, written by 1100 authors, leading to an 18. Maybe this was a mistake. 8 ± 11. I have received minor comments (only a few text corrections) from the referee who suggested major revision at the 1st review. Revise and resubmit, however, is likely followed by a rejection. ) At the 1st review, the referees' have written positive statement. Based on the Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System database, the latest acceptance rate of Current Microbiology is 80. Revision decisions do not guarantee acceptance even if all issues are addressed. 0 Days: Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Publication: 365. 47% -0. Aug 25, 2024 · For VIS 2024, we conditionally accepted a total of 129 papers out of 557 submitted papers in the first round, yielding a provisional acceptance rate of 23. Major revision: It is not clear if the manuscript will become acceptable for publication, even after revision. Ultimately, the editor and the editorial board want research that is the best fit for the journal, which emphasizes the importance of your initial journal selection. The acceptance rate of major revision papers was 86%. Minor Revision - A limited number of changes are required. So I'm wondering which one this response is. However, the paper contains one or more serious problems in substance or form, whose resolution might result in a generally acceptable manuscript. 0–55. Papers needing major revision usually contain original information that the editor wants to publish in the journal. 3 days (Minor Revision) and 73. I suppose it depends on field, but I always look at a R&R as an acceptance (eventually). 0 Days: Duration from Manuscripts Acceptance To Publication: 4. ACM Award guidelines place an upper limit of 10% of accepted papers that can be designated for an award. However, for certain SS with only invited submissions (e. All manuscripts for which minor revision was requested, and 73/86 (85%) manuscripts for which major revision was requested, were ultimately accepted. The authors who submitted a lot of papers are professors who were coauthors of many of their students’ submissions. Based on the Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System database, the latest acceptance rate of Journal of Organic Chemistry is 57. One of reviewers sounds unreasonable while the other was asking relatively good questions. UCB’s admit rate for out-of-state students is 8. Papers accepted directly or with minor changes constitute 25% of the final program, and Major Revision is great news! Pretty much everybody in the labs that I work in has major/minor revisions. We tried to return rejections after one review if the concerns were conceptual (like limited novelty or lack of mechanistic insight for a new drug or targeted pathway), which would be hard to address sufficiently in a revision. May 18, 2019 · What is the probability of my manuscript's acceptance after two rounds of revisions? What is the acceptance rate for revised manuscripts with a major revision decision? How to respond to a "revise and resubmit" decision from a journal: 10 Steps to a successful revision A paper's acceptance rate (including subsequent revisions) ranges from less than 10% to greater than 40%, depending upon the journal. Dec 22, 2015 · The word "accepted" is usually not included in the decision letter unless the editor has decided to accept the manuscript in its current form without asking for further revision. Time given may just be based on reviewers schedule of activities. The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Journal of Organic Chemistry that was accepted for publication. Jun 1, 2015 · The rate of acceptance is intermediate (58%, N = 134) for papers receiving two major revision recommendations, and the acceptance rate is extremely low for papers that received recommendations of reject–major revision (3. 4 Days: Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Publication: 101. 2. Implies that the editors and reviewers feel the paper is publishable once their comments have been addressed. The only difference is that when you resubmit it will be treated as a new submission and start over at the beginning of the process, likely with new reviewers. 0 Reviewers: Number of Peer-Review Rounds during Revision Process: 1. Sep 29, 2014 · Instances of this decision are also rather rare. , 2014); the available evidence suggests that the acceptance rates of papers from these countries are lower than those submitted by researchers from native English By default, reviewers who request major revisions or recommend rejection will be sent the revised manuscript. My question is: Is there anything I could do? 2008: 48 submissions; 13 accepted; 27% acceptance rate 2007: 84 submissions; 16 accepted; 19% acceptance rate 2006: 91 submissions; 24 accepted; 26. In comparison, UPenn’s acceptance rate was 7. Acceptance Overall acceptance rate 15% Accept rate for major manuscripts 12% –Major methodologic issues •Accept pending revision: Jul 9, 2015 · active (under review), discuss, withdrawn, rejected, minor revision, major revision, accepted, no show, published. The method of calculating acceptance rates Oct 20, 2015 · Splitting a single submission into two submissions can make the journal look good in two different ways. This would work especially well for the decision time, because a bulk of the “major revisions” work would have been completed before the “new” resubmission. Typically authors are given a deadline for submitting revisions. The impact of receiving a major revision recommendation can be seen in Nov 8, 2015 · The scope of the journal is related to education. This was just the most egregious case. Another is acceptance rate. Detailed below are the stages of peer review after article submission. Jul 26, 2024 · In brief, Acceptance rate (or rejection rate) is the ratio of the number of articles submitted to the number of articles published. ) 이 논문의 경우 minor revision이기 때문에 대체로 까다롭지 않은 간단한 수정만해서 보내면 게재될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. ,Submission, acceptance and publication dates for a sample of articles in 12 megajournals were manually extracted from the articles. 87% -9. Mar 12, 2021 · This list will guide your revision of the paper. 3 Oct 20, 2016 · For journals I have managed, the number of “major revision” papers that are eventually accepted stays solidly between 80-90%. The LSE has a diverse community with students from over 140 countries, including the following major countries and regions: Table 6: British vs. 4% a decade ago, illustrating just how much more selective the process has become. 6 days (Major Revision), and 40. It doesn't happen often, but it's possible. Jun 1, 2015 · The mean days for authors to submit a first resubmission was 21. The most frequent decisions should be “reject” in highly competitive journals (i. (A journal that accepts every submission after an R&R can claim it technically has an acceptance rate of 50% rather than 100%. 0 Days: Number of Reviewers during Revision Process: 3. 5 Rounds In 2020, there were 136 transfer applications and 24 admissions for biomedical engineering, which is 18% acceptance rate. 3 reviewers were involved. The reviewer has raised a new issue in the 2nd revision and the reviewer has recommended me to revise the paper again. 7 ± 27. Stage 1 Jan 10, 2023 · The proportion of these 3 decisions depends on the journal’s acceptance rate. 0 Days: Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Publication: 206. THANKS!! Mar 18, 2021 · minor revision and about 50% of those needing major revision were eventually accepted. 3 days ago · The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics that was accepted for publication. I have sent acceptance letters within 24 hours if I happen to get the revised version on a day that I have set aside time for editor duties or I just happen to have time. Based on the Journal Acceptance Rate Feedback System database, the latest acceptance rate of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics is 78. If an editor thinks authors need more time than a major revision decision would allow, they should use the “revise and resubmit” option. Is this a good sign and what is the likelihood of a manuscript being published after receiving a major revisions decision? Would appreciate any general advice from those more experienced to increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome! Jan 27, 2019 · It means that you are permitted to resubmit rather than forbidden to do so. We accepted 170 papers thus far, written by 1100 authors, leading to an 18. The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all The submission is a review article 7. 4 Major revision 5 reviewers, 4 have Dec 26, 2024 · The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Current Microbiology that was accepted for publication. For major revisions from USENIX Security ’22 cycles, the acceptance rate was 86%. (We had four reviewers. 3% acceptance rate 2005: 74 submissions; 17 accepted; 23% acceptance rate 2004: 68 submissions; 21 accepted; 31% acceptance rate 2003: 52 submissions; 14 accepted; 26% acceptance rate IEEE Access has a typical acceptance rate of about 30%, which is comparable to other IEEE journals. Jun 1, 2015 · Another current concern is the fairness of the review process for the rapidly increasing number of papers, being submitted by researchers from China and other countries with quickly expanding scientific communities (Xie et al. 0%. 7 ± 65. 20 received 8. 5くらい)の日数をお見せします。 My PI is very well published and has also been an editor and said that oftentimes revise and resubmit is essentially an acceptance with revisions but may need more work and it also helps boosts the prestige of the journal in terms of their decision rates. Cite. The time (mean ± SD) to review a new submission was 30. The associate editor makes one of four recommendations for publication: accept, accept with minor revisions, major revisions required with no guarantee of acceptance, and reject. Aug 11, 2020 · Also, for the future, to ensure you submit a manuscript that’s as clean as possible (not having even some typos and missing some grammar fundamentals) and thus increase your chances of acceptance, you may wish to check out any of our suite of editing services here: Editage editing services. California Institute of Technology. You can surely write to the editor to ask for more time. Reviewer #I recommended publication; Reviewer #2 suggested 5 or 6 major modifications, any one of which would require essentially the researching and After review you may get two options major or minor revision. It is important to note that the “Major Revision” decision is entitled “Provisional Acceptance Pending Major Dec 12, 2022 · Indeed, we found that panel composition is associated with acceptance probability . 7% in 2020 [6] and 86% in 2021 [7]. The majority of articles require revision before reaching this stage. Learn more about rapid peer review. 1 Rounds After submitting their manuscripts to academic journals, authors receive one of several editorial decisions: 'desk reject', 'revise and resubmit', 'major revisions', 'minor revisions', or 'paper accepted. The acceptance rate of major revision papers from the 2020–2021 cycle and 2021–2022 cycle was 85%. The chances of acceptance heavily rely on the scientific Mar 18, 2021 · Accept with minor revisions had a 67% acceptance rate, whereas accept with major revisions had a 40% acceptance rate. Minor Revision: The editors found your manuscript potentially acceptable for publication provided you make some minor adjustments. In case of a rejection decision, note that the AE can only make the initial decision and communicate this to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). Sep 19, 2019 · Similarly, acceptance is also very rare in article publishing following initial peer review. Factors Influencing the Overall 2 days ago · Duration from Manuscripts Submission to Manuscripts Acceptance: 76. Aug 28, 2022 · When converging to their final decision in the discussion phase, reviewers will be offered three possible outcomes: accept, reject, major revision. You have received one recommendation for major and one for minor revisions. 001, two-tailed Roughly five were accept without revision. I was thinking today about decisions of "major revisions" from submitted papers. zbvush vgrevk gkgxrki ynygp hhoi bykw xlyqr dhhnr lolpp paowb