Irregular implantation bleeding pictures reddit Please refer to these posts over at r/TryingForABaby to learn why your period might not be here when you expected it. I have heavy and irregular periods but this time this is light bleeding. If my reply does not fit the context of your post, please ignore me. Period starts every 4th Sunday like clockwork but this heavy spotting is frustrating. I just figured it was an irregular period. It’s around the time I was expecting my period so that’s just what I thought it was. Many women have a little bit of spotting throughout the second half of their luteal phase which correlates with when implantation occurs. Was. You’re okay!! The r/Medical moderators cannot see what goes on in direct messages and we will never ask you to send more pictures or information privately. Has anyone experienced this with IB? Or is this definitely AF? I have been triggered by the presence of the phrase "implantation bleeding" in your post. I am aware Plan B can delay ovulation for 5 days, and once that 5th day occurred I started spotting dark brown, which soon after turned into bleeding enough to fill a pad. as of yesterday (June 22) i am bleeding. Please note: Discussion of current pregnancy, pregnancy announcements, and HCG discussion/photos are not allowed outside of the designated pinned thread. For context, last month in may. Most women are a bit irregular and even if you believe yourself to have a perfect clockwork cycle, it's normal and common to occasionally have one that doesn't fit the mold. I have never done this before, could this be implantation bleeding?? Posted by u/CheetahConscious - 1 vote and 9 comments Hi everyone, I've done a hell of a lot of reading about implantation bleeding and early pregnancy. It's very light, and not a constant flow, which scares me. I’m worried if this could potentially classify as implantation bleeding ? My period was due according to Flo June 11/12th. Most things online will say implantation bleeding is only 1-2 days and spotting, but of course things differ from woman to woman. I was confused, as many people on reddit have told me that implantation bleeding is a myth. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about implantation bleeding (with photos!) so that you’ll know if you may be pregnant, or may have something else going on. Implantation bleeding is not PROVEN to be real, but if it is, it is only light bleeding light bleeding in early pregnancy is fairly normal and common. I am on day 2 of full flow so I don’t know what to think. This community aims to provide support and science-backed guidance to couples who are trying to conceive. Cramping is picking up. The above pictures are extremely light for me and I bled like this for about 5 days straight but it never got heavier and never filled a pad. Dec 14, 2021 · Feels way too early to be AF (not due for another 5 days or so). The last few days were also accompanied by slight nausea and mild, continuous cramping. It’s also varied from being around when my period is due to being a bit later on. Everything I saw on the internet said implantation was 3-4 days, so I wasn't sure if it was implantation bleeding, or implantation bleeding followed by MC. I have longer menstrual cycles and can be irregular for up to a week so my lack of period was not irregular. In June I had implantation bleeding and it was literally just some smears of pink or brown every couple of hours for 4ish days, light light cramping (I’m currently 27 weeks pregnant). i read about implantation bleeding and im wondering is that what it is. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. I have irregular periods (pcos) and ALWAYS have super bad cramping & heavy periods. I used to not think it was a thing either but I'm so torn on this now! I just had a search of implantation bleeding here on reddit and one of the posts that came up was in r/IVF of someone asking about implantation symptoms for successful transfers. On cycles they… After a few days my period stopped. i had unprotected sex on a day i was supposedly ovulating and got my period 2 weeks later. ('Weekly BFP/Line Eyes Post'). But the bleeding was so light. period was 3-ish days late and has only lasted 2 days (as opposed to my regular 5) which is making me fear it's implantation bleeding, but it has also been very heavy with a lot of blood clots. Cons for implantation bleeding: I'm only at CD25!! While the average luteal phase is 14 days, even in women with longer periods it is NEVER (right?) more thank like 18 days. i had sex at the end of my period and afterwards. i also had slight nausea & a weird feeling in my breasts the last few mornings after. Bleeding can occur in early pregnancy, but it is not due to the event of implantation. I normally never have breakthrough bleeding, but also I normally never miss pills. I’m just curious if anyone has had implantation bleeding like this or if I’m just being paranoid. That said, missing pills and restarting can cause irregular bleeding. I bleed at basically everything. I am afraid that it might be the implantation bleeding. Now I am having cramps and all the pregnancy symptoms. Jan 31- Feb 1 (~supposed to be the time that i should be getting my period) | had LIGHT PERIOD or SPOTTING? (I can't differentiate but i usually get light spotting before i get my periods. You're most likely experiencing a stress period. If it were implantation bleeding, you should have enough hcg to get a result on a test by 2-3 days after implantation starts. It could be implantation bleeding, it could be breakthrough bleeding, it could have been another kind of discharge. It lasted for 5 days which is my regular period length. This is a normal side effect. However it seems that some pregnant women do experience bleeding around the time of implantation. My cycles tend to be a bit irregular in general, ranging in length from 29-40 days. Some people on this sub dismiss implantation bleeding as "not a thing". Im not sure if its implantation bleeding or my period finally starting. I’m currently 5 weeks and the past couple days I’ve been experiencing some really light brown discharge and occasional cramping. The only real answer is going to come from a doctor. Please help. Same thing for "ovulation bleeding". Irregular bleeding is common after Plan B. I have been spotting since then, I started to notice vivid red blood and clots mixed with the brown blood (in similar proportions). It can take up to 3 months for the side effects to ease up. If that was implantation bleeding (which by the way, studies aren't conclusive that it actually exists), you're likely to get a positive by now. It's not a normal period though. Terrified. Implantation is a microscopic event, far too small to cause any noticeable bleeding or spotting. Because it's usually light, it would probably have happened a week or more ago - like the spotting you called about - and you started bleeding more heavily after a vaginal exam, so that part obviously isn't related to implantation. I've attached images for day 2 and day 4. The issue is that I usually get my period for 5-6 days but this time it only lasted for 3 days and it stopped . i did have unprotected sex, but nobody finished and it didn't last very long, so i'm really nervous. It shouldn’t have clots or fill up pads/tampons over the course of several hours. I went to the toilet and when I first wiped it was brown/light pink and I thought it was definitely implantation bleeding. I experienced this on Thursday and went in to be looked at, and my OB said it’s nothing to worry about (ultrasound was totally normal). Is this plan B side effects or could this be implantation bleeding? When should I take a test to get a valid result (assuming I don’t get a real period in 4 days or so). It occurs approximately 10 days after conception so you wouldn't get implantation Now on the 11th I’m spotting again. You can barely see it for hours then it’ll be a pretty decent amount, but you can barely even see it on a panty liner. He is a well-known and respected OB and he told me that he has just finished a large study on bleeding in the first trimester and it absolutely can be implantation or the pregnancy "burrowing deeper" into the lining of the uterus. I’m 32 and have very regular, predictable periods. Conception can be a struggle and will be difficult for some. I was quite relieved since I started to develop some anxiety about the unprotected sex. I had went off my bc the time before the last period in April. Last month it was also the same but did bleed after a 4 days gap but that also very little. 2 days ago I started my period. If your partner has not had her cycle as expected she should take a pregnancy test and follow up as needed with a doctor. The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. Talk to your doctor about a birth control method and/or proper condom use. I have a mirena IUD and have always been like clockwork with my cycle (28-30 days) but I'm now 8 days into a missed period which is highly unusual. The bleeding is more I guess. Spotting is a natural, normal, random occurrence which can happen to any woman on any cycle whether or not she is pregnant. I've been testing all week and coming back negative but have had so signs of an incoming period. Didn't have implantation bleeding but I did have bleeding at 5w5d due to SCH. Digital tests require more hcg than strip tests and have been unreliable. We recommend you block and report users who try to contact you through DMs regarding your post on r/Medical. My periods have always been consistent and usually I need regular and super tampons for a few days, but I’ve had 2 negative tests. Some women see bleeding in the middle of their cycle and think that ovulation caused it. Then a few days later I got what looked like another period. (Only had one 40 day cycle, and that was a year ago, they have been roughly 30-32 days for the most part, and then the last few were 37, 30, 39. got this 8-10 after conceiving, followed by mild cramps that night, a raise in body temperature & a mild headache. Before TTC we used condoms, so no hormonal changes for me… 13 votes, 20 comments. Im so so worried its implantation bleeding from having sex a couple weeks ago. I took a test like 2-3 days ago was negative. It was like when you first get your period/ just basically here and there spotting. Emergency contraceptives are known to cause irregular bleeding. The last 32 hours I have had back pain, mild cramping & had pink/brown discharge instead of an actually period. implantation bleeding vs period what’s the difference? backstory: i’m a mom to an almost two year old. my boyfriend and i were messing around on jan. I did take a test that was negative but it may still be a bit early to get a positive. It’s driving me nuts, I think it could be implantation bleeding but the negative tests are confusing me. This is very abnormal for me. There’s also some conflicting information whether or not implantation bleeding is legit, regardless though if you were pregnant from sex 5 weeks ago the egg would have implanted weeks ago If implantation bleeding was real - and if this was implantation bleeding - then pregnancy hormones begin building when implantation happens and should be strong enough to show up on a test within the next two to three days. Looking to get others’ experiences with implantation bleeding if they had it. Commenters seemed to be 50/50 on spotting post-implantation. Consider getting on birth control or using condoms next time. How implantation bleeding looks can vary greatly among individuals. Please remember that Reddit is not a replacement for professional medical care. I was ovulating, I started having symptoms of pregnancy after trying to conceive, (maybe placebo honestly. I’m on Nexplanon and… "heavy" and "implantation" are juxtaposition. I used to suffer from irregular periods. Every time I spot I tell myself it’s implantation bleeding, but honestly, that’s supposed be very light. not enough to fill a tampon or so, i'll just have to describe this with text, since i'm not comfortable sharing photos. For me, implantation bleeding was a moment of "oh, my period started, I must not be pregnant" followed later the same day by "oh, nevermind, the bleeding went away" but I didn't test positive for another couple days. If you're already testing positive, it's unlikely to be implantation bleeding. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0. Irregular bleeding is the most common side effect. I’m wondering if it could be implantation since I don’t normally get my period until the end of the month. Condoms shouldn’t break so often with correct use and sizing. The extreme pain part and red bleeding especially. Thank you for replying! 🙂💜 I was in a panic and posted this to Reddit right after I got home from the clinic yesterday, am hoping as I reach the 24 hour mark the bleeding does settle down soon. There's no experience in particular that makes me think I'm pregnant. May 28, 2024 · Want to learn how to recognize implantation bleeding, when it occurs, what it looks like and how you can tell the difference between this kind of bleeding and menstruation? Read on to get the full lowdown on implantation bleeding and what it may (or may not) mean, straight from the experts. My period is usually on a 31-34 day cycle. its now aprox 3 weeks after i had intercourse, im experiencing brown discharge and light spotting. It’s also a full week before my placebo week so I’m not meant to be bleeding at all. Studies have not shown any link between spotting and embryonic implantation. I’m… Since this began 3-4 days before my expected period (expected period tomorrow 3/9) could this be implantation bleeding? Maybe I ovulated late this cycle? Or maybe the intercourse on monday triggered an early period (not something that happens to me)? If it was maybe implantation bleeding when do I take a test? But the thing is - it might not even be implantation bleeding. Ive seen some people say spotting is normal on birth control. My cycle would have to be seriously irregular for me. It was very light and lasted several days on and off but came before my period would have been due. If you don’t want to get pregnant, use condoms. However my period came a bit late - 3 days late which is ok I’m late sometimes when I’m stressed . it started off as a dark brown color but is picking up as the normal red period blood. I’ve been starting to self-doubt myself and think if somehow semen got inside during clean up or what and if this could be implantation bleeding based on what I’ve been reading online based on my symptoms. 66K subscribers in the Periods community. Also the timing- implantation bleeding usually happens before your period is supposed to start. I’m not sure if it’s the start of my cycle or implantation bleeding but I tested today and it’s negative. See I know a lot of bleeding isn’t typical but, some women claim they got their “full flow” but they were actually pregnant. This can come from dysfunction in the brain-ovary signaling from stress/illness, or due to androgen imbalance. is it likely that im The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. Since, I am an irregular I am 8days late with thay regular time. Women who claim to have experienced implantation bleeding are mistaken, having simply experienced very normal post-ovulation spotting which confirmation bias has inaccurately led them to believe that implantation was the cause. i’ve spotted here and there earlier this year. While it is possible for someone to use your information to tell you realistically how likely it is for… Dark spotting during the periods date and no extra bleeding at all. If you've already "missed it" and then start bleeding it is probably your period. Implantation bleeding. Read the FAQs for more info. You may find our PSA post regarding the luteal phase helpful if you find yourself symptom spotting and wondering what is going on. ) could this be implantation bleeding or just an irregular period? for context my period has always been very regular; i can Bleeding can occur in early pregnancy, but it is not due to the event of implantation. Is this me having light period or implantation bleeding?? This morning I used the bathroom and when wiping brown discharge came out i left a pad on but the flow got heavier as the day went soaked through a tampon. Can it be implantation bleeding and me being pregnant or it’s just my period. Bleeding during the luteal phase is normal and if the bleeding was due to pregnancy, a test would be positive. Test results are accurate 14 days after sex and definitive after 21. Which, as I mentioned before, would put me ovulating today. I did IVF so I had a scheduled ultrasound that day and they said it was ok but I'd have some bleeding on and off and boy were they not wrong. Feb 25- had period cramps. Now I am having cramping and bleeding. The drops will be pink or brown, if it’s red and there are more than a few drops it’s your period. ) my period lasts five days, but was a whole five days late, on the 6th day I finally got my period. I’m currently 18 weeks and everything is going smoothly! Tw: really weird pic of cervical mucus?? Hi all, I have PCOS and really irregular cycles. ) Posted by u/pullupinthemonstA - 2 votes and 4 comments Posted by u/throwaway56890134747 - 1 vote and no comments If you can feel the flow it is probably too heavy to be implantation bleeding. If you want to know if you are pregnant or not you need to test 2-3 weeks after you had sex. The most likely cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in young people is a hormonal imbalance leading to anovulatory bleeding. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. when she was four months old i got on the depo, about 8 months later i didn’t go in for my third shot, i stopped. As the auto mod says, implantation bleeding is largely a myth as implantation is a microscopic event. Unfortunately though, within another week my levels started falling and we lost the pregnancy. If you are a professional with relevant… Implantation bleeding is a misnomer. I started getting light pink / tan colored discharge literally the day after I ovulated this cycle that lasted 3-4 days. A test is accurate 2 weeks after sex and definitive after 3. 18 at like 22:00, and he came outside of me but it was angled to where im not sure if any of it hit me, so we got plan b on the 20th at like 10:00, just to be safe. Period tracking apps are not always accurate so you may be fine. I didn’t need a pad. my regular period was set to begin on the 1st of july or around that time. my period ended two or three days ago, and today i started bleeding again, i'm not on birth control and this has never happened to me. . Earlier used to bleed a lot (5 to 6 pads) but now this. Irregular bleeding is the most common side effect of plan b. Prior stress (school, pregnancy scare/worries, schedule changes, etc) can 100% mess up your cycle, cause (even further) delays and cause strange patterns of bleeding We have been TTC for about 6 months. Emergency contraceptives are for when your Plan A fails. Implantation bleeding is a misnomer. I’m waiting till the weekend to test to make sure it’s most accurate. I have been having a lot of cramping and mood swings and I'm kinda irregular had my period 2 weeks ago and noticed this just now I have been triggered by the presence of the phrase "implantation bleeding" in your post. This is the perfect window for implantation bleeding according to online (6-10 days after I screwed up my pill schedule due to the flu). Implantation bleeding or regular bleeding? Pregnancy/Contraception This morning my bf and I had sex which was more rough and we took a nap and later I went to pee and when I was going down the stairs before peeing I felt a drop in my underwear but when I checked it was blood sort of. Me and my bf have been having unprotected sex. The doctors seemed pleasantly surprised to see my uterus and gestational sac looking okay despite the scare yesterday so I'm hoping the little guy Now, about 3 days ago, I got some bleeding. I started spotting June 5th and the above pictures are from June 7th. I had implantation bleeding. Ive spotted before but its usually slightly heavier than this and will last a couple days. This time, it hasn’t shown up and I’m on day 41. help a girl out please. I know that it would be too soon for implantation bleeding from the night before but am wondering if it is possible I could be pregnant from the encounter 2-3 weeks ago or if the bleeding is likely due to the Plan B? My period is due in 6-8 Ive also only experienced light cramps which isnt out of the ordinary for me because i usually dont get that much cramps even if my flow is medium to heavy but i read that light cramps are a symptom of implantation bleeding, im extremely scared since ive had unprotected sex a few times this month, Is it possible to have red blood when you a few weeks ago i had a pregnancy scare, my period was a few days late, and the whole week before i was having intense nausea and cramps which i’m not usually nauseous before my period but i know it can be normal. In theory, I'll have my period in like 4-7 days (I'm extreamly irregular, since I'm 17) and had sex without protection on every weekend since Chirstmas. 8 days after sex isn’t usually long enough for implantation to start either, and it you have sex 8 days before your period you’re typically finished with ovulation and so you are I had very light brown/yellow/pink spotting at first on the 28th, 29th and 30th last month (July), and then the bleeding got heavier on the 31st, 1st and 2nd before stopping completely on the 3rd of this month. This is your period. Searched on the internet and it could be either implantation bleeding or just a discharge before my period. implantation bleeding? i haven’t been able to take a test yet but heres a quick rundown… had intercourse about 2 days before my period while on the pill, stopped the pill about 2 days after i had sex while on my period. i’ve had no period. Studies cannot even confirm that implantation bleeding is a thing that actually happens. I find it odd that they would describe what happened to you today as implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is a myth to an extent because although bleeding in the luteal phase can happen prior to a positive test, it happens more often before your period. Make sure you’re using condoms or birth control if you’re not wanting to get pregnant. I am experiencing breast tenderness and fatigue. The cramping feels different and way less painful, but my usual prescription meds for cramps didn't work (they target inflammation) the cramps lasted into this morning, also odd because they never last past the first day of my period. It only takes 2-3 days after implantation to get a positive. Period is due on in the 26th and my pregnancy test yesterday was negative. Always read the information that comes with medications, especially otc ones. I'm 26 weeks now though so all ended up being fine. This is a subreddit to talk about all things related to that special time in a… There definitely seems to be conflicting information about this. ) that you cant really get pregnant after ovulation only during that 24hr period and my ovulation had already passed the last day of ovulation being May 12th but i dont know how true that could be. Breakthrough bleeding (bleeding while taking active pills) is a completely normal side effect and is NOT a sign that your birth control isn’t working! If you’re anxious about pregnancy, there’s no harm in taking a test, but there’s no reason to think you’re pregnant. Skip to main content. Emergency contraceptives can cause irregular bleeding that may be lighter/heavier or appear different from your usual bleeding. I ovulated around June 26, so the timing is perfect for my bleeding to be from implantation. 3 days later it came back light, lasted until this past Tuesday, before stopping again. I saw on tiktok (i know. This isn’t the time in your cycle when implantation would be happening. Implantation bleeding or period coming Period Question My period is irregular and it seems to be late I’ve been light spotting for 3 days on and off it’s light brown and sometimes pink, I’ve taken tests and they were negative I need advice can someone help me put my mind at ease? Great post! It’s annoying enough that medical professionals refer to any early pregnancy bleeding as “implantation bleeding” since that feeds the idea that spotting at 8DPO is a sign of pregnancy, but especially irritating when it’s applied to bleeding around weeks 6-7 of pregnancy, when bleeding is more likely due to the luteal-placental shift. 2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. I also read you've taken plan B and one of the side effects is irregular bleeding. The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. I did the worst thing possible and googled implantation bleeding and now I am panicking. 16K subscribers in the amipregnant community. 2 years TTC, MC 6 months ago after taking letrozole, since then, diagnosed with PCOS… I have always spotted in my luteal phase, long and irregular… I received the contraceptive implant four days ago which was also the day my period was due. Implantation bleeding is usually few drops over the space of a few hours to a few days but very irregular. The first day, it was all brown spots. I know implantation bleeding is sort of rare and most women don't notice it, but with my first pregnancy I had it, it lasted 4-5 days. Jan 17, 2019 · Mine has varied from a couple of days of bleeding enough to make me think it was my period to a barely noticeable bit of spotting, or none at all. It may appear light pink or brown. A lot of times I only see the blood when I wipe. Jun 25, 2020 · For this reason, it can be tricky to identify a true implantation bleed versus some other kind of spotting. my cramps have also been pretty mild despite this (when usually theyre awful. I had two miscarriages last year and your experience sounds like what they were like. Second day, the blood was dark red (wine color to be exact), but it had lots of blood clots. I think it is correct that implantation of the embryo does not CAUSE bleeding (re: embryo is too tiny to cause a disruption in the endometrium that will cause bleeding). But any kind of heavy bleeding is NOT normal, very painful cramps, are also NOT normal. So there must be castor abnormal bleeding and early pregnancy. During pregnancy scares, I usually give myself until day 3 of bleeding to clear the possibility of implantation bleeding. Please refer to this post. 100% not implantation bleeding. Also there is debate as to whether implantation bleeding is even real so there’s that On 31 of oct and 1 nov I had unprotected sex, and at the end of the day 6 of nov I noticed some rusty brown blood, only spotting. hi everyone!!! i have a quick question about implantation bleeding… for context i used the ClearBlue opk and I got a smile on February 1st which was odd because my apps were saying I wasn’t supposed to start ovulating until Sunday the 4th - good thing I tested because I would’ve completely missed my peak ovulation day! Period or implantation bleeding? Okay so basically I ovulated later this month (a few days before my period was due) and had unprotected sex during that time, then i got my period 10 days late, it was brown discharge at first, then spotting pink, then red blood, then some stringy black thing (??idk) and today it was all over (this all happened within 24 hours) now it’s completely gone an Plan B causes irregular bleeding. Not sure if it’s implantation bleeding or ovulation or what, but I’m lightly cramping and have no idea what’s What I will tell you that's quite a bit of blood to be implantation bleeding, so that's most likely not what's going on at all. I have been triggered by the presence of the phrase "implantation bleeding" in your post. I barely needed a pad. The bleeding continued for about a week and since I was bleeding I had to come back for frequent testing to make sure everything was okay. One was early result that I took before the bleeding started and another today. But this time, it was only this 2 light period/ spotting. Reddit's source for women's health info, questions and discussion. Please any info will do I will take a test soon! My husband (36) and I (33) have been TTC for 4 years. Without more data we really can't help you here. Implantation bleeding or period? So I’ve been having this mucus like bleeding for a week and a bit, it’s nothing like my normal periods which are normally quite heavy whereas this was so light I didn’t need to wear a of or tampon most days. Posted by u/Creole_mamiiiiii - 1 vote and 2 comments There can be other causes for bleeding in very early pregnancy, but implantation is not one of them, it's just that it can happen around the time where implantation might happen, so people mistakenly associate it with implantation itself. Went off of the pill a month ago, and today had some super weird discharge and bleeding that’s not normal. Usually my period is extremely heavy and I go through about 5 pads a day. On the other hand, since my loss my cycles/bleeding have still been a little crazy, so it could be that as well. Then I had a few clear days and on dpo8 I started spotting red / dark brown for 3 days. Sorry for no pictures for reference, just wondering if anybody has any input if this actually could be implantation bleeding? hi so my periods are super irregular and i have regular unprotected sex. My husband and I decided to start to conceive by August 21 a few days before my cycle but then again I’m also irregular. Pregnancy bleeding is lighter than a typical period and tends to be pink/brown bleeding versus bright red. I’ve read this can be implantation bleeding but it was heavy and bright red and that lasted for 7 days counting today with cramping but now it’s a lot lighter and more brown/pink. it’s now september and that was january when i quit. There is no proven link between implantation and bleeding in early pregnancy. But at the same time, bleeding can occur before a positive test (and after a positive test) and the pregnancy can be 100% viable. But after I’d finished, there was a drop of bright red blood in the toilet. What is your past experience or general advice? Posted by u/One_Tooth_7827 - 1 vote and 2 comments Most women are a bit irregular and even if you believe yourself to have a perfect clockwork cycle, it's normal and common to occasionally have one that doesn't fit the mold. It never turned red, and finally stopped on the day of my expected period, which also happened to be the first day I got a positive pregnancy test (all others up through that point were Oh boy do I get implantation bleeding. About 6-7 hours after I took the pill, I started having very light spotting that stopped very soon after. I had implantation bleeding until 13 weeks, it was confirmed that I just wasn’t healing from where she implanted via ultrasound (they found the “wound”) it ranged between dark brown tacky discharge and gushing bright red and blood clots. i just remember going to the toilet & out of curiosity, i wiped & saw this pale pink blood, later that night it was almost a rusty brown. r/Periods A chip A close button A chip A close button It’s been 4 days now and I’m still having watery pink blood on my tissue. 19K subscribers in the obgyn community. The only way to truly know is to A) wait to see if the bleeding gets heavier (implantation bleeding is usually much lighter and no clots), or B) take a pregnancy test in the next couple days of . I have been wondering what implantation bleeding actually looks like? I haven’t had any yet but I’ve seen multiple posts of pictures of women asking if they’re having implantation bleeding and the comments are always either “looks like your period” or “maybe just heavy discharge”. (to start, my periods are irregular; like 30-40 days cycles normally). However, I am unsure in when I should be expecting my implantation bleeding. Jun 26, 2023 · Implantation bleeding looks like spotting or a light period. I. It could have just been a dip in progesterone levels. watery than my usual period too. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Never had this happen before. If her bleeding were related to pregnancy, a test would be positive but it sounds like she got her period to me. If you were to get implantation bleeding it would be spotting, not a full flow. could it be heavy implantation bleeding or AF ? Have I been attempting at spotting pregnancy symptoms? I am also not supposed to get AF for another 7 days. If it’s been 5 weeks since and you got a negative you’re definitely not pregnant. Plan B is only for when your Plan A fails, not for unprotected sex. Couldnt find my case in here, i took ellaOne on march 5th, my first period after was longer then usual but i wasnt concerned, second expected period… Implantation bleeding is a misnomer. The only reliable indicator of early pregnancy is a urine or blood test. 10 days after period sex and 4 days afterwards i had what looked identical to implantation bleeding and no period d symptoms i did a test on this day and it was negative (5 days ago Read the faq on implantation bleeding, implantation occurs BEFORE you get a positive test so your bleeding is early pregnancy bleeding if you had a true positive on the test. They levelled out to be a bit more predictable but since ttc they are back to being haywire. Pros: BAAAABY DUST PLEASE? I want to believe! So it was my bf and I’s anniversary two weeks ago and I visited him in college, TMI but we had sex multiple times that weekend.
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